Ladys and Gents, the Alternative für Deutschland in action

Ladys and Gents, the Alternative für Deutschland in action.

No need for subbing, you will easily understand what is going on.

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all i hear
is Zeggey atta
(tumblers shit)

Gonna bump this once, since its fucking hilarious. Its 2 minutes, give it a watch.

Why do you fucking faggots post shit without translations?

The Left and Greens wanted to push gender shit - this is his answer.

After greeting all 60 genders they wanted to be officially integrated, he closes with "motion rejected".

Frau Mann

Mann Frau

Neat, that 5 minute German lesson I took finally payed off.

so are we done waiting for hitler?

Thor incarnate. I wish I still lived in the Glorious Fatherland so could participate in taking back my country from those disgusting kikes and commies.

The kikes and good goys behind him proposed adding a slew of SJW bullshit to the list of genders recognized by the German government. He proceeds to spend two minutes listing off every single one of them in the sarcastic manner of offering greetings to every gender, to point out how stupid having so many genders would be and also making fun of the lunacy of some of them on name alone. Then at the end he curtly rejects the proposal.

Still, it would be nice to have that list so I can laugh at the names, too. Germanbros gotta help the anglophone world out. Germans are the largest ethnic group in the US, but we've completely lost our roots

Well its simply the german version of all the tumblr crap. Other times he outright uses the english terms like gender-queer.

gender - Geschlecht
man - Mann
woman - Frau
"*" - Sternchen (like in trans*man)

All other words are interchangeable, like Transvestit.

Yea you Germans have a word for everything.

Did you guys have to add any new ones every time Tumblrites crank out a new gender?

What was the greeting he was using in the beginning?

I did notice once I listened to it a second time that a lot of them were or were close to the English version. I just didn't catch it until halfway through the first time, probably bc of the accent. The trans* ones were what caught my attention, and I realized it had something to do with SJW faggotry.

Actually, my understanding is that their language is fairly word-poor, which is why all their words are compound words.

He's saying "sehr geehrte", which is like "very honourable".

So he's basically saying, as the 777 post (checked) says:

"Ladies, gentlemen, genderqueers, bisexuals, bigenders, gender-variables, intergenders, third-spirits, … (continues for 60 genders) …: motion rejected."

Not to go full Germaboo, but you're looking for "pure".

As in, German as its spoken in Germany has had the least foreign influence on it.

For example, take English. You have words from the Germanic origin, from the Celtic peoples that adopted the language, from the Latin being used as a high noble/cleric language, from the Norman invasions, and from so forth.

Compare to France which has Latin, Germanic (Frankish) and Celtic.

Portugal, and Spain, which have similar roots plus an unfortunate Arab here and there.

Compared to that, Germany has largely avoided such invasions, so their language has remained pure. Less loan words means they have to come up with more compounds to define things.

ah, thanks. Pretty funny. Is the AfD set to gain more seats? Is there any way they can actually assume power at the district or federal level in any significant way?


No our SJWs have no creativity whatsoever. It usually just gets 1:1 translated or simply not.

"Greetings to the president (of the Landtag), Ladys and Gentlemen, Gays, Lesbians, etc. "

Yes and no. We use about 200k words in daily use, the language itself consists of about 600k+, not because of the compound words but the huge bulge of latin and french we have incorporated.

The compound words are used by people who are not familiar with the original latin one or want to keep things obvious for the uneducated. German is a monster of a language but has been heavily simplified over the last 20 years. You can easily tell the age of people just by hearing them talk.

Actually English has basically no Celtic words. The intrusive words are all from Norse, French and Latin+Greek.

The almost complete lack of Celtic words used to be used as evidence that the Anglo-Saxons must have slaughtered most of the Celtic Britons. Turns out we're average 62% Celtic by DNA so must have just been a prestige thing (Celtic language was dirty and uncool).

Also Germans had a bit of a language purification movement I think around C19th. Someone tried that in English but it never took.

It's quite the opposite, their language relies on saying explicitly what you want to say.
Compare that to English, which is highly context-sensitive.

This couldnt be further from the truth.

German itself is a mix of latin, gaelic and germanic. Through the whole history of germany we always have adapted a lot of french and italian in our language. Latin is still a huge part of daily use although not recognized by most.

All the "great" german writers and philosophers loaned a lot of their stylistics and wordings from french. From Heidegger to Goethe, from Nietzsche to Mann.

Also german aint pure at all. You probably are talking about high german which is an artificial language.

If you count in all the dialects found in german the wordcount is uncountable, even the Duden states so.

I always assumed that Celtic was still the majority DNA of England, so I assumed there would be some Celtic influence in Anglo-Saxon here or there, maybe just in pronunciation.

I admit though, I am no expert, so I'll take your word for it.

How is High German artificial.

Also how did Gaellic and French get involved when Germany never had major Gaellic migrations and France never owned German land for any increased period of time.

Language morphs actively based on the majority population, not necessarily the written "proper" form. What survives most is what average joe speaks.

There's a fair bit of Celtic influence in place names, especially rivers. That happens everywhere - river names are really conservative and preserve old languages.

One guy claims there is a Celtic influence on english grammar, but given Anglo-Saxon grammar is _very_ similar to low German grammar I don't buy it.

High German was established around 1880 to unify a people who didnt even speak the same language - the "germans". Bayuvarians and Friesen spoke in the same grammar but with different vocabulary.

You do realize we share borders, have so since the fucking beginning of time and always had an intense relationship to another ? Still to this day people on both sides of the border grow up bilingual, naturally.

Which would be Lothringer-tief in the Elsass, 60km down Pfälschz, 100km downwards Schwäbsch, 50km downwards fuckin austrian.

Language is dynamic, what survives is the written word. Thats why we know all of this. Not one single person in germany still speaks original Bayuvarian. There are clubs completely dedicated to keep Friesisch alive, etc.

The paper form conserves languages and their dynamics.

But sure anyways, keep on educating me about my own fucking language and heritage.

This is also such an uneducated thing to say you have to be american. You do realize the landmasses consisting of todays France and Germany were the same fucking country multiple times ? Who were the Franks, who was Otto the first, what is the history of Europe ?!

I'm actually asking here. I was under the impression the most variation occurred between southern and northern.

For example most of the north in the middle ages would have spoken high middle German no?

Also your examples of Gaellic influence seem to stick to the western border.

A Germanic tribe? Sorry but historically there is no justification for a language shift towards Gaellic.

Major language shifts happen with major cultural shifts.

Sorry, but no. Next time use subs or at least greentext.

fucking getrollt

Based Steffen

No. They were speaking Dansk, Friesisch (which is the father of todays Neatherlands language), and whatever the fuck weird dialects they had. The educated spoke latin, somewhere around 1300 the noble started speaking french all around central Europe.

They do, I wanted to point out how simply having neighbors with a different language will automatically influence your own and vice versa. The heavy french influence in high german comes from the sciences and arts, most french words we use describe luxury goods or things that were luxus at their time. Like "Couch" , "Möbiliar" and "Immobilie".

The biggest fucking empire Europe has ever seen.

War and occupation are pretty hefty cultural shifts, dont you think ?

really wanna watch this

Yeah but Germans never had major occupation by Gaellic or French. Yes the fact French was the lingua franca of Europe for a long time will have it's influence (I wasn't aware couch, mobiliar and immobilie wwas a thing though).

Also I think you're speaking a lot in dialects and not broad enough terms here.

If we take specific dialects, my tiny ass country of Portugal has a lot of those.

I want to add something:

There are two types of culture, the "small mans lifestyle", which dies and rebirths every new generation, if untouched ever unchanging but easily eradicated by death of the tribe. Then theres the cosmopolitic culture for the educated and noble. Which, in central Europe, has ALWAYS been french and/or roman/greek. The catholic church is also one of the largest contributing factors of intercultural exchange in central Europe one should never put aside.

Dialectic is a big part of the discussion though, since we are talking about central Europe. Lots of people always think of the todays countries as fixed states which always had the same people in them.

We grew and fell together, our cultur is born by a mix of central european tribes and straight up roman, which was in itself a mix of pretty much everything mediterran. Dialects form the moment things mix or are seperated for a long enough time.

the century year war
the 30 year war
the bloody 6year war predating the WW1

You probably looked up "french occupation of germany". You wont much shit because germany only exists since 140 years.

Also France itself was never as unified as it is today, with royalty and nobles simply going rogue.

Tag "Württemberg" , "Brabant" "Gascogne" in your search tags and you will find a history of pure fucking bloodshed and degenerate orgies between them.

Why? It's yet another low-quality kosher propaganda.

The Hundred Years war didn't involve German states (besides Burgundy I suppose)

And the 30 years war was mostly mercenaries fucking things up, not a long occupation.

You want the kind of occupation that permanently changes language and culture, it's things like Franks in Gaul, Anglo-Saxons in England, Arabs in basically everywhere in the Middle-East.

The hundret years war had a lot of germanic mercenaries on the french side which residet in, guess where, France. They took their culture with them and the french culture back home. Also thousands on thousands of french feld gen east. - Germany

French assholes running rampant for 3 decades on your ground will also leave a heavy mark on your country. Because the most violent force in the neighborhood usually also rules the locals, no matter what borders they just passed. Also thousands upon thousands of germans fled west. - France

I have french family because a good chunk of my ancestors fled to France right before WW1. Thats what war does, it moves people. (and their assets)

I also have polish family because the jewish part of my family fled to easten-Schlesien before WW2.

I have turkish blood somewhere in me because my grandfather was from Vienna.

My Aunt left for Canada because shitty economy. (Why she then chose fucking Canada I can not and dont want to understand)

I could go on forever, my pedigree is so damn multicultural, just like everyone else, that I only can identify as either European because thats my heritage, or Franconian, because thats where I was born and raised. But Im sure as fuck not german, because being german doesnt mean shit. Thats simply how Europe works and always has been.

Or arabs in friggin spain for centuries.

You're starting to sound like an EU shill there mate.

I don't necessarily agree with that. German has been a thing since the end of the migration period and the collapse of the Frankish empire.
You can argue that German doesn't mean a thing as a united nation, but rather a group of nations.

I am and am not. Im a national-capitalist who advocates national and cultural sovereignty and the end of the EU as it exists today, but Im all for a strong and united Europe. We are brothers, not enemies.

Ja ok Ill sign that. Thats correct.

The first thing that actually unified the german peoples as real people was Hitler. Before that we still pretty much were indifferent to each other and to some degree still are.

I mean, fuck Prussians and everything horrible they forced upon our culture, may god finally drown Berlin in its own piss and I advice the rest of Europe to carpet bomb Hannover and Hamburg. You'd get rid of everything bad thats still attached to germany, like selfdestructing leftism and hedonism.

Rug roh, raggy, rooks rike ros Rerrans rar raking rup.

Ah man, Scoobs, those Nazis are going to be pissed!

töp kek

This. Fuck Berlin, it's full of liberal faggots and costs the country more than any other Bundesland, while being small as fuck.


Holy shit, and the Britkikes say Germans dont know humor. Germans are truly superior to the crooked teeth subhumans in anyway.
Better humor.
Bigger balls.
Actually fight against leftism.

Oh man, I glad I know German for this. Pretty damn funny. Hope for the best for the AfD.

It appears he's extended the standard 'good morning ladies and gentlemen' to include all of tumblr.

You niggers are late to the party. Here's a video with subtitles.

Not really, New High German hasn't fundamentally changed since the second half of the 17th century. Basic approaches to create a supraregional written language have been made much earlier than that.

Why would you say that? Only because 'the German people' is/was not a homogenous mass does in no way mean there's no cultural and ethnic connection.

thanks for this. good job user

mfw he says "Two Spirited" quite clearly

Okay, I think I understand every single word he is saying now.

It's a list of different trans-gender names…. and it's like 3 minutes long.