I already know what most people here think about this but I still need to get this off my mind

I already know what most people here think about this but I still need to get this off my mind.

Why do people support male circumcision while not supporting FGM?
I understand that FGM type III and IV can lead to medical issues, but let's look at the most common types I and II.
They both remove either part or all of the clitoris, clitoral hood and labia minora. How is this completely different from removing the foreskin?
Some people say "It's not comparable. One is removing the clitoros". But why is the clitoris so important while the foreskin is a "useless piece of skin"? The foreskin actually has functions besides pleasure, while the clitoris' sole purpose is for pleasure. I think it's a shitty practice to remove the clitoris, but that's literally a useless organ.
Maybe the clitoris is "more sensitive" than the foreskin, but isn't that like saying "stabbing someone ten times is worse than stabbing them once"? Also, the foreskin protects the glans or someshit, while the clitoris doesn't really protect much.

Also, the link between circumcision and decreased HIV seems to not have reached a consensus. But even if there was say a 60% such as WHO says, that's worse than using a condom 2/3 times. Like why the fuck would you do that? That shit doesn't even matter outside of some African Countries.

Can someone please give a justification for why the two should be treated so differently?

Full Disclosure: I'm a cutfag. I'm too upset about it, as I'm pretty happy with my dick. I'm more worried about the fact that I saw the two so differently without even thinking about it. I could be wrong and someone will tell point out a couple of differences between the two, but if not this just makes no sense.

because no one wants to see a penis with a turtle neck. womyn will laugh at it and be disgusted by it. If you are uncut and have had sex, that is DESPITE your disgusting foreskin

Beef curtains are pretty gross tbqh fam.

*tips fedora*

This is an american. Look at him! Look at him and laugh!

I'm American and uncircumcised. What the hell are you talking about?

of course they are. they indicate a used pussy

He's saying exactly what he said

not the guy you replied to, but…

Because MRA crybabies are fun to troll. Trimming worthless bits of skin triggers them to an outrageous degree. It also allows Yuropoors to be smug to them while revealing they are preoccupied with their cockle before anything else, like having borders and unraped white women.


This is why Britain is a superior country. Go watch some paint dry yanks…. perhaps the interesting colours that form will keep you preoccupied enough to refrain from shitposting, :DDDD

London's mayor is a kebab

Wow. Actually I do love the U.K. and am truly jealous of many aspects. But nobody sane wants to go on and on about the many different styles of cocks and how superior/inferior they are. It betrays a level of insecurity and preoccupation that is beyond cringe.

For the record, American MRAs whining about it are worse by a country mile.

Sorry fellow Trump-friend I'm just role-playing as a Brit. Just imitating how the smug Britcunts act for the lelz (for me at least it's probably not funny at all to other people)

I agree with ya. Fuck Britain, it's a shithole.

I'm fine with men wanting to get circumcised later in life as consenting adults, but I'm not okay with it being done to infants as they obviously can't give informed consent. I've read up on the pros and cons of circumcision, personally I would like my foreskin back. Damn kikes.

Same poster you replied to. I'm not a Bong heh

well you set me up well. sadly brit/pol/ was comfy as fuck until the mods ruined it

Kek. You should have thrown in a lad, but I still bought it.

Corbyn should lead labour, virginia is a qt, and NA is stupid, tbh lads

also, Farage is great, LOCAL > CIVIC, I am 22 stone and want to hang myself but the rope wont hold, taigs are niggers, and MORALITY



No mention of jews?