Everyone on Holla Forums is a degenerate fucking piece of shit...

everyone on Holla Forums is a degenerate fucking piece of shit. prove me wrong or prove me right you fucking sons of whores

I can do neither, because I've never seen any of the pseudo-fascist internet goblins who bitch and moan about "degeneracy" even attempt to define "purity" as a positive attribute. The best they can do is state all the things they hate that it's the absence of. This isn't a philosophical idea of any import.

I want men to fuck me in the ass, if I was a gril I'd do it for money

Butthurt Holla Forums homosexual detected.
I guess all the gore/rekd/cp that's been posted on Holla Forums isn't degenerate because some internet goblins haven't proven that purity is good.

i agree


I really, really like this image.

I bet you don't say that when you look in the mirror you should - it's the Holla Forums affirmation

Nice trips

I don't feel like proving anything, at least, not right now.
I guess no one is perfect in physically or morally, but to become purer is what separates people, I guess.
What are your religious and political affiliations, OP?

My mom isn't a whore by the way, unlike most.
t. virgin

Or my dad.

I want to have sex with Ebola-chan and give her all my energy

I'm an atheist and even though I'm pretty liberal in the sense of personal freedoms, I find myself agreeing with both left and right spectra of politics

Both conservatives and liberals make good points It's foolish to blindly support either imo

however nothing of what I said refutes my initial point of everyone on Holla Forums, and that obviously includes myself, is a fucking degenerate societal misfit

Holla Forums BTFO

I just ate a hamburger and a pizza and I'm still hungry

wat now b

salad time fucker

no money

shops closed

I'm going to put salami and cheese inbetween two slices of bread and microwave them


Im a real life LSD chemist. not sure if degeneracy or revolutionary scientist.

If you're attractive enough you still could.

who are u calling a piece?

Als ob.

ruhe du opfer


Back to reddit

Im a wizard who does no fap

Other than titties sometimes on Holla Forums or sex in tv shows or movies I really dont look at anything sexual

yeah, pretty much