What does Holla Forums think about old school safes?

What does Holla Forums think about old school safes?


oy vey it's not linux or text editors RMS would not approve it's not open source enough why can't we see the source code behind this object that is intended to secure things


I know you're joking, but I'm still laughing.

Digital panels are old school now? what

Bretty smexy, OP
Crackable, but good enough to keep a normal burglar out. Unless he takes the whole thing.
Love that waterpaint finish on that bad boy.

Do I even need to explain why you're retarded?

It's the first thing I saw on an image search for safe you fucking pedantic asshats.

You made a thread with a contradictory image and subject. The least you could expect are replies like this. This isn't fucking Reddit, people are not going to be like "oh he was probably just lazy just let him be".

It's not like finding pictures of traditional safes is hard either. You, alone, are at fault for your own dumbassery and for getting mad at obvious reactions.

What's in the safe reddit?

Like I said. Pedantry. Got any real points to bring up to the actual thread now?

Maybe if you made better threads, we would. If you can't, please fuck off back to >>>/reddit/

No, my point is YOU getting mad at replies you were obviously going to get because of the context you were in are the real pedantry here. Instead of just posting more content and ignoring the replies you were obviously going to get for being a dumbass, you get mad and whine and cry about them.

all of you are faggots

Everyone report

this cancer that stops people creating good threads (like OP did) can still be stopped

Hi OP.

...am I the only one that wants the saging pedantic douch to explain himself?

It's not our fault you're retarded and lazy.

As for old school safes, they have their niche. There's nothing better for storing small physical objects that, for whatever reason, you don't want in a safe deposit box in a bank.

It's best to embed them in rebar-reinforced masonry so they can't just be carried off, of course. Many older safes are designed to be embedded in that way.

If you're really serious about it, you build a strongroom in your house (reinforced walls, reinforced doors), and put the embedded safe in there, and DON'T FUCKING TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT.

Would anyone suggest a good safe to buy?

Yes. You are the odd one out. You are irrefutable proof that OP is a faggot. You done goofed. Now you have to live with it.