To my Norwegians: 22 of July revisited, Israeli involvement unnoticed

To my Norwegians: 22 of July revisited, Israeli involvement unnoticed.

Video by Snordelhans.

To my fellow Norwegians on Holla Forums.
I know that we won't get to the bottom of what happened. This is too little, too late. The Norwegian government, police, secret services, both foreign and domestic have probably covered up much of their tracks by now. But I want to ask. Why do so many people here say Breivik was based when there are clear signs that this was, at least partially a false-flag operation.

Many terror attacks are legit, but they are allowed to happen by the governments who want to use the crisis to their advantage. Sometimes they will activelly help and participate in the attack, like on 9/11.
Most of the times though, they will purposefully make several changes right before the attack like having security drill nearly identical to the attack.

This happened in London.
And on 9/11.,_2001

In Oslo on the 22 of July. The exact same thing. A corresponding terror drill nearly identical to the attack happening at the same time of the attack.

They also "knew of the threat" beforehand.
9/11 example. NORAD and Pentagon conducted several simulations, studies and war games on the possibility of a 9/11 like attack.

They knew of Grubbegata's vulnerability, yet they kept it open for years after the initial police report reccomending the closing of Grubbegata becase of the threat level of a car bomb.

Let us not forget the other pure coincidences.
Like the orther supposed religious extremist muslims that likes to snort cockaine and drink heavily on visits to strip bars. The "Christian Crusader" Breivik also spent the evening before the attack as a degenerate.

The police helicopter that were grounded on 22/7 flew over Utoya the day before the attack happened.

Before the Shooting at Utøya, there were already cars from the PST(Norwegian FBI) or DSB (Norwegian FEMA) patrolling the Island.
What is interesting is that the Norwegian emergency and war HQ is at Hole, Buskerud County. Just a few minute drive away from the Island.

I have been able to dig up a few articles that might suggest involvement of the Israeli foreign intellegence service MOSSAD, but I will have to go through my unamed downloaded archives.
So I will probably dump most of them later.
But here is some important information I will bet you havem't heard of before.
Our police force at the time of the attack (at least Oslo's) was in contact with Israeli PR-firms who gave them advice on how to withhold information from the public during a crisis.

Other urls found in this thread: COMMS Manual final_en_0605.pdf

SAFE-COMMS project director dr. Shlomo Shpiro of Bar Illan university, who have been to Oslo on numerous occations claimed that Norwegian police used his "Terrorism crisis communication manual for public authorities" well.
This manual gives public authorities advice on how to supress information, control what information that gets out to the public and create the context that they want. COMMS Manual final_en_0605.pdf
Norwegian police denied this, but police director Øystein Mæland did say that they recieved PR-training from Corporate Communications and a firm Geelmuyden Kiese.
As it turns out Corporate Communications is the firm the Israeli Embassy in Oslo use.

Geelmuyden Kiese and Corporate Communications happens to be subsidiaries of Ketchum inc, who is in turn a subsidiary of the Omnicom media Group. Started by Allen Rosenshine, Keith Reinhard and John Bernbach as a merger between BBDO Worldwide, Doyle Dane Bernbach and Needham Harper Worldwide. One of the business partners of Omnicom is non other than the Bronfmans. If you have not heard of the Bronfman's before, you should. They were one of the Jewish crime families behind organizing the Kennedy Assassination and the stealing of nuclear material from America to Israel.

This is just one connection of Israeli intelligence and zionist power structure and the 22/7 attacks. I did have other saved, but they have been deleted over the years. The Norwegian media have followed the Israeli manual and deleted many articles that conflicts with the pushed narrative. Still, we should not rule out the possibility, since this is hardly the first Mossad OP in Norway. I am sure you may have heard of the Lillehammer Assasination. There is also the possibility that this was a Gladio-B operation. Norway have a long history of secret armies. (Read GroGate, Vaapen mot folket, Norges Hemmelige Hær, NATO's secret armies)

Real terrorist attacks does exist, and Islam is a terrorist religion. All I am saying is that western governments and their intelligence agencies have a history of allowing attacks to happen so they can use the crisis for their own gains. I do wish i could dig up the information I used to have, but much has been lost, deleted and purged. But I just want to say that if you think that it was Breivik alone who was behind it, you might as well believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only perpetrator in the Kennedy assassination. And that is why I made this thread, for us to perhaps revision and look back at what truly happened that day. Because it should be clear as day that our government used this crisis to further some agenda, to cover something up and change public opinion.

Here is the official government report on the event. It should be read with a good eye like the Final Assassination Report of the Warren Commission or the 9/11 commission report.

Our country is in much worse shape than many of you may realize. Our country is no less corrupt that other western nations. In fact I would argue that our government have been one of the best at covering up their corruption for the Norwegian people and the rest of the world. This is demonstrated in how many of the characteristics of a false flag or at least partial government, military and intelligence involvement passed under our noses and have come to believe, for the most part, the official narrative.
The fact is that our government has a history with secret armies against the people, foreign intelligence, money laundering, arms trade and assassination amoung other things. As the well researched rare books below prove.

Breivik managed some pretty suspiciously Herculean feats on his adventure.
Managing to successfully create a viable 1,500kg ANFO bomb on his first try is vanishingly unlikely, but possible I guess.

Often he just makes for great maymays.



Weren't he praising Israel in his manifestio. Literally spreading the "FIGHT for Israel" meme?

He just said that to cover for people like us. He set the record straight later on, but it received little notice by the press.

He is basically a Holla Forumsack vis-a-vis his worldview.

Isn't he a Jew?

Most of "his" "manifesto" was just copypasta from various early alt-right types. Ends up being a self-contradictory mish-mash.
Boring as fuck too, doubt he read it all even himself.


I think he wanted to do an elaborate switcharoo.
He wanted to put the blame on Israel and the masons.

I don't think so, but, IIRC, he might as well be. At any rate, that letter was sent to the world's press. It is not something the counter-jihadists cooked up to shift blame off themselves.

I think Breivik should've released a concise and devastating manifesto like Uncle Ted tbh.

Ain't that some shit. But for what purpose, OP?

Looks pretty Jewy to me?

Make Scandinavian libcucks immune from criticism.
Make anti-immigration sentiment and conservatism in general verboten.

Not saying it was a false flag, mind you - I simply don't know. Those were the effects however.

That is why I made this thread. To possibly figure things out.
There are several theories. From being a coup inside of the labour party to another coverup of their crimes in the form of destruction of archives. To push the narratives that white right wingers are terrorist threats too, further gun control and a multitude of other possible things.

One thing we should look into. What was happening in the Norwegian oil industry by the time of the attack? As we know, the JWO loves that Black gold.

How big was the effect in Norway really? From what I see the anti-anti-immigration trends remained pretty much the same after the initial guilt trip.

Probably has to do with him winning his trial over being stuck with a Playstation 2 as torture and inhumane.

Agree otherwise OP, I remember reading that he was on some watchlist prior to the attacks. In every single case these supposed terrorists are able to slip through the cracks.

Thats correct. I dont see this being a false flag, because (((they))) didnt gain anything from it. Has it gotten harder to get guns in Norway? Shit, not from what Ive heard. Being anti-immgration makes you a Breivik? Nope, being anti-immgration is pretty normal in Norway, and you dont get hanged in the media like in Sweden for it.

Nothing has really changed in Norway since Breivik. In Sweden however, leftists reguarly use Breivik as a boogeyman.

Who knows how many of us are in such lists… without us knowing we are being tracked.

Then if some of us decided to take things in our own hands soon we would read in media how they knew about us all year long. When should they have intervened in case of Breivik, for example?

I don't think it was a full false flag. But signs show that the Government and the intelligencies definitely knew about it and wanted it to happen.

For example from this article from a blog that examined the inconsistencies really well that sadly have been lost. But it's about the military viechles at Tyrifjorden.

The investigative team never looked into the trucks and it is also evidence that the GPS logs were tampered with. This was before he arrived mind you.

Brevik was physically visited by the police several times. So this was more than just a NSA neckbeard following his browser history.

But why would they allow it to happen? Makes no sense. Wasnt it a leftist government that held office during the Breivik attack? Why would left-tards, let other left-tards die for nothing? Because thats what they got, nothing. They even got kicked out the election after. And immigrations policies got harder. Doesnt people even use that as an argument? "We need to controll immigration or else we gonna have another Breivik attack"?

Indeed that's because Fjordman is a scheming lying counter-jihad kike jew.

Breivik himself is a crypto jew who had plastic surgery at the age of 20 to make himself 'appear more aryan' according to his schoolfriends.

It is well documented that breivik is a pro-gay, pro-multiculturalism, counter jihadist pro-israeli psy op patsy.

This whole promotion of Breivik being anything other than a zionist psy-op kike is only a recent thing which the CIA kikes have been applying in order to have him as a representative of us, those promoting him should be discarded and called out for the CIA con-job they really are.

Incidentally along with all the PNAC kikes and jewish defence league, Pamela geller etc, links a certain Frank Gaffney is closely linked to breivik and the EDL false flag counter jihad organisation.

Here's the BNP's investigation into the EDL and mentions PNAC zio Neo-Con Frank Gaffney and his involvement.


What Lies Behind the
English Defence League?

Read the following damage limitation article from the jewish defence leagues own website and read the comments by the kikes in commentary section too.

This whole effort at trying to rehabilitate the communist fist pumping zionist terrorist Anders (((Behring)))-Breivik is a piss poor poorly thought out effort by the CIA kikes to associate the white child mass murdering zionist crypto to WN.

Hopefully the mods will see fit to ban any and all wankers here trying to promote this crypto kike psy-op patsy.

First of all on the nature of leftards. They will split over anything.
But as I said earlier, I don't think immigration was the main reason. I mentioned above that we should maybe look into what happened in major Norwegian businesses. Such as oil.

Also the "leftists" at the top are far from being leftists.
You probably know of the Jewish dominated bolshevism in Russia.
Communism sounds nice when they preach it, but it is a hell in practice for those who live under it.

The top dogs of these parties don't really believe in what they are saying. Behind curtains they scheme and corrupt. They are far from socialist.

Also. It is very likely that Stoltenberg's are Jewish. At least is children is. Look into the archives below.

The government is also a Jewish government. Have been since the Coup of 1939.

I'm one of those people nobody here likes, that believes these types of sensational stories are all fake recently. Anyways, I'd be inclined to say "fuck it" if any official ever paid for their blatantly obvious incompetence or corruption (assuming the official story is true). Never happens though, almost like they're making a point to rub it in our faces.

As always implying that anybody real actually died

Also reminder that Norway have it's on Internet ANTIFA shilling squad hired by Lars Gule. The terrorist trotskyite "right wing expert" caught with bombs in 1977.



I've been convinced this was a false flag since day one. I don't think ABB even exist.

The reason he was painted as a counter jihadist fighting for (((judaeo-christian culture))) is because that's the thoughts the (((nordic governments))) needed to stifle.

Nazi's are already hated and had he been a national socialist it would have been easier for the brainwashed masses to disregard him as a black swan psycho. That would not have created the same political implications (((they))) wished for. The 22/7 attack effectively stopped the controlled opposition parties in the north from reaching a large amount of votes.

Does this make sense to anyone else or am i totally wrong here?

bumping for interest

years ago (back before cuck-chan was nuked) I made a infograph about the actions of Eskil Pedersen, including his insane rambling about the PST wanting to kill him.

My computer crashed, and I lost it, and my only hope is that some user here saved it and is willing to post it.

posting a screen-cap from another thread, which talked about him.


He was trying to redpill people in a roundabout way through cultural marxism. I don't think it was very effective, but hindsight is 20/20.

Was known for posting on stormfront, purchased large quantity of ammunition alongside firearms, bought 6 tons of chemical fertilizer and having his name given to the police by customs after buying explosive primer online. And with a criminal record from his youth as well, deemed unfit for military conscription.

This isn't the case of being on a watchlist because you happened to have been caught up in a ridiculous sweep or your name is similar to someone else's. He was buying explosive primers online, in the firearm owners database, was on an extremist watchlist, had prior encounters with police and sent an email with his manifesto hours before going on a killing spree.

There's a limit to what I can chalk up to sheer incompetence. Perhaps had he sent out his manifesto a full 24 hours before you'd agree with me, others would say it's irrelevant.

You're wrong

Anders (((Behring)))-Breivik is azionist terrorist who killed white kids because they were boycotting israel.

There really is nothing confusing about it he posted 'his' manifesto which clearly explains his love for gays, blacks and indians and israel, he was a counter-jihad crypto kike with links to the EDL, Jewish Defence league and high up elite Neo-con PNAC jews, the only confusing that has arisen about this story is the fact that CIA kikes only very recently have decided to rehabilitate Breivik associating him with WN

See following posts as well as the OPs postings

Wasn't there something about a video on youtube announcing the attack before it happened?

His first bomb was even bigger, but so heavy it broke the axles on the truck.
so he made a smaller one and used a van instead.

it was the 4chan van, btw

simple answer:
all of us. no exceptions, even hired shills for the JIDF is on the lists.

because pic related.

Shame I didn't do the same.
I was a libtard back then.


Well, I doubt we'll ever know if his "first one" worked since if he'd tested it the USGS earthquake monitoring service would have told us.


been looking, many times.

can't find it.
guess I'll have to make another one :-(

Bumping this.

-blowing up ZOG buildings for distraction,
-killing >70 young cultural marxists, that would be future elected good goyim, cucking Norway even more,
-epic trolling of msm that worked to our advantage

Straight up übermensch.

This is the first time I've ever heard this term and instantly it's being used by 3 different people.

These just sound like the words of someone who is new to Holla Forums.

Made a new one…

You just revealed yourself as a newfag.

Counter-jihad was a frequent word used in Breivik threads, but it is on the retarded side, and has not (to my knowledge) been used in other contexts.

Except that's obviously not what happened, and almost nobody except "us" pointed out his connected to these philosemitic organizations.

If anything, the later claims were to make sure the blame stays on us.

The King David Hotel Bombing happened on the 22nd of July as well, although I'm sure that's just a (((coincidence)))

Been a chantard since 2008, Holla Forums minded since about 2010 and a Holla Forumsack since about 2013. I didn't lurk during the Breivik times.

Not this shit again.

We know what happened.

Breivik found out on Hegnar forum that the anti-immigrant organization he planned to build, would be destroyed by the Norwegian Government if it became popular.

Breivik now thought he had no chance to change policy through legal means, so he chose terror.

you may be on to something.

those that make peaceful resistance illegal makes violent resistance inevitable

Thank you.

Because he is based as fuck

Because there aren't really any signs of that.

Except this didn't happen.

And this didn't happen.

Enough concern trolling for today. Go back to watching ramzpaul videos or whatever it is you tone policing cucks do.

You're wrong. The establishment likes these moderate parties. The only thing moderate parties do is prevent the rise of extremist parties and throw all nationalist political will down a black hole.

You are welcome

my perception is that anti-immigration talk is more frequent, and more acceptable now than before.

Guess it was a wake-up call for many people.

Get gassed kike

I'm reaffirming the OP's initial factual posting.

You won't be able to associate the self-proclaimed zionist crypto jew Anders (((Behring)))-Breivik to WN.

He killed to preserve israel and the multicultural homosexual dystopia we reject.

There is no chance of you CIA kikes convincing us otherwise

There is every possibility that this was a Mossad terrorist attack/false flag, OP and others have given more than convincing data to back that up, the only concern trollling is kikes like you insisting Breivik was based "oy vey", by killing white kids and making white nationalists look like the satanic genocidal cunts that jews actually are.

You Mossad Kike hasbara have absolutely shit this board up with your pressuring people to never discuss any possibility of Mossad being involved in these countless Mossad false flag attacks, the only people trying to silence others is you and the rest of the 'Goyim I am' kikes'.

This is kinda brilliant.
especially after Orlando.

Do false flag, claim affiliation to hurr durr culture.

Especially since the Norwegian Government keep Breivik incommunicado, so he is unable to tell the outside world.

Notice also how the conspiracy pushers have abandoned thread or just don't acknowledge the info, JUST like professional shills.


What a slippery kike you are

The term cuck originated as a term to label those who shill and cuck for israel, which is precisely what you are doing.

The OP was correct in pointing out that the Breivik story is one massive jewish lie, a team of kikes then jump on the thread and kvetch and wail insisting the zionist terrorist Breivik is "one of us" and in no way was it a Mossad false flag.

Fuck off kike and find some other board to spread your jewish poison

3rd false flag thread on the catalog

I know where the term originated, as I helped recoin it, and you are a cuck.

Why don't you want to talk about why Breivik was on Hegnar forum, and how he got to know that the Norwegian government crush all nationalistic organizations with extra-legal means?

Obviously you never.
If that ever were the case then would did you try and mutilate its meaning to attack me for merely confirming the OPs post.

How can one cuck for an anonymous comment that highlighted jewish malfeasance?

Total kill count for zionist terrorist Breivik:
White kids Killed 77
White kids Injured 319

Total jews killed 0 [none]
Total jews injured 0 [none]

Seriously get gassed kike.

The day before, AUF called for a boycott against Israel.

Then a pro-zionist, roided up guy manages to get a hold of assault weapons, smuggle them onto the island and massace nearly 80 people.

People claim there were several shooters.

This was probably an Israeli revenge against Norway for being vehemently pro-palestine. France happened when they wanted to recognize Palestine.

Pure cohencidence.


Because it's a lie.

You shill for a lie that does noting good for pro-whites, and that makes you a cuck.

Hegnar is a stock forum for day traders, and because day traders lie and create rumors, it was very free speech.

The old nationalists that had been fucked over by the government when they tried to organize something, also used the forum.

Breivik was a daytrader before he became a farmer, so he naturally hung out with the other daytraders.

I don't know what is true or not in his compendium, but I have been long enough on the net, to know that Breivik said he had been in contact with a bunch of honeytraps.

I also believe the stupid hen in charge of PST then, when she said it was impossible to take down somebody like Breivik.

The implication is that Breivik never spoke about it with anybody, never contacted anybody, nor did he ever say anything extreme on the net.

If you tried to prevent a potential terrorist because he fit some criteria, to the level of visiting them, you would make so many false positives, that you might trigger a backlash.

The other problem is that you might still not get the next terrorist, as they did not fit the criteria.


actually, this part took a bit of time.

This part I have always thought of as one of the big unanswered questions, as well as the bomb on the island that went of.

Why not comment on what I said?

thought I did.

any part in particular you want to discuss?

Thread is full of kikes trying to paint ABB in a bad light

They play same game with Trump as they do with Anders. To the blue pilled crowd they go:
To the red pilled crowd they go

Do not fall for the kikes games Holla Forums

You literally can't be more obvious.

Whenever someone in any shape or form tries to legitimize the killing of whites because they are politically correct, or for whatever other cause, you know who's behind that keyboard posting for shekels.

We are at the brink of Brother War III and the kikes would like nothing more than watch whites kill each other again. This is literally what they live for. They get off on this stuff.

Reminds me of the voting on male genital mutilation and how many members of parliament mysteriously did not show up to vote that day. They're not even hiding it anymore and it has become obvious this world is jew'd hard and someone has to stop (((them))) because not even Norway is safe.

It backfired much because same situation as Orlando and MP Cox

Bodies wasn't even cold before lefties exploited it, and it backfired

yeah, the left waving those dead bodies around did not work as well as they thought.

and that whole "lets cut the island in two" plan they have is so hated that not even the family of the victims want it.