Why are leftists utterly incapable of meming?

Why are leftists utterly incapable of meming?

I mean they haven't be able to create a single funny meme not a single goddamn one.

Do they have no souls? Are they incapable of humor?

I mean not even imageboard leftists on Holla Forums are capable of creating any OC that generate a guy laugh. It's like they're inherently incapable of it.

Other urls found in this thread:

psych.nyu.edu/jost/Napier & Jost (2008) Why are conservatives happier than libe.pdf

Pro Tip: The fun leftists are on Trump's side.

"Progressives" aka the Regressive Left can't meme because they are NO FUN ALLOWED.

classical leftists/libertarians are poor memers too, face it, only nat soc's and hard nationalists are the true meme priests

As much as I want to pour burning kerosene into your eyes for being a reddit-tier faggot "memer," I'll answer your question:

They aren't funny because they are, mentally speaking, as immature and naive as children.


I think it's because they don't have truth on their side, they're not rebelling against anything, and they are far too literal with their interpretations or overly complex. Take a look at the Asuka meme thread, this is who we're up against. Rationality is never funny, irrationality, something that side swipes you but you know deep down is right, is what makes good humor.

They might just be retarded.

Get out faggot

The zeitgeist isn't on their side. No zeitgeist = no meme power.


The fuck out of here

because they have to lie

and lying is not funny

nor does a lie come from within

we tell the truth, and the truth, presented correctly is both funny and informative

Its why John (((Stewart))) show took a shit during the Obama years, he had to lie. During the Bush years he was telling the truth, so he was funny.

they dont have objective truth on their side. its not possible to make a funny meme that is not based somewhat on reality.

At the center of a good meme is a kernal of truth, leftists don't know what the truth looks like.

the leftist cant do comedy because comedy is in essence, offensive

and being offensive is the leftist antithesis

Leftfags are in general miserable. I don't know a single one that is genuinely happy. Always complaining, always fighting against sexism, racism, fascism, …ism, always feeling guilty, omg it's CURRENT YEAR how can you do X? Steak and beer? No, they rather suck a tofu dick because muh morality. How can you laugh at this, this isn't PC?!?

This is no fertile ground for meme magic or as Luther said :"A happy fart never comes from a miserable ass."

Leftists aren't allowed to offend anyone. This drastically shrinks what they're able to convey in a meme.

Leftists groupthink. This means they need words in their memes so you know what to think – they can only utilize image macros. In a wordless meme, everyone is free to interpret it differently.

Take a look at pic related for example. What does this Pepe mean? What is it saying? Has he really peed his pants? Is he retarded? Has he done it on purpose? Was it an accident?

A leftist meme would have words telling you what to think and feel.

Well, isn't all the leftist meme-ing talent sucked up by the all the media centric industries like entertainment, marketing, public relations, etc?

All those things you mentioned aren't funny, so your theory doesn't pan out, does it?

Spot the guy that doesn't have a fucking clue what memes are.

We have the source of energy, the memetic manna if you will.

They don't have a sense of humor. They're either upset or mocking people that upset them.

Also something interesting about leftist mocking is that it's never about being funny. It's about social signalling or purely about hurting their target.

They could never mock and ruin Jeb like we did.

Ask the fine fellows over on Holla Forums, maybe they're done crying over being left out of the promoted boards list for a couple hours.


I think this gets to the core of the matter. If they had truth on their side, the impression one would get from the image would be enough.

When we meme, we're trying to convey emotions, whereas when leftists meme they're trying to convey ideas.

Trying to do battle with ideas is for intellectuals, the masses can't really handle it, or at least they won't find it funny. We target emotions because making people laugh about an idea makes them seek it out again.

It's actually the entire reason the meta board /sudo/ is in the top 25.

I've seen that pic before but my sides are in fucking orbit right now. Didn't even read the text before I started crying from laughter.
This user is onto something.

Why does that board exist? I thought this site was founded for the explicit purpose of being the antithesis of everything it stands for.

Pic related, example of a leftist meme.

"Muh Freeze Peach" is used in reference towards someone who exercises their first amendment rights. Specifically the meme is designed to make those adhering to the constitution to look like fools, when in reality it demonstrates the leftist's desire to remove your rights.

Really sums up the leftist philosophy. This is also why they advocate for "non-violence" and gun control.

Leftists think they can solve problems in the world, but they can't even meme.










Not to mention it's nothing more than "lol free speech sounds like freeze peach that will make free speech sound silly"

I mean that's all there is to it.

It's fucking pathetic.

Because man was made in the image of God, a creator.
Commies and atheists follow an anti-God belief system that blocks their soul's connection with the divine, the source of all creativity, art and beauty.

Memes are a combination of references, ideas, humor, puns, and teasing.
They require big picture thinking combined with an attention to detail, and introspection.

Memes don't rely on a hand picked studio audience or a laugh track. It has to be funny on its own, and as another has said, it has to have some truth to it, dems only lie.

Is anybody else really, really irritated at the usage of "mah" rather than "muh"?

For some reason it just makes me feel really angry, like they're trying so incredibly hard to be funny, so desperate to make a funny statement, and it just falls flat on its face and just plain isn't funny at all. It accomplished the exact opposite of what it was supposed to.

I'm not being irrational here guy's, right?

If you make fun of anything, a leftist will start going on about how that's 'gross' or 'toxic'.

Their defense to not being able to take a joke is that "you must not be very funny if you can't make a joke without offending me".

As has been said, comedy involves taking something offensive at its heart.

Like the old slapstick skits done by the Three Stooges, involve people feeling pain and/or down on their luck. Remove any pain from the skits and there are no more jokes.

You can look at the various SJW comics to get an idea of what this does to their humor. They no longer can make fun of something, so they're left with revenge fantasies (smart good looking character tells off caricature of what the author is opposed to), cute images (the cute puppy rolls over after setting a house on fire to the admiration of those standing by who can't be upset because the puppy is so cute), diatribes about how author self insert is so pitiable (character goes on speech of how oppressed they are) or being offended by something (character sees something and realizes just how offensive it is supposed to be).

Can anyone think of a different trope they actually use?

It pisses me off. If you use "mah" I get a visual image of an overweight, autistic nu-male who just got back from comic-con and is elated about posting their faggot photos on (((facebook))) as soon as they get back home.


Because they can no longer see humor at all in their enemies actions and they treat themselves far too seriously.

They are an example of when you become so absorbed in an ideology and yourself, you lose both perspective of the world around them and self-awareness. If you lack these qualities, it's harder to relate to people on many levels.

This likely attributed to how, for the most part, they're in a position of being pandered to by the establishment and thus feel important, so if things don't cater to them, they feel offended due to an unwarranted sense of self importance.

Simply put, they have a massive stick up their collective asses and have lost their ability to see the humor in anything and prefer to be offended.

Fat people pronounce "muh" as "mah" due to fat limiting the range of motion in their necks.
That "meme" is produced by a low intelligence fat fuck, probably woman, probably feminist.

You're not irrational to hate such a stupid thing.

They like to belittle and blame men.
The behavior is similar to how Jews label anything not in line with their interests as "anti-semitic". See:

They are naturally restrained by their muzzles.

The politically incorrect can delve deep into the nonsense and clever stupidity that would immediaetely make them freeze up in "oh my god I can't even it's the current year".

If you ask them, it's because "Holla Forums censors us and bans us :'( ".

Anyone with sensek nows they couldn't handle the bantz and the people disagreeing with them, so they ran off like cowards.

It's because it sounds retarded.

Leftist "humor" is repeating lines from some socjus-approved shit like a line some character in a faggot blizzard game says, or "dad jokes" a.k.a. low quality puns whose only offensive nature is being offensive to the concept of humor.

Yeah it's definitely much the same as what Jews do. I had a few relatives just get a deer in the headlights look about them when I showed them Jon Leibowitz's defense of being politically correct.

Being PC just seems so antithetical to being funny that it had them utterly confused.

Got a link?


It's the usual leftist diatribe about how being PC just means respecting peoples' feelings, which of course Jon would never respect when it was someone he disagreed with.

Why is spurdo "mmmmm" man so funny?

because everyone who was on cuckchan way back was racist. where it all started(for the most part). Now we are all still racist, and still making memes. Racism has just become more important to us rather than just simply not liking other races.

Nah, not really, if we're talking about boards in general. Nobody ever gave a shit about making racist jokes, but they still had a very leftist mindset.

Lost me there.


Look the leftists can't meme because everything has to go through red tape and its a thick tape and the only things that get through are insanely forced

The host of that show is retarded. He says the right is

While there are taboos on the right, much of what he's referencing is the right trying to throw the concept of PC back in the lefts face. It forces them to rethink it and puts controlling someones speech or actions in perspective for them. It's a part of changing the narrative.

But he just wants to jack off and feel like he's breaking some big story or something. Which totally ignores the massive issue within the left and brushes it aside like it's just something normal that everyone does.

Nope, back then 4chan was mainly apolitical. A general IDGAF attitude towards anything that wasn't lulzy.

And nobody ever liked niggers. At worst people had that 'black people vs nigger' reddit tier mindset but I'd hardly call that leftist.

Sorry, yeah, I was referring to their memes not targetting emotion, almost autistic in a way, examples

But you are correct, liberals are emotional creatures, conservatives are rational ones.


Interestingly, conservatives not only are associated with left-brained rationality, they also have more complex moral systems too.



Sanctimonious hypocrisy doesn't make for good memes. It makes for bitchy, snide "Let them eat cake" court humour that falls flat on its smug face outside the bubble.

You can hear their shit-tier memes coming from the mouth of a powdered, bewigged Marie-Antionette type, can't you? All the courtiers clustered round, hooting and smirking because they daredn't be seen to not laugh.

See: Bill Maher, John Oliver, Jonathon Leibowitz, Sarah Silverman, etc.

No, don't worry, the poster I was responding to used that dichotomy. However, there is something to be said regarding those who value their in-group versus those who don't, so I don't think the distinction is meaningless, it just needs to be redefined. I think it would be interesting to do some brain scans on Holla Forums's group of people who were formerly hard left-wing but are now right-wing.

Because they're not slaying sacred cows anymore. They're just beating decades-dead cows and pretending they're still rebelling against something. They're spouting off ancient jokes and trying to pass it off as the hippest new humor of the current year, and it just isn't working anymore.

Good political humor criticizes an established institution, and it makes you laugh because you know you're not supposed to be criticizing this institution. Leftist political humor criticizes "white privilege" and other related concepts that simply have not existed in decades, so their humor comes across as very tame compared even to something like pic related.

To successfully make fun of it, you have to understand it.

Good memes require a sense of humor.

Modern liberalism is about being perpetually offended, often on behalf of other people, regardless of whether those people would take offense or not.

The two go together about as well as Omar Mateen and a nightclub full of gays.

I see we're on the same page, then.

And you are right, it's more about redifining the distinction of conservative-liberal to a more functional left-right paradigm.

Onto the topic of in-groups, they not something exclusive to groups leaning right. It appears to be more of a distinction between narcissism (left) and functional social behavior (right) and how it reflects to the group's behavior.

Rather than botching an explanation, let me link you this blog with great information on r/K selection, narcissism, and how it affects political thought.


I hope you appreciate the irony of me berating you for using the conservative-liberal dichotomy and then linking a blog of someone using it

For a tl;dr: Leftism at it's core is betrayal of the actual in-group encouraged by backpats from fellow narcissists.

All good jokes are capable of offending somebody, though don't usually have a malicious intent. Leftist jokes are either unoffensive and boring, or are just thinly veiled insults.

I dunno, libertarians were pretty good with Doom Paul. Their memes are usually better for doom and gloom shit though, nationalists are genuinely funny, primarily due to the sheer force of our absolute smugness.

To understand leftists' memes you have to understand leftist ideology which is a self-referencing tangled cobweb of shit.

For instance, it requires a great amount of doublethink to be a liberal or SJW. Their beliefs amount to "this is what the media tells me is humane and just, even if it openly contradicts other beliefs they have also told me are humane and just, and ideas that are objectively humane and just. I hold these beliefs because they are popular and drown out other messages."

It's no fun at all.

Marxists on the other hand can't meme because their beliefs are arcane and weird (let's destroy money and trade and culture so we can be free like paleolithic man, but somehow keep the industrial mode of production, while destroying all of the human relationships that maintain that mode of production because we deem them to be sub-optimal) and they write too goddamned much. If you check out Holla Forums or any other Marxist site it's an endless stream of word soup drivel peppered with references to Marxist interpretive literature with the odd genuine Marx epigram thrown in for good measure. The hardest thing for a Marxist to do is get to a point (which is what memes do excellently) because he has to first, show off and pander to any fellow Marxist who happens along his writing, and secondly endlessly define their words and terms (because Marxist interpretive literature differs widely in its interpretations of Marxism down to the individual words themselves) so as not to offend the reader who has not read the same bodies of work. They are trapped in an endless game of hair-splitting semantics that they inherited from the ego-driven marxist pseudo-intellectuals that came before them. Basic communication of simple ideas is completely obstructed to the point where if one dedicated Marxist meets another to talk shop, they could both come out of the conversation thinking the other was a fascist.

Coming from this tradition they cannot create a popular meme to save their lives and can only "preach to the choir" with their humour. Once again, their series of beliefs (which they also regard to be "moral" and "humane" as liberals do) are so tangled and self-contradictory that when it comes to joking about Marxism or society itself they can only hold to basic stereotypical Marxist beliefs with broad common familiarity and historical baggage (think "red scare" type references) because otherwise they wind up only confusing or offending their friendly audience.

In fairness, neocons and others on the "right" who partake in virtue signalling are annoying as fuck, and they need to go ASAP.

Our memes are the greatest because we are always right. We take in all the information first and then come to a conclusion afterward. Simply put, they really make you think.

Also, part of comedy is being taboo. Our memes are hilarious because they go against the current social conditioning.

Lefty memes are just not funny because deep in the back of your mind, there will always be a sense of "what the fuck, this isn't funny and it doesn't make sense". Just look at all the Max Stirner memes on leftypol. They've completely misinterpreted Stirner so all the memes are just pure unadulterated cringe.

Here's a couple of my thoughts on the matter

Back when I was an edgy little faggot who watched The Daily Show during GW's presidency, I did wonder to myself why there wasn't much in the way of mainstream conservative comedy. I think my rationale of the time was that the political landscape at the time had liberals set as the "underdog" and this made sense as it was corroborated by censorship of games and media by overprotective soccer-moms and people like Jack Thompson. Once Obama came into office, I noticed shows like The Daily Show lost a massive amount of their appeal to me. It seemed like all they did was throw softballs; they couldn't maintain their underdog status. As things went on and liberalism expanded, the same censorship practices they originally blasted conservatives for was perpetrated in their own interests. Of course, now I find myself in the exact opposite place as I once was, wondering why there is no good liberal comedy. However, I think I have a rough idea why now. They simply can't maintain their subversive underdog facade anymore, and their fakeness seeps into everything they do.

I'm reminded of political cartoons, which in the interest of avoiding ambiguity which could lead to a variety of bad things (namely accusations of slander), must label abso-fucking-lutely everything in their comic. Except in this case, the lefty has to be verbose so that his failed attempt at humor has a chance of actually being understood.

Everytime a leftist talks about Stirner, an angel loses its wings.

But.. even in a classless society someone will still have to pick up the trash. There'll still be an need of manual labor, and those who occupy those positions.
Do they not sit down and think this through?!

Often what the left criticizes the right as being PC or virtue signalling amounts to having morals.

Like when the right says "we don't think pedophiles should be tolerated". That isn't being PC or signalling, because it's neither about constraining speech or just signalling to others that you feel a certain way, it's about pointing out that something is disgusting and should never be tolerated.

It's a false equivalency to suggest that this is at all the same as what the left does when they suggest it's wrong to accept department of justice statistics on crime rates amongst certain races.

Because Holla Forums memes are actually funny and make sense. Any retard, no matter who they are, can look at an image with the happy merchant in it and know exactly whats going on. But people look at Holla Forumss weird capitalist pig meme and have no idea whats going on. Is it supposed to be making fun of fat people? muslims? Memes are supposed to quickly spread an idea and they are just terrible at it.

How else could they exist?

I think the underdog status was something falsely applied to leftists for a long time.

As they became more and more dominant, rather than accept their status, they wanted to treat themselves as being stuck in this underdog state.

This was easy enough for them to do because if a conservative ever joked about some sacred cow of the left then liberals would wail about it until satiated.

Now many of us see that they're never satiated and stopped giving a shit what any of them think. Without that protection granted by the sacred cow status, they are now targeted by the ridicule they once thought only their side was allowed to deal out.

They discussed this on the Shoah a few weeks ago. Basically, leftists talking points are too complex. They are intentionally thus, because Marxists like to obfuscate their doctrine so they can wriggle around when trapped in their contradictions. Their "ideals" cannot be expressed simply.

doesn't really have much of a ring to it

Old Marxists were better at it.
Definitely has a better ring to it. Back when gommienism was actually targeted at the workers (as opposed to being targeted at the bourgeoise, who then force it on the workers), the concept may have been complex, but the talking points (the memes, if you will) were simple.
Modern day Marxism is complex because it relies not on the worker's desire for safety and security, but rather the bourgie leftist's desire for smugness.

Thanks for that, I'd heard of r/K selection before but when I searched it I didn't find the brain/genetic studies supporting it, I thought it was more like praxeology.

I found this paper on there with brain studies regarding smaller amygdala (associated with fear responses) and larger anterior cingulate cortexes (associated with envy). They also have lower D4 (subtype of dopamine receptors) expression, which explains the low self-esteem, depression, and hedonic lifestyle.


pic related

Plus ethnicity is funny especially making fun of Jews. The funniest leftist where Jews who made fun of being Jewish. Now that we took it back, they are too busy kvetching about RWDS to remember nobody likes being around them. The only thing they where good for was putting on the "we are harmless" minstrel show.

They think that technology will provide a solution.

I think the keyword here is instinctual, the far right knows how to target what is instinctively true in all of us. People will always need the feeling of community that is supported by nationalism. Everyone feels deep down that racist tendency is true, and feel an great deal of loyalty to their own people. People will always find greater value in something shocking or outrageous. Everyone secretly loathes degeneracy on a personal level and wish for its destruction.
Every raw truth resonates stronger feelings in us than any hollow ploy the left tells us.

The reason why the left fails in both humor and propagating its own ideas is because it seeks to pervert what is already established in all of us. They rely on intellectualism and pure wordplays to fabricate their idealist world - this is fairly observant in their constant effort to redefine things like sexes as gender, relationship as heterosexuality, race as a construct, justice as social justice, fairness as equality. Even when we try to laugh with them, it always feel half-heartingly as if we're contradicting some bit of ourselves, as if we are just playing along with the joke, laughing to be with the herd. Their humor has the means of reinforcing group-thought - laugh, because everyone else will surely.

When we laugh to Holla Forums humor we feel alleviated from "playing" this act of theirs, this constant need to deceive ourselves of our base nature. It grants us the freedom to enjoy what is impulsively true even if temporarily. The left can fool people on an intellectual level, but humor will always on an instinctual level as everything else true and impulsive.

I think we are also capable of self-reflection, unlike the leftists. The best memes mocking Holla Forums and alt-right have been made in Holla Forums.
Meanwhile, the lefties have this superiority complex, where they are incapable of realizing any fault in their thinking, usually only coming to conclusions when they are presented to them by a leftist "intellectual".

So racist.

Seriously, isn't "equality" a "spook"? The contradiction is lost on them.

It's not hard. When you restrict speech the way leftards do (especially due to muh feels), you become incapable of memeing. The irony is that this wasn't the case in the past, due to the fact the religious right was censoring everything they could even others in the right. Now we're free.

oh you


This user is a wise user.

that image is memeing leftypol itself just as much as it is you stormlords

too bad you're too much of a pleb to get it

because Holla Forums can't meme is a meme

And it will one day. The thing is, we'll have to roll up our sleeves and get to fucking work to get to that point. The commie NEETs want all the fruit of labor without the labor required.


The only difference is ours is accurate. Never did I think of coming to a place where the majority is well-read and outspoken. Holla Forums is not even familiar with their own material, let alone with the Communist Manifesto.

I remember old 4chan as nihilist, perhaps with libertarian leanings if any, but ultimately apolitical; everything took a backseat to trolling.

Personally, I started out being racist for trolling purposes (even today, it's probably the easiest way to seriously trigger people), and that's what allowed me to read about race without immediately closing the website/book in disgust.

I've only read about the first third of the thread, and basically everything is covered (afraid to not be PC, too obsessed with groupthink, are offended by everything, etc.) but there's one thing that I've yet to see mentioned that is important: they're afraid to laugh at themselves or be self-deprecating. The irony is that they come from a side of weakness ("We must all be equal because I know that I'm but another antelope in a field where I may have a run in with the occasional lion" type thinking). They embody the "small cock" syndrome where the guy with the Louisville Slugger-tier dong just sort of shrugs when someone asks about his package, whereas micro dick man immediately spergs out something like "I-it's the motion o-of the ocean!"

That being said, I do think that their biggest meme weakness is that they WILL NOT (and it's important to make that distinction from CANNOT, as they ARE capable) ruffle the feathers of "bad thinking", or rattle the sides of the PC cage. They bow down to authority, but the authority that they bow down to is that (and god forbid they hear me even remotely imply that a lot of these people have rather large noses) which has authority that they're not even necessarily aware of. They're often anti-cop because "All they do is hold a brotha man down" but don't even realize that the cops are a pawn of elites, used to protect them when needed, and used to vilify themselves when another agenda (racism, gun laws, etc.) needs to be pushed. They're bark and no bite, and when they howl, they turn their slobbering mouths to the wrong direction.

what are you talking about, OP?
everything you believed before you came here was a big leftist meme:

out of africa
communism xDDD
"we are one human race"
"fuckin nahtzees"
hitler was the most evil man

Fuck you stormlord

Because being funny is a microaggression. And microaggressions are white supremacy

Leftists are mindless drones, enslaved to the mainstream narrative.

I don't think those are leftist so much as merchantile.

This is the most ironic thing to me. They claim it's those evil corporations and (((white))) guys in charge and in control of the narrative and that they are the counterculture, yet the corporate media and mainstream narrative is absolutely on their side shilling non-stop for them.

oooo, a new one

You're just furthering our point, pal.
[spoiler]Happy merchant has been and always will be the superior meme[//spoiler]

You're new round these here parts, aint ya, boy?

Just fucked up that last spoiler by adding an extra slash, it was a typo.

It's meant to sound like a white redneck saying it. Sound it out in a southern accent.

I think you're joking but I'm not totally sure…

First off those memes are complete shit

Second i'm going to start calling myself a Stormlord. That sounds cool as shit.


Keep laughing now but you know what's coming. You can feel it deep down inside and you will never be able to stop it. We're going to send you all to the bullet box. All your family and your descendants will be tortured and killed. It will be the greatest thing since Chinese Communist Revolution.

Yeah, when I think stormlord I think Zeus, Thor, Perun, Perkunas… what retard would think stormlord is a good insult?

Tell me about the Lain, why should we love her?

Assuming that you truly believe this - do you have any "Post-Holla Forums removal" plan? As in, do you actually believe that once those who have committed thought crime are gone that the purging will just stop at an arbitrary point? The logical result would be endless purging until only a SUPER small group would either eliminate or enslave those under them regardless of what they believe in, which race they belong to, etc.




Who will be Lords in the God Emperor's Empire

Do us all a favor and take a Great Leap Forward out of a fourth-story window.

(low caliber check)

dubs demand more stormlords

Most delusional post I've read all week

Protip: Don't kill cranes next time, Armchairman Mao.

Pretty much this.

Remember, the bourgeois aren't the super wealthy or whatever, it's literally the middle class. Something that the modern left is mostly made up of or grew up in.

Every time one of these things happen, the progressive stack kicks in. After all the chink farm owners (who were themselves poor as fuck) were executed, guess who was next? Same with Cambodia and Pol Pot. He executed the intellectuals and actually intellectuals continually get executed in these revolutions no matter what because the working class utterly despise them. Same in the USSR, same in the dozens of other countries that tried to go commie.

because memes fall in the "funny because it's true" type of observational humor. as such, memeing does require truthfulness and an appreciation for facts over feelings. so of course leftists won't be able to do it, instead they'll keep trying to force memes which are really just their shitty opinions/inside jokes that have no viability outside their circlejerk.


pic related

Holla Forums actually had a "meme creation thread" where they got together and tried to make memes that would be catchy and spread to other boards.

They came up mainly with an anime cat girl who represented "workers revolution" or some shit, which is kind of bland seeing as every board has something similar. They had the "porky" one which is used the most, which is just a cartoon from an old Russian magazine. And then they all agreed to use Sterner as well, like lefties have always used. As you can see none of them are funny or original. Not only did they colossally fuck up their little meme project, but in an ironic twist they showed to themselves and everyone else how leftist central planning is inefficient, unproductive, low quality, and simply doesn't work.

Holla Forums are a living parody of themselves.


>>>Holla Forums actually had a "meme creation thread" where they got together and tried to make memes



I will let you in on a little secret.

The left is better at it than the right.

The right is good at funny memes like we see here and surrounding Trump.

The left is good at historical memes like editing history to suit themselves. The US civil war, WW1, WW2, the holocaust, MLK Jr.

The left is really good at creating lasting memes that have conquered the USA through educational subversion. That is why they are winning the long war while we concentrate on this present battle that will fade.

Too bad for lefties that nature cares not for man made memes no matter how grand they seem. God sorts them out in short order.

Way to go, you underage nigger.

you make an excellent point there

they're commies, what were you expecting? they tried to create memes like they tried to create an economy, and failed the same way.

Because there's really no better memes than Nazis and Hitler.

In reality people are inherently right wing. That's why Colbert resonates much more with the general populous than John Stewart

Eh WW2 wasn't the left but actually Mercantile, now you may argue that they're one and the same but Merchants on both sides always use muh Holocaust
Also Kikes can't play the long game and really a great meme is one where that someone who can play the long game can do

I hope these posts were made ironically because I want to believe no one is this fucking stupid to believe this shit.

best post all thread

this. human nature is right wing and no amount of leftist rhetoric will change this fact. though it's always funny to watch the complete lack of self-awareness of SJWs and leftards as they fall victim to their nature time and time again.

Because right wing and left wing don't have the same references and therefore do not laugh at the same things.
Holla Forums cringes at Holla Forums's memes and vice versa.

I bet you wish you were this comfy
Look at those comfy sweat pants and sweat shirt.
Look at that piss stain, the warmth of his pepe just adds to the comfort.
Look at that smug mug. 100% comfy.

Naturally there is bias, but I've heard from the "don't pick a side- middle is the best" fags that they find Holla Forums's memes superior to Holla Forums's.

If our memes convey emotion, then how come leftist adherents rely on emotional arguments so often?

IMO they convey both facts and emotions. The difference being that we can be true to our nature, whereas White anti-Whites especially have to deny themselves constantly.

that's a strawman fam. it was never about Holla Forums and Holla Forums accepting each other's memes. it's about how powerful those memes become outside of their place of origin.

Holla Forums memes are being retweeted by the future president of the United States. Holla Forums memes are being reported on in MSM news outlets.

Holla Forums memes are never mentioned anywhere and pretty much no one has any idea what they're even supposed to mean.

Moralfags, by nature - are incapable at humour.

Take Current Year Man as an example, I once watched one of his "EPIC TAKEDOWN OF DONALD DRUMPF!!!!!!" skits just to see what we're up against. Some of his jokes were imaginative, a few made me laugh - but it was just ruined by these constant pauses for breathless sermonising. He'd just break out of every punchline into these humourless rants about how "Trump is such a meanie ;(", "Trump was nasty to a poor person!" Or "Duterte is a monster!"

This is very ineffective, it mixes the "comedy" with political dogma and hence makes the whole thing just come across as hectoring moralism. Nothing kills humour like trying to inject a message into it. Satire at its best focuses solely on attacking the target with as little to be said for your own views as possible. Hence the meme can be adopted by as many people as possible (the very fact every leftypol meme is a carbon-copy of a Holla Forums equivalent shows we've already won).

So there we have the first sin of leftist memes. They try to bring a message into it. And the first rule of propaganda is that the medium is the message. When you see a Trump pepe putting landwhales behind a wall, your brain doesn't need to work out anything extra to see the message.

The closest thing Leftists have to memes is signalling. All their memes are forced memes. They "share" things on normalfag media not because they enjoy the meme, but because they want to be seen to be the sorts of people who enjoy that meme. They don't read Stirner or have any real sympathies for Egoism, they just want everyone to know they know who Stirner is. The medium and the message are deliberately placed very far appart, which makes for effective signalling to other leftists - but very bad memes.

That's not to say our memes don't have context, they do. The context is to be found in the overall culture of the board from which they emerged and cannot be placed within the meme itself. Thus the meme can be effectively used to infect normalfags and within the esoteric elite.

That we just laugh at right-wing stuff and they laugh at left-wing stuff would be a valid criticism if it weren't for the fact that every leftypol meme is just an adaptation of Holla Forums memes. 'Porky' instead of merchant. 'worker' instead of goy.

tldr: for people who talk about 'postmodernism' so much Leftists know very little about it.

The same reason this board makes no memes and just repeats what others come up with.

Also, leftists have to 'satirise' (really, emulate) the right counter-culture to try to be funny. e.g., one of the most high-brow communist facebook pages is called 'de-classcucking memes for commie proles', a 'satirisation' of 'counter-signal memes for fashy goys'. Young hipster leftists I know 'ironically', and sometimes non-ironically, use the word 'degenerate'.

Same way all leftist political cartoons label fucking everything, because otherwise their joke wouldn't be obvious. A good cartoon, on the other hand, will be immediately obvious without words. You'll recognize the depictions and the message.


hipsters doing shit 'ironically' is a bluff. it's their gambit to conceal their complete ignorance about anything and try to sell themselves as superior know-it-alls.

they took over the west with memes
it took nat socs 70 years to come up with the most rudimentary of memes

you mean they forced their memes unopposed

Is calling someone a racist a meme?

They are too serious. They're incapable of laughing at them selves some times.

If you make fun of them, they get triggered and block you on goy media. Whereas when they try to insult us (by calling us childless men who masturbate to anime) we respond by shooping MAGA hats onto smug anime faces and using them as our display pictures to trigger them even more.

in other words the meme god Kek has no interest in those emotional children

I don't think Volcano God worshippers usurping governments and bending them to their will via economic and political hegemony is considered a meme

I don't know why THIS line triggered this thought to me when similar lines have been written in this thread but this did it:

It reminds me of how caps from Facebook that normalfags post and share. Usually it's a cap of something funny like someone getting rekt. Example below:

Now unless you're retarded, you get the joke: Stacy is known to be -and pardon my grotesque language- a bit of a harlot and Chadderson called her out.

But now if we make it so that it's been NORMALFAGG'D™, we beat you over the head with where the comedy is, and ruin it for those whose IQ exceeds the high double digits:

Basically it all comes down to thinking that the viewer/reader is borderline retarded, and needs to be told to wipe their ass after they shit lest they become oblivious and wander out into the traffic that we call "Life". Nothing is less funny than having the joke get explained to you when you don't need it, especially when it's done obnoxiously.

To be honest I didn't think Porky was that bad, but it's no happy merchant. Problem being that the merchant has a layer of offensiveness, which is what makes it funny.

Because banter takes intelligence.

Laughter (humor) is the language of the soul.

don't fool yourself for a second dumb liberals are the meme makers who made.

Are pic relateds memes? I've tried to pick some of the most iconic examples I could think of.

Like, I feel the left sucks at most of Holla Forums strictly defines as means, but the left has (or at least had) a certain mastery over engineering culture. I can't really think what they are if not memes. Beliefs, I guess?

Shit like we are all equal, whites are evil, blacks dindu nuffin, women are oppressed, all the shit that has ruined our country.

It's less memes and more brainwashing. Memes are supposed to be naturally catchy and "viral" not rely upon constant repetition (aka forcing memes).

1st pic: niggers and white people can get along, despite this being a blatant lie.

2nd pic: fags give us color, except they really just creep us out.

3dr pic: women should work like men, even though you'll never see a woman in a construction site doing heavy lifting.

If they're memes, they're deliberately trying to deny reality.

Also this.

Look at all the lefty salt mined after we absolutely loved their propagandist video.

yeah (((they))) bought up all media
they're more state propaganda than memes.

if your memes are so forced you have to assume monopoly over all avenues of mass communication and still hold a gun to the public's head to accept them, then they're not really memes.


Because they are fucking simple minded and brain dead. I mean after Hiltery tweeted "delete your account" the whole left went ABSOLUTELY crazy.

They thought it was the most brutal comeback and meme ever. They were all so proud of her and all I could do was look at their reactions and stare into the distant

Heretic detected.

they're faggots

Do we control the weather now? I wouldn't mind being a weather god.

to posit any opinion on the left is to risk complete destruction. an environment of fear is not conducive to humour.


This hypes me the fuck up.

Racial Justice Warrior was p.funny 2bqh

Thank god that research has been conducted by a neutral party and not a Conservative American think tank.

Ironically you explained the joke.

They can stay as long as they have absolutely no authority and never strike rightward.

That was sort of part of the point.

Is this man trolling or what

What is even going on in this webm

This is the only place that i know of on the internet where people bring sources and evidence in arguments - even when responding to obvious shills.
I have read the Communist Manifesto and some of Lenin's works but Holla Forums and leftists are idiots.

A shame you've never read Capital.


Have some lefty memes

top fucking kek

lel butthurt leftist spotted

why are you watching that racemixed abomination

This doesn't make sense


Leftists can't do anything humorous because they absolutely refuse to make jokes at somebody's expense (aside from white males). Redneck jokes and mockeries are so overdone that everybody is jaded to them–including the rednecks themselves.

Besides, a liberal making an offensive joke would mean that they'd be thrown under the bus by other leftists. It's a very cannibalistic peer group.


I know, which is why I pointed out how retarded you are

Are you sure you aren't just projecting?


The effort that went into these memes is far larger than it should be for the effect they are having on me.

Also, the best propaganda is the truth, and these are nothing but stale strawmans.

not really, see
there's only 3 ways you faggots ever conduct a debate so it's pretty easy to spot you anywhere

Librul sees someone carrying a gun in the subway and loses his shit.

Would you prefer me to link you to the academic research articles that shows everything I said was true instead of the "biased" compilation?

I think it also needs to be noted that most of leftist "comedy" isn't meant to be comedic — it's meant to be propaganda. Its primary purpose is to send a message, and be funny as a sort of cover for that message.

The problem is that to most people this is quite obvious, because when supposed comedy isn't funny — or not quite as funny — then, especially when it's pushed, you start wondering if perhaps it doesn't have another reason for existing besides being funny.

They've got making propagandic comedy backwards, essentially. All comedy needs to be comedic first of all; any propaganda is a secondary concern. And making it a secondary concern makes it much more effective, because when you laugh at something and appreciate it for its own sake you go back to it again and again, unknowingly reinforcing the secondary propagandistic message lurking in the background. If the comedy is really good it may even cause something to "click" inside your head and say "Huh, I hadn't thought about it like that before." A comedy sketch that makes a punchline of a side-splitting joke require you to think in a new way to laugh at it, and helps you in thinking that way via the rest of the joke.

This is why Holla Forums can be funny, because what we create here is not created to send a message. It's not created for the enjoyment of others outside of Holla Forums, and we don't need to tailor it to be anything but funny. Holla Forums propaganda and comedy are two separate entities, and as said above this is often very effective because Holla Forums comedy is from the right-wing perspective of the creator, something that will be inherently projected through his creation. Echoes of that mindset will be forced onto whoever "consumes" his creation.

Tangentially, I think this is why leftist professional comedians are often so unfunny, especially people like John Oliver (that is his name, right?) and the other Jon. They're de facto propagandists of the establishment, and when it comes to anything political this can be sensed by everyone watching. JO's Trump hit piece, for example. I would be absolutely flabbergasted if anyone watching that wasn't aware that he was just the latest weapon to try and kill Trump. He was just the next push of the battle. It's not even something they tried to hide, especially at the end of the piece. It had the whole attitude of an angered god being roused and finally deigning to squash the fly bothering him — it wouldn't surprise me if leftists, or at least the high priests, actually viewed themselves like this, instead of just acting that way. They simultaneously managed to give both an elitist air sure to turn off anyone but those convinced they're also an elite and the vision of just being yet another arm of the same creature, rather than an independent entity. A propagandist isn't funny, even if he calls himself a comedian, when people think he's broadcasting propaganda.

I don't know if I'm rambling here and making no sense, but these are just a few thoughts I was having.


The academic research you'll link me to will come from studies financed by right-wing think tanks, or it will be a cross-cut of context journal articles you've saved and never read.

If you think I'm too stupid, maybe you could make an infograph for me (:



They didn't want the connection with "muh dik".

Leave this board kike.

you ahve much to learn, kiddo

Troll spotted.

Oh, okay.

Leave this board kike.

i'ts ok we'll take this slow

*Leaves board*

Leave this board kike.

So in their mollyneux video they complain because he evaluates socialism as it was applied instead of as it is in their minds?

back to >>>Holla Forums, furfag

I think you're angry but don't want me to know it.

I think I left already?

Leave this board kike.

Are these actual memes they use or did we make them to fuck with them?

Then I guess your leftwing think tanks should invest more in STEM and less in sociology and liberal arts.

this is why Holla Forums will always be irrelevant. you're not just bad at debating, but also unfunny and boring.

How do they manage to make even 2D ugly? oh wait… tumblr…

That is the point though, to post stale leftist memes.

It's just random shit I find while going through their board

Then why do you keep responding?

But sociology involves networking theory, which involves statistical application and quantitative mapping. Else, who would right wing think tanks publish their journals? You silly boy.

Leave this board kike.

You're falling for their manipulation of the past 20-30 years and projecting it back farther than it actually goes.

which right wing think tanks*

Leave this board kike.

You're spot on if these memes are anything to go by. Kikes lack creativity and a e s t h e t i c s.

Nothing ever goes wrong under socialism so whenever something does go wrong it means that it wasn't true socialism.


Leave this board kike.

The inevitable end result is that It is never true socialism, because it always ends up in a disaster.

just start using a tripcode already, you know you want to

You want me to use a trip code?

Leave this board kike.

Only funny bit was the "I'm totally K-selected" part, and I honestly thought that was Holla Forums laughing at itself. That and water-filters, but that's barely even a joke about libertarians. The rest is basically just virtue signalling by way of putting down "inferior" thought.

Either that or it's basic stuff like insulting the "I'm just too smart for your mainstream thought" crowd, but that's not even really a joke.


It's supposed to be a parody of that sort of thinking you dolt. Boy do you look stupid eh.

Leave this board kike.

You just know they will turn around and say "see? we were right all along" when centuries of capitalism finally lead to full scale automation.

I don't know why they can't meme, but I have one that reliably makes people either smile or frown. Ignore the frownies from that point on.

This is why the right wing will always be funnier. We slay our sacred cows for fun. Leftist faggots live in fear of words.

Why do they blow Zizek so much?

He was unfunny and lying in the Bush years, too.

He just wasn't lying as often because there was lots of legitimate criticism to make of the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act, etc.

And he did that terrible GWB impersonation, it was awful every time.

The point of making fun of your enemies is to make an accurate criticism, not make fun of a make-believe caricature.

Whatever it is, it's not funny. Try again.

For the same reason why they blow Stirner and Marx so much, everything he says/writes is barely intelligible and padded to high hell and when you bring this up they counter with the 'you only don't understand him because you are an idiot' argument.

I guess it'll never be as funny as children pretending to be 'national socialists'.


Leave this board kike.

You still aren't funny. You're suffering from leftist projection again, considering I've never said anything about National Socialism, only that the jokes fucking suck.

I may not be funny, but you're angry :3

You mean like this one?>> 6264184

Because left-wing is paid by oligarchs and these people are not into fun.

you're already doing the stock tripfag posts, might as well go all the way

Leave this board kike.

I've listened to that slobbering Rich Vos-sounding faggot so much and it's all stream-of-consciousness babble. I should have known the only reason people pretend to listen to him is e-intellectual signalling vanity.

No thank you :-)

Leave this board kike.

Is there anyone in this thread you aren't going to call mad? Legitimately curious here.

Here I'll give you the links, these are from academic institutions like Stanford, University College London, and NYU.

I'm a neuroscientist, so I can understand this shit if you have any questions faggot, I'll probably make an infograph so other people can blow fucks like you out even faster.

Recent research by University College, London's Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience (Kanai et al., 2011) demonstrated that amygdala volume is related to one's
adherence to either Liberal or Conservative political ideologies. Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Dr Kanai's team identified two measurable differences
between Liberal and Conservative brains. The Liberal exhibited an increase in the thickness of their anterior cingulate cortex, and a diminished amygdala volume relative to their Conservative counterpart.


Current research demonstrates that environmental conditioning towards Liberalism may be facilitated by possession of a specific allele of the gene for Dopamine receptor (DRD4) (Settle et al., 2010) due to increased novelty seeking (correlates with openness on the Big 5 scale).


Mutations in the D4 receptor are also associated with anxiety, depression, and neuroticism (Tochigia et al., 2006), as well as derangements in libido (Ben Zion et al., 2006). Liberals have been shown to exhibit increased depression (Brooks, 2008, p32; Napier and Jost, 2008; Pew Research, 2006), as well as increased libido (Altemeyer, 1981; Jost, 2006; Jost et al., 2003; Treier and Hillygus, 2005).

Here's one of the books he cites, sources for the book are below.



Zion Ben I.Z, et al. Mol. Psychiatry, published online doi: 10.1038/sj.mp.4001832 (2006).

Why are conservatives happier than liberals?
psych.nyu.edu/jost/Napier & Jost (2008) Why are conservatives happier than libe.pdf





I've only called one silly little boy mad. And he was genuinely furious.

Leave this board kike.

also the stock ironic smiley is :^)

Because they like using him to attack things they don't like

Can't be bothered to look for any more on Holla Forums

God damn /k/autusts here you are

I took am a neuroscientist.

But I don't need to be one to know that those papers are all pax-americana academia (^:

Thank you!

Look at all those evil, fascist, right-wing think tanks!

Leave this board kike.


I am not from North America, so my cluelessness about their politics in general - especially American media circlejerk - can be forgiven. The funny part is I know a lot who watched TDS up to 2006/7, then, when the crisis hit and John lost his comedic brat humor and went into "critique" mode, a few switched to Colbert, just for shits and giggles. All stopped watching by 2010. But that can be a generational thing. Not a lot of American youth know that in Europe, they copied the format poorly on each of the European state channels. I think that may partly be a market reaction, but also a deliberate attempt to draw those away who can't follow English more than 5 minutes without getting a headache, i.e. working class normies. There was a short window between 2007 and 2010 for each country in Europe to be accidentally getting redpilled while searching for similar content but more for thinking adults.

German prime example for why leftists can't into funny memes: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heute-show

Bravo Communism.

top cuck


Comrades, why have you stopped posting?

Leave this board kike.


It's so fucking cringey. They should make their own shit instead of nut-riding Holla Forums and changing certain words here and there.

What retardation. The conclusion of "you keep most of the profits" doesn't fucking follow from anything they argued. They just fucking argued that the workers are paying for a man to manage resources properly and make sure things function optimally; jobs they can't fucking do.

Marxists are retarded.

Comrades, let's keep the discussion going!

jesus christ, I think I've got cancer

Keep it up.

Counter sage, comrade.

Leave this board kike.

I'm not your comrade faggot.

But we're faggots in arms, aren't we comrade?

pick one

>mfw the leftists will never get their global gibzmedat lootmass "workers" revolution since most of them hate guns and aren't productive members of society
Molon Labe

Leave this board kike.

Oh boy, and I thought I was shitposting!

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Please tell me the Clik means that she's about to snap her gun out of rage, and not trying to load that nugget like a fucking pumpgun.



not at all like neck-scarved hipster faggots swilling sweatshop coffee while they ponder the finer points of redistribution of wealth. oh and how E3 was sexist
you wouldn't want subliminal 14/88 white pride messages to seep into your children's soft playdough-like minds as they watch Steven Universe, would you?

Nice hitlerdubs you autistic faggot. I noticed these memes
seem to specifically target my man Christopher Cantwell 14/33.

It's not that they are bad but the cartoon's got a point in that conformity which excludes any expression of individuality is not freedom.
Also the cartoon shows the ways that jews manipulate us with, namely: Marxist indoctrination at school, thievish pension schemes used to increase taxes, watching tv, "going to work" a.k.a. 2 car loans 1 mortgage then divorce and pay alimoney + child support.

So I take it you've read all 600 pages of Hegel's Science of Logic and have mastered the philosophical concept of the dialectic and have then proceeded to read Marx' Capital and make notes on it and understand it fully?
Kill yourself pseudocommie cuck.

Leftist """humor""", not even once.

My dialectics can brake bricks!

why are the inside jokes of another subculture not funny to me? I mean, I don't share any of their values, or know any of their history, or even spend any time with them. So naturally I should immediately understand their memes and photoshops, because I'm the target demographic and they make all their content for


Fucks sakes, what a gay thread. Might as well ask why unicyclists can't meme? why can't goths meme? How come metalocalypse isn't funny to me? I listen to nothing but edm at the club but I get adult swim, robot chicken is my shit man.

Leave this board kike.

The cringey part is that you have completely forgotten how to speak like a normal human bean. The average blue collar worker cannot understand anything of thing in that post.

t. average blue-collar worker

Mine too!


But I see you speak fluent bullshit.

this nigga gets it
here, have a zimbabwe woman

You won't fit in here.

Is it bullshit? Or are you just mad? You're just mad and I can smell it.

So you admit to speaking only bullshit? Good to know


Leave this board kike.

Leave this board kike.

Typical leftist.
Lenin would have you hanged.
Lenin quote: "The result is that nobody read Marx but everyone is a socialist!"

Please refer to


This is it. I would replace and/or add PLATO to the Aristotle section as well. Besides for that this is a decent summation

Holla Forums is also a subculture inaccessible to normalfags and they still get our memes. your argument is a shit.

Leave this board kike.

I don't get it.

Isn't our board moderator basically a nigger?

Leave this board kike.

This shit is funnier than anything that leftypol ever made.

leftypol's BO sucked dick for drugs

So does your dad.

Like father like son (^:/

Leave this board kike.


I don't know anything about Holla Forums's moderation. Sorry.


You don't know anything about moderation full stop. Weak!

I browse this board too, y'know!

Leave this board kike.

Thank you based nigger!

Clearly not enough.

What an excellent troll!

I'm still nailing down the part about being a retard unironically.


yeah nah

Holla Forums faggots are terminally unfunny though. I just went over and saw this thread
>>>Holla Forums736131

Arigatou! Honto Arigatou!

Leave this board kike.

Leave this board kike.

you still sound angry to me

when was acknowledging subjectivity promoting relativism?

neither the nazis or the commies bothered to, and got rekt by capitalism which is strong enough to contain it.

that's because you engage in populist dogwhistle politics. you are normalfags, and the broader normie population has already been primed for your memes by tabloids and six o'clock commercial news.

for as long as I've been alive newscorp has picked the leader of my country by relentless shilling. it's the same elsewhere too.

Not nearly as angry as

Leave this board kike.

Too obvious. Come back when you learn some shit, faaaaaaggot.

communism failed

so did fascism

Leave this board kike.

What is Holla Forums's problem with relativism anyway?
How would the recognition that the White European's original morality is merely one amongst many others a weakness or detrimental to itself?
It doesn't imply it's not the best practical one, merely that it's not objective but just an adaptation mechanism for our evolution.
Jews' parasitical nature is an adaptation mechanism which works for them better than our philosphy of empathy would.


isn't that what Holla Forums is all about though?

Of course not silly!


Leave this board kike.



I didn't mean the Holla Forums that only exists on your mind, but the one implemented in real life.


It was your argument though, you silly Nazi!

Leave this board kike.

What is the alternative? Elitism? I thought you commies were against it.

pic related, relativism lead to the cancerous ametaphysical ideology the west has right now, so naturally we have a distaste for its effects. After Nietzsche we're all postmodernists though.

Are you white by chance?

I'm white, of course.

Leave this board kike.

Because being unable comprehend the reality (i.e. choose policies leading to healthy country) you cannot joke about it.

Remember Louis C.U.C.K., he compared Trump and Hillary by equaling the choice between them with choice of pilot of a crashing plane. This may be kinda funny in context of screaming media but does not hold any criticism upon closer inspection.

Destroyed in a war vs. destroyed because it was unsustainable.
Also, post war Right-wing dictatorships such as in Argentine did quite well compared to their communist neighbors.

Meant to say that we choose whether to believe in metaphysics, antimetaphysics, or ametaphysics, rather than saying we're all postmodern which implies we all hold an ametaphysical view.

Is this your break time at the JIDF or something, and this is how you kikes have fun?

Funny how those post-war dictatorships were sponsored by liberals (^:

You do though. Don't be fatuous.

Half the shit I see on here is cuntpasted out of the daily mail, new york post, or wall street journal editorial if it's not directly linking to it.

Has it occurred to you that one of Trump's major policies are a large corporate tax cut? or that his plan to prevent corporate tax rorts is to set up a huge corporate tax rort allowing them to repatriate huge sums of money at a miniscule tax rate.

He may not have waited his turn and gotten scorned by newscorp initially, but as the frontrunner he's being heavily shilled at this point. Why not? they've shilled everyone else who's thrown them a bone on taxation.

Trump is not a jew.

Leave this board kike.

memes arent funny in real life, and leftists try to connect with 'real' people, so they have less use for memes.

cia jews can use memes to make vaccinated autism boys echo their ideas, as part of the much better idea of having the working classes kill each other down to a cooler 500 mill.

I never said he was a jew dude. I didn't even try to imply it and couldn't give a fuck if he was. He's pretty open with his tax plan though.

I'm calling bullshit

I'm guessing those large cities are from Asian countries which were colonized, but which overcame it and became successful.
The mud huts are from Liberia or Ethiopia which were never colonized.
The rice fields are from North Korea which was never part of an European empire.



Liberals in a modern sense or in a cold war anti-communist sense?

what if its a hole in his trousers and you can just see his jumper through it

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Leave this board kike.




I'll have one round of tumblr radfems thank you very much.

just so you know this is a safe space and you need to leave.

In its derogative sense.


Leave this board kike.

Leave this board kike.

very meta.

What do you mean by tools? The education the colonizers gave?



If only the people within your leftist bubble "get" your "humour", then it serves no purpose for anything other than a leftist circlejerk.

GG lads.

Good Game all around.

Leave this board kike.

lol in no way was this a gg for you

In all fairness, most of our cookies would be tied up in the infrastructure itself.

You're 11.9% of this thread.



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The only trouble with the right-hand portion is that there is an element to it often which believes itself hubristically to be God and always eventually gets struck down. I don't disagree with its fundamental premises, however, I believe apotheosis should be trashed for theosis. i.e becoming more like God rather than trying to become God, (because becoming God is impossible).

low effort tbh

Yes goy, live in servitude to your imaginary friend your whole life!
Of course you can't be great, the best you'll ever be is not-super-low-quality-man!
If you disagree then you disapoint this invisible man that I invented just to make you think all races are equal and we are all brothers, hehehe!

It's a buy one get one free on all (you)'s so I just had to.

who would have guessed

Leave this board kike.

It's a Venezuelan thing.

You'd think they'd have more, considering they want to own the memes of production.

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enjoy your meme lines

posting actual memes not fake-ass jeb-tier faggotry

That one already exists, dumbass.
And it's cool as fuck. You're proving our point, you sure taught us.

Reminds me when these retards tried to meme "Dangerous Donald". That sure worked well.

Bad comparison.
A right wing unicyclist would be able to meme just fine.
A left wing unicyclist would not.

"Muslamic ray guns" is hilarious, considering that nothing that guy said was actually wrong, and there are Islamic rape gangs, and people pushing for Sharia law. Let's all focus on the funny way he speaks though.

My kind of app.

Art degree's.

leftards think a smug and dismissive tone is enough to invalidate an argument, consequently they think repeating an argument in babbytalk is a funny way of doing so, completely missing the point as always.

kill yourself if that is your response.

Ironically, "Milhouse is not a meme" is a meme.

I respectfully disagree.

Triggered, christcuck?

They can offend right wingers
They can offend white people
They can offend men


is stormlord a combination of strormfag and shitlord?
i like it

How utterly unsurprising.

Sounds like a metal band. Ravenlord anyone?



Shit, I haven't heard that in years. Now I know for certain that vermin from 4chan/reddit (SRS) followed us here and built their nest next door.

It all comes down to the fact that leftists are literally suicidal.
Allow me to explain:
Who did Pop Pot and the Khmer Rouge come after during their "revolution"?
The intellectuals.
Poor farmers absolutely DESPISE intellectuals, and they were beaten, burned, and shot to death en masse.
Over 700,000 of your precious pet Muslims were killed as well.
Speaking of Muslims, do you really think these barbaric third-worlders, most of which were just imported from a piteral warzone, are going to put up with your beloved gays, trannies, and infidels?
"Oh, but not ALL Muslims, bigot"
51% of Muslims in AMERICA ALONE want Sharia Law.
Whether our ideology our theirs prevails, you are beyond fucked at this point.
You'll get beheaded in the streets by Achmed's good ol' rusty butcher knife, or get thrown out of fucking helicopters and C-130s by us.
"Oh, but we can win by tolerance!"
You really think you can win against us, many of us being ex-military/police and generally stronger, faster, tougher, and smarter than you?
And don't make me even get started on the Muslims, it's hilarious just imagining you pathetic rainbow flag waivers going up against a brutal, no-holds-barred religion that has been waging constant holy war (and for the most part, winning) for the past 1,000 years.
Whether it's the RWDS or the Shariah Death Squad, either way you've dug your own grave at this point.
You're deluded enough to think that you, a problem glasses-wearing Starbucks coffee-drinking university-attending privileged hipster, who has never done an honest hour of manual labor in your life, are the "proloteriat". The only reason you still believe this at this point is because your enormous victim complex reaffrims it.
By the very definition, you ARE the bourgeoisie. The middle class.
And you know who the proliteriat comes after in your "revolutions"?
Not the upper class, not the CEOs.
The middle class.
The bourgeoisie.
You know who's the REAL PROLITERIAT?
ME. The disenfranchised white farmers.
You think you have minorities/brown people/etc. on your side, but you are mistaken.
You think blacks and Hispanics want to be even bigger welfare slaves under your deluded leftist nanny state system?
Yeah, we joke about blacks, Hispanics, etc. a lot around here, but I've met plenty that are a lot smarter than they let on, and they are converting to Trump and conservatism en masse.
Don't even make me get started on the Asians. There's a reason why your globalist cancer hasn't spread to their lands yet.
Within the next 50 years, China, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, and your beloved Cuba will all become capitalist, and all you can do about it is cry.
In a recent poll 95 PERCENT of Vietnamese people agreed with the statement "the freer the market, the the freer the people", with even the majority of the VIETNAMESE GOVERNMENT also agreeing.
Right wing humor is funny because you're putting something on the line, it's edgy, new, offensive, and dangerous, whereas the left just sprouts out the same watered down- self-destructive propaganda over and over.
You're not putting anything on the line.
All in all, leftism is a parasitic and self-destructive ideology that requires the constant reaffirmation of a victim complex, whereas the right is composed of self-constructive beliefs and survivalist values.
We believe in the laws of nature, unlike your artificially constructed crutches HAN can easily be kicked out from under you.
I'm in the best shape of my life and I know I can take on the entire goddamn world, and unlike you, I'm genuinely happy.
You don't know how to lose, or how to appreciate the little things in life.
There's a reason why the USSR was famous for suicidal novelists. Despair will kill you. Not me.
Leftists are basically the Borg from Star Trek, lifeless, thoughtless, sucicidal automatons, nothing more.

I think leftists do the memeing for us.

tbh I find hoxha bunker memes pretty funny

It's not like all leftists are regressive or anything

it probably is
the problem with the complementary combination is that "shit-fag" does actually exist irl and refers to leisure practices of a protected class, so a leftist can't use it despite its superior insulting power
it's hard to be a leftist

This is a picture I saw on kikebook today, leftists actually think shit like this is funny.

The majority of the 1% is jewish

It should be "Why I support trump" in big letters at the top, then a pithy, three to five word phrase. So for the last one "Because i'm running for re-election", etc.

It should probably be a series of memes as well, instead of giant compilation so you can shitpost the best one that fits your particular needs at any given moment

This perfectly portrays leftists, no words needed, their normalfag shit smug emojis that they spam when they're not even close to laughing unless it's some nig nog joke like "wen duh booty go boom on muh dik", while all the while they just want to die inside because they feel unfulfilled in their life of virtue signaling and desperate attempts to be on "le right side of history"

That was the first and last panel I read in that 'comic'

I'm sure everyone here's seen the pic of Sam Hyde with the rifle in his mouth, was he copying Kurt?

Holy shit, stop right there, you're genuinely triggering my PTSD for this fucking bastard right here, you got me, you pinko.

1. No one says "freeze peach" outside of SRS

2. This is the meme equivalent of restating your opponent's words in a silly mocking voice. It's the kind of thing little kids do right before they start hitting each other.

Same thing with "they terk er jurbs". They literally did, illegal immigrants take jobs that would otherwise go to teens and the lower class. But by saying it in a mocking tone, the argument is somehow invalidated according to the left.

This is also the same category of meme that Drumpf and "gamergoobers/gators" falls into. No counterpoint is made to disprove their opponen;, instead, a mocking name is given. "Oh, you oppose illegal immigration? Well guess what? I just called you a silly name. Now your platform is discredited. Tough luck."

Me too! Brain racists!

Ohohoho, thank you dearly for the compliments! This is the nicest thing a leftist has ever said about me us!

Well at least they tried? Still the fact they're saying literature on race has no citations is beyond retarded. "anti Race" literature just sources other propaganda by other jews. It's sort of like the holohoax where lies just source more blatant lies, but people are too lazy to read sources so they believe it.

Capped for posterity.

Most are incapable of 3rd party self-reflection (seeing outside looking in).

Example, old friend of mine just made doctor I. The south, will be big kahuna in his town or so he thinks. I want to show him this


But he won't listen. And he's right wing as hell normally. It just hurts so much to hear that he is dead wrong, he tunes it out psychologically.

smuggies are truly the best recent meme

*counter signals

Because they are obsessed with the idea of forcing everyone in the world to believe in their ideals. So their memes revolve around strong arming people into following their way.

While we don't really give a flying fuck if they convert to nationalism, so we focus on actually being funny.

If you're so good at memeing, then come to the meme thread

Did you just get that from twitter?
I just posted it on there

How adorable, yet another violent revenge fantasy you'd desperately love to fulfill but can't because everyone knows it won't happen.

Similar in vein but not completely unrelated to muh happenings

I remember seeing some interview with Bob Odenkirk a while ago, where he said his daughter asked him what comedy was. He thought about it and then told her that comedy is basically honesty.

I think that's why they're so incapable of being funny. They aren't telling the truth. They rely on their audience being uninformed in order for their comedy to work; but the Internet, being a huge repository of information, is a less effective venue for them because there's a higher probability of their audience being truly informed.

I'm really starting to enjoy smuggies, i'll be honest, they're not a great meme, but they are fun.

There's your problem. Lefties have plenty of memes, they're just not the viral, fun ones we have.
is on of their most successful ones.
a lesser but otherwise prevalent one

I'm sure there's others but you've got to look for them.

Pick one and only one.

What's the matter, you fags got your spot on the recommended board list after all your kvetching anyway, why are you still mad?

Christ, not only is it cuckoldery, it's factually incorrect.

On every level.

It is. Embed related.

They can't into arcane astral arts

this is too perfect. It's amazing how whenever you're having an argument with a neckbeard moron, he happens to be a credentialed professional in the field that's brought up, and proceeds to use said authority to contradict you without references. I'm sure.

They actually hate zizek now.

Ever since he started making anti-immigration statements from a hegelian-marxist position back in mid 2015, endless reams of commie anti-zisek facebook groups, blogs and articles began appearing.


What a wonderful time to be alive.

I can't even read the Rand one. You undermen really do suck at meme magic.


Humor, at its core, is derived from being confronted with something that could cause stress or tension, but instead shown it's nothing to worry about. It essentially requires one to admit their own fault in being lead (whether intentionally by another party or simple misunderstanding) to believing something. If you can't do that, you won't ever truly get comedy. You need to be able to laugh at yourself and admit you're capable of making mistakes.

The modern leftist is too busy trying to push an agenda and trying to maintain MUH SAFE SPACE to ever even try to set up any kind of tension. They'll just go for the punchline without any context. That's why they're more likely to spout stupid "in joke" bullshit for a sense of "Ha ha, you too??" than anything else. They don't want memes with context, they want instant gratification and solidarity.

They'll never know what made something like rickrolling funny- because its very inception was born in something derived from a simplistic form of ye olde trolling.

That's not to say leftists can't be FUNNY (plenty of comedians are sadly politically retarded), but they'll almost always be incapable of spreading comedic memes. At best, they can use buzzfeed, et al to spread short lived "memes"… that aren't really shared from person to person, but instead handed to them via consumption sites and later forgotten.

I should clarify that it's not just leftists who have this issue, though- plenty of neo-cons have this issue, too. They just can't be fucking funny since they're too self righteous to even laugh when they're the butt of the joke. Unlike leftists, though, neo-cons stay away from mainstream internet culture, social media, etc and just stick to church and small communities for social interaction. So you probably just never see them if you spend a lot of time on the internet.

I fucking hate their subs

high caliber check

The funny part about this comic is that the supposed protagonists are unsympathetic violent retards and the libertarian is a badass

gave me a kek but I have no idea what the purpose is, so clearly it's a Holla Forums meme

I've never known anyone to tell a dad joke before.

The insult to him is okay, but whose ever gotten upset about someone questioning their father's sexuality.


Please oh god tell me this is ironic. This is worse than sonic OC. It doesn't get much worse than this

You don't become that ignorant without trying.
this doesn't mean it's a joke*

Not even cute, at least make the art cute.

Humour, fundamentally, comes from the ability to shift one's perspective. To reframe something. Leftists try to reframe everything into the same frame whereas other people try to reframe things from how they're framed into something odd and unconventional. Lefists, because of their attempt to homogenise how things are framed and establish a universal context on how things are interpreted, they're literally "anti-humour".

I always suspected Zizek and Badiou were basically closet fascists infiltrating the left from within.

Yeah pretty much all the "arguments" used in their maymays are just regular "lol you dont understand xd" or "you are just le stubid racist xd".

They are too busy being offended by everything
As i already said they are offended by everything


They are autists incapable of shit and piss humor.


Hitler dubs confirm truth of reaction.

post some, I see potential.

I would give billions to be with her.

OMG, it's called autism you fucking Nazi!!!

Humour is a man's quality, and leftists hate men.

Being funny necessitates intellect

agreed. was that series of cat comics was really created by someone from Holla Forums? Sure the capitalist and libertarian are total strawmen, but so are the two commies.

at least the capitalist has confidence & charisma and the libertarian appears to be the most intelligent of the 4. i'm not a lolbertarian, so i'm not saying that because i think her ideas are best

but the only noteworthy thing about the two commies is one is a violent retard, and the other keeps the violent commie in check.

will this meme ever die?

I think that's part of it, but also what
was saying, they can't be offensive, but also, their entire system is based on lies, that's why I call them liebereals. Another factor is we don't have any reputation to gain or lose, memes succeed through natural selection, on their own merits, where as the lefty's do everything for internet or social signalling points


Anyone remember the Bush years, all these "comedians" popping out of the woodwork like Jon "Stewart" (((Leibowitz))) and (((Bill Maher)))? Their comedy routines basically revolved around "BUSH IZ STOOPID GUIZE11!!!1" and portraying the republicans and right-wingers as being the all-powerful and everywhere in media and news, when in reality all it had was fucking Fox News (which is shit neocohen garbage but I won't get started on that) on TV. And that was about it. It was always "MUH BUSH IS DUM" and "MUH FOX NEWS" over and over again. It gets so bad sometimes that their own guests have to call them out on it like what happened with (((Maher))). Now Bush wasn't capable and was essentially a puppet for neocohens behind the scenes especially Cheney who everyone knew was really running the show but he wasn't an idiot. His own SAT scores proved that and if you remove his strange Texas drawl and actually listen to him talk, he's very clearly not stupid, as much as I despise the entire Bush dynasty. Then you realise the hypocrisy, these "leftist" "comedians" make millions like that fat hypocritical piece of shit Michael Moore while whining about the rich to appeal to and profit off of their useful idiot crowd, shoveling and shoving bluepills down their mouth. Even more funny when you realise the likes of Jon "Stewart" (((Leibowitz)'s brother was literally the head of (((Wall Street))), which is why OWS was give such shit all coverage from his shitshow. It also begins to become extremely plain and clear that they were just shilling for shekels and jewing as usual. For example, when Michael (the ex-head of the CIA Bin Laden unit) was on (((Maher)))'s show and called out israel and zionism, things leftards hate (as should everyone really). Now, Maher is an infamous far leftard no matter how much he tries to deny it by pretending he's some edgy libertarian but when Michael spoke the truth, he went full shill for his shitty tribe against all leftard beliefs and while at first his own audience clapped against him in agreement with Michael, he went full jew and tried to shut up his own audience and like the trained seals they were, they stopped clapping. Oh by the way, Greg Gutfeld did a great explanation of how (((Maher's))) comedy works in his interview with Reason TV with Katherine Mangu-Ward, he breaks down nearly all leftist "comedy" and the whole leftist diatribe. Same with (((Leibowitz))), who hides behind "muh antisemitism" and "muh I'm just a comedian" (which was disproven when he pulled that restore sanity rally) smugly knowing exactly what he was doing and pretending sarcastically to an obnoxious degree and slimes his way out . Oh and further hypocrisy was when Mr.(((Leibowitz))) goes and shills the leftard agenda, it turns out he did the following; have unpaid interns, got butthurt when his own fucking writing staff tried to unionise, jew with his intern's and employees e-mails and many many more. He is no comedian, he is a demagogue shill like most every other famous leftard trying to make a shekel off idiots.



They built up these annoying false narratives like how the right-wing was what owned and dominated the media, even though one look at reality and most every single show and network on TV was leftard shilling. For example, they shilled constantly that the right-wing was what owned the news but outside the Fox News they never shut the fuck up about, what else was there? Nothing. Meanwhile they have literally every single mainstream media outlet network outside Fox News, even the Fox Network itself! Virtually every show on Primetime Fox was shilling leftard propaganda throughout all their shows and not just deeply unfunny leftard garbage like Family Guy. This is even more true when you take into account the corporations, the same "muh corporations" that leftists and their demagogues always whine about always taking their side and it shows like their censorship of the right and obvious leftist shilling. They try to convince you that their position is the most and only rational one and that voting against them is voting against your interest. But common sense says, that doesn't make sense. Why? Because they hate you, they hate you because you're white so it's only common sense to vote in the interest of your race, which is why shit like this happened

Whites now believe they are greater victims of racism than blacks




Looking at the media, who can blame whites for thinking such, right?

They have the audacity to wonder why someone like Trump could make it far as he did

There's this false idea of white privilege now that makes no sense because if white people really did have that privilege as they claim, nobody would be able to criticise or whine about white people like you can't with (((happy merchants))), who have the most obvious and overwhelming privilege from income to representation to actual power in government.

But voting in the interest of yourself as x race, this is the same thing literally every other race does because it's logical but the leftists do not hinder them on this because they aren't white but everyone else does it. Because it's logical. Now if you aren't a white and aren't the type of minority that didn't chimpout which included "uncle toms" and other such types (my word, you want to see real racism all you have to do is look at the left when there's a minority that doesn't tow their line like a slave) then don't expect anything close to the left ever supporting you as they pretend to. The only thing that held back the right was the religious fundie types and neocohens. On everything else; it was pure facts, statistics, and logic. While the left now runs on the utterly insane religion of muh feels and a complete disregard for anything that doesn't fit a very delusional narrative that does not reflect reality. But let's get back to the whole deal with leftist "comedy".

The elections were over and there was a change in the top power in the country.

Then, Bush out the door, and king nigger gets in. What happens? The leftist "comedians" begin to show everyone how unfunny they truly were, so much so that many were forced into an early retirement.

Of course, in a sense, I used to be like this guy until I snapped out of it. Only now I realise that leftist "comedy" isn't funny, it's just smug and obnoxious and filled with lies and virtue signaling to feed their own smugness and need for attention or monetary gain.

A lot more are waking up now too like that guy and I did, you can only put up with so much lies and outright bullshit for so long until you realise, "this isn't right"

RIP Rhodesia

Right in the feels

Well le current year man will have plenty of material with Trump.

We'll preserve this little nation
For our children's children too

Shows exactly why the left has proved unable to hinder us in any way. So many Holla Forumsacks have gone through the teenage liberal rebellion phase, that we, as a whole, understand them. We understand not only their worldview, but also the emotional ties to it, the underlying insecurities and desires it represents - because at some point, so many of us were like them. But we weren't satisfied, we kept looking for answers, even when provided with ready made ones. Why? Because even though they feel good - and nothing feels better than just accepting a set of ideals that is unshakeable and forgetting about doubt - the arguments never quite held up. We sought the truth, and ended up here. That's why so many liberals turn into 1488 gasthekikesracewarnow.png bad goys, and yet no one ever looks back. It is possible to fully understand the liberal mindset as a polack, but it is not vice versa. Because understanding Holla Forums means becoming Holla Forums.

As the late great C.S. Lewis said, people who label themselves progressive tend to be anything but.

What most people see as progress: doing things more efficiently, more easily, better. Providing for better lives in the future. Making their children more successful. Making society something more than it currently is, something better. Good example: ensuring continued survival of our descendants by conquering the stars.
People who think that something must be changed for the sake of change. If something has started moving in a direction, according to progressives - progress means to take it to its logical conclusion. Examples: legalizing pedos and bestiality.
Servants of Tzeentch and Slaanesh.
To be purged.

again, leftists think anyone rich is a bad person, which is why they love bernie sanders, the poor communist jew who was secretly rich because he hid is wealth with his wife, then got $200m in donations and is going to retire wealthy


The reason leftists can't meme, or at least one of the reasons, is that they can't figure out how to use photoshop without a $50,000 college degree.

No faggot, Holla Forums memes don't convey emotion, they convey truth which in turn causes emotion as a reaction. Look at pic related. I just made it in photoshop in 10 seconds but it's better than every Holla Forums meme ever made because it references a truth(niggers = shit) and elicits an emotional reaction based on said truth(like anger and/or amusement at how shit niggers are), which re-affirms the meme.

Holla Forums is completely disconnected from the truth and therefore has a severe lack of meme power. Their memes, if you can even call them that, can never illicit emotions or enjoy affirmations like the truth does.

This is why lefty memes go nowhere. Nobody is going to read all that shit, especially when it isn't even that funny. It actually requires quite a lot of background knowledge, humour shouldn't require that much effort.

These are in-jokes, not memes.


jews generally comes under cronies and rent-seekers though

it should be parasites not predators

'''Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled
society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of
our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can
serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern
society in general.'''

'''But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century
leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today
the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be
called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in
mind mainly socialists, collectivists, "politically correct" types,
feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and
the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these
movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing
leftism is not so much a movement or an ideology as a psychological
type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by
"leftism" will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of
leftist psychology'''

'''Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good deal less
clear than we would wish, but there doesn't seem to be any remedy for
this. All we are trying to do is indicate in a rough and approximate
way the two psychological tendencies that we believe are the main
driving force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be telling
the WHOLE truth about leftist psychology. Also, our discussion is
meant to apply to modern leftism only. We leave open the question of
the extent to which our discussion could be applied to the leftists of
the 19th and early 20th century.'''

'''The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we
call "feelings of inferiority" and "over-socialization." Feelings of
inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while
over-socialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of
modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.'''

'''By "feelings of inferiority" we mean not only inferiority feelings
in the strictest sense but a whole spectrum of related traits: low
self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies,
defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend
to have such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these
feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.'''

'''When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said
about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that
he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is
pronounced among minority rights advocates, whether or not they belong
to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are
hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities. The terms
"negro," "oriental," "handicapped" or "chick" for an African, an
Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory
connotation. "Broad" and "chick" were merely the feminine equivalents
of "guy," "dude" or "fellow." The negative connotations have been
attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal
rights advocates have gone so far as to reject the word "pet" and
insist on its replacement by "animal companion." Leftist
anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about
primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative.
They want to replace the word "primitive" with "non-literate." They seem
almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive
culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that
primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the
hypersensitivity of leftist anthropologists.) '''

==Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect"
terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant,
abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of
whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from
privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold
among university professors, who have secure employment with
comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual, white
males from middle-class families.==

'''Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of
groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American
Indians), repellent (homosexuals), or otherwise inferior. The leftists
themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit
it to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely
because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with
their problems. (We do not suggest that women, Indians, etc., ARE
inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology).'''

'''Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as
strong as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women
may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.'''

'''Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong,
good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western
civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The
reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not
correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West
because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so
forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in
primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he
GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points
out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in
Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the
leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates
America and the West because they are strong and successful.'''

'''Words like "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative",
"enterprise," "optimism," etc. play little role in the liberal and
leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic,
pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone's needs for them,
take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense
of confidence in his own ability to solve his own problems and satisfy
his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of
competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.'''

'''Art forms that appeal to modern leftist intellectuals tend to
focus on sordidness, defeat and despair, or else they take an
orgiastic tone, throwing off rational control as if there were no hope
of accomplishing anything through rational calculation and all that
was left was to immerse oneself in the sensations of the moment.'''

'''Modern leftist philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science,
objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally
relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the
foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the
concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that
modern leftist philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians
systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply
involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack
these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one
thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent
that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More
importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they
classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and
other beliefs as false (i.e. failed, inferior). The leftist's feelings
of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification
of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or
inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the
concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are
antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior
because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or
inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or
blame for an individual's ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is
"inferior" it is not his fault, but society's, because he has not been
brought up properly.'''

'''The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of
inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter,
a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith
in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but
he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong,
and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant
behavior. But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings
of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as
individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the
leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization
or a mass movement with which he identifies himself.'''

'''Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists
protest by lying down in front of vehicles, they intentionally provoke
police or racists to abuse them, etc. These tactics may often be
effective, but many leftists use them not as a means to an end but
because they PREFER masochistic tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist

'''Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion
or by moral principle, and moral principle does play a role for the
leftist of the over-socialized type. But compassion and moral principle
cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too
prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power.
Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of
benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help.
For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black
people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or
dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a
diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal
and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative
action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take
such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs.
Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems
serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and
frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black
people, because the activists' hostile attitude toward the white
majority tends to intensify race hatred.'''

'''If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would
have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse
for making a fuss.'''


Some do.

Most don't.

Some propose that such menial labour should be the preserve of criminals or the defective.
That it would keep retards and the like occupied if you had them engaged in such tasks and provide some utility to their existence.

Because they're gaylords

The left don't have KEK on their side.

They don't know how to harness the power of KEK.

They did not come up with that cat she was given to them by Holla Forums and they didn't care until we toyed with stealing her

Everything on the left is organized by the Jew and they are uncreative and dumb, and would like to put as little effort into their shilling as possible



I was just bringing up the Nationalist point of view that every people deserves its own sovereign nation.
However I also think that Rhodesia and South Africa should have remained as they were.


Don't mind this post faggots, just checking something

One day we will take you back and make you great.

When you laugh at the strawman, the strawman laughs back.

I find it interesting how destiny works, in the sense that, most of us here started out as left-wing only to realise that everything the left said the right-wing was, the left actually was itself and worse. Maybe the whole left-wing/right-wing is jewry in itself, I don't know but sure enough there's always a merchant shilling behind both and always for their tribe even if that side is supposed to be against them. That Maher example a poster in this spoke of was spot on. I only hope someone can save Europe and western civilisation before it is too late and looking at trends, it seems to be the new guy will most likely be from France rather than Germany this time or at least another Austrian guy but lives in France. Maybe destiny is ironic and has a sense of humour too, mon ami…

So something I've been thinking lately on the meme front.

More specifically pepe and feelsguy.

Look at how the two have changed over the years and the shit they've been drawn doing.

Pepe started out as that sad frog and became smug and then this fucking horrifying entity that delighted in torturing the feelsguy.

While feelsguy remained much the same prior to and during the torture but since the torture phase he's become something to which a more militant and aggressive attitude is attatched rather than the hopeless depression originally symbolised by him.
Dare I say it, feelsguy is even a symbol of hope at times I mean look at:

And now pepe has morphed into kek. Egyptian deification of the concept of darkness. Also known as a light bringer as he was seen as what came before the light.

So in a way. Have we been torturing ourselves as a community with pepe?
To purge ourselves of the hopeless depression that feelsguy represented.
Was smugtorturepepe our dark before the light?

Pepe started as the "Feels good man" frog, then became the "Feels bad man" frog, then became just sad frog.

I had completely forgotten that.

Well sure adds a new element to the whole tale.

Suffering breeds strength.

Among the champagne socialists, Ariana Huffington is possibly among the worst. She is so far up her own arse that she cultivated this cringey and admittedly faux upper class accent. She wouldn't even be worth a damn without her rich husband and all the extreme privilege she has throughout her life, it's all just a game of fools to these elites. They do not care about about the people they claim, it's all just a scam so they can pat themselves on the back to feed their own disgusting smug sense of self-satisfaction. How many times is it just I caaaare and how dare you not caaaare while their extreme hypocrisy so blatantly shows itself. It's revolting, these people are generally the first to die in a leftist revolution because the real working class utterly despises them to the core and see right through them but they probably know that themselves which is why they have no problem stepping on the real working class. The ones that must personally deal with the effects of diversity and other such filth, while they stow away in their upper middle class or rich all white neighbourhoods while reading their latest issue of The Guardian. One of the greatest proofs or examples I have seen against champagne socialists is this


Simple put, read the comments and it'll speak it all, loud and clear.

Oh and I see $hillary is already preparing for that Elizabeth Warren faux Native American scammer who only pretended to ever care about or be a Native FOR MONEY AND POWER. There's a clear pattern here and every leftist should ask themselves, How stupid am I or how stupid do these people think I am?. Don't fall for their lies, it's all about self-promotion and profiting off the useful idiots and at the expense of those who are truly in need.

The deciding authority in who is a criminal or "defective" or not is still an imperfect one.

That would have been great. I guess Nationalism in general would have a better stand now if these two white lead prospering countries still existed. That would be the best example for all these anti-nationalism cucks.

*cess pool

This is exactly why I simply don't buy the phrase "well-meaning".

A well-meaning person investigates their viewpoints and attempts to seek answers beyond things that "sound good" in the most superficial sense imaginable. It doesn't take very long to speak fluent leftist where you find out that their twisted ideas of "equality" and "fairness" are in fact cynical ploys to arbitrarily punish people they don't like in some weird revenge fantasy.

Retards dont know a triggerlees gun is 100% safe.

Having read and purchased every issue of Punisher MAX, I'm convinced Garth Ennis is a Holla Forumsack.

No, he means you literally just did what you're explaining. You took something simple and understandable and made it into a long as explanation

You literally just did what you're complaining about. And now I'm having to explain it to you, fucking damnit user stop proving points and making me prove points

Adeptus Admemestratum

This just proves to me that Holla Forums is always 10 memes ahead.

I see dat

Wojak did nothing wrong, Pepe should never have turned on the based Holla Forumsish man.

I can't seem to find my threadcap, but the crux of it is that they are indeed educated pussies. To paraphrase another user: they are funny in the way that a commercial can be funny or witty. You can get a little laugh out of it, but nothing of the sort that splits your sides with laughter. All humor is exaggeration and no joke can exist where not even a hint of truth is absent. The type of humor you get here is fully willing to challenge and make absurdities of all that is sacred. Leftie humor is all about slaying the calves that you are allowed to, but that's nothing more than ritual sacrifice, not gut wrenching and hilarious sacrilege. Left leaning humor is all safe while ours is inherently risky. In the end the others' style of humor is validating their own self-importance and to reinforce their own need to feel smart and included. Hence the use of [current year] to reflect how their joining in the laugh track means they understand and are included within the in group. That they are privy to the truth and all others who disagree with them are buffoons worthy of ridicule. Their humor is not funny, rather it is smug. Of course, if you tell this to someone deeply entrenched on the left they will claim that is how the right operates. Such is the nature of their indoctrination.

A lot of the leftypol memes I see remind me of these stupid bookmarks they used to sell at this christian book store. It was just picture of some various popular franchises (like pokemon for example) with bible verses slapped on it. Unable to appeal to children on their own, they'd have to piggy back on something they did like, similar to these leftpol memes that are bland and unfunny on their own, so they piggy back on another established meme or media.

remember all that spook shit?
I still don't get that.

Christians talk about this, it's called reprobacy. It goes like this, the good things in you are there because you've got a bit of the Holy Spirit in you, everyone's got a bit of it and it comes to full power when you are a good virtuous christian. But if you are knowingly evil then the Holy Spirit will leave your sorry ass behind and you'll become as foul as the worst jews because you don't have any good left in you. Where christians go wrong is that there is but one God and His name is Kek. By being evil leftists have lost the capacity to channel the memeforce and thus have to rely on tyrannical thoughtcontrol to maintain any relevance in the collective unconcious.

It worked in Africa because both of those nations were Anglo-lead, not just white-lead. Anglos and Germanics are the top-tier creators and leaders of nations. That's why you don't see nationalism working quite as well in Eastern Europe and Asia.

Unsurprisingly, leftist's are """"redistributing"""" memes that they are incapable of creating on their own

Because they don't make decisions on their own.

They just follow whatever meme their handlers and marxist psychologists make for them to parrot.

I love your post and pic. BUT

Let me play devil's advocate with my picture..


I got the implication easily, the rainbow filter combined with smug Pepe standing in raining blood made it pretty obvious.

OK meme magicians.

Can someone please combine the following images - the hitler head on Steve - with the caption, "How do you do fellow StormLords?" Having a bugger of a time with gradient blending.

Praise kek and thanks.

Their memes are overthought and overdeveloped, kind of like an old person trying to be hip/with it.

Most fun memes are just shit like reaction images with some silly phrase under it that gets a point across

It can be taken any way you want but in the end it's just a relatable idea.

Leftist memes are only relatable to leftist ideas, which we all know are garbage.

Because their memes are agenda driven and they can't tell truths. The funniest memes rely on truth, or the raw honesty in a context. To be a lefty you can't think logically about political issues, so you can't harness that truth and humour of pointing out the emperor is not wearing any clothes.

Look at John Oliver's latest brexit bullshit. The song at the end starts off quite funny, then they have to suck up and push a bullshit political point so it gets unfunny. Therein lies the crux of the reality

topkek, well played

Because without Bush, there's no way they can pretend to be funny.


C.S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #3)

A poignant joke or piece of satire, especially when it comes to politics, is either based on truth or has some kernel of truth deep inside.

Marxism revolves around pretending reality isn't a thing. Between this and their hopeless projection, leftists are horrible at comedy unless they commit hypocrisy, usually.

Muh soggy knees (for excessive and inaccurate claims of misoginny) was an unexpected consequence you that shit meme. Also gives a mental image of wet knees from the semen that splashed on the floor while she was kneeling before your yuuuuuuuuge cock.

They're stealing our meme magic, what do

Thats reddit tier shit bruh.

And that's the reason why they are so terrified by being outsmugged by weeb social pariahs.

We are the needle for their inflated ego.

Legendary Bread of Awakening

Thank you.

At last I truly see.


Shitty comic aside, I wouldn't mind having lolberg's app.

who you fucking callling leftypol you fucking faggot

Even during BREXIT victory, this is still the best thread


That's pretty good though.


Because they are followers.


Holy crap, I actually heard him say "I'm trying to eat here, don't take my picture"


Here is the hilarious part.

You know when the leftists say "B-but i-its current year!"

They are actually parroting John Oliver, and sadly enough, they are expecting a laugh track immediately after they utter that phrase…

And when it doesn't happen, they panic.

Leftists are utterly incapable of seeing any perspective other than their own.

It's why they gain so much confidence when discussing shit in their hugboxes, but then absolutely fail to convert anyone to their side.

They literally don't know how to handle people with differing opinions, because their brain cannot cope with the fact that theirs isn't the only perspective in existance.

They lack empathy, and compassion.

Leftism = The squeeky wheel gets the grease

So leftists try to squeek the loudest.

They corperations who manipulate the leftists have weaponized "Awkwardness"

Whenever a leftist begins "Arguing"…. and are presented with facts, or the slightest bit of opposition, they immidiately throw a temper tantrum that makes everyone else in the area too uncomfortable to even bother continuing to try to debate with these overgrown toddlers, and they just give up and walk away… while the leftists consider this acquiescence, and claim victory.

The corperations in control of leftists, hire think tanks to come up with memetic soundbytes, that they then dissiminate through social media to all of the leftists, who immidiately begin parroting these talking points.

So, just remember, when you are arguing with a leftist, you are in fact arguing against a sound byte, being regurgitated by a clueless moron that has no Idea what it even means.

This is why you can't convince them that they are wrong…. they don't know what that means, they don't know what their talking points mean, and they wouldn't know the difference between being right or wrong even looks like.

The best way to argue against leftists, is to cleverly use their own talking points against them.

Because it short circuits the carefully arranged layers of propaganda that has built up in their mind over the years, making them instantly question the validity of "Their Own" perspective on reality.

Pic related.

That's the interesting thing about propaganda… it's all lies.

And when all you know about the world is made up of carefully crafted lies, eventually some of those lies are going to straight up contradict eachother.

This is known as cognative dissonance, holding two mutually exclusive ideas in your head at the same time.

The trick, is to get them thinking about BOTH positions, simultaniously, while highlighting the mutually exclusive nature of both positions.

It actually shuts down their brain for a few minutes, it's a hell of a thing to see, actually.

In the more extreme cases of cognative dissonance, this tactic (shorting out their propaganda) can lead to a uncontrolled neural cascade, as their brain frantically begins to fact check all of the previous assumptions and perceptions that they (used to) hold, and desperately seeking out and correcting any incorrect perspective that is related to the initial short circuit.

This is actually an instinct, based on the correct perception of reality being a survival trait (It's why we have eyes and ears, to perceive reality correctly, so that we can survive in it.)

Typicall there are two types of responses to a succesful propaganda short circuit.

1. The Useful idiot notices the discrepancy, panics, re-evaluates their perceptions, tries to rebuild it from the ruins, etc…

2. The Shill realizes that he has been caught in a lie, and immediately begins to shift the conversation away from the topic, distract the audience with red herrings, and attempt to salvage his public persona from the crushing defeat of having his own arguments being used against him.

Used "current year" for redpill opinions.

Replied "yes, and?" to when they cries "racist".

Left with no retorts.

They could only cry.

It was glourious.

Once this technique is mastered, you will be able to burst sideplates, make fires rise, convert an enemy, or make them burst into tears.

We will meme until no breath utters jewish-leftist lies.

And this tactic only works against leftists, and those who believe jewish lies.

Immersion = broken

Quality argument, libtard.

don't forget foul bachelor frog, which is what we all identified as during the long years under Bush and then Obama in which things slowly got worse and worse

This image is retarded as it presents nothing new. The idea of man as a rising beast is just the same old enlightenment tripe of utopianism and the rejection of history as a cyclical, ever worsening spiral of entropy.

Civilization is only possible when there is no seperation between myth and truth. Myth informs ritual, ritual informs practice, practice defines culture, if you reject transcendental myths and mans place as the receiver of the divine civilization becomes impossible because you lack any basis on which common ritual and practice can form and thus culture and civilization can develop.

Man… I actually laugh at these despite half of them being pretty true.

but they THINK they are rebelling against everything.
This is the most crucial thing about the media narrative.

Honesty is required for top-notch meming.

Liberals are therefore out, immediately.

You're thinking of John Oliver.

too real

How eager they are to assume the libertarian, uh, catgirl doesn't understand being poor. Meanwhile, a working poor person like myself couldn't possibly associate with these holier-than-thou types. If this comic is legit, they do a great job alienating people like me, the kind they supposedly fight for, by shaming everyone that doesn't fit their ideology.

Holla Forums is so uncreative they actively degrade things they didn't even make into being copies of other things.

Leftists don't have souls. Leftists aren't even human. They were created by Kek to be our enemies so that we may be tested.



The needs to be updated now that it's out Jared likes veal.

Of course when you turn it back on them with muh antiseptic…


Oh Jesus I've pissed off so, so many leftists with SOGGY KNEES

You know what's really gross? Toxic shock syndrome.

They sure like manspending though, don't they?

The (((right))) is. When Milo appears on the Merchant Minute, let me know.

They are in the wrong side of the universe. Humor is a natural/universal language.

The current Neo-Liberalism was created by Jews.

As we all know Jews are only funny to laugh at.


That's called the 'living near Detroit' mindset.

What's disgusting to me is that you saved a thumbnail.



These sound much better if you imagine them read by Veruca Salt.

What is this? A picture for microbes?

That reminds me of one of the many times Wikipedia disappeared up its own ass. Over a Phillip Roth novel.



Now there is a meme I haven't seen in a long time

Probably because it's very career-limiting if you are in a field (i.e. academia) based on nepotism, logrolling and asspatting. I 'lost' a lot of 'friends' a few years ago because I could not longer lie to myself and others over some of their bad behaviour. Turns out I was just a coward who needed to find his groove, and I have.

Of course, if you right compare this to a closeted turd burglar or rug muncher, you get the le false eqivalence deflection. Sorry for the blog posting, but this is a rather important subject to me and overcoming it really helped me grow as a person.

The left sucks at memes because good memes contain subversive themes that run counter to mainstream or acceptable standards. They suck at memes because the left is culturally mainstream and politically the 'establishment'.
Their memes aren't funny because they have no subtle and subversive meaning to convey and when they do try and so something, they appropriate memes formed by and utilized by the counter culture and create an abomination. Even leftypol falls under this category. Although they're on a website that thrives in a counter culture, they are culturally barren and their views so poorly expressed that it isn't immediately unpackable, which is a core requisite of a meme, and often requires partial explanation via text.

tl;dr the left cannot make funny memes because they are culture vultures.

An SJW I unfortunately used to know had a turntable hanging on her kitchen wall, probably never used. Meanwhile, I bought an Orthophon cartridge for mine, and I knew about their quality from my days as a DJ.

Zylkon Ben labels things because it's a style of old-time political cartooning.

(I am happy to shill for him as penance for passing around those originals that still make me piss my pants laughing.)

In Canada (or Holla Forums: the country) there is this funny faggot from Newfoundland who used to have a show where he essentially did Sam Hyde shit. Thing is it went from funny to offensive automagically around 2001


I'm not your faggot, comrade.


Here just to say I laughed at that meme before I even read the text.

You're absolutely correct.

Leftists love trying to shove a square peg into a circle hole.

It was also the only one even close to the truth

Heh, I almost went to that for shits and giggles. I mentioned it to some leftists I knew and a guy in DC who is rather alphebetized and spoopy was all "uuuuh, uh… well you can't stay with me" out of the blue.

Always wondered about (((who))) really put that event on.

That guy is hiding something big with all that projection.

The thing that usually holds people back from following the true path is employment, family, friends and in some cases, addiction. In my case the last was a result of cognitive dissonance trying to relate to the first three and their bullshit.

Ariana Stassinopoulos , dahlink.

Used to work at a (((Christian radio))) station. My favourite moment was telling my boss his key sponsor (a car dealer) was known as a scammer who was caught rolling back odometers.

Say leeeeeeeeeeeeegion!

Don't give them too much credit. Sometimes you have a couple of guerilla linguists who can hijack things and reorient them (soggy knees is a good one).

Thanks Holla Forums. Better than therapy!

loser ideology

anons already posted why, but this is a paraphrase of why the left sucks at humor, same idea anons posted

… That got uncomfortably real very quickly.

Leftists are destroyers not creators

I think I need to learn more about this man.

This is actually a very good response.

We must redouble our memetic output. Our memes must spread globally. We are the meme masters and all the best memeticists and memetic priests are ours. It falls to us to not simply win but to keep winning untill the newfags say "please mr Holla Forums we can't take it anymore we need to stop winning" and then we need to win some more. Keep nationalism alive and end cultural marxism lest humanity hit the great barrier of hedonism so that it pushes the pleasure button untill extinction.

You've already got the answer, OP. Lefties are selfish sociopaths in nature. This is why they are known for their pathalogical altruism and virtue signalling, it's a cover they use to desperately attempt to look like good people with real empathy.

This all of this the divinity of memes is the divine nature of distinction. It is through memes that we may know god.

Of course they lack souls. The hardcore leftist cares for no one but themselves. They'll throw away anyone not utterly dedicated to achieving what they want. In that regard they are truly the most repugnant of creatures upon this earth.

This is why they get to defensive and salty when anyone dares to speak of these concepts, to even suggest that their "good intentions" may not be genuine. On some level, they know they're full of it.

This is oc from Holla Forums and people think nat socks are the dangerous ones?

>>>Holla Forums752151
idk if board links work liek that so i also post url

Forgot pic because am lurker not post master.

The reason why leftists cant be as funny as right wingers is because humor is all about subversion. Leftists are the establishment. They control the media and political correctness. Apart from the fact that alot of topics are simply off limits to them, they are predictable and severely limited in their scope of humor. Only the most culturally gutted, empty headed, bluepill guzzling twats actually find them funny. Ive seen people at my work watching John Oliver or the Daily Show and it is absolute cringe.

Anyway, here are some Stef memes.

lurk moar