So, Holla Forums, do chicks really dig alphas over betas? The way I see it, alphas are just over-confident...

So, Holla Forums, do chicks really dig alphas over betas? The way I see it, alphas are just over-confident, narcissistic, arrogant fucks brimming with too much social prowess. You can be a complete shitbag, but, if you're an alpha, you can fool the world. I know plenty of alphas and the lot of them can be real shitheads.

The betas, on the other hand, can be pretty pathetic to the point where it's a complete turn-off. I've seen betas and I find myself cringing even when some of them are at their best.

But what about the half beta/half alpha like me? I have a nice personality and can converse with people rather well, but I am not outgoing and I do not seek out oportunities to socialize. I will say this, though, that I absolutely suck at women. I can talk to them on a friend/colleague level, but I cannot show a girl that I like her without completely failing. I don't know how to talk to a girl, touch a girl, flirt with a girl, etc. Is there hope for guys like me? When we're out in pubic with fellow alphas who know how to put on a good show for the ladies, do our kind stand a chance? We guys can see a bullshitting alpha from a mile away, but the ladies just eat that shit up. They go home with the guy, fuck him, then get pissed when he doesn't return her calls. Meanwhile, sitting next to Mr. Alpha is a good guy who may not have a way with the ladies, but will be awesome to her if she tries to get to know him.

You should ask a girl that question and see what they say.

Girls dont actually go for either outside of coalburners and stacy's, most betas are exactly what you just described except they look and smell worse aswell

Girls always go for an actually nice guy, not a guy who lets her cuck him

Garbage advice.

Women are attracted to relatively-tall good-looking men (preferably masculine) who are socially apt and assertive. Being nice/emotionally available is only relevant if you have the aforementioned traits.

When women say they can't find a "nice guy" they are truncating their statement, referring specifically to a man who is also tall, good-looking, socially apt, and assertive.
No woman wants an average-looking stammering push-over.

Tall, attractive, assertive, and socially apt men navigate and ascend through the social hierarchy with ease and can nigh guarantee financial security for the woman in question and her children.

looking good is kinda subjective but easy enough, he was talking about alfa vs beta so I mainly responded to that
But yeah OP looking good and not being a sissy are pretty important, but if youre shorter than 6'' you should just kill yourself anyway

looking good is hardly subjective.
I'm referring to symmetrical and proportional, facial features with a relatively low body-fat percentage.

Taste varies somewhat among women- but this is the baseline.

The difference between an "alpha" and a "beta" is hardly just demeanor.

Not really. Women don't actually know what it is they want.

They want pic related

Don't be discouraged by this guy- he gets no pussy. He's repeating lines from Hollywood films as if they were his own thoughts.

Rich beta here. They don't want my money.

This,basically they are still looking for a nice hunter and leader for the tribe, they are stupid, thats all, you cant blame them.

No, btw, womanizers hate women with passion, just check the blue guy from LOGH, this is what women are looking for and that is why "free women" ruin their lifes and then their countries, asians countries, even shitholes have a "continuity" for a reason.

They do, they just don't want to fuck you to get it.


If women following their inherent drives makes them stupid, then aren't you also stupid for following your inherent drives- wanting to fuck them?

No, user, you're full beta.

Especially when he started ranting and raving about Nice guys and douche Bagdad

Bags* autocorrect



You're thinking of a separate archetype that isn't interchangable with alpha males


No such thing

Is there any hope?

we will all make it brah

thats why humanity deserves extinction. everyone is awful and needs to die.

This tbh fam