Is this the site from the alternative right that made pepe?

is this the site from the alternative right that made pepe?

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No, you want reddit

and ask for green twitter political frog

i wanted to ask why you guy are soracist

what's your problem nigger person of colour?


why are you racist is all I am asking?

Who doesn't enjoy racing though?

I prefer to call myself a "professional racist" because I feel rather acquainted with the hobby itself

no I mean why are you against other skin colours like black people


Anita pls

I think you are lying I think yuou know what I mean and thats a racer not a racist

but that makes no sense

around here we use proper English, I believe the correct term for someone who enjoys the sport of racing is, indeed, a racist

Much like someone who enjoys playing video games is called a "Gamist"

omg have u ever had english class even? moron that's a racer not a racist and I read online that 8chnan is racist and not a site about racers or racecars so just answer my one question why are there so many racist on this site

But thats wrong, we at Holla Forums are avid fans of racing, we have a massive community dedicated to both Formula 1 and NASCAR

I am simply appalled you could ever think we discriminate against people of different races

You are on Holla Forums so by definition you are racist. How can you live with yourself knowing the kind of hate-speech that your represent you double nigger faggot omgwtfbbq I'm so triggered by your disrespectful ways!


Haven't you guys seen the Holla Forums logo? Its obviously supposed to be a "figure 8" racetrack

Holla Forums has been about racing since the beginning, but the media spun it to make it sound like we hate African Americans and Israelis

Even our glorious leader is an avid racer

I just looked and I dont see racers anywhere if u think I' stupid think again I know you are joking with me and now why wont you answer me

I am not racist if a black man goes to a KKK meeting and asks them why they hate blacks is that man racist for being at the meeting? no didnt think so

but why does the media make it soind like that??

What are you talking about? The founder of this website even gave himself the online handle "Hotwheels" We love the sport of racing!

I don't know why the media would spin us, maybe they are just uneducated, its a shame, we've been looking for new members to join our drivers' club

where can I find the founder of the website

You can find him on Twitter

Here's his Wikipedia page to prove I am not lying

See? We love racing

it says pedophilia so nevermind you guys are all lyers and I know that youre joking and it's wrong to hate on black people and call then the n-word so goodbye.

later nigga



I got you guys good, didn't I? kek

get rekt bitches

lmao nigger


must hang

Ahhh, another "The news couldn't lie to me!" type, enjoy you stay.

Soracist? Is this some New Leftist ideology?

No one here is racist, infact, just like in "Tha Hood" everybody here is ya nigga!

I do not know what you are rambling about, you sem like your drinking the kool aide…
Only BLM is racist, and only Feminists are Sexist!

A racer is one who actively participates in a race.

Why are you so angry, what are you trying to do, rile up a calm and peaceful community of Racing Enthusiasts?
Do you believe what anyone tells you? It sounds like it if your out here trying to make a fuss with people who enjoy vehicular sports!

Oh look, another "I was not retarded, I was just being autistic the entire time!" ass goblin.

Well enjoy your cucked life, I got to head out to the track and get a few laps in…

Hillary invented Pepe to give legitimacy to her conspiracy Putin is ready to put on the ritz

Pic related. It's the very first Pepe meme

Haha, look at this triggered fuck trying to justify his gullibility. Instead of digging yourself a deeper hole, why not man up to your naivete and admit to having been baited?