Need Help with Krita

Hey, just got a question for helping setting up my krita so I can use it.

I am using Krita on a MacBook Pro and using a Wacom Bamboo tablet.

my question is this. When I take my pen off the surface of the tablet, the cursor will freeze in place until i move the pen off the canvas area then the cursor will move like normal, does anyone know why this is happening?

Have you got it set to hide the brush cursor?


How would I do that?

I should say, that if anyone else has questions about using Krita, feel free to post them here.



See above


Why are you projecting like this?
/g/ is the place that has one thread per every support question every user has. We avoid that issue by using the sticky here. You're the one that should go there.

gotta make room for all the identity politics threads huh

Can you download brushes on this ?

I actually had this same argument before, and believe it or not, I was on your side that time. That's just how this board works.

If you don't like the way things are handled here (and I don't, either) you gotta take the meta discussion elsewhere. Meta is shittier than political threads. Make a thread on the Holla Forums meta board and I'll support you.

Or. We could try to strive to be better instead of being "less worse". You complain that threads bitching about feminazis are worse than support threads.
We could instead try to encourage better threads about actual technology.

We could start by banning the one autist chasing off the only technology threads left

Sorry, noob to this board, I have no Idea what you guys are talking about.

I have the same problem with my shitty cheap Trust tablet. macOS support is still in beta, so you'll have to wait until 3.1.

what is this?

Alright. Also ban every poster that ever redirected someone to the sticky then.You're not gonna have many users left.

Yes you can.

fuck this thread

That's why support questions go in the sticky.

look nigga, I don't know what this page is here or how to find it when Im on krita. remember, noob here, so at least explain your fucking lingo here.

Every other thread :)




Unless I don't have a brain,

Meet the critera of a support thread.