Every now and then I see people on here saying that they don't use YouTube at all. What alternative do you guys use?

Every now and then I see people on here saying that they don't use YouTube at all. What alternative do you guys use?

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Do you mean making an account or just browsing?

Stallman tier autism.

I think most of them just yell about webms.

You can use something like livestreamer or youtube-dl to see videos without going through their shitty site. If you want to upload something, make a webm and upload it to a file hoster.

Most search engines can(including startpage) jst load video from youtube-nocookie and view it from search engine itself

# pacman -S mps-youtube$ mpsyt # based youtube browser that uses youtube-dl and mpv/mplayer

1. Install youtube-dl.
2. Get mpv-youtube-dl-binding for sjwfox.
4. Profit


Baka, how will you browse a youtube search? mpsyt allows you to navigate search pages and batch download playlists/multiple videos as audio/video and supports both mpv and ytdl.

you can also use the format codes from youtube-dl -F
i use -f 43 for 640x360 webms because i have nigger tier internet

wut. i haven't went on youtube since around 2007/2008. that was to host like 5 videos, because there wasn't much alternative then (i also used a few other sites, but they banned me along with jewtube. only 1 or 2 of my videos from that era still exist). now i host my videos myself. sage for beight/summer thread

hi nooby here, what wrong with youtube

mpsyt is far more powerful than that
userpl searches are pretty much the most useful way for me to browse yt, since I just watch begiragons or specific videos without going on a "related videos" spree.

1. I don't make videos to share with the general public. 100% of my video sharing is done via .webm on image boards.

2. I don't watch any of the videos available on youtube. It's trash. Trash encoding, trash audio, compression artifacts everywhere, and the content is garbage. I watch 1080p, 10 bit Chinese cartoons.

Its a honeypot

I don't use youtube or an alternative, I just don't see the point.

mediagoblin to host your own stuff
otherwise you'd do

We need to make a YouTube video to appeal to Normies

for what? people who like ....stuff? or are you referring to them harvesting allyourmetadataaboutyourfetishwithgardening.png?


I am a skytube and newpipe user.





Nothing, because muh scary botnets muh scary video hosts

I just watch paint dry and whinge then bitch about mah google botnets and my firefoox. Saying how awful windows is but everyone including myself uses it.

I go outside.

I miss those days, that place had some really decent clips.