No More Weak Willed Whites

No More Weak Willed Whites

Everyone needs to man up and defend your jobs and your women. Don't let America turn into Europe. We will not be cucked like Sweden.

Here we see the true purpose of this thread: To create division between Europeans and Americans. Remember that we're in this together lads, and throw your fingers up into the Kikes honkers.

Holy shit, just fucking kill yourself. You had your chance and you blew it. Stand up for Yourop on your fucking own.

14/88 motherfucker. Death to race mixers and race traitors. Kill all shitskins and kikes.

As far as I'm concerned, Nazism is transhumanism, without all the nonsense wishful thinking. Most of your points are based on a straw man, OP. That, or just complete misunderstanding of what National Socialism entails.

This was not meant for this thread. Shit.

You euro fags let your country get taken over. Too many WEAK WILLED WHITES. Get out and fight and drive out the shitskin muzzies. It's not much better in America, but we are electing someone to do something about it. Quit being pussies and defend your women and your country.

Wait until Brexit. If brexit fails, there last chance to uncuck, then fuck them.

We are, OP. The fire has been rising with everyone looking at disgust watching the shitty euro cuck porn playout.

You people need to man up and learn the occult roots of Nazi Germany. Smash all communists and race mixers so humanity can evolve.

MAGA, my caucasian

There it is folks! There's nothing they hate more than being called out.

Yes, Europeans hate being called out on their cuckoldry. They remember what they once were and know that they aren’t smart enough to get back to that ever again.

The only reconquista of Africa will be American-led. The empires of Europe will never be great again.

You understand Trump is the Jew's kosher dissent? Get off your high ground dipshit


You don't care about the White race, its history, or culture.

I am an American btw.

Fuck off, kike.

though honestly it is funny to see how retarded some of you are. It's no wonder kikes shill here so much

Americans are European, Shlomo.

I'm not related to anything that willing gives up it's right to defend themselves.

Get 'em out!

Americans are American; Europeans are Europeans. Europe has been conquered by Islam. Europe fucking failed because of weak willed whites. Get 'em out!

America is already less than 60% White, I'd say we're ahead of them.

No, by jews, muds are the bioweapon.


What, too white for you?

I can't believe how cucked Trump supporters got.

I'm all for Trump, but serious what the fuck is with all this "let niggers and spics beat your ass for Trump"

and compiling videos of degenerates beating up Trump supporters.

What kind of pussy shit is that? As a strong proud white man you shouldn't let anyone beat your ass ever. What the fuck?

That's some manlet tier flies-and-smelly-lines flying around you shit.

Serious question, how do you defend those who don't want to be defended, those who will work at every opportunity to support the enemy? No one ever addresses this concern.

How do we stop the white race from killing itself, when that's clearly what a great deal of whites are trying to do.

That's only the result of decadence and sheltering. They don't want to be defended because they can't imagine a scenario which they would need defense in.

Think the two white girls who thought it would be fun to run away and join ISIS. After being made rape slaves, the illusion was broken and they immediately started crying for rescue.

So your answer is: the problem will solve itself. Wow, that's a great plan of action. Surely everything will just work out fine, because good always beats evil, right?

We do defend our women. Always have.

We just don't bother defending our whores anymore.

If you go and kill a politician OP, I promise to do something too. Until that, shut up

These aren't the same. The former can be a savable bluepill or defeated White, the later could be saved as well but only with time permitting and contained to naught cause harm else you have to put them down.

Reminder that 95% of actual "cuckold porn" is filmed in Jewmerica

fuck no and this is a D&C thread to turn Americans against Europe.

you are desperately trying to pretend to be a Holla Forumsack shlomo.

Fuck the Americoons and the Yuropoors!

Top thread m8 u should win a award


The eagles head always faces left.

Ever since the_donald became a thing, plebbitors have flooded half-chan and the (((alt-right))). Those cucks actually think they are not cucks. They actually think they belong here. They think 1488 is meme.

the_donald and 90% of trumpfags are weak-willed idiots who don't have the balls to take the conservative viewpoint to its logical conclusion with natsoc.

the_donalds favorite catchphrase is

Okay. You first Op.