Java is shit

Why do people write shit in Java? It's like trying to build a house on a foundation of sand.

Why don't we just write a universal compiler which can interpret all shitty VM languages and compile them to native software?

They could make it just werk for retards, and maybe people would adopt it if it were simple enough.

I think .net already kind of does this on the fly anyway with their JIT compiler, or at least I think mono does. That must be why .net software is only sort of shitty instead of completely shitty like java and python.

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Luckily, I think it's dead

Never assume. Somebody's keeping that site up.

These people have to be masochists of some sort

Java is master race. If it wasn't android wouldn't use Java. Android is the most popular OS which makes Java best language. Checkmate autists.

Brb installing jnode on all my computing devices

Because last time people demanded that we got Firefox and Chrome.

I don't understand what you mean?

That firefox and chrome try to do everything instead of just being a good web browser?

Mono's JIT compiler seems to work well and make interpreted languages less shitty and slow.

It's also great for hooking and adding your own features to closed source software

It could be done well if each language had it's own module that is loaded on demand, that way unlike modern browsers it wouldn't be a huge bloated frankenstein monster.


I feel you on the Java front though. I recently had to deal with this:

The kind of idiocy behind such a design beggars all description.


What is LLVM?
What is JIT compilation?

Interestingly compile-time garbage collection has already been done (
We already have pretty good compiled languages; and Rust shit might give us something even better (get away from the C/C++ cruft even if C is my favourite language)

well shouldn't xmonad set that environment value by default?

I love Java and even I wonder why the fuck do people use it for desktop programs with GUI. Java is only good for programs that will run continuously on the background, such as servers and the likes.

It only works with OpenJDK, which I can't use unfortunately. It also feels really dirty having to work around some retarded hardcoded list this way, so I can understand why the xmonad devs wouldn't do it.


Nice argument. I bet you wrote many backends and frontends in C and assembly, your favourite languages.

This is a good point actually, Java is the king of enterprise because you can run it on any server painlessly and the GC makes it fast and reliable in the typical mess of entertwined vendor products.

It's shit at anything real-time, but for high throughput applications where you can spend extra buck for hardware it's good.

Go is going to wreck it in the long term.

You mean Java's non-deterministic "stop the world" GC which is so awful that it ends up creating more work for the developer to avoid having huge hangups when the GC decides to free a gazillion objects out of the blue?

Only sometimes. Most of the time it's concurrent in most JVM implementations.

By any chance, is your only experience with Java Minecraft's shit unoptimized engine? Competent developers will use way more pooling and recycling.

This premise is part of the reason that Le Web App meme is real and Google spends so much dev time on JS optimization

Which defeats the purpose of having GC at all, again, it's supposed to make less work for the developer, not more.

The idea is you should only pool the resource-intensive parts. If it's just an object that gets built from time to time you can leave its management to the GC. If you want to, as you said, generate a gazillion throwaway objects, maybe the problem is in your application and not the GC; you would also end up having similar problems in C if you wanted to allocate and deallocate that much.

You don't understand why Java exists. People like you who demand to live in cushy ignorance are the reason we now have people fetishizing C-to-JS transpiler shit taking up 150 watts and 2GB of RAM to render spinning 3D gears.

> '5' - 32 // weak typing + implicit conversions = headaches> '5' + 3'53' // Because we all love consistency> '5' - '4'1 // string - string = integer. What?> '5' + + '5''55'> 'foo' + + 'foo''fooNaN' // Marvelous.> '5' + - '2''5-2'> '5' + - + - - + - - + + - + - + - + - - - '-2''52' // Apparently it's ok> var x = 3;> '5' + x - x50> '5' - x + x5 // Because fuck math

A poor craftsman blames his tools.
"people write shitty things in java" is like saying "people say shitty things in english"

Why don't YOU just write a universal compiler which can interpret all shitty VM languages and compile them to native software?

Could you be any more unsure of a sentence? You change your ideas right in the middle of that trainwreck or maybe elephants really are the true wilderbeasts.

Because user isn't a multibillion dolllar international technology giant with thousands of developers like Oracle is.

Why are you dumb as shit? Get a computer that doesn't chug on simplistic fucking programs and stop being a nigger.

He backtraced the IP by writing a GUI in visual basic.

Not an argument.

>>>Holla Forums

Yes, that absolutely is. He offered an option of what these comanies could do and all you did was suggest that he should singlehandedly do it himself. Jesus you're fucking thick.

Shit comparison. You might have good tools and good skills, you won't do good with shit materials.

Being a good craftsman involves favoring the better tools. Anyone who defends Java is not a good craftsman.

What a moron. Next time please do some research before shitposting a whole new thread.

Any facts to back that up?

It's JavaScript?

After they implement type parameters — maybe. And still unlikely, there are no unique features which can't be done in a JVM language.

JavaFX 8 is okay for GUIs if you know how to use it and have brains

Not an argument. You very much can make something yourself, "I'm not a multibillion dollar company" is not an argument. This isn't singlehandedly designing, manufacturing, and selling cars, it's making a code compiler.

Not an argument.

Actually that was an argument, stop sucking James Goslings' cock

But Java does use JIT compilation...?

Java being shit is a Holla Forums meme
>>>Holla Forums

"Not an argument" is a valid reply that you're using wrong and thus fucking up the people who want to use it in a valid manner. Fuck you.

Not an argument.

P1: Being a good craftsman involves favoring the better tools.
C1 (by contraposition of P1): If you favor a bad tool over alternatives, you are not a good craftsman.
P2: Java is a mediocre tool compared to alternatives, as already demonstrated repeatedly.
C2 (by syllogism from P2 and C1): If you favor Java over alternatives, you are not a good craftsman.

Looks like it's a valid, fact-based argument, friend.

No its not as already demonstrated
Again,not an argument

Java is a language that combines the inefficiency of higher-order garbage-collected, dynamic allocation-based languages with the potential verbosity of more efficient languages like C++. Its promises of portability (literally its only "good" selling point) are wildly overrated.

I'm sure Indian shitcoders and love Java, but those are rarely good craftsmen.

I write Java at work. It's used for multi-threaded networked graphical desktop applications and we target Linux and Windows.

We use Java because Swing is a well-tested, well-understood API that is portable across platforms. Java is a reasonably efficient language with reasonably development times.

And here, "reasonably efficient" means "we can do what we need to do at more or less wire speed"- that is, the network remains the bottleneck.

Python would not suffice (too slow) and C++ would not suffice (because FUCK threading in C++, and development times are just plain slower).

Also fuck C++ compilation times. Our "full build" takes 40 mins- 2 mins for java, 38 for C++. Similar codebase sizes.

Rare are the cases when performances (including battery using devices) and portability don't matter. Java exists solely for entreprises who don't care about quality or don't need to run on more than amd64. "It's good enough" is their motto.
Also, all the bugs and CVEs of the JVM will always affect you.

I don't really like Java, but threading in Java is a pleasure indeed compared to threading in C/C++.
About the compile times, which compiler(s) did you use? I have read (not tested though) that Intel and clang are the fastest C++ compilers nowadays. Also, have you tried unity builds? This shit is pure magic, I swear!

Maybe you should hire some people who actually know how to program (in C++) instead of having a bunch of monkeys (including you) pretend to "program" java.
Just my opinion fam.


And yet those enterprises produce software 100 times better than what meme programmers on these sites produce
Maybe you should learn waht programming means
Just my opinion fam.

Buzzwords user,none else
No user.They love C++ more.Infact its the first programming language all Indians learn.Just go check their school curriculum.All national standard schools there teach C++ while only international standards schools teaches Java


I was under this impression as well. Java does implement JIT in Oracle's JVM doesn't it?

Worthless without the actual code, he could have just used a very inefficient pattern.

Do Java programmers consider the concepts of efficiency and verbosity to be "buzzwords"? That would explain a lot.

Objectively wrong. See pic related. By the way, compared to the US value, the PYPL Index for Java in India is higher by 8.5%. Also, C++ is more popular in the US than in India.

Okay so it wasn't literally a "one-liner", but that's what it felt like when he told me about it.

import java.util.HashMap;public class stringThing{//global variablesHashMap presentCharacters = new HashMap();public static void main(String[] args) { new stringThing(args); }public stringThing(String[] args){//special case: string is not given or string is emptyif(args.length==0 || args[0].trim().length()==0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }//special case: string is only a single characterif (args[0].length() == 1) { System.out.println(args[0]); return; }//local variablesint i;int value = 0;String inputString = args[0];presentCharacters.put(inputString.charAt(0),1);//build keyed collectionfor(i=1 ; i < inputString.length(); i++) { if(presentCharacters.containsKey(inputString.charAt(i)) == true) { //if it's already in the collection then increment its value value = presentCharacters.get(inputString.charAt(i))+1; presentCharacters.replace(new Character(inputString.charAt(i)), new Integer(value)); } else if (presentCharacters.containsKey(inputString.charAt(i)) == false) { presentCharacters.put(inputString.charAt(i), 1); } }//at this point all non-duplicate characters have a value of 1 in the collection//now all we need to do is find the first value of 1 and print out it's key//sadly this requires ANOTHER for loopfor(i=0; i