I started reading the '77 run of Ms. Marvel, and I've kind of realized something

I started reading the '77 run of Ms. Marvel, and I've kind of realized something.

Carol has sort of…. always been an SJW? I mean, I realize it was the 70s and she was probably just one of the post-women's rights feminists, but is her current status actually in-character?

It's also occurred to me that even though she used to hang out with Carol, MJ has said nothing to her new boss Iron Man about going him to war with her.

You are expecting editors to actually do their job and remember characters relationships with each other.

You would think that was their job, but nope it apparently isn't.

Explain further, OP. What did she do back then?

Well, it is. They're just very bad at it

Don't engage OP. He's retconning SJWs into existing 39 years ago. He can't even post some pages to highlight his thought process?

If OP wants to make a thread about a character, he doesn't have to shove SJWs and other shit into it just for attention. That's why most of us just ignored this thread when it showed up last night.

There's a difference between womens lib and social justice warriorisms.

Like, Green Arrow I'd say is absolutely a social justice warrior. He was way into racial politics and class stuff, but he was a self centered prick about it. He tossed out people like Roy Harper when they needed him and he abandoned Hal Jordan to fight Black Hand alone so he could get his dick wet. Being a social justice warrior isn't just being into the issue, but doing it while being a self centered asshole about it.

Maybe I'm getting this wrong, but didn't Christina Hoff Sommers say before that she could see SJWs popping up in the 70s in small feminist circles, when intersectional feminism began?
I mean, there were pretty SJW shit back then. Pic related.

I dunno, user, what if you could be a nigger for 24 hours?

Tough love is an accepted method of dealing with drug addicts

He didn't deal with it. Other people did.

Shutting your problems out is not dealing with them. Especially when they're explicitly started by the fact that you shut them out.

Not what Louis Lane did.
She kept getting called racial insults and spat on when she tried to interview black people, so she turned black so the could learn about their plight.
Funnily enough the self-segregating behavior is back again (or maybe it never left), but now they also hate Asians because it's racist for them to open up nail salons in the ghetto because reasons, and they're angry because black women use Asian hair for their weave.

Does anyone know the issues where Ms. Marvel deals with her heavy drinking problem? I wish more character had character flaws like that, instead of the generic 'quip spunk Whendonspawn but tries to hard to prove herself due to tragic past' or 'lovable loser who's character flaw is that she just i cant just everything's just rough and ugh'

I think got the term right. It's not really SJWism necessarily, just women's lib. If it was set in 2016 and came out today though, people would absolutely call it an SJW book.

I don't know those, but maybe try reading Demon in a Bottle?

Eh, considering the timing and everything with identity politics nowadays, I am sure people would consider her an SJW. Also, in her defense at least she is the editor of "Woman" Magazine and isn't trying to force her way into some Men's Magazine Business and turning it into a woman's magazine.

I'm very tempted to disagree with you. In large part because actual Social Justice Warriors have branded Green Arrow as one in a laughable attempt to try and rehabilitate the term, and also because Green Arrow doesn't seem to think white men are innately evil.

I'd describe him as a hippie.

Agreed. He's just a romantic liberal. Very passionate in his beliefs, and even acts a bit naive in his own pursuits, feeling he's a modern day Robin Hood who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

Like you mentioned, SJWs only did that to him because they don't want people to think they're screaming retards which they indeed are.

Wait, really? They've stopped trying to "own" it?

She was a straight-up feminist when Chris Claremont wrote her. She became a strawman feminist in Avengers, in between dressing like a stripper and incest.
These days she's an alcoholic Nazi.

Funny since SJWs have no problem stealing from the poor. Or at least defending it.

I think that's how he should be, and a lot of things right now are in positions they definitely shouldn't be.

Don't forget about giving birth to that guy from another dimension who then hypnotized her, took her back to his dimension, and raped her both "mentally and physically".

If you listen to Frank Miller, he's a Marxist, but I think anyone left of Rush Limbergh looks like a Marxist to him.

Olly was a Bleeding Heart Liberal when he wrote the Queen's Gambit column. He only seemed like a hippie next to uptight paragons of anal rectitude like Hawkman. At least Hal Jordan learned to consider other points of view on their famous Road Trip To Discover America.

You mean the time he realized that there's one color people he never bothered with?

She was pretty hardcore in her first series.
I remember her popping Gor-Tok's eardrums, karate chopping Doomsday Man's head open, and throwing Scorpion into a vat of acid.

Heh heh, she also rigged an electrified net to nail Vision out of power cables strung under a bridge.

Apparently she got "Kree martial arts" and "Kree military skills" out of getting filled with Marr-Vell's magic rocket sauce.

As well as spontaneously growing "flying circuitry" and a bare midriff version of his costume. And a scarf. And bad 70's hair.

Does anyone remember Barry getting hopped up on angel dust and accusing Ollie of tokenism because he wanted to recruit Black Lightning?

I don't think I laughed so hard until Muhammad X called Superman racist and Kal followed him around for days like a puppy trying to make friends.

The scarf seems to be doing more harm than good here, I'm on issue 9 she's been thrown around like a ragdoll at least 3 or 4 times now.

I recall Doomsday Man PULLING HER INTO REENTRY FROM SPACE by her stupid scarf.


Well he does base himself on Robin Hood, and Robin Hood could easily be described as a proto-Marxist. Y'know rob the rich to feed the poor and all that.

Now that really depends on which Frank we're talking about. Pre-9/11 Libertarian Frank or Post-9/11 'Wake up Sheeple' Frank?

The extreme feminism of Dworkin et al started back in the very late 60's, you could argue that the "bra burners" of the 70's, Tom Robinson trendies of the early 80's and "I blame the Turtles" eco-nutters of the early 90's were all peaks and troughs of SJWism. They peaked again in 2014-15, but are starting to recede. We'll no doubt have the "moral majority" soccer moms back for the rest of the teens and part of the twenties, trying to ban videogames and metal.

Oh no! Who will make your sandwich now?

There was a weird post-modern feminism of the 90's that kept saying everything was metaphorically rape. That was kind of the germ of the Tumblr feminism, except Tumblrinas don't know what a metaphor is, and keep misusing the word "literally".
I think these are the kids who grew up with the 90's feminism, and think calling everything rape wins you all the arguments forever.
I still think the 90's feminists were trolling. They just didn't have anything to really rage over, after all the real feminists in the 60's and 70's finished the fight the suffragettes started, so they had to invent new kinds of rape and pretend to be angry. The Tumblrs are just the kids who didn't get the joke.

I believe it's addressed in Busiek's Avengers and Iron Man runs

I've taken to calling my mum 'Woman!' actually. I find it rather amusing

There used to be this retarded couple who caught the train to my work, and once they were arguing, and she was all WAA WAA WAA YADDA YADDA YADDA and all the guy would say was "WOMAN!". Like, I think he must of picked that up off his dad or something, but didn't have anything to add to it.

I remember Venom belting Black Cat's face into a tombstone while saying RARRRRGHWOMAN!

Lol, Chris Claremont isn't exactly a SJW, but he IS the biggest femdom freak in comics since William Moulton Marsden.

Is calling women WOMAN a Gor thing? I think there's a lot of WOMAN! in Gor.


I sometimes call my ex that. It's usually playful.

Why was calling her Ms. Marvel sexist? Why is the new movie not even trying to start off with her lover and instead skipping straight to her without calling her Ms. then later switch to Marvel? Why the fuck do they want to erase the past issues? Why the fuck can't they realize that Ms. is a better option because people are more familiar with DC's Captain Marvel? Why does everyone think Captain Marvel being a woman is progressive and think this movie is about DC's Captain Marvel? Has the world gone stupid over night? Am I asking these questions to avoid the fact that I don't want to admit that we are living in a personal parody-like hell?

user I'll give you three guesses as to why feminists might get their burning bras in a twist about there being female pronouns for married and unmarried women.

But "Ms." is suitable for either married or unmarried women.

no true scotsman.
feminism has always been (((culturally marxist))) as fuck

And today user has learned that Marxists have always been the same as they are now.

Not to mention that feminists created the title "Ms." specifically because they thought "Miss" was unacceptable.

They only revived the title. It came about when the others were but no one used it, because whether or not a woman was married was everything to her social status.

I don't think old Carol was SJW stuff but it was definitely influenced by the feminism of the time because Claremont was influenced by the "strong woman" idea and heavily influenced by his mother. It's why you see his love of strong women in the X-Men and characters who are pilots (Cyclops, Lee Forrester, Maddie Pryor, Corsair, etc.).

Carol is kind of the combination of all of that, being the strong woman with a previous career as a pilot.

Carol is much more interesting like that and I've said it before that it makes her a very Marvel character: Carol has all the strength and ability to be one of the best in the world but her own personal hang-ups (in this case loads of self-doubt and low self-esteem) are her own undoing.


Not really. Is unpolite call miss a woman that is married and is unpolite call Mrs. A woman that is single

I started reading the '84 run of Power Pack, and I've kind of realized something.

The Power girls have sort of…. always been sexualized? I mean, I realize it was the 80s and they were probably just considered too young to be sexualized, but is their current status actually in-character?


"Extreme feminism" has existed for over 150 years, why do you think US prohibition amendment became a thing? Feminism = Temperance Movement.