Everyone is complaining about Holla Forums being dead

Everyone is complaining about Holla Forums being dead

I don't think it's that dead, we have plenty of new threads everyday. Just stay here fellow anons and don't give up!

Other urls found in this thread:



Low quality posting.


Bunch of anons from another Chans are coming here and posting thosee threads, they can't get their mind off this site

Just ignore it, simple. Meta threads have always been around.

This place deserves to die.

This board has been way slower than it is now and I still didn't leave, no way I'm leaving now just because some 4channer doesn't like our actual free speech


It's as close as it comes, so chances are that you're upset about the pedophile policy.

More like cunts against Trump tbh fam

I can post pic related without getting banned
I can also insult anita et al without getting banned
Definitely more free than reddit and 4chan which you're coming from

To be honest lad, I don't think it's dead.
People always claim something is dead, do you remember the phrase "Holla Forums was never good"?

Instead of crying, people should create better content themselves or work on removing the cancer.

Free speech isn't a gradient though, you either have it or you don't.
Holla Forums used to have it back when hotwheels was in charge because he actually gave a shit about free speech and put aside his feelings to maintain it.
Jim on the other hand immediately did away with it the second he was in charge by banning anyone he didn't like.
Sure everyone has a different scapegoat for why Holla Forums is on its deathbed now but I don't think anyone would have come here to begin with if it wasn't for hotwheels making free speech a top priority.

Do tell me what aside from CP and spam can get you banned, go ahead
Meanwhile you get banned for so much as raising your voice on reddit/4chan against your feminist overlords

I'm not necessarily saying you'll be banned just like you would on 4chan or reddit.
Jim isn't an all seeing overlord that just hangs around waiting for someone he disagrees with to speak up so he can ban them, but if you saw how he acted the day he took over you'd understand why this place is dying a slow miserable death.
If he didn't go just as radio silent as hotwheels has this place would be dead already, the amount of damage he did in just one day was astounding.

Yeah and what did he do?
You know, saying he fucked everything up won't help me to understand.

I'm not saying I know it better, but I think the reason behind the removal of the pedo boards was rather plausible.



I don't post here because I don't get replies.

it's like yelling into a void, there's no one there. or rather here.



thx m8

Beyond the pedo shit he started banning random people globally just for disagreeing with him on what hes doing and trying to tell him its a bad idea.
It escalated to the point where people just started fucking with him and that just caused him to ban all those people too, and while he was rampaging around banning anyone who made fun of him or disagreed with him he accidentally banned the board owner of Holla Forums
That pretty much put a stop to his rampage since a board owner obviously has more sway than the random user getting banned over bullshit.
Ever since then he hasn't shown his face, but the damage was already done.
Everyone saw that hotwheels had been replaced by some ban happy lunatic who stood for nothing that made Holla Forums popular in the first place so they left in droves.


What the actual fuck?
There is literally no reason to stay on 8ch anymore if thats the case.

boring as fuck. bans aren't the problem here and the pedos can die. the thing with Jim is this youtube.com/channel/UCvb02rPu9lnsFh5yMp1PxPQ
and how he's used Holla Forums to vehicle the same ambitions. this is the cancer.

Who appointed you the arbiter of what is and isn't the problem?

Where else though? Like it or not the only alternatives are worse than here.
We either die here or join the normalfags at 4chan/reddit
Only reason I haven't left yet is because I just don't want to accept that its over, the times I've had here were like reliving the glory days of 4chan all over again and I just can't go back to what 4chan has become.

No idea, it's sad cause most people I met here were pretty chill, but it's getting worse and worse here everyday.

The good guys leave and faggots start shitposting.

The bans over on /operate/ by jim where stupid but at least it was a one off event. There's been constant shit critisizing jim across the site since then no bans. It was really fucking dumb, jim shouldn't have done that, and I'm really fucking glad he stepped back from the site and lets codemonkey run it. But yes jims start was a fucking disaster.Thankfully that shits stopped, but yeah,…..thats why I've rarely taunted people with admin powers in 10 years on these sites. The last time I did on 4chan I got myself a 2 month ban for taunting fucking moot, adn it was over to 420chan and krautchan for awhile. Its best to not fuck with someone who could easily pull the trigger, jim did fuck up, but at least that shits ended. Don't make it sound like more than it was/is that was isolated to /operate/ as shitty as it was.

i did. if you don't like it, jump off a bridge. or write another windy post about how Jim banned everybody of value and the others left in protest. no one cares if you make it up.

Honestly I only come here when I want to talk meta shit now since thats the only thing that can breathe some life back into this shithole if only for a moment.

I mean come on, just look at this shit here.>>6372443

Feel free to tell your side of the story since you seem to think your opinion is worth more than the rest of us.

Look you guys just have to keep faith and have fun, fuck around a little. Imageboards in general have survived with a lot fucking small communities. In fact this site has the largest community of anywhere that I hang out at in the imageboard world. Quit whining and start working at it.

The only fun thing left to do is talk about how much jim fucked everything up.
I don't think I'm the only one that thinks that way either considering meta threads are the only somewhat lively threads on this fucking board aside from the pony thread.

Sad to say there's been a downward trend in activity for a year

Image just tweeted by wheels

Holla Forums is slowing
Holla Forums is growing

That shits temporary and you know it dude, a month after the us election it'll be down quite a bit.


Yeah Holla Forums growing is a good thing.

I find that hard to believe that Holla Forums is growing when its a hugbox that rivals tumblr where questioning their bullshit gets you immediately banned.
But I guess some people are into that so long as their opinions coincide with the opinions you're allowed to have.

It would probably be growing faster w/o heavy handed moderation

succinctly, what image boards did best is now best done on social media. today's kids want one-click entertainment on a plate and the lure of celebrity. on an ever more crowded internet where novelty is at a premium, ibs have little to offer.

ok, rabbi.

Ironic isn't it?

Everyone complains that it's dead, but their complaining is proof that it isn't dead.
Yet it still is because that's the only content here.

too meta for me.

yeha and they're all garbage, the same could be said for 4chan, so what's your point?

The vols are attention whores and rulecucks and the admin is a complete lolcow. The majority of people that still post here unironically are faggets from 4chan that couldn't handle this place before Jim got rid of all the bad people

There's a few actual old anons but they're all just bantered housewives clinging to what used to be like

at least the pigs are being fed….

attention whores don't exist without someone giving them attention.

so technically you are the one who are whoring out your attention to the mods for even mentioning them.

Yeah thats why 4chan is dying just as quick as Holla Forums right?
Oh wait it just keeps getting bigger as the next generation of newfags shit the place up.
The reality is no newfag sees a benefit to Holla Forums when 4chan is so much faster, and honestly I no longer see a benefit to Holla Forums either without hotwheels running it.
If I had waited until now to leave 4chan and come here I don't think I'd even come here anymore.

What used to be? The mods became niggers and the pph went down, but the average post quality is about the same.

If the mods weren't handing out bans for opinions they disagree with and did their jobs properly maybe they wouldn't have a dead board.

wewlad, the site is dying and the mods are one of the many reasons for that. Calling them out for being rulecucks isn't attention whoring in the slightest, but whatever helps you sleep at night

Well every other mod left in the face of jims temper tantrum, no surprise the one that stayed would be complicit in retarded undeserving bans.

On a site designed so that users can succeed if they have an issue with moderation…I would dare say it's our fault for not making our own boards.
It seems like most of the users on this site like being cucked. Especially Holla Forums.

I can't agree tht the site is dying though. The traffic has been pretty stable since early 2015, and, Holla Forums and Holla Forums have even gained some users lately, so the site is definitely not "dying" or "dead". Your brain might be.

Furthermore, you only seem to be complaining about Holla Forums when you say "Holla Forums is dying", Holla Forums isn't all of Holla Forums. I would be ore worried about the moderation on boards like Holla Forums tbh fam, but hey, that's just like, my opinion.


Mods have always done this, or are you this new to imageboards?

Not here they didn't, are you new to THIS imageboard?

which board are you talking about exactly?
if it's Holla Forums it looks to me like the only things removed / banned are spam and CP which is good because this board used to be overrun with spam and it was god awful. now it's in a state where it's actually enjoyable, albeit slow, but it's comfy enough that you can see everything here and you actually have time to post in it. a good thread on Holla Forums >implying can last months.

the other top boards though need to work on their moderation. Holla Forums not so much, they do a good job at keeping it Holla Forumsidya related, Holla Forums however… while they do keep it politically related, it's biased to hell.

Nobody cares if you agree or not the stats show the site is dying slowly but surely.

Also how do you propose to create a new random board when the actual random board barely has enough people to keep a conversation going in 1 thread?

are you the same person as ?

if so I ask the same question as I did here

are you implying that Holla Forums is the entirety of Holla Forums? it's not, if that's what you're thinking.

we have plenty of users, it's just that none of them do shit because they're lazy fucks.


Holla Forums has almost never dropped below 800 users at any given time.

if every user here where to make 1 post every 2 hours, we would top Holla Forums in PPH.
see image

try to prove the validity of this chart with actual data
i motherfucking dare you

if you cant then stop posting it

No I'm not the same person, and no shit Holla Forums isn't the entire site what are you even on about?


You can harass both him and Ron on >>>/jim/ and >>>/sudo/ respectively. Personally.

>>>/newsplus/ is really the only thing Jim did that fucked this place up.

Okay, but first try to prove this one lol

All you're advocating for is shitposting, spam, and porn dumps to artificially increase the post count to make it seem like this shithole actually has something going on when it doesn't.
Holla Forums doesn't even have half as many users as Holla Forums, asking them to have the same pph as Holla Forums is just asking for the post quality to go down the shitter.

Did you miss the part where Jim banned the Holla Forums B O?
Thought I'd kept screencaps of that shitstorm, can't find'em right now

Also I got a ban recently for pic-related OC, so there is non-pedo-related hotpocketry and rulecuckery on Holla Forums

That was posted by hotwheels himself on his twitter, what more proof do you need?

If jim banned the Holla Forums BO why is Holla Forums still utter shit?

A lot more proof than that.

Since when has HW ever told the truth. Ever?

because the BO knew who to bitch at to get unbanned.

Of course the fag who bans and denies every appeal would ironically appeal his ban so he could continue his filthy cukery.

What does he have to gain by releasing statistics that show his site is dying?

We are being over-ruled by a bunch of hand puppets.
Get used to it, faggots!

Listen, show me the proof of your image, show me how it was generated, or I won't believe it coming from HW mouth.

I really don't give a shit what you believe when you post some irrelevant pie chart like it means something and then hand wave away actual statistics because hotwheels couldn't predict captchas being a necessity.

It's his fault they're here because he thought it would be great to invite an Israeli botnet to Holla Forums.

What if you get banned for pedoshit in a thread that has no cp in it? Is pro pedo comments enough now? Is hate speach all that's allowed?




are you such a newfag you don't remember the Hola VPN?

Not him, but damn I forgot about that until your brought it up. Wasn't that the tail end of 2014?

Didn't that get resolved years ago?

So why do we still have captcha? :^)

HW is a sham.

That smile makes me feel sad

Was still causing grief early 2015 IIRC

Pretty sure its a different one now.

I'm here more often than ever, user

Oh, I'm sure there is some other convenient inconvenience making us still have captcha.

Is it time for the Annual Nirvana Album Cover shitstorm yet?

You do realize theres more than one type of captcha made by different people right?

People go out of their way to ruin legit threads so their is literally no appeal whatsoever in making a thread or posting OC. You work hours on some oc and one or two people reply with porn or stale memes. No one gives a shit here anymore. This is where you come when your brain is mush.

Holla Forums still has captcha, and it's cancer.

Nobody likes captchas, they're just a necessity to stop the spam bots that were plaguing every board on the fucking site.



800 posters in a 72 hr period means an average of 11,11 posters an hour. the average pph is about 90, which gives an average post rate of 8,8 posts/per ip/hour. can you explain this?

yeah, except we have botmod to take care of that, and even before then the captcha didn't stop bots

so are you defending captcha for a reason or are you just retareded?

How does someone go about reporting a mod for a ban he feels is unfair if the mod refuses to lift the ban? Do you go to the board owner or global mods?

You cry about it and then make your own board.

You appeal it and then have it denied by the same person who banned you.

you drink a chlorine based substance in large quantities.

what happened?

I don't give a shit about captchas, you were just using captchas and israeli botnets and all that bullshit as an excuse to not accept the Holla Forums statistics hotwheels put out.


Seems that picking on the mods and posting pro pedo comments gets you a seven day ban here.


he looks like meatloaf from fight club just less manly despite the lack of bitch tits

Oh, you mean the "Same Rights For All!" thread?
I left it alone but Eggman got rid of it and banned OP.

You seem to be posting fine now so I don't see a reason to lift it.

did you just assume its gender?

you stop being a technologically illiterate faggot.

Are you the fucking nigger that keeps shilling his etsy merch and getting all my IPs blocked?

If you are I will find u and rape you, 2048RSA cant protect you from muh dik


guilty as charged. Do the fucking gender benders really want us to start calling them "It", because thats where thiss is headed honestly. SSeems nicer to me I guess your private parts wrong than I just flat out dehumanize you

why am i hissing nm the point stands

Unlike you I never felt the need to use a vpn and posted with a bare ip. I only used one to bypass the nazi ban I'm on now. I don't post anything illegal, that violates board ruels, or wouldn't say to someone in public.

They're trying to butcher the english language and make it so they isn't plural because being called he or she makes them feel slightly uncomfortable for a second.

The english language was born as crippled as Frederick.



give them cake!

this seems pretty reasonable and factual as opposed to some kind of Sargon of Assmad rant, i will give it a listen thanks

so what you are saying is youre a short-sioghted fool

I feel bad for ya son, not that my shit is any kind of guarantee but it sure as fuck is better than nothing

shoplifter and getting away with murder threads were succesful

there are some really interesting threads sometimes

Too many fucking sickos posting underage b&. They should be hunted down and lynched.

we know were you live. do you want a visit from the cripple?

Well if HW knows where I live, tell him to come visit me then.

I was banned for "pedshit". The thread? A fully clothed child standing on a porch with text "would you an loli"

I agree on this. as long as the children aren't nude it's okay. like that user who got banned for a lil girl holding a tray of cookies, wtf?

yeah. you're a pedo or a provocateur. today would be a good day to place your fingers in a blender.

no, they deserve a medal.

That was me, I got banned for that thread. Gotta use a VPN for the next seven days.

wtf, thats borderline pedo material

pic related is no longer a reality


this is all thanks to the nigger cock loving normiemod who makes 8/b/ worse every day


Can't you already see they're everywhere you damn newfaggot.


Hotwheels would like to disagree.
Taunting brings out an admin's true nature. Hotwheels encouraged us to taunt him to prove how much he valued free speech. Jim, on the other hand showed that he is a petty megalomaniac that doesn't give a vegan's fart about the free speech this site was built on.

You're disgusting.


Yeah I watched that habbening in real time, truly a WTF moment. For a while there was the prospect of a Holla Forums exodus which wouldn't have done much for active user numbers.

There was also the wholesale banning of IP ranges used by many VPNs; the promise/threat of harvesting IP user details for commercialization along with proposed integration with Facebook(!) Unlike many of the sycophantic newpigs populating Holla Forums these days I remain suspicious of the Dear Leader.

Still, one thing to come out of all this is a small but diehard band of Anons making Jim-related OC.

Remember this?


Is Holla Forums dead, or just boringly repetitive?

Do you even follow Nagash?

Hi there Nicole! How come you don't use your tripcode anymore?


is that first webm supposed to be anti-trump?

depends on how you look at it
faggy nazis get a stiffy
libtards get butthurt

That wasn't even specifically nazi stuff they were comparing, just nationalist and populist ideas

then why do I have a stiffy

the nazis were populists and nationalists so you probably like that bit of it, it just wasn't the entirety of what they believed

you're making me rock hard you know that?

I don't really care

fuck me papi

no thanks, I'm saving myself for Sena

Bring back the pedos! It's the only way to save Holla Forums.

Contain them on their own boards to free up Holla Forums

I know mate.
