Why Does it seem people Don't get In Trouble for jamming wifi?

Pretty much in the subject , my question.
I've been jamming the wifi around here with my laptop for a couple days straight now, whereas usually I just stop after a few hours max. I'm going after channels 1 and 6 , and selecting devices which don't appear to be personal wifi routers (residential area). But instead I'm selecting things like XAMAS or whatever, backbone support for Comcast and Frontier's services, also ATT. The method is a combination of many instances of aireplay-ng -0 0 and -2 -a when needed, airodump if it's for a specific bssid of course, and of course mdk3 mon0 m - t (Michael's attack which is a deauth of some kind), mostly doing deauthing really.. no fake auth or shit which generally doesn't work.

How long can this go on before the FCC or whoever finally drop by? Or who would investigate first? I'd imagine the field techs Comcast have or Frontier for the DSL, would come out and have no idea why even their own devices won't connect. However I'm not jamming all xfinitywifi public hotspots. My reasons for doing this have to do with a hatred for the two ISPs, and the fact that I found a spy device of some kind on a rather close bssid with an essid of "No Internet access" , the device is made by e-watch.. they literally make spy vans for surveillance as seen on TV..

also they have an open FTP server which lets you download their software used to access their shit remotely etc..


See the latest version with the installer in the folder... sort by date modified obviously. Also I think it needs 2.0 of the MS api.

Other urls found in this thread:


I guess barely anyone would bother doing that just for the sake of it.

Also most people would probably think the AP/Router is faulty instead of someone sitting around spamming deauth packets. So they would probably buy a new one or call the manufacturer. If no one on site is a security specialist, it could take two or three replacements until its even considered that someone is jamming. Then you'll either be on the tapes all with camera recordings, a real MAC address and so on, and you'll get into medium trouble; or you were cosplaying as Hackerman and no one will bother digging further.

It'd be beyond medium trouble if caught, those laws are designed to deter business-level abuse so expect astronomical fines.

op here. hah! yeah I don't know what the e-watch surveillance equipment is. I tried acting like a client of the company with an email yesterday like oh by the way I can only see this device's MAC on my software - [MAC here] , can you tell me which of your products this might be? I'll have to see if they replied. And yeah, fortunately for any devices being jammed by myself if they do replace them with new ones which they probably will, the deauths will stop working unless I adjust the target MAC.

How about MAC spoofing, by the way? I use macchanger in Xubuntu, and as far as I know packet sniffing doesn't reveal a persons' true MAC (on the NIC being used to 'hack') , but it can indicate that one's been spoofed or reveal like two octets or something.. interesting. I might stop within a day or so just to be nice, because it's a dick thing to do.

Ill haveto look at the FCC laws especially. Another thing which sounds fun to me, would be to get a $420 or so "Blade RF" software defined radio which is full duplex and covers like every frequency up through about 5Ghz as I recall. Then you need a couple good antennas and an amp.. plus a filter. Then I'd start by istening for what's unencrypted on the huge spectrum of frequencies (check out google image search 'FCC frequency allocation chart' etc) and land on AM radio stations, FM, and even police , who use really low frequency in Mhz, then broadcast absurd shit for like 10 seconds, killswitch it and listen to my (actively recorded) for example police feed online then post the confused responses on here or my own server to be safer (for you guys). ... yep adhd and antisocial personality or something.

The ISPs will probably look into it if enough people complain. If you're doing it 24/7 they could get the FCC involved, and they will obviously catch you.
There are some enforcement actions at the bottom of that page.
You're playing with fire.

If you change your mac with macchanger, by default the locally-administered bit will be set. You have to use the --bia option to pretend to be a burned-in-address. Either way, your original MAC is not visible. RTFM next time

Yes it is, and it's also completely pointless and unprofitable as far as i see it.

I couldn't find the case/action, but some guy was using an amplified and modified HAM radio to harass the guards at a local jail. They called the FCC, who sent out agents with the gear to triangulate the guys house and bust him.

Why do you think you're entitled to two separate threads for your shitty blog posting

This is why you stop jamming when their van comes then start again a few hours after they leave.

Better question: why are you a faggot?

Thanks. Yeah I'm sorry for having two threads - not sure what the reason was I couldn't find the original. Guess the fact the FCC car was here that day had me so flustered I felt I didn't have time. So yeah their spooks or some agency spooks have been around still. As I probably posted in the other thread, which you may delete (mods) , this black pickup pulled up later that day and oddly turned around only after passing our driveway and awkwardly pulling to the right.. then he turns around after I finish pretending to look at the garage door keypad for a minute and go in the garage. He parks in front of the house going back down the street on the right this time , or rather across the street, and stays there for like 5 mintues then takes off. I'm not schizophrenic but have schizotypal personality , so i'm prone to some paraonia and I'm sure not every odd vehicle around lately has been government. Also there was an SSID shortly picked up two days ago which said "FBI Van #2" .. not sure who would want to fuck with me, but there are probably a few neighbors around who are tech savvy, figure I'm jamming/monitoring the wifi best I can so they'd do that. It was only detected for like two seconds though. Sorry to those of you who hate my blog style posts... that's just how I think and communicate.

So if you can't pay the fines, like in my case I have zero income and am in 20 thousand or so of debt, I wonder what happens? Either way I'm just taking it easy.. and with macchanger I'll remember to use the burn in option next time. Smartest thing to do for any continued activity would probably be to first wipe all free space on the drives of machines in the home, and run only a live USB Linux distro on the laptop I'm talking about. It's a dick t hing to do and pointless pretty much except I'm against the kind of surveillance I suspect is going on. I'd imagine a reason the FBI might have me wiretapped is that i'm a land surveying/GIS guy, and I've been "DOXing" politicians like Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders.. posting t heir home addresses online with photos and even schematics of their homes along with value information and such. That's not illegal but I'm sure it raises suspicions.

This is so fucking cringe worthy.
You are a retard.

isn't there a browser thread you should be in?

hey OP before you get v& maybe you should look into the ESP8266. it's a

It's not a Holla Forums project, it's just faggotry.
I'm as lolbertarian as they come but I hope OP gets fucked in the ass for jamming for long periods for no reason whatsoever.
At least jamming for downgrade attacks has some sort of reason, this is just faggotry.

Fact is he needs to learn a lesson. He's like a kid with a paranoia disorder playing with toys he shouldn't be.

Ill wait and drink to that and shall be waiting, user.

OP here.. doing some jamming again and I stumbled upon this manufacturers shit, and a method you may not know of. Try doing mdk3 wlan0mon (or whatever) m -t with various MACs on this list. standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/grpmac/public.html

ISIS-all-level2 is a big fucking deal, and I figured out or it at least appears since they have 00:00:00:00:00:00 as a "client" upo this network with a MAC of ""00:07:DD:8F:36:7F - Surveillence -- take down 01:80:C2:00:00:0D "") my notes

OP here.. doing some jamming again and I stumbled upon this manufacturers shit, and a method you may not know of. Try doing mdk3 wlan0mon (or whatever) m -t with various MACs on this list. standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/grpmac/public.html

ISIS-all-level2 is a big fucking deal, and I figured out or it at least appears since they have 00:00:00:00:00:00 as a "client" upo this network with a MAC of ""00:07:DD:8F:36:7F - Surveillence -- take down 01:80:C2:00:00:0D "") my notes

I'm not a kid, I'm nearly 30. Won't be responding to many more personal attacks here at all, though. Others did say this was interesting but they disliked my style. I'm probably older than most in this thread, though. Don't see how that even matters.

Yeah, IQ points.

It's almost like the authorities are getting ready to send you to prison.

If you're jamming residential infrastructure for no reason, then you are one grade A nigger. I hope you get v& you faggot.

Ignore the underage little shits here OP, you're doing something great.

it's a public band.

Also deauth packets might not work for long as 802.11w enabled
will soon be default in every router

OP ya cooked cunt go get laid or something

Someone should go tweet this thread to the feds. Let's see how "anonymous" people really are on this site without hotwheels to shelter them.


jesus man, wifi jamming and sdr is all cool and shit, but you're a massive faggot. at least try lying about why you do it, moralfags are gonna fuck this site over.

also, why the hell would you do this for fun?
are you legitimately a 'special individual'?


what did he mean by this? Holla Forums or something?


Dude be careful. Listening is ine and perfectly legal, but once you start transmitting, you open yourself to a world of legal hurt. Depending what you do, the FCC may or may not take it very seriously. Harassing hams will probably not get you in trouble, but you'd just be pissing off hobbyists somewhat like yourself. If you start fucking with infrastructure like police/emergency radios getting sent to prison is not outside the realm of possibility. While unlikely, it would even be possible to create an international incident, as certain shortwave frequencies can propagate around the world even on low power, if the conditions are right.

how new are you?

You're a fucking idiot and a neckbeard tryhard to boot.
Enjoy your assraping by the FCC, and enjoy not actually jamming anything outside the immediate radius of your apartment. You sound like you don't know shit about radio.

how badly could one asshole fuck things up like this? what's the most damage you could do?
1. if you weren't worried about getting caught
2. if you wanted to get away with it

NIgger this mac changing shit doesn't matter. THEY WILL TRIANGULATE YOUR POSITION. Forget the fact that you're being a nigger to other fellow cucked ISP subscribers. Enjoy the v&!

Interrupting HAM radio frequencies
You would not. Radio regulations enforcers are like the fucking Nazgul. Someone, somewhere, is more skilled than the OP can possibly imagine and watching them right now. Assuming the partyvan hasn't called already.

what about planting piratebox-like devices in obscure crevices? you'd have the FCC chasing ghosts

Also, take your meds OP.

Interrupting HAM frequencies is probably the least likely to get him v&. HAM complaints are pretty low priority in most countries, but depending on the country you piss off and/or your local FCC field agents you could spend time in federal pound me in the ass prison.

The best way to get away with it is to be North Korea.

As far as getting

Are you keeping normies off the internet?

Most people are not aware of wifi jammers, or if they are, are not aware that it is the kind of thing that would get them sent to pound-you-in-the-ass federal prison.

Not sure how you feel about Tails but it does mac spoofing by default.

I named my wifi Open WiFi.

Drinking beer and watching people mouth foaming outside

that's definitely not the worst you could do. sdr jammers could fuck up a lot more than a bunch of neckbeard chatrooms

who knows?