Hey guys we're streaming the election results LIVE at

hey guys we're streaming the election results LIVE at overtube.org

Join us as Donald Trump gains 1488 delegates. Also we are well on our way to the next meme milestone of 1933 memes.

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Stop shilling and start chilling.


Don't come to this place, or do, its UP TO YOU


wassup fags. suck deez nuts


gets me every fucking time

Personally I'd love it if the Muslims spread wheat bread all over the gluten free shelves as payback.

Trump dropping major redpills in his victory speech.


Okay. Stay cucked, though.

Think about it more, besides impossible to be cucked when you lost the girl of your dreams to having a tree fall on her.
She died a woody death.

I live in one of the bluest parts of the country, and the teacher cat lady instantly assumed I was a democrat because I am not old LOL. And right behind me all I heard was "Republican?" "Republican?" "Republican?" LOL. One was an independent. All the white people I've never seen came out to vote, I could hear the pollsters tone change with each new white conservative voter. I saw one brown person on my way out, and I live in fucking IllegalLand lmao. The time has come.


Le bump…




I like overtube but there is nothing playing

Still streaming Fox News Trump coverage now.

Guys, Obongo is going to endorse Hillary and then Trump Train is going to run off the rails



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