Are there any games left, even shitty ones like watch dogs with a straight white male? All video game devs deserve to be RWDSed.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm still pissed about Mafia 3 having a nog as the main character. And he's fighting crime, a nigger, in a Mafia game, fighting crime.

Least Wolfenstein kept the original uberman image though.

>>>Holla Forums



Where's Elliot Rodgers 2.0 when you need him?

Bet they'll have some mission to assassinate the white blonde male president.

Feeling it yet?


One of the most cringy videos I ever saw.

Wasn't he supposed to be Hapa ? Because seriously a black dude who's a grey/black hat is not exactly something that you'd see in real life except if he was a skiddie running a botnet, and even then that's not something that happens too much.



He's got a real antifa vibe as well. It's Jewbisoft, so I'm not surprised.

Go back to leddit you autistic nigger, Holla Forums has become a cuckchan outpost and any discussion even mildly related to Holla Forums gets sage bombed to hell and back.

If you mean games coming out now then yea, they're all pretty pozzed.


This is like saying the new ass creed is going to have a niggeress as a protagonist. No one who gives a shit about video games plays modern ones anymore, the ones that are left are only there because of loyalty to a brand. Look at Holla Forums and you can see that video games have fallen and it won't get better until the western world goes through a drastic change.

nip video games are okay. They still give us gems like Dragon's Crown.

They probably did this specifically to avoid another scenario where people turned it into an ethnic cleansing simulator.

Just because something isn't good doesn't mean you need to switch out the character for the nigger you dumb fucking nigger loving commie.

When is the next Stalker coming out?
Western games are over.
Slavs took over.

This is like a reverse cheerleader effect. When the group is so ugly, they bring all the girls down to an ugly level.

2nd row, white shirt is the only cute one, but she might be too dark for Holla Forums


I can't wait for the inevitable gamergate themed missions where your slutty yet platonic female punk-themed friend gets harassed and you have to roughhouse a couple evil misogynists to show them who's boss

I'll probably still pirate this just for the Ben Garrison simulator

I think its in copyright limbo. :(

She's probably 1/4th or 1/8th cracker.

I hope they make it cringy as hell so we can make memes out of it.


Had hopes for Cyberpunk 2077, but I heard Witcher 3 got cucked too.

Outside of the one nigger merchant that came from the east, the biggest offense to that game was the fact the devs promised the third one would be a PC game first and console game second. Turns out they lied once they found out how much console companies are willing to pay them for putting the console version first and just porting that version to the PC.

Witcher 3.

Not a single nigger in the entire game, no surprise it won so many awards.


It's like you want to get jew'd.

That's what you get for supporting 100% jewish BO.

Its a simple justice that while they keep flooding the games world with this shit, games like the new Doom are still the ones who people line up to buy.

SJW don't have expendable income after they buy all their jewelry and blue hair dye.


And you can kill fedora marxists too.

I didn't like the gameplay on the original. I liked the GTA setup, but the missions were really horrible. Too much bullshit with the cameras and so redundant.

I don't play much vidya, but I had high hopes for the original. It was a 6/10, tbh fam. One of the cooler things was profiling someone and seeing they were an Israeli sympathizer and blowing them up. Other than that, the main character is pretty much an SJW. Sends the message that it's okay to kill for your bullshit SJW causes.


I can't handle this

Oh, the DLC featured a couple of merchant sandniggers - they take a lot of your money and give back very little in return. I thought it was quite a fitting metaphor.


I don't like it. Looks like one of those shitty Telltale games.

He's right reddit is cucked. Mark is a child fucker and a commie feminist neckbeard reject. We should have a Holla Forums vidya thread.

Also Holla Forums is just full of faggot ass kids with no self control who love themselves nigger cock and feminism.


lol by "reddit" I meant Holla Forums

You can't tell them apart anymore, so I mix the two up.

Match Docs

degenerate gamers btfo


Let's also not forget when mark went full kike and started deleting censorship posts about xenoblade X due to his nintendo bias. Holla Forums is fucked and i'm not sure it can recover in the state it is in now.

What did he saw?

I forgot that it's summer and the floodgates have opened.

Except if we made a thread for every single instance of kikery in media then the board would just be renamed Holla Forums. We attack the roots of the problem here, not the fruits. You just want a hugbox to talk about video games.

These threads always go the same way, a few posts whining about the thing they'll never be able to successfully change and then 200 posts talking about videogames in general.

The same shit happened with those endless Stellaris threads, and now they post it because some mod got banned.


At this point it's just pure sliding.

There were a couple Holla Forums alternatives created over time, take it there instead if you can't deal with Holla Forums.

Looks like average hispanic, honestly.

Any ubisoft game is garbage. I said any.

Good thing I have HoI IV instead then

Wait a minute, that sign…

Reminds me of the Stieg Larsson novels where this tumblrina is a superhacker.

Reminds me of the Stieg Larsson novels where this tumblrina is a L337 H4x0r.



Fuck off to Holla Forums, faggot.

This, OP

You marketeer faggots always post on Holla Forums when a shitty new "game" comes out, trying to get us to pay attention to it by triggering us.

How about you fuck off. Video games have been dead for years now, yes we know.


Oh god damn it


The first one was complete and utter shit. Your name was Aiden Pierce. Literally Gayden Queerce. Gameplay was nonexistent, the entire game was a bait and switch for graphics, etc.

How the hell did it warrant a second one?

Literally the worst thing Paradox has ever made. Good job, retard.

Whoever made this was a cuck. You can use your sword in that mission and literally chop those guys limb from limb.

I can't find one girl in that pic that I would fuck.

Because dumb faggots bought the game in droves because it's the new big game people will talk about for a month and then forget.

Seriously, that shit was #1 on britbong game sales charts for like 2 months.

You know he is going to be a spic or muslim because they want to spite Trump. They'll change shit at the last second to do it too. SJWs hate the fuck out of black people so I can't see it being one. Just look at these people

Sit looks like a Hillary rally. I would be amazed if Hillary does not have a guest spot.

I hate this gay shit but the first one gave me a kek with this vid.

Okay, now i'm mad!
They didn't even try to hide it anymore!


Coen = Jewish. It's just Cohen with the silent hebrew H omitted.

See: Coen brothers

nice dubs, checked

Also, Coen (Cohen, (((they))) sometimes spell it) is a Jewish name. Lots of very rich jews, like the Coen brothers for example, have this last name. Coupled with the loans boards and the fact its set in San Fran on historical buildings is clear JEWS HELPED RAISE AMERICA UP GOYIM propaganda.

Beat me to it but Ill post anyway

And thank fuck for that

I honestly don't care. I pirated the first watch dogs and uninstalled it after forcing myself to play it for 2 hours. I'm not even going to bother looking at the second one. It's shit

I see, it looks more like a scream for help

you're trying too hard to fit in

I'm pissed about it too, Mafia 2 was a really good game.
Also, what pisses me off even more is the fact that the guy is supposed to be nigger but he has all those caucasian features, that's not what niggers look like at all.

At this point, it may as well be.

Calling it now, he's going to be a half-breed with a white mom and nigger dad.

Also that nigger succubus. The mission is called "Delights" or something like that.

Kill yourself faggot, kikes are doing satanic rituals in Switzerland with Merkel attending and you're worried about niggers in videogames.



Don't worry it'll be programmed by an Indian subsidiary.

So, it's gonna be, basically.. shit?

The thing is, why can't players choose what race their player is? How hard is it to offer a shading / race option like in Skyrim and others?

The answer must be that they simply don't want to and prefer to force diversity on everyone.

but where are the men

where is the diversity

pick one

yup, sounds about right.

they still fuck guys who look better than you

top kek they captured the essence of marxist fuckwits who misinterpret Nietzsche perfectly

what's the point of this post, to show everyone in the thread that your particular id harbors a faggot?

shhhhh… that's hate speech

You forgot something

top kek they even put a nigger in the back, center behind the blue moon


Are there any good games out there with black protagonists?

Everybody's white, there's massive seiges and brutal melee combat with brutal gore. No nigger shitskins or degeneracy anywhere.

Hell, there's even an enemy red Faction with raspy Jew voices that wants to overthrow the king called "The Mason Order" that commits atrocities like poisoning the entire kingdom's water supply with plague corpses and ransacking viliages and murdering helpless civilians.


fuck you cuck


Jews worship higher powers than a rebellious angel you dumb faggot. The rituals that were intentionally leaked in Sweden were purposely meant to vex you. Those were images meant for the public to see, sanctioned by those leaders. Those rituals contain elements of hypnosis that will permanently affect your subconscious, they want you to repeat the ritual on a miniature scale. Also those weren't even satanic rituals those were summoning rites for Abraxas. At first I thought they had failed to summon it, but they didn't fail, they wanted the rites to be repeated on a mass scale. Those rites you saw were merely a template.


Don't believe in any of that shit, but I think he's right. The real rituals are the Bohemian Grove type Moloch rituals we see in Eyes Wide Shut. That's the kind of stuff that never gets released.


It is like chivarly but with horses, single player campaing and mods (good ones, not just skins). Also in the DLC of the Napoleonic Wars there are lots of redpilled people playing.
But yeah, I played like 20 hours in Chivarly in the free weekends and it was very enjoyable.



They already did that anyway

That was exactly my point. At that point in the series no one except the retards that stick to brand loyalty gave a shit about it despite all the attempts the lugenpresse tried to push on the normalfags. Of course after EA's "Chad from Chad" fiasco, a lot of companies are trying to play it a little more subtlety.

I'm not a christian.


Good goyim.

He was a jew.

Fucking why? Nobody asked for this. The first game was a fucking trainwreck and most people thought it was either shit or mediocre

Wow Ubisoft really wants to go bankrupt huh. Nigger games don't sell.

The protagonist in Wolfenstein is supposed to be a Polish Jew, always was. Even though yes, he is a 2 meter tall Aryan looking man.

DornerSim- The complete game


Those vandals are Nietzsche fans, considering they are talking about his Overman theory. But it looks like they misunderstood him. Destroying some shrines isn't going to make people drop religion and aspire to become Overmen.

Showing by example, by becoming Overmen will lead to the entire population following suit - after seeing others succeed at it.

It's not like it was portrayed in a positive light. Witcher 1 has an Arab in it, he's an evil wizard and one of the main bad guys in the story.

Look closer you blind rat. It's a massive open world RPG with about a hundred quests that are all unique (no gather 10 wolf skin bullshit) and an actual combat system, unlike Telltale "games".

You guys don't know? They said like a year ago the protagonist is a mongrel, his father is the player character from Mafia 2. I forget his name, Vito? Anyway, the Italian guy you play as in Mafia 2 apparently race mixed with a negress.

You know, the player character who kept calling niggers "moolies" and "molignans". Race mixed with a negress. And is helping his mongrel son defeat the racist white mafia in Mafia 3.

You can play as Japs too

What a stupid fucking image. Get the hell out of here you piece of shit weeb.

The new DOOM seemed kinda redpilled to me.

I haven't enjoyed a shooter so much since Half Life 2 and Painkiller back in 2004.

Well that's fine let them make yet another poor design choice that pisses off the gaming community. We'll continue to not buy their "product" until they produce something we actually want.

Ubisoft marketers i hope you are taking notes

*smacks lips *


Even Final Fantasy has gone downhill. It used to have elememts of a serious and mature nature and still be a fantasy. Now it's gone sjw with F13-2-3 and what looks to be a boy band game in a few months time.

Fuck. Off.

Fuck off D&C shill.


what is with these communist faggots and their buttons all over their shitty clothes and backpacks?

This game is taking place in the American mecca of degeneracy. I have a curiosity to see how much Ubisoft is going to pander to the dyed hair harpies and hipsters.

Oh yeah, that's going to be inevitable. You know we're in need of a good war when all these pussies have to say to their wives' sons is "she survived GamerGate ;("

Signalling to people what they're for/against. Equivalent of stamping your car with bumper stickers.

Who are those people?

Wait, Vito's his dad? I don't recall that being said. I remember him being a half-nigger racemixing bastard child, but I don't recall Vito having anything to do with it.

Just checked the shit out. Not seeing anything about Vito being his dad. Backstory is that he's an orphan with unknown parents. Vito, therefore, seems to be generally unpozzed.

From the Mafia III Wiki concerning Vito: "In 1968 - seventeen years after killing Carlo Falcone - a 43-year-old Vito is now residing in New Bordeaux and teams up with Lincoln Clay along with Cassandra and Burke for control of the city when a powerful crime lord has control over them. Much of Vito's life since 1951 is yet to be specified, but it has been revealed that he has since served another stint in prison and now lives a mundane, shabby life, working in a fish restaurant overlooking the city's marina."

On the subject of videogames I'm very concerned about the direction Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is headed in. Seems to be taking way too many cues from topical current events with their marketing. "Mechanical apartheid" being the plot related marketing term and all. There were themes of cyborg enhancement induced social/class inequality in Human Revolution but they seem to be upping the ante and going full CultMarx and SJW if their live action promotional material is anything to go by. Very heavy handed and lacking any subtlety whatsoever. Much less focus on "higher" concepts typical of the series like the Illuminati and much more concerned with the bigotry being inflicted on people with prosthetics and augmentations. Implied to be out of ignorant, blind fear. Even references Anonymous pretty directly in-universe, white (indistinct and polygonal instead of Guy Fawkes) masked individuals giving video addresses talking about inequality and all. Deus Ex has always been inspired by political and conspiratorial thoughts from the real world but like I said, this seems very heavyhanded and typical of leftist media.

Hoping it's not as bad as it seems but hope in such things isn't something that's wise to have. And the game will ship with Denuvo protection so it's not like you can pirate it to find out for yourself free of charge.

I'd like to know what about Final Fantasy 13-2-3 is "SJW"?

It's basically a jerk off session by the creator who is in love with his own creation Lightning. And Lightning Returns triggered feminists by increasing her breast size and implementing a combat system essentially centered around dressing the female protagonist up in cute and/or sexy outfits and then switching between them on the fly to use your special powers. The series heavily references Norse mythology and in Lightning Returns the protagonist Lightning is basically a Christ figure serving a sentient Final Fantasy-ized Yggdrasil to save the world if I'm not mistaken.

I get it if you think 13 and its iterations are absolute garbage but calling it "SJW" let alone implying that it was the entry that marked some sort of transition into that type of agenda seems nonsensical to me.

how did they get any work done?

There is no way that is the actual programing team.

its obvious they outsource there work somewhere

The amount of extra reading required to fully understand the story outside the normal gameplay in the originals was great. It took effort to understand. Now it is being forced so every one that plays gets the indoctrination of Marx.

I hope Deus Ex Mankind Divided tackles Bob Page's rise into Majestic 12 leader and I hope they subtle made his background into direct descendant Rothschilds

Did anyone play Sid Meier's Beyond Earth?

I hope not, because that was one of the most pozzed games I've played.


if you can't recognize Nietzsche references that are basically thrown at you, you are either really stupid or bluepilled as hell

To be exact, the scene is probably based on the parable of the madman from Also sprach Zarathustra

Ahahaha, hoping for a non-pozzed game that deals heavily in politics from a French-Canadian developer. You silly, silly man.

As for the game's themes… I REALLY shouldn't be surprised considering they've defended worse, but I can't understand why ANYONE would sympathize with people that replace their working limbs willingly to just be "better." As much as Holla Forums mentions 'subhumans' I think the people that are inevitably going to do that are LITERALLY subhumans. They deserve to be outcasts, and the mechanical apartheid in-game is something I couldn't see myself NOT supporting. I mean, I can't even force myself to roleplay THAT hard to see the other side. Argh.


*sigh* I miss when games didn't suck ALL of the dick.

The wind always looks too strong.


most new games are going to have a black or female protagonist from now on, just wait and look at E3 this year, I doubt there will be one new game announced with a white male protagonist (from western devs, slavs and japs are a different story)

This only means that bethesda games will sell more.

Because there are 3 fucking white races in TES series, Imperials, bretons and nords. Not a single rpg has so many white european races.

After watching the 30 min video, well there's only 20 minutes of video, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a "whitey gonna pay n sheit nigga" or at least a slightly less "nigga" version of a guy from the hood mad at society for whatever. But I wish I had my own hackerspace like in the video but instead, dedicated to exploiting computers and making kill bots and other accessories like that, a future "hacker" military oriented hackerspace.

except that isnt there an entire black kingdom called the Redbone or some shit that hasnt been featured?

Vito is helping the mulatto take down the mafia in the third game. How is that unpozzed? I recall something about Vito being his dad. The mulatti is definitely a half breed that has Italian blood, just look at some of his facial features.

So… Sicilian?

It's pretty windy in northern Europe.

Don't Bretons have some mer (Elvish) ancestry?

Don't really mean anything by this, just saying.

Also brings up a good point. There's no indication we'll even get another Elder Scrolls title any time remotely soon, they're more likely to remaster Skyrim based on rumors, and even if we do it could very likely take place in the nigger country or the sandnigger cat country if they're being daring.

There's a playable race of Arabs called Red-something, I can't remember either. But who ever plays them? Nobody.

And still, three different white races to play. What fun would it be if the game didn't have any subhuman races in addition?

They know the sandnigger location wouldn't sell the game very well at all. They are not going to make a game about it, hell no. They will probably do Morrowind area again or the Thalmor island.

it wont sell if its set in cat country because nobody wants to play a game set in a furry convention.

The next new game is going to be Hammerfell, though. Bet on it. That's the province that the Redguard invaded and took over since they destroyed their native continent.

They are racially black but culturally arabs, basically. It'll be dominant blacks and cucked, subjugated whites… thinly veiled European retro-future simulator.

Coen doesn't mean Cohen, you retarded nigger, it's Dutch for brave.

Well, considering the general age range of Lincoln Clay himself, and Vito only being in his early 40s in Mafia III, I *highly* doubt Vito's his father.

You honestly have very little to go on when talking about how pozzed Vito might be or not. Based on the description, Vito wants the power and will team up with some nigger to get it. That's what I get out of it.

When the game comes out, if Vito suddenly no longer hates niggers, then yeah, the devs are fucking pussy fags that will betray a character's, well, character in order to avoid controversy and/or match their ideals.

Redguard. And yeah, I don't think anybody gives the slightest shit about any of the remaining areas, frankly, especially not with current Bethesda being unable to make an interesting location.

My guess for the next game, though, is likely to either be sandnigger country (Hammerfell) or Orc & Breton country (High Rock). If Bethesda isn't totally fucking retarded, they'll go for High Rock, because nobody is interested in playing their inevitably pozzed version of Sand: The Game. The only OTHER thing that MIGHT be considered is Elsweyr, because that's got a subtropical environment that could be quite pretty to explore… but there's a bunch of furry cat faggots there, so…

Quick correction: Apparently, "subtropical" also means "deserts and rocky canyons" according to the TES wiki. Uh… so Bethesda made two fucking areas that are Sand: The Game? Retards. They could've had something like the southeastern US or something, but no, that would've made too much sense.

pure coincidence I'm sure.

They niggered Crackdown too.

The original lore of Tamriel was brilliant, great amount of variation. Cyrodiil was supposed to basically mix the Roman Empire with China, big jungle areas. You should probably take a look at the different maps that were made for the various provinces.

Of course, Bethesda won't follow their previously established canon and cut a whole lot of content, ala Winterhold and Dawnstar.

Perhaps one of the best rpg games to be released in several years. They have a few poweful "wimin" but it's not nearly as bad. Great story telling, ok gameplay. I like all three of the series but #3 was defnitly the best.

Plus no coloured people, unless you count the last DLC which had the equivalent of three or four ottomans as some minor travellers for two quests out of a lot.


I fucking hate hype trains holy fucking shit.

It had a gay hunter that fucked the local lord's son though.

ugg games used to be about getting away from the real world bullshit, now they are a real world simulator.


Saw the video with the developers talking about the game. The main groid was apparently falsely accused of a crime he didn't commit by da evil whiteys.

They're also pushing this BLM bullshit in this game.

This shit is pozzed as fuck.

Nig in SanFran deals drugs for a living. Has no real computer skills, but he does hack into a gay boys shit to install a virus.

majority of game devs at this point are feminist women or leftist cucks, so don't expect anything else from now on

best you can do is pray that the whole AAA industry goes through another crash, then again the indie gaming scene is even worse so…

Black Flag was pretty good. It all went to shit afterwards though.
There are rumours that the next one will be in Ancient Egypt. I wonder if they go full kangz or not


There is one guy in this picture.
Almost missed him because you can only see the top quarter of his head.
Could just be another ugly woman though.

Pic related. Those dead eyes.

Oh, I know about the original lore. At one point in the previous comment, I had something written down about how Bethesda sold out their creativity in favor of some generic shit that'd sell with Oblivion, in some long rant against Bethesda. Then I realized it wasn't relevant, so I deleted it… Fucking Bethesda.

My man, Crackdown was niggered from the start, don't you remember?


Ah good, I'm not the only one that thought the game looked fuckin' basic and pretty shit. Not sure why so many people are jerking their dicks off to it. It's slightly pretty, I guess. Not a fan of the art style personally, but still. Can't see anything amazing about it, though.

Well, look at the fucker. Let's be honest, you could glean all of that information simply with a quick glance at the protagonist. Jewbisoft is nothing if not horrendously predictable.

That seems a bit far, even for Jewbisoft. But don't you worry, there'll still be plenty of historical revisionism as always!

What if the mechanical apartheid is about the Palestinians and the Israelis? Hmmmm.

I do hate how the dumb hacktivism culture is pushed into every cyberpunk game though.

only niggers, children, and other assorted subhumans still play modern videogames with any regularity.

vidya exists to passify the slaves during downtime.

Yep. As much as i like vidya, it's a blight on civilization. Arcades were ok because you still had personal interaction… but now, it's the equivalent of a crack addict.

lol what does it matter he's black? besides the great majority of game protagonists are white so what's the problem, exactly?

-3/10, your bait's rotten.

At least they gave you a choice of character in the first one.

Kek, even in their own propaganda games, the Jews wish they looked like their Aryan enemies.

Because, let's be honest, who's going to play an action game where the main hero is a short balding man with glasses and a nose too big to fit into gas masks?

lol it's not bait. just expressing my opinion.

tbh he can be any color it's how "hurr duur" thugalicious he is.

this industry is rotten

i liked the character, to be honest. ubisoft will still probably fuck the game up, though.

The thing i hate about Daggerfall the most, is the fact that nobody played it seriously.

His dad might actually be Joe, remember how he went down south to lay low?

I tried to spoiler.

I played it seriously. Got stuck in the second last mission, ended looking up the endings in the net.
I still have the cardboard box. The manual was beautiful, it talked about why it didn't make sense to kill something in order to get better at lockpicking. It also talked about daring to make mistakes and avoid savescuming.

I believe your point is that Arena & Daggerfall are from an age where only nerds played videogames (before the Wii and the Big Bang Theory show). Back then, Arena was promoted as Ultima Underworld with overworld, now nobody knows what is Ultima.

Everything I hate in the world wrapped up into one game.



i see no problems with it

Do you know where you are?
This is Holla Forums. Here on Holla Forums, we hate niggers. We see them every day, in the supermarket, at the park, at our jobs, every fucking place we go. Every time we see them, we are reminded of what an enormous shitstain upon the face of planet Earth they are. We come home, some of us want to enjoy some vidya. Now we can't even escape from niggers in video games. Not only are there niggers in the games, they are never portrayed as the subhuman apes that they are. It's bullshit, niganon

nice speech. i dont hate an entire race so i got no problems with the game. i got a problem with ubisoft. i got a problem with the edgy shit theyre trying to pull in this game. but i dont have a problem with the character.

The 'Nigger' Merchant comes from Egypt guys. He's Arab at best.

back to Reddit please

found what I assume is a muslim chick in this

pics related her and I assume the source material for her


Aiden Pierce is starting to look like a good character now.

Aiden has always been one of us.


I need to quit vydia games

I'm just sticking to my old backlog and collection. After 2015 I couldn't stand the state of video games, even nintendo went full kike in this world. I'm finally in a time in my life where I can look at upcoming releases and can see it's going to be garbage or it's just something I have already played before.

the first watch dogs was a game with a cool concept and a decent main character but the game was executed poorly and it played poorly. I was really looking forward to this maybe being a assassins creed 2 type of game were the sequel is much better than the original but thats obviously not the case. its really a shame that they have to put political and sjw bullshit like this in games.

lol ok son

Man, the hell are you on about? I adore Daggerfall. But as you said, pretty much nobody, especially in Bethesda's current market, has played Daggerfall. As far as 99% of the market is concerned, Hammerfell and High Rock haven't been touched and, frankly, I'd rather see a return (and a botched one, undoubtedly) to High Rock than a game set in any of the other areas of Tamriel.

Do we know that there's no selection of characters of character customization? I mean, I don't think multiplayer is going to be a bunch of niggers blowing shit up together… because that would look kind of bad, especially if we memed that shit.

Ew, that's instantly over twice as bad. Also, she's showing too much skin if she's a Muslim. Absolutely halal.

In The New Order, he's basically said to not be a Jew, and I don't recall anything implying any kike bloodlines in any prior games.

The straw that broke the camels back for me was Prototype 2. Have never bought a game since then.

Why were you upset by that game? You were a nigger destroying a city. It was true to life.



I meant ««Dutch»»

I haven't bought a new game since Fallout 4, and I think that was a mistake.

fuck this gay earth.

Are you telling me you can spot a shill from a mile away but too stupid not to fall for todd's lies?

Fallout 4 was a huge fucking mistake. What a terrible game. Can't believe there were so many fanboys declaring it the game of the year, when it was an overall worse game than Fallout 3, a game that came out 8 years prior. What a joke.

Niggers already crack cards.

Haven't played it in a while, might crack it back open, it was pretty good just didn't have shit to do after I beat the campaign.


I've always liked Fallout since I was a wee lad, I thought it wouldn't be too bad. I mean, it got a little bit better with mods but still pretty shit.

for me and you at least, haram for shitskins

Holla Forums's overreaction and spergy sagebombing made me buy it tbh.
It was okay but after I played it once and tried to play again, I saw that it wasn't an RPG.

Just wanted to say this.

What could the storyline be for this little shits?


Trust me lad, no one was a bigger Fallout fan tha me, and I called F4's shittiness at its E3 presentation. A dialogue wheel? SPECIAL system removed? Voiced protagonist? Not to mention the numerous lore fuckups on display. The writing was on the wall, mate.


The story will probably be, "sum ebil nahsees on an image board are have formed RWDS to do some ethnic cleansing. You must hack and shoot your way into a diverse society where such ebil nahsees are dead and nothing stands in the path of social justice.



I bet on some corrupt white male politicians that want to do some shit to some nigger area.

Then some illegals that would be deported and the characters save them or give them some new identity.

Some mission where the nigger saves some white women from her evil white husband.

Do everyone sees hackers like this ?
Any of them ever watched a defcon talk or hung out with pentesters/crackers ?

Edgy group of multi racial hipsters from tumblr fight evil rightwing gov
literally calling it right now screenshot this bitch

doubt it we aren't well know enough and if we are the bad guys…… well I will enjoy my representation when the character I claim to be me in the game rapes the mud

I never paid Watchdogs any attention, but at least it had le nameless white character, what the fuck is that? Looks like some degenerate anarchists.

The muslim girl will save from the custody of the police a suspected terrorist that is a muslim, it will come with some social commentary on not all muslims are like that.

It's likely the "fight the corrupt (right-wing and capitalist) system" type of story.

They could probably go full DC Comics and make an evil guy out of some man that is trying to be elected in the city with a tagline of "Bring the city back to its former greatness" or what have you. Of course, the man would be a giant racist, having said something along the lines of not allowing any more Muslims to reside in the city until they understand what's happening, etc., etc. It's just cringey enough to be possible as an actual story.

Ha, we're better known than you give us credit for. If we weren't, we wouldn't have so many fuckin' shills on here.

pic related

Oh, and the guy in green or whatever white male will be in the hackers group.. he will be a whiny whiteknight cuck checking his privilege after talking too much.

Well, we can't have whitey taking the spotlight from Niggersaurus Rex, or Allahu Hackbar, can we?



but they are degenerate antifa scum

I can see that

the people that know about us don't want us to be known

or a wigger

still play that shit on emulator, too bad I got my character stuck in some mine in the middle of the mountains

the best part of daggerfall is riding into hammerfell and going to the various villages and racially cleansing the whole village of redguards

skinny jeans were a mistake tbh
at least when the normies wore jinco jeans their lack of leg gains wasn't obvious

I can't even fit into skinny jeans and thanks to squatting, regular fit jeans look like skinny fit
but the women mire

Tsk tsk. Mark and recall, my friend. Mark and recall. And frequent saves.

Tried to play it, kinda hard to get into.

Dorf is where it's at though.



It's not gonna be easy to avoid walking on hipsters and turds in Watch_Dogs' San Francisco.



have you not seen the alternate reality that is called Hollywood?


Thank you for showing me this user.

Why would you have to spoiler that? Nobody here is going to play a game with a mulatto protagonist lel

Wow Ubisoft. Making all your characters into insufferable hipsters and SJWs surely will not backfire. Brilliant marketing tactic. I am certain you will not lose money.

I'm seriously stumped on how they're still relevant. everything they touch turns to shit nowadays

daily reminder

That's what's saddest. UU kicked ass, a really gripping dungeon simulator with a believable world.


Yous' be sayin'…


It pisses me off that the marketing is focused on "muh apartheid" instead of the Illuminati.

All mass culture is Jewish, obviously. Even the concept of mass culture is inherently Jewish.

Make your own video games if you care that much about it.

All females deserve to be killed.

Only like 1% of them will know how to write a for() loop.

None of them know what lambda calculus is.

I have been moving back to playing only Japanese games. At least the Japanese still believe in white supremacy and don't have an agenda to push. For now that means the only game I am looking forward to is Zero Time Dilemma.


I will. If some group manages to crack Denuvo.

Let me guess. You also don't support steroids.

Transhumanism is evolution, user. Stay behind if you want.

nigger graffiti is mostly that paint pen garbage
vid related, group of slavs expertly fucking up a train

GTA san andreas
you can mod the game to make CJ white, but then he just looks like an albino

And yet we are still patiently waiting for the first good game to be made by a female dev team

isn't that strange

maybe in europe

US is diverse "muh mulitiracial"

If it's in San Fransicko the coon is the least of your worries.

So edgy.

No, it's stupidity and smells HORRENDOUSLY like Jew.

…Pray tell, why are people shitting all over the streets?

Nice comeback.

Oh, okay then. Good argument.

Ubisoft has one HQ where they program their engine and lots of foreign studios where they shit out assassins creed episodes twice a year.

That's a good lad. You get it.

An elf crossdresser was part of the main storyline

Because they're mentally broken degenerates and can't control their animal impulses. Same reason they have homosexual sex.

h1b visas

I mean, I've thought these people as animals for the longest time, but this is some new shit to me. Literally.

♪Daaaaay of the rooooooope♪

It is exceedingly Jewish, though.

Do you realize the level of retardation you have reached?

Did the ZOG send out a memo to all companies that they must blackwash their brand?

Honestly, with few exceptions the ONLY games redpilled people should play are strategy games (Blitzkrieg, Company of Heroes, Age of Empires), grand strategy (Hearts of Iron Darkest Hour, Sid Civ), and social FPS games (Counter-Strike). And if you've been redpilled for over three years and you haven't transitioned to tabletop gaming you're pretty much a beta cuck whose addicted to pissing their time away behind a screen.

Tabletop gaming master-race. Get a fucking started set for Bolt Action or Flames of War and stop sitting alone in your room.

actually enjoyed the first one after pirating it, I didn't know anything about it, somehow I managed to avoid ever hearing about it before seeing it pop up on torrent sites one day. Won't bother with the second one, nigger protag is the reason I didn't give prototype 2 a chance. Mafia 3 will also be avoided.


Because commieforina is our own little slice of the UK. Thank god the rest of the country treats that state like a living punchline.

Because the Bay Area more like Gay Area amirite has the highest housing prices and is full of poorfags who can't pay them. SF is full of homless people who will shit on the street. Truly a liberal utopia where man is no different from animal.


Im enjoying Warhammer Total War.

Is he the original Nigerian scammer?

absolutely haram

I'm almost more annoyed them shoehorning women into combat situations than the downgrades. They probably just realized most PCs couldn't run their build and it would have been a pain in the ass to have a high a setting that's way different from medium and low.

To be terrible at being a nigger is a compliment though I think.

jesus freaks are so silly.

Don't know what to say man. You are basically a Jew. Base materialism of transhumanism is simply Jewish.

Catholic Church is cucked by the clergy and Protestant church is cucked on their own. Literally the only difference between the two.


You sound like a fatass.

at lest now maybe the "pc gameing is dead" meme will die off

Probably is considering Kanye West is a stupid nigger, you stupid fucking nigger.

How so?






This actually makes me want to play it

These guys are terrorists.
This is a huge amount of damage inflicted on taxpayers.

I mean sure, but it's a lot cooler than modern art.

It's just fruity pagan faggotry.

Them digits.
Its like a msg from Hitler as he lives on in the spirit realm. HEIL KEK.

No it isn't.

And taxpayers should be killed for supporting the Jewish government anyway.

take a look at their new antagonist :^)

Should we make our own game engine?

Or is all game development considered kosher? I mean we'll need our own films someday, along with music. Or perhaps that'll come naturally as things evolve from the image board too the party headquarters to seats in governments.

You've gotta be shitting me.
They aren't even trying to hide anymore.

Wish you could make like important choices in like a game, I do want to make the Bay Area Stronger. by setting most of it to fire

youd pretty much be burning down kikes and kike enablers homes

All lesbians and or degenerates.

I'm compassionate though, they deserve to be institutionalized, its for their own good. Its sad in a few decades they'll be wishing they had kids and would be proud of nurturing them, instead of all the drugs.

If you want to mess with OpenGL or Vulkan, yes make your own engine. Here's the beginning :

There is exactly one developer on Holla Forums that made their own engine for their game (some kind of robot DBZ-style beat-em-up) and they programmed it in Java.

Engine creation is hard and is basically like building your own camera before filming your movie with it. Much easier to go buy a camera that already exists.

im calling it

Holy shit, that's me. Someone actually remembered me

Our engine will actually be released when we finish WSW, if Holla Forums wants to make a jRPG about Donald Trump with it, be my guest. If I don't do it first, that is.

Make a third person shooter where you fight against waves of nogs and heebs

that looks really nice

could you nodevs aspies stop talking about things you dont understand
anything short of making your own graphics API is not remotely difficult to a competent programmer when it comes to engine development, it doesn't even take that much time compared to working around the limitations in garbage like unity, considering any decent game made in unity would be replacing literally every single thing that's not hard coded anyways
retards that say making an engine is difficult are the kind of idiots that think using unity means shit like using the default playercontroller and spending $20 on some "fps creator" starter pack.
fuck you for being so stupid

Nope, or atleast not without mods.

you have literal brain damage

ps: not trying to shit on wsw devs work, looks impressive, i'd recommend showcasing some kind of gameplay mockup next, smacking around bots with nothing to mix it up and no perceived lose condition (health bar, anything) makes it look a lot more stale than what i presume you're aiming for


Nice meme, I'd go with OpenGL until it matures a little. No fucking way a beginner is going to get far with vulkan or even DX12 at this stage in their development.

i make video games for a living how about you ?___?


Damn. I was about to say there's a 100% chance of Ubisoft making the antagonist a Donald TRUMP like character, but they already went ahead and did it even less subtly than I thought.

So glad I've never paid for an Ubisoft game. These are next level cucks, folks.

Wanna play as a generic pissed off Holla Forumslack in his natural habitat?
Try Postal 2.


Postal Dude is based af.

remember some mission where you went to the supermarket and there were some muslims chimping out or something.

anyone complained about that back then?

Anyone ever try Mud and Blood 2?

That game is a brutally randomized sandbox survival game set in WWII and the allied forces (you) always get their shit pushed back in. The point is to last as long as you can.

Its not fucking easy at all. A direct hit from a grenade or mortar turns soldiers into a spray of gore brains and guts.

If you have over six people on the field not under a camo net the enemy drops bombs on you that can obliterate an entire squad.

And no matter what, the enemy keeps right on coming until you are fucking flooded with infantry supported by tanks. If you even get that far…

There is absolutely zero degeneracy.


How the fuck did everyone miss this?

The first politician the nig targeted was a political candidate named "TRUSS"



Top kike. The only thing these morons are ending up doing is dividing America because they're only radicalizing the people who would never vote red to begin with.

Bullshit. It takes a lot of work to make a beautiful game, they wouldn't have just reverted to bad quality because of a reason like that.
They simply jeweed the customers with misleading trailers and pre-rendered gameplay videos.

Edgy. Graffiti is ugly.

Of course he has dead eyes, he wrote every line of code 20h/day while all the creative wymyn and nonbinaries and diesel dykes and w/e sat around him explaining their brilliant ideas and smoking weed.

The first Witcher also had that friendly alchemist middle eastern guy, whatshisname.

Bethesda games were never good. I admit that I played the shit out of Daggerfall back in the day but it was a buggy piece of crap with just as dumb a story as the rest of them.

my what a quality game.

>I haven't even learned any hacks yet


I cant make out if the people here who worship Trump the reality tv star are genuine or if "its just memes bro".

Well, the Japs are making a new Berserk game finally, and the protagonist of Berserk is a white German male who is a mercenary during the medieval era.

That was the only reveal in E3 that I liked hearing.

Doesn't San Francisco have a lot of Indian and Asian immigrants?

It's not a guy. Look at the forehead,it's clearly a woman.

Yes, an elf cross dresser who you talked to once in the entire 200 hour game and who you can mock for being a crossdressing faggot. Wow. So pozzed.

He wasn't portrayed in a positive view.

No, you can. There is an expansion DLC to Chivalry that adds Jap samurais as playable. Also adds Spartans.

What, Kalkstein? He's not Middle Eastern.


Literally antifa: the video game. No surprise that it's made by a bunch of feminists and cuckolds from France.

And now that I think about it, aren't these the same pieces of shit who made the Assassins Creed series, which was basically

holy shit there is not even a remotely attractive female in that entire group

the ONLY redpilled bit i took in from the game trailer was the song… why?
it talks about a tattoo that can read your mind and chemtrails. no joke.

And now I'm wakin' up layin' in the ambulance bed
with something in my arm, I gotta get it off
A tattoo with a line that'll read your mind
And next is your mind, I gotta get it off
The xxxx they spray attack my lungs everyday
With a creeping decay, I gotta get it off
By attacking these things, I earned my wings
And my halo but first I gotta, get it off


come home un-cucked man

song name: spaz by NERD

the reptilians are implying they want to freeze us and drive us down the the tunnels to snatch us

the funny thing is that the candidate is doing the same kind of corrupt shit hilllary did.

it seems like a mix of both trump and hillary but obviously libcucks are too dumb to see that and theyd just think theyre fighting trump

still though its ok cause niggers in real life dont get shit done.

only person who would actually pull of some watchdogs shit would be either white, asian, or maaayybeee just maybe an indian but probably not.

Yeah he made the money in Jew York, completely owes himself to them. Not a good businessman either.

At least the memes will stop shortly after the presidential elections. In the meantime keep up your delusions.