Anyone still voting for her? What's your excuse?oc to spark discussion

Anyone still voting for her? What's your excuse?oc to spark discussion.

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I honestly think she is fantastic at what she does. Whether you like her or not, she is fit for this job. After all her experience, how can anyone really say otherwise?

I think everyone just needs to give her a chance. Seriously.

She is going to make a fine prisoner.

I'm mentally retarded and i want a girl for president.

im with her Xd

I want Donald Trump to win the election.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ~*Here's to optimism* He's got learning to do but so does this country. My only thoughts now. I haven't voted though

I don't believe you…*~(´・_・`)


I turned 18 last month and was registered to vote in August.

Only her vagina & butthole are colored body parts.(´∀`)♡

Go vote nigger


I actually would vote at this point but I think it's too late for my state. ƪ(‾.‾“)┐~*…* Before, I just ddidn't care. I'm not concerned about it.

Might be too late for early voting but general election is in ten days.

at least she's not going to deport global citizens for exercizing their global right to live in the US, bigots

She is pretty shitty but Trump is batshit crazy, petty and literally a meme tier candidate. I wanted to vote for him, I really did, but hos responses in the debate were not far removed from "No U."

May Kek have mercy upon my soul tbqh fam.

Because I want to see Russia test a Satan 2 on Manhatten.

Thanks for correcting the record

If i go to war for her i'll get mi citizenship señor?

We aren't all kids, I'm a 33yo convicted felon

Who told you that? Rachel Maddow and Michael Moore?

If putting America first and fighting against evil globalists is "crazy", then you need to get the fuck out of this country.


He's been listening to CNN again. Clinton News Network.


I told me that, by watching his speeches and debates. I don't listen to analysts. Certainly not Maddow.
Trump is straight up retarded.

How old was the kid that you molested?

That pic though

I got caught making high explosives, they don't know about the kid.

You completely failed to refute one word he ever said. What Trump policy are you against? Answer the question and be specific.

This is a leftist's last resort.

"Trump iz stoopid"

It's like arguing with a 3rd grader.

While not retarded Trump is a blatant lair that relies on the normalfags having no idea how government works to make promises he knows congress will shoot down.

That said given the choice between Hilary and Trump he is the lesser evil. way less evil given that he doesn't want to help ISIS overthrow a democratically elected leader

Again, you completely failed to name one.

I'm not

As for something he knows he can't do or is perhaps retarded enough to think he can is build the wall. A project that expensive is going to need congressional approval and there is no way they will sign off on it.

I am not here to convince anyone. Campaign promises are useless. We should all know that by now. My impressions of Trump come from watching him speak. Great for a laugh, but not too much else.

Vote for whoever you like. It's a free country. Also I acknowledged right off the bat that Hillary is still pretty damn shitty. But she at least takes it seriously. Trump does not. It's obvious. To me, at least.

Nice try Holla Forums dubs. That was Trump's lie.

Don't worry. There is no chance of that happening.

What a pathetic excuse for being completely ignorant on the issues. Sad. You should use the link I posted and read his policies. With Trump, you worry if he won’t carry out his great campaign promises.

With crooked Hillary, you worry that she will carry out her horrible, anti-American campaign promises.

Life is too important to be taken too seriously.

If you can't have a "oh, holy shit lol" moment with your choice it's probably the wrong one.

Wrong. The Wall is Trump's best plan. He doesn't even need Congress. Newsflash, defending America's border is already the law. Trump just wants to enforce all the laws that the jihadist in chief is blatantly breaking.

If you believe campaign promises, I'm really really sorry for you. Not to mention he will be blackballed by congress. Even if he was serious, he will not get anything done. But he is not serious in the least.

Ehhh, true enough. Still I think she is the better of shitty options. This is a good example of "It's just a joak, bro!" that exemplifies how unseriously he takes things, and his duplicity.

So this was not a joke then?

Enlighten me on how she is going to be a good thing for a nation in a slow and steady decline, horrifically divided on political and racial lines, and poking every beehive imaginable with our bloated military.

Also given that Obama and Hillary were in charge of US foreign policy when ISIS was ramping up operations and seizing territory, how is "they're getting an MVP award from ISIS" inaccurate (despite being an obvious joke)

We have no friends or allies in Iraq or Syria. We arm one group who is maybe our friend to shoot at enemies of our allies who discreetly support our enemies while attacking a possibly mutual enemy. Anything we do there is going to come back to haunt us. I'm hesitant to even call it failed statecraft since that implies some measurement of competency.

And that's just barely touching on foreign policy.

HRC won't lead us into the gutter, she'll lead us into a grave.

Was that a serious post? Are you actually defending Politifact for that shit? It's called a figure of speech, you autistic retard. Politifact are lying propagandists, but you are completely stupid for falling for it.

Hillshills will defend this.

No, Trump did say that, then backtracked and said it was sarcasm. Yet here user calls Obama the jihadist in chief. Also just a quip, except that Trump did go on TV in Obama's early years wanting to see his birth certificate. Again, this is just fun and games for him.
So does the jihadist in chief deserve the ISIS MVP? He should at least be in the running, no?
Or is Trump just fucking around, and if you take him seriously that's on you?
Yes he is fucking around. He does not take any of this seriously. Including any campaign promises. If you take him seriously, that's on you.

Dial it back a notch, drama queen.

You retards actually are going to defend Politifact.

Look at you go. For your sake, I hope you are a lying CTR shill. Nobody deserves to be that stupid.

Are you CTR or am I? I don't even have to say anything and you discredit yourselves all on your own. Here is what happened.
I believe yes
I already said I do not listen to pundits, I listen to the man himself. And
It has nothing to do with politifact. It is his own words.
I realize it's a foregone conclusion at this point, but you could try at least. Isn't Donald worth at least a try?

I want the first woman president to be so bad that we'll never have another one.

Nigger got what was coming to her
>>>Holla Forums8011327

I mean, It's not that bad an idea…


This means something…

Good for Trump.


Good for Trump.


Hillary is serious about lying. Period. If you don't know that by now, then you are hopeless.

No. I'm not going to waste my time with you anymore. You are a lost cause. You are only good to insult. When Holla Forums makes up these funny memes, we assume that the only people that are stupid enough to side with Politifact are some soccer moms on Facebook. You are that stupid. There is no hope for you, user.

This is what I meant by "relies on the normalfags having no idea how government works", you have no fucking idea how shit works.
Yes he is enforcing existing rules, no he can't spend billions without congress signing off.

Read the fucking picture I posted, asshole. It's a detailed plan on how to pay for it.

So the plan is to exert political and financial pressure on a poor nation until they pull a couple of billion out their ass?
Does that sound like a brilliant plan destined to succeed to you?

You have fallen for the Holla Forums hype and are not thinking for yourself, either that or you have only been paying attention to politics for a couple of years.
pro-tip, the wall will never happen and to avoid responsibility Trump will blame congress for tying his hands. His re-election champagne will be "I need more time to force these people to change



Yes. Was that suppose to be a hard question? It wasn't.

So Politifact was right? Obama and Clinton are getting the ISIS MVP? And Politifact was wrong only in as far as there is an actual ISIS MVP?
Well thank you for correcting the record!
Is this you?
If so, here you say
What I think you are getting at is that it was a figure of speech in so far as it was obvious that he was not being literal, and Politifact's pointing out that there is no actual MVP award is retarded and besides the point. I agree. But:

So it is not a figure of speech. Or wait, he meant it as a figure of speech referring to foreign policy ineptitude. Or he is just spewing bullshit off the cuff as always, sounding retarded all the way. Hugh Hewitt tries to walk him through it, but Trump is so dumb he insists on arguing against him only to make the exact same point in a much more retarded way.

Link to the transcript and recording:

So while Politifact was hung up on useless semantics, so was Trump getting in the way of his own point. This is what I mean when I say I listen to him, in his own words. His speeches, the debates. I don't rely on an analyst to regurgitate things when I have my own ears and eyes. Every one of these fucks are so dismally dense, from the media to every candidate. But Trump cannot even be bothered to not sound dumber than a middle school kid. He could. He can sound great if he tried. But he doesn't because he doesn't take it seriously.

Retarded user, I want you to campaign for Hillary Clinton. Go door to door and tell people that Trump will break all of his campaign promises because Isis doesn't give out trophies for MVP. Would you kindly do that, user?

No need. It's on the bag. That doesn't really make me happy, though. Believe it or not.

Is that really all you have? That and this?
Jesus Christ, your powers of persuasion are staggering. That and a picture of John Wayne?

oy vey

That's all you two clowns deserve. You completely failed to refute any of his policies. All you did was say 'but, but, but I can't even!' to the Wall. All the other clown did was learn what figures of speeches are.

He made no pints, other than.
Have fun losing.

Except "pints" that completely destroy you.

Why do you hate the truth? A long, detailed policy paper that Trump published that completely explains how to pay for the Wall. You should read it.

And you should definitely answer that question. If you can.

I have debated Bernie Sanders supporters that are smarter than you people. At least they aren't afraid to debate the real issues.

The Repugnicans chose the only candidate in the world who makes Clinton seem preferable. Don't blame it on the Democraps. Even Sanders looks good compared to Trump. The right has nobody to blame but their own decades long river of shit media campaign pandering to retards.

whoever doxes reddit user k_princess gets $500 btc

whoever doxes reddit user k_princess gets $500 btc>>6350654

You have no argument whatsoever. Typical sheep.

If any user is old enough you should bet on trump. Ive got $500 at 6:1.

The answer is that birthers are are laughing stocks. Please post about chemtrails and steel beams next.
I did read it. No one will back it, no one will pay for it, and it wouldn't be effective. There are plenty of ways to tighten border security. The imagery of a giant wall appeals to mental children playing with legos. And let me guess, if Trump does get elected he won't and the wall enevitanly doesn't happen, this will all have been "just a figure of speech." Also known as an unfulfilled campaign promise, or a lie.
Not that Hillary isn't full of lies herself.

What is your beef with her Metroidfan?

See now this is a major difference between the two sides. I dont care if im a laughing stock whereas its the worst possible thing to someone like you. Im strong enough in my convictions to argue my point and dont need to fall back on the fallacy that popular equals true.

So you are saying Trump lies? Because he said the blame for birthers should fall on Hillary. He also dodged whether he thinks he was born in the US or not.

KARL: You said a lot of things over the years that people say just make you not serious. One of the big things is on the birth certificate –

TRUMP: Why does that make me not serious? I think that resonated with a lot of people.

KARL: But you don’t still question that he was born in the United States, do you?

TRUMP: I have no idea.

KARL: Even at this point?

TRUMP: Well I don’t know. Was it a birth certificate? You tell me. Some people say that was not his birth certificate. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I’m saying I don’t know. Nobody knows. And you don’t know either, Jonathan. You’re a smart guy. You don’t know either.

KARL: I’m pretty convinced he was born –

TRUMP: Pretty! Ah, pretty, pretty! You said pretty!

KARL: I’m convinced, I’m totally –

TRUMP: No no you said pretty –

KARL: – totally without question that he was born in the United States.

TRUMP: Excuse me, Jonathan, you said you were pretty convinced. Okay? So let’s just see what happens over time. But it’s not my issue, Jonathan.

KARL: Okay let me ask you something else –

TRUMP: My issue right now is much different, wait a minute. My issue is economic. Our country is being ripped apart by China and many other countries. That’s my issue.

KARL: But isn't it going to be harder for people to take you seriously on those issues if you don't acknowledge that you went overboard on this whole birther stuff?

TRUMP: Well, I don't think I went overboard. Actually, I think it made me very popular, if you want to know the truth, OK? So I do think I know what I'm doing.

KARL: But on this issue, people think that you were just out to lunch.

TRUMP: Well you just said you were pretty sure. And if you’re pretty sure, that’s not acceptable. Because you can’t be pretty sure, you have to be 100 percent.

KARL: I’m sure, I’m 100 percent sure, for the record.

TRUMP: I don’t think you are.

KARL: Well let me ask you this. Ted Cruz, born in Canada. Is he eligible to be president of the United States?

TRUMP: Well if he was born in Canada, perhaps not. I’m not sure where he was born.

KARL: Oh he was definitely born in Canada.

TRUMP: Okay well then you’ll have to ask him that question. But perhaps not.

KARL: Ted Cruz’s mother was an American citizen. He’s an American.

TRUMP: Look that will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. I heard, somebody told me, that he was born in Canada. That’s really his thing.

So he is not sure whether or not someone born out of the country is president or not. All,this points to is that he doesn't take it seriously, does not stick to,his guns, is having a laugh and just makes shit up as he goes along.
Do you think the Jews did 9/11?

Good goy.

Nice Photoshop.

Is that all you have to say for yourself, shill? No argument that Israel wasted their money? No calling Mexico "racist" for defending their borders?


Tightening the borders is fine. A forty foot tall, 1000 mile long wall is undoable. Most republicans in the senate don't like Trump. A President without his own party behind him won't be able to do shit. Your no context photos prove nothing.

Hillary will win, and that truly sucks. All Donald had to do was pretend to not be retarded. But he refuses.

You have no argument whatsoever. Again.

Are you fucking illiterate? The first picture is Israel's border wall, the second is Mexico's and the third is Hungary's. Pay attention.

Cuckservatives already fear him. That's much better. And Trump hasn't even won yet. Imagine President Trump with the will of the people and the FBI at his command. Those cowards will fall in line. If I was Trump, the first thing I would do is throw Hillary in jail. The second would be to start investigating the traitor Paul Ryan for corruption. Make an example out of him and destroy him utterly.

You haven't been following the news. Even the mainstream media is in a panic. The FBI just opened up a second investigation of your witch and Trump has just put Wisconsin in play.

I'm voting for Her because I'm not a misogynist racist hate-spewing bigoted white-trash ignorant redneck like anyone who supports trump. I love people, all people, and we need to end the divisiveness in this country and be STRONGER TOGETHER with President Clinton.


The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign. The latest evidence comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to be a home.

Those are all shops. Just because you name the pic "Hungarian border ver…" means nothing. That is not even the Hungarian uniform, and the people on the other side are Hispanic.

Trump will be betrayed like Ceaser Amd hung upside down in the public square and beaten to death, like Mussolini. And Ivanka will pay for the street cleaners to scrub his bodily detritus down the drain. If he wins, of course, but he won't. He'll go back on Howard Stern or get a TV deal, and be a distraction for normalfags to gawk at.

More shops. Pathetic.

You might as well have linked Mother Jones.

Hillary's shady as fuck. Her career has been driven by ambition. She and Bill have hustled for money and used their influence to benefit their friends and family. She lets focus groups and polls tell her what to think and what to say. The Clinton Foundation has consistently shown poor judgment in terms of who they have taken money from. She's secretive to a point verging on paranoia. She's unlikable. In other words, she's the typical establishment politician. She's also a serious grownup with a solid understanding of the issues and of political and economic reality. As President she will undoubtedly made some decisions I don't agree with, but she's at least qualified for the job.

Trump, on the other hand, is just a buffoon. He comes across as a guy who is playing candidate, and who if elected would lose interest in playing President after about six months. He has minimal support even from members of his own party in Congress, so he would be woefully ineffective. His tax plan reflects a complete ignorance of economic and budgetary reality. He talks about bringing quality jobs back to the USA, but his history as a businessman is full of importing foreign materials, offshoring manufacturing, importing foreign workers and stiffing suppliers and employees. To our enemies and our allies around the world he is a walking joke, and would be hapless at managing our foreign policy. He treats women like shit, which shouldn't be surprising, because he seems to revel in treating anyone who doesn't worship him like shit. He has run a campaign that has been profoundly negative, appealing far more to Americans' baser instincts than our noble ones. He has lowered the level of political discourse and done damage to the Republican party and to conservative principles which will take decades to repair. Train wreck, dumpster fire, shit show, flame-out, circular firing squad, cluster fuck–there aren't enough metaphors to do justice to the self-inflicted disaster that has been the Trump campaign. Post Pepes and whine about CTR shills and set up all the straw men that you want; your guy deserves to lose, he needs to lose, and he is going to lose. See you in 2020.

I bet you didn't even know most of Barack Obama's family was born in Kenya.

I bet you thought the birther claim was just some racist fiction with no plausible basis in fact.

I bet you didn't know that Hillary started the birther claim, back in the 2008 primaries.

No because all the candidates are shit-tier. But if I had to, I guess I'd vote for Hillary, because hey, it's a smart liar vs a retarded liar.

This is a rightist's last resort.

"Hillary iz faek"

It's like arguing with a 3rd grader.

She received 600 emails from ambassador Stevens over 2 years requesting more protection at the Benghazi embassy, while every other country had abandoned their embassies there. Yet she did nothing, and when she got that phone call, when the embassy was being sieged, she didn't even answer.

Her aides constantly gossip about how incompetent and brain damaged she is.

Her decision making is that of a child.

Everything she has done has shown she puts herself, and her profit margin before America. She sold 20% of US uranium to Russia. She is funded by every Middle Eastern country under the sun.

She's fully behind the claim that these leaks were caused by Russian hackers, when they were almost certainly dropped from within the DNC. Putin, and virtually everyone with any knowledge of the subject think nuclear war is inevitable with a Clinton presidency. She plans to allow all of the Syrian immigrants into our country despite admittedly knowing (Podesta Emails) that ISIS plans to infiltrate our country that way. She is George Bush: X-treme Edition it's really laughable that all of these self-righteous anti-Bush anti-establishment libs support her. No integrity.

When asked in the second debate how she justified her tax plan raising taxes on the middle class she said "We've got to go where the money is." How is that kind of thinking good for our economy?

Classic liberal nonargument. No reasoning either. You're a fucking joke.

Economic leftists are worst leftists. Liberal economic policies have never worked and if you really thank about it they are fundamentally flawed if pursuing economic growth.

How is taxing everyone more going to create jobs?

Why are you even on Holla Forums?

The rest of your post is CNN-tier liberal blithering and if you don't understand that it's fundamentally wrong, and fundamentally moronic, you probably never will.

Hillary lying has been factually proven time and time again.

Saying Trump is an idiot is a weak appeal at pathos, with no basis, and actually ample evidence to the contrary.

When push comes to shove I feel like Trump will prioritize poorfag americans when he's negotiating trade deals. Clinton better represents my interests in economic issues that are most relevant to me. I'm also pro dead-babies.





You do a fairly good job sticking to the Trump fanboy talking points and your reflexive liberal-bashing skills appear solid. So I'll give your post a 7/10, but your guy is still going to lose.

We'll see after the results get published, we can't assume anything before that.


Because she's pro war. And will destroy America quicker.

Because it's interesting.

She will crash the country with no survivors, hence she has the /bane/ vote.

I'm #withHer

Look at his Twitter account you insufferable retard

He doesn't believe in climate change. 97% of scientists believe in climate change

Scientists get grants (money) to say climate change is happening from organizations not limited to the federal government of the United States.

If you were offered $600k to say something was happening, would you care if it was actually happening?

This is why Trump will lose.

Haha my God you sodomite, that's not how the scientific community operates. And who the fuck do you trust then? Why the fuck would you trust trump, what the fuck has he studied about the environment? Do you fuck yourself with a tin foil dildo?

Here's some OC for you autistic, hillshill cucks, kek

Even ironically it is stupid, please an Hero.



fuck off shill

Less than a week until the salt mining begins in earnest. It's going to be glorious

I have no friends to butthurt in real life, so I think Hillary winning would make the people here assmad enough to make it worth it.


That's exactly how they operate.

We don't trust Trump because of who he is, we simply hear him saying things that are (a) true; (b) nobody else has had the guts to say; and (c) would be very beneficial if he delivered upon.

We don't know he'll deliver–we just know he's a better bet than the person (((Clinton))) who we know is absolutely 100% guaranteed to ruin things even more than they already are.

Have we started the fire?

Trump doesn't believe in global warming? Welp, there goes my vote! I'm voting for Hillary now, and as soon as I mentioned to my roommates (all of whom would have voted for Trump) that he doesn't believe in it, they all started to lean towards Hillary.

We live in Arizona, and our town used to have a lake. Now it's all gone. There was snow in the bottom of the caves all year, now it's all gone. I lost my job because of global warming. Trump was my pick for the wall, his stance on Islam, etc. but now I'm 99% sure I will vote for Hillary.

You fucking retard, can you not read? Or could you not wait to read the end of the post to make a post about muh shills!!!

Bani isn't furry.


Nope, voted trump.

nov 8th is election day, its not too late


The only reason someone would vote for her is because shes a vagina. There is enough dirt on her to convict multiple people. Shes going to be allowed to steal the election and itll be civil war in america. We will finally see if what burgers have said for years about muh guns is true or not.

Looks like Hillary's gonna take it, guys. There just aren't enough dumbxaQjtz voters in America to elect a fool like Trump. Early crying has commenced.

I'm voting for Hilary. I'm a democrat, but I'd vote for probably 50% of republicans over Hilary. I hate Hilary. I really do. She's pretty much just a republican. However, I have never disagreed with a politician more than I disagreed with Trump. I'm not going to say that there's NOTHING I agree with him on, but there's almost nothing. But even if I agreed with Trump about most issues, I could never vote for someone who activity advocates against basic human rights and blatant discrimination. At least Hilary will support gay rights and abortion and put in a left supreme court justice… so there's that.

I'm voting for Hilary to not have Trump.

and you like the shillary why?

We're gonna make it, Trump will too

kek, get a load of this moral fag


Are… are you retarded? I said I didn't like Hilary. The best stuff I can say about her is stuff I can say about literally any democrat.

I already said this.

I don't want to live in a world where the government shits on human rights (I mean, they do already, but let's not make it so blatant to it's own citizens). This is a very self serving want, as I am human.

Daily reminder.

I was with you until 'modern family' that show is a portal into hell. Pure anti-vegan propaganda.

At least Trump has the vegan vote.

This is pretty piss poor ammunition shill-user. The first one is pretty funny though, watching Danny Zurker get butt frustrated at getting canned responses is hilarious.

Why are you calling me a shill? Someone directly asked why I was voting for Hilary, I answered and said that I hated Hilary while doing so. You vote for who you want. I don't give a fuck. It's not like Trump has any chance of winning, anyway.

I vote for her because Trump is a worse choice.
Trump is a scam artist.

I mean holy shit, Hillary is a fucking bitch but at least she's a politician and not some fuckwits businessman. At least with Hillary we know what we're buying: another beurocrat.

Play it safe, vote Hillary.


I honestly don't see how this is a good thing anymore.

Here's a question for Never Trumpers, if Hillary were running against someone of comparatively equal political experience, would you still vote for Hillary?

If it was Hillary vs. JEB or Cruz, would you vote Hillary?

Hillary's evil is much deeper than Trump's ignorance. Ignorance can be fixed. Evil cannot.

A border fence was approved some time ago. The EPA decided there were turtles on the border that needed to be protected so the wall had to be non invasive or not at all. they put up barbwire and EPA spends years killing all the turtles they claimed needed protection. The wall was already approved just never delivered. Once congress gives approval the only way they can stop progress is by not funding it. Mexico is going to pay. Wall accomplished. I hope it is a huge shopping wall with light rail and a foodcourt.


That's the worst sales pitch for anything I've ever heard.

Dear CTR. I have a message.

That is all.

So he took money from stupid douchebags? Isn't that literally the best thing a douchebag can do?

Like… the entire world?


Yes he does.
Yes he does
Yes he does… just that the Chinese created it.
This was a big thing. He eventually said his staff insisted he start using one and cracked some jokes about it. Basically he admitted he had been wrong, they are a necessary tool for a modern politician.

How'd that work out for ya?


Fuck Hillary. She woke me up from my nap and I was really comfy and my stupid girlfriend doesnt know how fire and rain work and sat in the rain on her phone that I bought her.

This is why Trump won. If you dont know how fire + water works and electronics + water works you dont deserve to have anything.

Guess I got some crow to eat. Whatever, at least it'll be funny to watch republicans make excuses about the wall.

Dear guy

satan came close to blessing you..

no. election is over

Please user. Tie her up, with her consent, and start filming/taking pics of her. Torture her, slowly cutting parts of her skin, tearing her teeth, nipples, whatever. I want to see that. It would be so hot, and now with Trump, it would be fine because she wanted Hillary to win.
