Post ammo for BTFO of feminists pls, I need moar

Post ammo for BTFO of feminists pls, I need moar

75 characters ov vey goyim

posting what Ive got btw fam



cmon nigs

Preach mah nigga!

why don't feminists ever talk about scandinavian countries, the most gender equal places in the world?

Could you lay down some dank facts against male privilege and basically how rape culture and feminism is a lie?


Women are lovely creatures.

Just like Green Mambas, Lionfish and the Furry Pus Caterpillar.



male privilege in life is as bogus as 'black privilege' in 100m sprint
where's the system? the law? an organization?
pay discrimination is against the law, where are these million of lawsuits

tl;dr- you need to know your shit op.
rape culture implies there aren't laws
also, why the fuss about after the fact (rape) when prevention is better than cure?
these women are adults, and adults are responsible for their own safety.

I know I need to know my shit, thats why I want you to lay down dank facts


Arguing with radfems is useless, they're in so deep in insanity that they can't grasp any logic and they'll lash out with a load of emotional bullshit

How the fuck am I supposed to be respectful when I see what is going on. I have tried it and I end up feeling like a cuck and not being respected myself. I have had to reflect and the only conclusion I can come to is that we got into this mess by showing them respect not earned.

All my experience has taught me that women need to be treated like teenagers. If they can't deal with that then they need to have their privileges revoked like teenagers until they get with the plan.

Attacking the media, that sounds like shaming. Fuck that. Trying to reason with them, they aren't men, they don't respond to logic.

How about this, how about I reclaim my agency and let the chips fall where they may. I'm not going to be mean but I am also not going to give an inch that has not been earned.

The respect given to women is not the same kind given to men. They are teenagers, understand that, but don't demean them for it.

And find right women.


I would wager 95% that that image was a femanon m80 - I pop that in there sometimes to see if anyone notices.

The sentiment seems alright, but you brought up several of the issues in play - the overall message is toothless and impotent, soft-handed out of either self-interest or weakness.

Is tragic comedy.

Between their innate limitations and inclinations, and the pozzed media (serving to manipulate their predispositions in the social context with ease), there is no reasoning with the majority, and the upcoming generations are going to be even worse no doubt, thanks to the last 8 years of uber-pozzing.

For what its worth, I would agree with that image's sentiment - it is valuable social currency to be able to convert the women to your cause (though admission into the movement itself to any significant degree is a dogshit bullet between the eyes) - but not the overall message: Men don't need to respect women or give them any leeway, they need to learn how to say "No".
Problem is, in a 'democratic society' wherein women are the majority, policy-makers are not particularly likely to regain that capacity anytime soon…

Good post. Thanks user.

