Well, season 3 just came out and my biggest problem is Should I watch it in English or LatAm...

Well, season 3 just came out and my biggest problem is Should I watch it in English or LatAm, they're both great and the LatAm version is even adapted on its cultural references, should I alternate?

Other urls found in this thread:


This show is garbage, nobody cares, fuck off.

Has seen up to episode 2.

Holy shit, that first episode got me yelling at the screen at the end, that was subtly intense.
After the events of the past season.

Yeah but BoJack is falling again although its for the pressure.
I hope he's fine, also that some 18 year old cone looking for him.

I like the amount of mistakes Diane is committing, she's not afraid of accepting being in the wrong anymore also.

I keked.

ITT: Samefag general


Holy fuck Season 4 when? I just marathoned season 3 and that was the best fucking thing I've seen in months why isn't this whole board exploding about how great this show is and HOLY FUCK that cliffhanger at the end


I'm in episode 4.
Does it gets better?
I mean is fairly entertaining but is not near to season 2 quality.
In fact I was expecting a lot more to be happening and continue the narrative started at the last season finale more tightly.
Its been so good at it that this episodes feel kinda like filler.
Although the very ending of episode one got me crying.

Which narrative? Every character has their own plotline. You where Bojack's trying to win an Oscar? You can see that for yourself. But the storyline does feel a bit all over the place until about episode six or seven and then stories start converging and it get a hell of a lot better..

Although now that I think about it it would make sense to avoid the narrative considering the choice BoJack made at the end of that precise episode.
He's avoiding out of shame, the same way Diane was avoiding BoJack.
Not, while it makes sense is not as entertaining.

Also, I'm still hanging on the thought that season 2 finale was so good and closed that the series could've just ended right there.

After all, is pretty much what cuddlywhiskers told BoJack three episodes later, just him and Todd ( The only one who hasn't betrayed him or wronged him intentionally or badly) and forgetting everything else.


Just starting this.
Don't fucking tell me Todd betrays BoJack somehow

Forgot the face.

Just finished it. I guess I enjoyed it, but I think I'm tired of watching bleak, nihilistic shows. And I think I knew that coming into this season, which may have soured my experience of the show as well. But overall it was pretty decent. I feel there's a slight more socjus pandering in it this season (the lesbian couple getting married, Todd being asexual, some background characters wearing burkas), but honestly that's probably me nitpicking because it's a show that takes place in basically socjus heaven so I probably should've seen it coming.

Anyone have any recommendations for more hopeful shows/movies? Between watching this and Love and Mercy, I could use a break from existential crisis.

Wonder over yonder, Rorouni Kenshin and Twin Peaks really worked for me user.

Seconding Wander over Yonder.

Stranger things isn't Holla Forums but its super good.
I wish I had enough time to marathon it.

I really liked what Bojack did in episode 11, going on a drug-fueled road trip rampage and purposedly wrecking into everyone lifes was a nice break from his boring self-pity and "I'm sorry, I'm bad, I can't be happy" bullshit. Too bad Sarah Lynn died, she was only person who could drag him out of his misery.

I'm only on episode 9 right now, but I already know things are going to get so much worse. Princess Carolyn fucking Kelsey's new movie is just more proof that nothing is ever going to go well.

I'm just glad I had the bright idea to get completely shitfaced watching it. Life sucks, everything is bad and I know I'm going to be crying in the end.

The way this season ended made me want to take a hundred showers.

Fuck, I don't even know if I'm gonna tune in for season 4 if this trend continues. This is too fucking much for me. The other seasons had some brutal/sad moments but there was always an overall hopeful undertone and both of the previous seasons ended on high notes.

I don't tune into this show to watch nihilistic despair porn.

Kinda agree. Disappointing Bojack thread is dead. This show is very underrated. Nobody I know irl talks about show. I got to come here to get my discussion fix.
Disappointed with Diane. She has a abortion and she moves on so quickly from it. It doesn't even effect her. She more concerned about how abortion is perceived by the media in the media than own child.

Bojack is just fucking mess. I keep rooting for him and he just keeps fucking up. It's getting painful to watch. Hits too close to home.

Yeah, but what about when Bojack saw those horses running and Todd's "eventual" girlfriend is a millionaire and Princess Carolyn has a new, new agency. Those all look pretty hopeful to me. The only despair I really foresee is the failure of Ethan Around and Bojack's daughter, but I'll bet in one or two more seasons, most if not all the cast will find lasting peace and happiness.

I think i'll just watch for the side characters and see Bojack as a plot-device now honestly, the last few episodes was basically going through the motions as far as his character was concerned. Things go well, "OH NO I FEEL BAD", then going on a hissyfit with catastrophic consequences, then trying to make amends and improve and that goes well, TRIGGERED by a small comment and then running away. and it all felt like the same shit we already had happen with him earlier.

And after all, it is given that as long as the show is getting renewed his shit will keep on getting deeper wit small temporary reprieves, so what's there to get invested about with his character anymore.

I probably will watch next season since the PBJ plothook could be fun.

Diane is a horrible person, so im not that surprised at how that episode went.

Anyway, i think it is apathy more then anything, end of last season was a way better off-jumping point then the end of this one which was basically "Character Development Reset Button" Incarnated, and not just with Bojack.

I really don't get it. Maybe I'm too nihilistic and edgy for this shit, but for me Bojack's ONLY problem is his pathetic whines all the time. I just want him to show some good old-fashioned agression instead. I was super excited when I saw him blasting through the city causing crashes all around, I just hoped he will maybe start a shooting or something like that.


I use to like her somewhat, but I can't stand her anymore. Not after that episode. Looking back, I stating to wonder what Bojack was so obsessed with her. All of his previous girlfriends are better. The best female character is pic related though.

He's probably going to snap and end up shooting up the whole city or offing himself, sadly. I don't think anything will make him happy. His perceived legacy is killing him. I honestly hopes the show ends with Bojack starting a real family. The underwater episode when he was taking care of that lost seashore had me in tears. I think he was happy then.

Why does everyone so fixated on being happy, like it's some Holy Grail. It's simple, you waste time on some stuff you like, boom, you're happy. Mr. Peanutbutter said enough about it, and who if not him knows how to be (or very good pretend to be) happy. It's not some huge final achievement to be happy, it's just a characteristic of a moment.
Stuff like having family looks cool because every time Bojack has it there is some time skipping magic that only highlights interesting moments. Dream, sitcom, underwater moment, you know what they all have in common? They are short and dramatic. But in reality, having a family isn't fun, it's boring and tedious, it's waking up to screams every night for years, changing diapers, going to grocery, and everything else no sane people would want.

A lot of people don't seem to realize that thinking of happiness as a philosophical concept makes you unhappy. Happiness is not a state of being, it's an emotional reaction to a good situation.

Robert Benchley once said, "Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people." The same applies to happiness.

Stupid shit makes you happy, satisfied and fulfilled. That's why Bojack is so happy in flashbacks before his failed second show, and so miserable now. He thinks you need some kind of goal point or achievement to be happy.

The burka thing was a jab at women being in safe spaces I thought, and Todd being asexual i can forgive because I trust BoJack to handle the plot thread like a champ. I agree on you with the lesbians, but my thought the whole time was, only some dykes would run away crying because they can't handle any thought that isn't the echochamber. That obviously wasn't the intent, but that's what I read.

I like the subtle implications that there is indeed some stress between species in this world.

How do you even call it, specieism?

Yeah it would be specist.

I'd really like a show with that kind of angle, as long as it doesn't devolve into a SJW tumblr fest.

I'm at episode 3. At the moment it's going nowhere, but I don't care. I watch it for the feels.

Maybe the reason few people are discussing it is because all episodes came out at the same time, so we're binge-watching all of them in a row

I feel broken. This season dealt with pain and grief in an infinitely rasher way than the previous ones.
The first one was about finding out about him, and overall hoping. Coming out as the person you are and hoping that perhaps you and others can face it.
The second one was about coming to terms with the fact you will never change, and that you have to make due with your mistakes and your misfortune. Still live. As a bad person, but still. Live.
That third one was about how being alive makes everybody, yourself included, miserable. And that you should end it. That you need to end everything.

That end of episode 11 where Sara doesn't reply this time was set up so brilliantly and perfectly it made me fucking cry

Oh by the way, they tackled "social justice" a LOT in this season, but I'm begging you, don't go the retarded "reverse Mary Sue blog" way and immediately go nuts because "THEY SHOWED DYKES GETTING MARRIED AND MADE COMMENTS ABOUT ABORTIOOON" or whatever. That's the point.
The point is to call all sides retarded not because they're wrong but because none of them actually cares. None of those executives or media representatives or celebrities gives a shit about abortion. None of them. They're in it because entertainment involves ruining your life just as much as anything else.
And if their involvement in the entire conversation influences what you take from it, you are part of the entire pain it inflicts upon everyone.
We are going to abuse your activism because then we can all feel much better about having picked the "right side". That's all that matters. Whether you're right or wrong doesn't count. It never has. What does is that you can wake up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and go : I made a difference.
But you didn't.

Anyway, "SJWs"and some of their ideas are portrayed often and they're mocked as much as they're supported, again not because they're "good" or "bad", but because they're just another microcosm of narcissism so many people drown themselves in to justify their terrible lives and selves. No one's doing it to make the world a better place.
People do it so they can look at everybody else and stop wondering why they're here.

Meh, it was rather predictable, I was watching whole episode and thinking "so what's gonna happen this time, oh, they hint about overdose, well that's obvious one"

It's so typical that all Bojack relationships are going nowhere that you don't feel surprised anymore.

What was much more unexpected and sad for me is that he dumped PC from being his agent, stupid moron, she was only person who actually cared about him and never would leave him and he was so mean to her without any reason

He had to dump her though. He HAD to. She was baggage, not because she was useless to him or anything, she is his friend, he needs her, but he also needs to change. He needs to finally find people who stop telling him he's totally great and good when he is such a terrible man.
He needs what he heard from Todd. The problem isn't the oscars or alcohol or anything. The problem is him. He needs people who will tell him the truth.
Princess Caroline didn't tell him the truth. She almost never did until it was much too late. He had to take her out of his life.

You need to realize something : when he dared her to say ten nice things about him, he didn't do it because he wanted her to. He did it because he was actually convinced she wouldn't be able to.
Not because he thinks she doesn't like him or whatever.
But because he wants someone to look him in the eye and finally admit : "Bojack, you are a terrible human being and everything you do is hurt and break and damage and ruin, and I am glad you are leaving my life".

Taking responsibility and finally doing it himself wasn't just necessary. It was obligatory.

I was actually surprised he didn't get the oscar, I was convinced that the end would be him getting it and doing some speech where he finally confesses lotsa stuff and comments about the entire system being garbage or some stuff. How it's all fake anyway or whatever.
And yeah I was surprised about Sara because… because this isn't something I expected from the show. Death isn't merely a friend telling you they hate you. It isn't merely the deafening silence of begging someone you trust to find a redeeming quality inside of you without receiving any answer. The show is a deep macabre tone of loneliness and goallessness, but death is much further than that. Especially for that one character.

And then they just fucking brush over it, just like what happens with real dead celebrities. People pretend to be sad for a little while, but everyone accepts that it was going to happen eventually, and if they aren't on TV then they might as well be dead anyway, right? Bojack is the only one who really cared about her, and even he didn't start caring until it was too late to save her.

Actually, I don't even like Bojack anymore. Everything Todd said about him is true, and I'm tired of his fake sorryness every time, I'm tired of how much he's pandering to everyone and starving for attention. I think after he was told that he accepted it and in S11 he accepted Sarah Lynn concept of fake amends as a mocking of his fake sorry speeches he was telling in every episode before, and could finally live free, but unfortunately not for long.

Only two characters on the show that I actually like are Sarah Lynn (because she's honest to herself and everyone) and PC (because she's kind and helps others while also doing what she likes).

Here's a question/rant, one that I'm gonna have some trouble putting into words.

Does the philosophy of show make anyone else actively think against it?

Between this and Rick and Morty (which does the whole nihilism and depression thing extremely poorly), I'm getting annoyed just hearing the phrase "nothing matters". It puts so much value on intrinsic value that it ignores the value one creates for themself. I think Bojack hints at the importance of that second part, but pretty much only at those brief hope spots that get immediately ignored after.

I also get annoyed at the sometimes one-sided writing when it comes to this show. I know that nihilism is the main focus and beliefs of the characters, but it feels like no one attempts to think differently. It just feels superficially deep at times, if that makes sense. It's easy to write one view, one philosophy and just keep writing circles around it without question.

I don't know, maybe I'm missing the point of all of it because I'm not that smart. Maybe I'm coincidentally forgetting the scenes that contradict me. But does anyone else feel similarly?

I just realized I put too many double spaces in that last post so it looks kind of shit. Whoops.

No, he needs someone to just shut him up with about his bullshit and force him to do stuff.
That's a bland, handwaving justification that doesn't solve anything. It's like saying "problem is world" or "problem is that it is that way". Just a stupid phrase for lazy people to justify their laziness and inaction.

That's because Mr. Peanutbutter IS this way of life. He's a simple dog who doesn't spend all his time trying too hard to make people like him, and instead wastes it away doing what makes him happy. He puts 100% into everything he does, and does his best to keep the people around him happy not because he desperately wants them to like him, but because their happiness makes HIM happy.

However, it doesn't matter how hard Mr. Peanutbutter tries to make everyone happy, because Bojack's a goddamn black hole sucking everyone into his shit and actively refusing to do anything to help himself. He's the only one the Good Boy can't fix, because rather than try to carry on, he immediately gives up and drowns himself in liquor and drugs as soon as something goes wrong.

There's one big thing you need to hear about Bojack Horseman.
Rick and Morty does the nihilistic existentialist thing brilliantly. With genuine genius. They fully understand that nothing matters because, well, who cares, everything is too massive, everything is too grand, to find any sense of novelty anywhere. Rick already has seen everything, and hell, knows more about everything than everyone in the universe. Who fucking cares now ? And sometimes it hurts, but most of the time it's just a silly "oh hey, I found an actual genuine solution to this shit that makes no sense !" wackiness to it.

Bojack Horseman is a "nothing matters" that goes the very other way. Nothing matters because you just can't. There is no purpose. There is no meaning. There is nothing. We all die in the end and there is nothing we can do.
… but we do. We live. We try. We love people, we hate people, we start some activist bullshit here and there to fill up the void, we create, we destroy, -because at least there is something. SOMETHING.
Nothing matters, but what else is there to do but be ?

You're completely misrepresenting the issue.
Caroline has been pushing him and his ass to do anything since fucking forever. She always has. That was her fucking job and it took her 11 years to finally get him to do fucking ANYTHING. Which HE, ON PURPOSE, completely ravaged and ruined even though it was already just right, just fine and just perfect.
The man destroys everything. He is a sad, miserable man, but he IS a self-destructive dude who works towards ensuring happiness is an absolutely impossible goal.
Oh he tried, he tried HARD to change that, hell season 2 is all about his race for atonement, actual one. But then he wrecks it and finds out that it's specifically by doing nothing, hell, BY DISAPPEARING that he becomes recognizable and people do love him.
You're an idiot for calling it "lazy". The entire issue is that he keeps blaming other people for his mistakes, and that he just apologizes when it's gone too far to keep assuming it's the world's fault, expecting people to forgive him, give him a pep-talk, or yell at him and forget.
That's a broken man who breaks everything he touches and no, it is the very opposite of "lazy" and "inactive" to finally own up to your own bullshit.

fuck off mhorti wubba lubba dub life is meaningless whatever lol, I don't have anything to say about it at all, so the only interpretation the audience can make to give it meaning is in death of the author, lick my fuckin balls

Rick & Morty in a single sentence.

Episode with interplanetary concert or whatever killed any remaining interest I had, 100% crappy fanservice and pandering to dumb masses. I really expected Rick to just say "fuck it" and bomb those retards, and instead he keeps being their bitch for the whole episode, with a crappy simpson-level "moral" thrown in between: 1. religion is dumb mmkay 2. don't leave your family mmkay

Who the fuck watches cartoons for morals?

I watch it for ideas, R&M feels fresh more often than other shit we have.


Mr Enter

I just watched episode 4. Holy shit was that brilliant.

Didn't saw it.

Do it gets easier?

It gets duller.

There was a point for me when the depression and self sabotage reached a level of absurdity and tedium where all I could do was laugh. I'm past the point of feeling sympathy for most of these characters. I felt the feels at the end of season 2, but I just burst out laughing when Bojack ran off that set. What a dumb asshole.

Congratulations, you didn't get it. Maybe you should stick to a board more your style like Holla Forums

You can't tell me you don't at least see where I'm coming from when I say it's hard to feel bad for Bojack at this point. At some point, you can't feel bad for him when he fucks himself over because it's just what he does. It's like being upset when your snowman melts.
Mind you, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the season. I still enjoy the characters and like the humor and writing. I just didn't get the same ball crushing feeling I was left with at the end of season 2.

Same. I used to sympathetize Bojack, now I don't care at all. Season 2 was about how cruel world was to Bojack, season 3 is just about what a dumb faggot he is. Last episodes, at least.


So… I guess there is no happy ending for Bojack.

This show will never have happy ending, it was obvious from beginning.

He doesn't know what to do next. That's Season 3.

Even if it had, the last line in that episode will have Bojack question all his decisions and he'll be unhappy.

Many people in this thread don't seem to get it.

They'd stick to their fucking Loud House fart and booger humor (and fap at those children).

I cant tell you how disappointed I was with those threads.

Well self correction- more disgusted than disappointed.

Hey, I'm a spic and since you mentioned how good the dubbed version is, which one should I watch?

Freedom version, obviously.

Watch LatAm first, then English later. That way you'll be more focused on background jokes and you'll enjoy it more.

Yeah, though I feel it wasn't absurd as much as expected with Bojack. I now feel like he's a device for all these other characters to sabotage themselves with, like they interact with him, their mood/lives take a turn, while he's just coasting along being destructive as usual. It's to the point I'm more invested in the side characters than the main one.

On that note, they are obviously setting up Diane with the blog to sabotage her husband, which makes the next season predicable for them, but I'm not sure what is going to come of Princess Caroline. She's going back to being an agent manager, but without Bojack she has the potential to become generically successful, which is weird. And what happened with that merger and frog nerd turned captain anyway?

Season three is strange
it mocks political correctness while having itself saturated in it.


I just want to to grab Bojack and boop him on his big horsey nose tell its all gonna be okay.

So I'm in episode six, I actually have stuff to do.
I'm surprised Mr. Peanutbutter wanted the abortion, I guess he's scared and that was his first answer but kinda OOC.
Also, the abortion joke BoJack made would've been funny 2 seasons ago.

Oh shit the final two episodes. What a downer again.

He'll be like "No… no it's not. I'm a terrible person." and then screw your mom.

Es como si te gustara que te insulten man

I wouldnt mind. I love horsies


You know, someone should draw Bojack in bed with Twilight Sparkle after sex, both deeply regretting it.

Would be kinda funny.

Rule #whatever: there's always pony version of it.

I want a crossover, not a shitty pony version.
Seriously, SFW fanart of childish crap makes zero sense to me and is more embarrassing to me than porn of it.

At least you never question the reasons for porn to exist.

Sure, but does your mom love them too ?

That… actually doesn't look half bad. Although I have no idea what bojack's ass mark is supposed to represent. Needles ? Pens ?

Prolly horse tranquilizers.

Bojacks cutie mark should rather be…
- none, he didn't find his talent
- something from Horsin' Around
- a hoof, because of Secretariat
- a grammy

And, what I think would be the funniest one:
- cotton candy

Also, I wanna know what happened to the owl (did she hook up with the time traveler).

So are they ever gonna bring back the owl lady? This season left out a lot more characters than the last one, makes me thing if they're gonna pull a Dragonball Z and just straight up forget about them, or if it all comes round in season 4.

I hope season 4 is the last one, quit while its still good and not drag this shit on for 9 seasons.

I agree. But there are still things I wanna know. How Penny's mother is now and what happened to the owl.


Not a mexican my cracka friend and I'm not leaving :^)

This season was pretty disappointing, honestly. At least with the side stories. This season should've been focused on Bojack and Carolyn exclusively. Fuck the rest of the side characters. Except Mr. Peanut Butter. He's too good to hate.

The whole pasta strainer stuff was dumb and just used for a single rushed joke at the very end. Todd did little to nothing of importance in the end. And making him suddenly asexual for no good reason was just stupid. Diane is such a dumb cunt. Fuck that abortion episode. I'm pro choice but that episode was so pointless and ham fisted. Not to mention she's falling into the dark side of the Hollywood lifestyle like Bojack as time goes on. You're not supposed to completely like Bojack but they make Diane like you're supposed to like her. Then finally there was too much meta humor. Having the characters call it out doesn't make it better either.

I don't know why, but I don't really take Todd as "asexual". I think the dude totally can jack off and get hard, he just… doesn't care ? It's more that his personality doesn't make him even realize people have genitals, than his sexuality is actually non-existent.
Also, the pro-choice episode was absolutely BRILLIANT, user, not because it picked one side or another, but because it was showing you that the issue IS people who pick sides only for their narcissistic selves, instead of realizing there is an entire world of people who are suffering the consequences of your advocacy.
Yes, Sextina is an absolute manipulative cunt who makes everything about herself and into a goddamn joke, but also, doing this helps impressionable girls who are terrified of getting an abortion all on their own find the courage to do it. It matters and yet it's all so fake. And Diane was enough of a cunt -because she always is, as she's a frightened, weak close-minded bitch, but she has good reasons to be- to try and ruin this just because Sextina was using "her" abortion as a way to make profit and garner attention.
The pro-life part of the debate was retarded and fake, and only sensationalistic; the pro-choice part of the debate was retarded and fake, and only sensationalistic. It's somewhat obvious the authors of the show are pro-choice too, but they still consider that the system is built so that people don't care about what matters, about genuine living beings who have to suffer through something painful and scary; people only care about what serves their own ego.

I don't think they've ever, since the beginning, made Diane so that you're supposed to like her. They've made her so you think she's just a poor little girl who doesn't understand the world around her. She is smart and she is capable, but she forgets that she isn't in control and never will be, and instead of just dealing with it the way Mr. Peanutbutter does, or, hell, even the way Bojack does, she tries to invent herself struggles and victories because she's too weak to realize she's merely powerless.

The meta humor was a bit weird too I agree. But the underwater, fully silent episode, to me, was honestly absolute genius. Like, honestly, the entire thing felt out of place and too experimental, and then the real childish point of the episode got into place, and you saw and you understood, and it was honestly beautiful and wonderful.

Wouldn't call it brilliant because it's a pretty basic message but I can see what you're saying.

Loved that underwater episode though. Was a good different sort of episode.

To quote episode 11 I think: "The Bojack Horseman show didn't go well with the audience, too many meta jokes."

Overall, much stuff happening that seems pointless at first, but makes sense later. E.g. re-watch episode 11 after the episode where Bojack finds out about the Bojack-drug.

I agree.

I loved Season 3. I think the reason it seems more dull on the surface is because a lot of the conversation here appears to have forgotten the real thesis of season 2 which was in the last episode of the season: "It gets easier."

Everyone agrees that season 1 was defining terms and characters, and we were in a sense seduced by Bojack as the can-do-kid-who-can't because we want him to succeed. We want him to succeed so badly we think that our meme magic will change him and it won't. He has to change himself.

And at the start of season 2 he has. He's becoming a "better", in the sense of more objectively positive person. But being positive and feeling good about yourself are neither exclusive nor actually helpful often in real life. He's got his movie, he thinks its all going to be clear sailing, but he's still Him. He still has his baggage. He's still struggling to get ahead and climb over his wreckage and makes more in his wake. And, at the end, he meets that monkey who tells him: "it gets easier." As if to say to the audience that for all your struggling forward you will fall down, you will hurt, but over time you will fall down less.

By season 3 he's started to accept his imperfections. He knows that success, money, fame, won't magically heal him. But as someone pointed out, he doesn't know what will. At first he aims for the Oscar. Then he starts trying to trim the fat in his life, blaming others for holding him down or holding him back. Then when he has no one to blame he digs up Sarah-Lynn, a damaged, obnoxious, enabler, and they go on the bender to end all benders because the sum argument of her opinion is "do whatever the fuck you like and make a token apology later because no one's judgement matters"

What isn't being addressed is how vapid and unsatisfying that philosophy is. That part of the show is Bojack backsliding hard. He's getting wrapped up in that Hollywood bullshit he knows is bad for him expressly because he doesn't want to address how badly he's fucked up pushing everyone away and how much worse actually being alone is when you've made a career out of pretending to be alone. (Note mid-season how his entire house is empty now as he shuffles through the opening)

The thing is Sarah-Lynn doesn't even buy into her own bullshit, she's just been self medicating with every drug and penis she can get inside herself for so long she isn't even aware of her real desires. She wants to be an architect. She wants to be someone else. And, again, she and Bojack together is a bad idea and hurts them both until the end of season.

Which brings one to the end of the season. Bojack has fucked up. He's fucked up so badly that he thinks he can never come back from it. And right when he's about to give up he sees that last scene.

"Never stop running."

Never give up is pretty damn positive in a supposedly nihilistic show.

The morale with Sarah-Lynn is that she died unhappy and unaccomplished by following this one philosophy you guys mentioned.
She wanted to be an architect.
She died as someone she didn't want to be.

There is a true constant in all kinds of substance addictions : "I don't want to be me; I want to be allowed to forget about who I am and blame it all on the substance; it isn't me and that's good, that's better, because being me is the worst thing I can live through".
Sarah-Lynn is defined by her complete incapacity to be "her". She consumes everything she finds to ensure she never has to look in the mirror and think : "that's me". It's never her. Phew. Crisis averted.
And then she dies. She just got an oscar and she wasn't even there. She wanted to be an architect and she knows nothing of architecture. She didn't want to be a star.
She didn't get to be anything.

I told two friends (who have never watched the show aside from a few episodes) that the three reasons can be presented as such :
season 1 is the story of this wretched guy who finds no solution to unwretch himself, but hopes to
season 2 is the story of this wretched guy who does everything he can to unwretch himself, but fails
season 3 is the story of a wretched guy who suffers through his own wretchedness so much he gives up

Actually, that one was Bojack's fault.
He knew she was on rehab but asked her to party with him, despite first telling her not to do drugs anymore, just out of boredom.
Then, her end is the "Bojack" drug. As the episode about the whale club states: "Bojack kills." Yeah… being around that selfish bastard can kill, basically.

The hardest thing about this show is that you, as a viewer who's equally unsatisfied, learn something, while Bojack doesn't. Even after he's getting a free therapy for a whole episode.

Actually, I think they missed an opportunity there:
When he was standing at the cliff and sees the horses, the pointless "You are Secretariat" blimp should have risen from below and he sees his own reflection on it.

I think it was strongly implied and also more "real" to him than all those ads.

Sure she was in rehab, but she also had a fully stocked liqueur cabinet and half her house built out of hard drugs. She would have started the bender the same if bojack wanted to crash himself after losing the Emmy or just because he needed to waste time for 2 hours and everyone else was busy.

Yeah true, and it would have turned the ad into a personal success.

I know she would, but it's him suggesting it that makes it his fault.

I think that's just the opposite point though. She was pre-built to burn out and burn down. Her ethical compass was shot - because anything wrong is acceptable if you say you're really sorry even if you aren't, typified by her idea she deserves the 9 month chip despite utterly wrecking her shit - and she knew she wasn't going to go through with it because she was another of those stars who goes to Betty Ford every six or seven years forever. If Bojack has a fault its not trying to stop her, but she was clearly directly involved in her own destruction, and what Bojack needs to learn is that other people aren't his responsibility just like the approval of the audience is not a placebo for his fucked up life.

He may, as shown when he flips out on the set of Ethan, have had a hand in putting Sarah-Lynn on the road, and their co-dependence may have enabled her more than once, but at some point she became responsible for her own fuck ups and his self-depreciating tendency to blame himself for other people is just a reflection of his narcissism taking a different form.

The more I think about it, the more clever it gets.
E.g. the pasta incident. Everything leading to the incident was somehow Bojack's fault and the pasta dropping on the city has relevance to Bojack, because he knows a kid there.
The things which save the day both had nothing to do with Bojack, but with the optimism of Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter.

Another thing: During the underwater-episode, Bojack wasn't aware he can talk underwater.
But the woman he tries to talk to most likely knew… that means she just refused to talk to him.

The underwater episode really bothered me. After enough time your skin would begin to get too loose to stay on like what happened to that one guy that was stuck in a shipwreck for 10 days. I get that it's a cartoon and it doesn't have to apply to that sort of logic, but it stuck out


Sounds like Bojack needs Al-user.

He showed up at a meeting with Sarah-Lynn. It illustrates excellently how it wouldn't help him.

Oh man, that scene.

Argh what an asshole. But it reminds me so much of myself.

Actually I think he does regret it, but its the nature of his damage he can't address it in a sober (literally) way. Taken to an AA meeting (high) he tried to actually express his guilt, but couldn't parse it as guilt rather than angry boasting.

I didn't think such cancer could exist here.
The animation isn't even good. It's just another shitty "Adult" cartoon that tries to make it into a boring sitcom. It's not even funny. It tries to be deep but fails spectacularly.

This show has godawful writing. Occasionally there's a legitimately funny gag, but you have to wait through mountains of terrible writing to get to it.

I hate how the writers want every single goddamn conversation between two talking creatures to be a "heart-to-heart moment". When a show does that, I can't take it seriously anymore. While the writers might imagine it shows the characters are dynamic and changing, it does the opposite when overused to this extent. It means every "heart-to-heart moment" is pretty much inconsequential, and doesn't illicit any real change.

how did you come to this conclusion ? The guy is riddled with terror and guilt over what he MIGHT have done. He doesn't even know himself whether he did hurt someone or not. He has lost the very last part of his old life and potentially demolished a little girl's, and he has no way to know whether it happened or not.

You just explained what real life is about user

He lost it the moment he decided to not follow Charlotte. What, are you seriously saying he should've stay in friendzone instead? It's better gone the way it was.
What, by fucking her? Oh don't be so much of SJW, girls her age fuck a lot and it's normal. Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.

Lurk before posting user. It's alright. We all had to learn.

No but seriously, Bojack did nothing wrong with Charlotte or Penny. And actually, the only thing he did wrong in his life is letting SJWs guilt-trip him into oblivion.

Yeah he dindu nuffin, poor bojack jus a victim
Are you genuinely retarded or just trying to bait ? What SJWs are you even talking about ? His mom, his dad, that publicist lady or that jewish producer sure as shit aren't into social justice. Seriously just go back to reddit if you want to look kewl on the internet

Good riddance, nobody forced her to drink.
Why not? She's hot, she wants sex with him and he wants sex with her. Details are unimportant.
To hear "go fuck yourself"? And I'm pretty sure that if they needed, they could look him up in a phone book or something. But truth is, they hate him anyway because he got in a way of their boring normie lifes.
Came back to stalk her because he was bored and drama is fun.
I'm talking about people like you. You're blaming Bojack for actions of other people, saying that he's somehow responsible for their feelings and decisions. Typical SJW logic.
People are only responsible for what they personally, physically do. What did Bojack do? Looked at someone from distance? Agreed to have sex with a girl who came to his boat? Okay, worst thing by far - kissed a married woman. Whatever. Not a big deal still.

Well I didn't know Holla Forums had its fair share of lousy bait too. At least Holla Forums's try to be funny sometimes.

Retarded AND bait. Those are the guys who make feet-threads, Samurai Showdown threads, Nicktoon threads. All that shit.

I liked the underwater episode

I really enjoyed this season. It was painfully depressing as always, had a few more episodes that felt filler-y though they were more like setup episodes and it felt at times like the wacky first few episodes that weren't so great but it sorta balances itself out by the end.

I mean honestly I was hoping that the whole season 2 finale was just a misunderstanding.

Now I want Bojack to just kill himself.



So, I just finished season 3, and I gotta say, unlike the other seasons, this one had great episodes, but a really mediocre story arc. Don't get me wrong, I still thought it was really good, but it felt like 90% of this season was filler. Sure there was some really, really good filler, like the underwater episode, but they completely abandoned the "Jill Pill" storyline they teased to pressure netflix into greenlighting season 3. BoJack's obligatory girlfriend that he lets down was not developed at all like diane and wanda were, and in the end, the only thing to really happen is he didn't get nominated for an oscar.

Still though, the penultimate episode was probably the most brutal thing I've seen on the show, and that's saying something.

Nice humblebrag.

You're a fucking pretentious, stupid faggot. If course you like this pretentious, stupid, faggoty show.
Every conversation being a heart-to-heart just makes it fucking stupid and boring and gives any normal person a headache from the pretentiousness.

Fuck off, namefag.

This new season is better. Before, I would have been inclined to agree with you, but they're putting a lot more focus on the humor now.

It was, but even Bojack isn't sure how much. Bojack was still deciding if he would do it or not when Penny came into the room. The issue is that she came in during that moment of decision making, so Bojack doesn't even know what the answer was going to be.

Also, while Charlotte seemed more creeped out from him than she should have, remember that that he was in the middle of a month long drug bender. The last time you saw a dude was him maybe about to have sex with you before getting kicked out of the house, and now he's cocked up and drugged out showing up at your college would be fucking creepy.

Also, I agree with the user that said this show needs to end with him having a family. Every time he's had some type of family, he's been perfectly happy.

Oh yeah, his childhood was the ideal every expectant parent strives for.

The new season is the one I've seen the most of. You telling me the earlier seasons were worse?
You all have shit taste.

Ohhh its more focus on the humor now, so it accustomed to your casualfag tastes.

Oh shit that means the show is going downhill, if any tard can watch it now, because "they put a lot more focus on the humor" as if that was the point of the show.

A cartoon about talking animals called BoJack Horseman featuring mostly comedy actors? Yeah, feels are fine and all, but don't think you can play that as a straight drama most of the time.

Yeah but it sounded like user wants it to be comedy only.

There were bunch of jokes where they made fun of sjws. Like that white girl working in starbucks saying "white ppl are so terrible, right?" and that rich feminist mouse who hired Diane

I want that kid in a tranche coat again

Honestly, that joke got beaten to death way before they inexplicably made it a plot point in season 2. I'm glad they didn't pull an archer and killed it before I wanted to blow my brains out over it coming up again.


>making todd and asexual

come on guys, keep the politics out

Not to mention what her mother told her about Bojack and how he manipulates people. Charlotte is probably freaked out by all the stories she heard.

Yeah that was stupid as fuck and unnecessary. It added nothing to his character and just explained an entire season of him not banging some girl from his past. It doesn't explain anything about why he is the way he is. They just created a situation and added a problem, then said "he's asexual."

Big whoop they wasted too much time on it.

bojack was good this season, eveyone else kind of sucked

Well, but that makes us different than cuckchan. Noone's sucking each others opinion-dick.

>implying they aren't setting us up for a season where Kelsey forces herself onto him out of desperation

I don't see why they couldn't have just introduced an asexual character to do their pandering. I mean Todd has mentioned a girlfriend before, and he clearly thought that japanese chick that was scamming him online was hot, so why just make his weiner not work all the sudden?

Asexuals love sex in theory, they enjoy jerking off - they just don't enjoy having it.

That's more retarded than a peninsula populated by labradors.

Mr peanut butter being ok with abortion seem so out of character.

RadFems aren't that bright, are they?


The devs are massive faggots though that do admit they try to push feminism and LGBT shit since it is 2016. Some of the creators recently got really asshurt about the DNC leaks and denied them being true since they are secret russian planted info made up by the russians to undermine Clinton since it is impossible for clinton to do this since it makes her look worse thant Trump.

This. Out of all the characters on the show you would think Mr. Peanutbutter would love the idea of being a dad the most.
Going from the sea horse baby's day out episode to basically "how dare they try to switch the focus of abortion to fetuses instead of women" is so fucking jarring.