THIS IS A FUCKING TRAP! this is exactly a mirror image or a shadow of mainstream media! they want real and normal people to have NO FUCKING SAY in what gets posted and anyone who "spams" gets banned for having dissenting views! BOYCOTT /newsplus/

THE ONLY NEWS WE WANT IS FREE NEWS. if the average user can not post whatever news they deem to be relevant we have LOST.

ask yourselves how in the world /newsplus/ took off so fast? how has /newsplus/ been flooded with new thread and grabbed such a high places on the board index already? they want complete control over our news source here on Holla Forums so that /n/ will be forgotten, and then we will have NO freedom

Other urls found in this thread:


Sure, /a/, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums are here already, why not /n/ too.

well technically, we all use Holla Forums to post on Holla Forums.

you are ally

this was never supposed to happen. since the beginning users were supposed to create their own boards and make their own rules, as long as they didn't do anything illegal.

this is an Holla Forums coup

this is just like systemd on linux

be prepared to jump ship if this community manager cancer spreads to the rest of Holla Forums. this is why we have seem a massive uptick in shills, because they hate Holla Forums. these are the same people who destroyed 4chan. and so Holla Forums was made. now they want to destroy Holla Forums. they wont stop, so we must not stop. do not give up any ground

ALL NEW NEWS ARTICLES ON THE FRONT PAGE LINK TO /newsplus/ you don't need to be more than an idiot to know this is very bad

Quit spamming your division shit everywhere Holla Forums

"stop telling everyone the truth!"

back to reddit

Krillcen I'm pissed off too, but now is not the time for hotheadedness and there's a thread for this on this board already.

systemd is a good thing though

This is the site you all chose by successfully stonewalling a $12k upgrade. Goodbye.

And this has what to do with Holla Forums now?

spotted the shill


we are the resistance. never give up!

He right though.

oh noes the people who own the site are running it as they see fit
let's bitch about it ad nauseum instead of voting with our feet that tactic's worked great for the past 18 months

Short term solution: Calm the fuck down and support /n/

Long term solution: Everyone needs to come to an agreement on ONE chan to exodus to


new goal

can someone please make a new /n/ or news related board?

lets stop using both /n/ and /newsplus/ and make our own board.

Just don't read the latest poo news on /n/.

Compare the two boards:
Jim took away /sp/ first and now he has 2 boards to spam clickbait shit. Someone should tell him that plebbit would be better for linking to newsarticles.

posting image from other thread.

what is librechan like?

is it good?

posting pic from,

other thread showing chronological events.

Librechan is where all the pedos fucked off to, no it's not good. It's another pedo honeypot like masterchan.

that's not good.

do we have any safe free FOSS alternatives?


Most chan software is FOSS these days.
If endchan wasn't such a shit hole I'd go there.

Someone needs to make a good lynxchan frontend and host it.

someone should really make an alternative, it's really a good idea for us to all jump ship now. I want all the cool anons to come with to the new website or something. leave all the fucking shills behind.

kill yourself

also who gives a shit about an official news board, just make your own. this is how it always worked here.

Holla Forums got forked a while back and as far as I know 8ch.pl is still FOSS. It's pretty cool over there, just not very active.

Why is everyone *not* going to NNTPchan?

Voting with your feet won't work because there's nowhere else to really go. The one viable alternative, with a potential for future nntpchan integration is burned thanks to hotwheels and his attempt to shame Josh out of his copyright.

The image board dream is dead for me. We fucked up our one shot to be better than 4chan and now we're run by retards who stored tens of thousands of unencrypted credit card records, and logs associated to said credit card numbers, whose only real community that they produced and built themselves is some garbage internet radio called Shartnet.
Its their website now, and they want it to be 2channel, despite the fact that they didn't create 2channel. And the top board owners form an incestuous relationship of dicksucking, even going so far to pretend they're another person introducing themselves as a 'community manager.'

I'm a reporter and posted some stuff about economics and the Syrian rapefugees, don't worry about it

You fucking WN poltards killed /n/ with your spam and paranoia and blogposts and "everyone who disagrees is a leftist" mentality. I loved /n/, I still try, but Holla Forums is a cancer that eventually destroys whatever it infects.

And Trump. So much Trump.

It has literally never worked, thanks to legacy boards. The only time 'make your own board' did work was for non legacy boards. As long as legacy 4chan boards exist, boards dedicated to that topic will put up with whatever shit mod.

Oh no, it's you again.

They're a real problem because people are attached to the board and put up with the moderation. Name one non legacy board that isn't dead as fuck compared to the legacy board equivalent despite dogshit moderation, such as Holla Forums.
Well, except Intl/ints. It was only for a short time until cripple made personal army requests around the site because it had made his IRCfag friend irrelevant.

Holla Forums

Holla Forums is pretty much the only exception, but /g/ wasn't created at the time when it was being linked iirc, and it had to do with what was being linked to others. So it doesn't really apply. Legacy boards are a mistake, and a better system would be 1) combining multiple boards based on topic, allowing filtering of boards that are shit at moderation and 2) built in ghost posting.
It doesn't change the fact that 'make your own board' has never worked to replace an already established legacy board, and the one time it almost did hotwheels got upset over being called a genetic did and his IRC friend being made irrelevant.


I'm amazed how someone can seriously believe that. For how long have you been going now, a year?

Let's take Holla Forums, total dogshit compared to what it was, and if discoverability were actually good I guarantee that an alternative would actually compete with it, or at least the board wouldn't be shit and clean itself up.
But Jim's wife's son is too busy integrating features into the site to push their own boards instead of actually making discoverability better and giving smaller niche boards as much a leg up as possible without paying like Jim, the faggot who was going to monetize board owners to block nsfw ads.

So really, you are just a fucking retard. You should also stop assuming identities, and implying that only one person thinks legacy boards are shit, you mentally deficient subhuman.

There are alternatives. Most people on Holla Forums don't care about them because they actually like Holla Forums as it is or don't dislike it enough to switch. What's so hard to understand about this? This isn't related to 4chan board names, this is basic social inertia.

I really liked how you played off Holla Forums (which directly contradicts your theory, /g/ already existed back then) with some vague words. Face it, your theory is utter dogshit.

It doesn't contradict anything, newfaggot. Holla Forums was created days before /g/ was created during the first 4chan exodus and was linked everywhere important which is what really mattered at the time.
As for Holla Forums, its dogshit compared to what it used to be. If Holla Forums weren't a board no one would put up with such shitty moderators, and the reason its shitty is because of the second big 4chan exodus, where autistd only came here because they were triggered, not because they have principles.

Personally I think its hilarious that retards like you pretend to know anything, implying that 8/g/ was created before 8/tech/, when that's simply not the case.

wew, try again

What the fuck are you even arguing at this point? There are no moderators if Holla Forums is no board.

The contradiction is right in your face: People didn't go to /g/ even when it became a technology board. Legacy board names don't mean shit, it's all social inertia. If Holla Forums was renamed to /dongs/ tomorrow, nothing would change. It would still be the biggest politics board and the alternatives would still be dead because people aren't actually interested in alternatives right now.

But no, if you think it's terrible, clearly it must be the will of The Peopleā„¢. For the record, I completely agree with your assessment of the second exodus. That doesn't change the fact that what you are suggesting is complete nonsense.

nice monosyllabic grunt, jimtard

Reminder that subhuman scum like this is why things were allowed to get this bad

Its a fact, maybe you shouldn't open your mouth about shit you knew nothing about, revealing yourself, and you won't be called out for it next time.
There's no contradiction. I'll spell it out for you, since you are obviously a fucking retard:
People come to the site and expect 4chan boards to be here, first come first serve to the autist who grabbed it regardless of its being run well. Users put up with it because network effects.
Let me fucking remind you that I was originally replying to "lel make ur own board xxdd." Making your own board does not work. It will never work on this site because the free market is a lie, discovery is shit, legacy boards and user churn only coming to 4chan legacy boards, and boards in a category not all on the same even keel in a presentation format. All of this is easy to accomplish, but it never will be. Because its not profitable for the new owners.
They're too busy adding shitty 2channel features and trying to force community managers just like are on 2channel. Let me remind you that, just like Holla Forums, they didn't create it, they acquired it in dubious circumstances.

So, again: network effects. Legacy boards were a mistake, get over it. The obvious answer is to get rid of them completely by pointing legacy boards to a multi board filterable by category and abilities to filter certain boards.

This is like talking against a wall, Christ. It's as if the idea that not enough people are interested in your alternative is incomprehensible to you.

I'm out, I should have never touched this autism again.

That is nonsense "Holla Forums can only be on 4chan forever and ever!" the board and the name Holla Forums goes beyond 4chan.

The issue could be "fixed" by trying to protect users, make it so every board has a mirror version, one moderated and one not, if your post gets deleted on Holla Forums it would still show on the mirrored board.

4chan archives had all this worked out years ago.

because there totally isn't 10+ splinter boards already

Great argument.

The problem isn't the board names themselves its that its first come first serve to an autist who'll grab them and who people put up with.
No, that does not solve the problem of autist owners and it doesn't solve the network effects of how big 4chan is and that users expect those boards either.

So, again, the solution is multi board for better discovery, and preventing legacy boards from being created in the first place. I know its hard for you to accept that Holla Forums is basically reddit: the image board, but its basically what the system is, except nowhere near as good as redditd discovery and multi board features.

Not to mention codemonkey asking for "reddit experience" for his new newsbot volunteers :^)

This is the future you chose.

better the board go to a random user than some twitter/irc attention whore.

yes it does, it marginalizes them and moves toward user moderation.

the primary appeal of Holla Forums back when it got bigger was "4chan boards but with less hot pocketing". I think Holla Forums would be best trying new things not done by 4chan, experimenting with ideas like ghost posting would be really great.

You are really too full of yourself to understand this. Amazing.

dude fuck off im only here waiting until Holla Forums announces where it's going to be hosted next

16chan's Holla Forums is exactly what you want. Same moderators, 99% less people like OP



Okay, retard, let me fucking explain it to you like this. Legacy boards are riding on the back of 4chan traffic. Mods of these boards like to pretend that they built these communities single handedly, but they really did not. An established legacy board will never have alternatives due to network effects. The only way to accomplish this is to get rid of legacy boards entirely (untenable on this site) or put all boards in that category of topic on an even keel with the legacy board. That requires a really polished multiboard/multicatalog system.
That's because, as humans, they are too attached to board/community names. Take a look at the shitty mods on boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Take a look at how Mark rambles about bogeymen out to get him just because he might lose a percentage of his community, and how he pretends to be a different person entirely in order to suck Jim's dick and not risk losing his board.

Or maybe they just don't want to switch :^)

please post another angry wall of text stating the same thing again without ever addressing my point

It doesn't matter if communities want to or not, legacy boards are riding on the back of well established imageboard communities and people put up the status quo of them because of network effects.
You can keep trying to claim that its not a problem, but just wait until the autist of the top several boards burn out.
Also, a good multi board would help put boards of the same category on an even keel, I'm not sure how someone can argue against this as if its a bad thing.
But I'm sure you are just a fucking retard and not one of the owners of the boards in question, as well as an administration dicksucker?
I'm not sure where you get the idea that I'm angry either.


Yes, because the "free market"/"make your own board" is a lie. I'm pretty amazed that you are literally so fucking stupid that this needs to be explained. When alternative boards are not on an even keel, in a presentation format with threads from all boards side by side, then you cannot call it a free market.
You done being a fucking retard?

Polish 8ch is best 8ch