Hey Holla Forums can you tell me where this comes from, please? It's a movie or just fake? I love Emma so much

Hey Holla Forums can you tell me where this comes from, please? It's a movie or just fake? I love Emma so much

Other urls found in this thread:


From Justin Bieber's home movies

Comes from the internet obviously.

Help a guy in distress please

u like mems?

Yes but I like Emma more than memes

filthy degenerate

this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this


If you are into bondage and those kind if outfits, then I would recommend "The secretary" one of my favourite movies.

Ow thanks! I really appreciate that kind of stuff!

I'd like to know if the pic in OP is a well made fake or not, do you know something about it?

Such a great movie. Fifty Shades is absolute dogshit compared to this.

Sorry OP I have no idea about that Emma pic.

Ah, my fellow bondage fans! Have you read Nana to Kaoru? The manga goes into great detail when it comes to bondage with things like preparation time and one of the only cases of bondage in medal that includes the importance of aftercare.

No never read it. On the reading list it goes!

Why is James Spader always in really perverted movies?



You love a Jewish puppet?

Everyone in the movie business is a Jewish puppet, some are just gooder goys than others

Emma is an excellent one

I don't see the problem here

Thanks, I'm going to give that a watch. Even that 1:41 trailer was better than the whole of Fifty Shades.

she is nothing special user

Emma Watson is cinematic kryptonite. She can kill a movie faster than you can say "starring Chloe Moretz".

You dumb niggers are your weird ideology. Politics don't matter to my cock. Politics shouldn't matter outside their designated area.

Jews run hollywood, you don't need to be Holla Forums to know that

Can confirm
