What do you think about building walls Holla Forums?

What do you think about building walls Holla Forums?

I think it was pretty good, but it still can't compare to Dark Side of the Moon.

Don't forget dem roads

Walls Are only as strong as the bones their built from. Walls are also built to be scaled.

no first world country should have an open boarder with a third world country

i mean they can go ahead and have open borders, but their citizens shouldn't be surprised when they find me spitting on them knowing full well that they won't do anything about it

I'd rather build bridges and shatter glass ceilings.

That wall needs to be torn down. Open borders for Israel.



The great majority of illegal aliens arrived legally. Building a wall will accomplish very little.

I just don't see why? Why not just put a minefield?



We need to build a wall around the walls, and make the walls pay for it!

Ultimately they're useless. Just look at Berlin's wall or The Great Wall of China. Did they manage to keep people out? Fuck no, and reminder this shit was built before powered flight.

It's a waste of taxpayer money, but then again, isn't everything?

That's Kenya.

The great wall of china was designed to bottle neck the monhols through an area to be killed off.
Fuck your dumb ass liberal shilling.

Also, Israels wall has succeeded this far.
Fuck your shit cunt.

the Berlin Wall walked pretty well. only a couple dozen people got past it alive

of course it required 24 hour armed guards and whatnot

I didn't hear anything about armed guards for Mexico's wall.

Yeah you did.
Where do you think these new jobs are going to come from?
People will need to be hired to man the wall, & others to kick down doors, & deport illegals.

the berlin wall encircled half of Berlin, an isolated city surrounded by enemy territory. it was designed and built by the soviets to force the allies to abandon the city altogether and when that failed, it was repurposed to prevent east germans escaping into the enclaved half-city.
there is no equivalent to the trump wall. comparison is silly, but if there's a lesson to be learned from the Berlin wall and the larger iron curtain experiment, it's that that model failed.

You're really fucking stupid. You probably think you're clever bringing up some historical walls, but guess what shithead? You're fucking dumb.

US-Mexico wall would be closer to the Israeli wall. Which guess what dumbass? Works really well.

it's much shorter and equivalent manpower levels would require half a million border guards equipped like navy seals. the us would also need to be willing to shoot large numbers of economic migrants while being unable to brand them as terrorists. it's unlikely the military will want to get involved in shooting wetbacks, so it ain't gonna happen.

Thousands of sentry guns mounted on it, a massive mine field along the whole thing and use the illegals that are already here as test subjects and it could work pretty well.


they're illegal aliens no matter why they came here
