People who pronounce the number 0 like the letter O


but that's correct in certain context

god damn this board is inactive


no it's not.

a 0 is pronounced "zero" and not "oh"

Double pathetic.

then why did you post?

and americans pronounce zed as zee but nobody gives a shit about that either

Uh ohhhhhh

Canadians are Americans too idiot.

I do that and I don't give a fuck, nigger

a continent isnt a country retard

Pyramid box ball cross



You know, you're not forbidden to post quality posts, right?

It's so much easier to criticize than to create.

I am not better than you.

how do you pronounce "doge"?


It seems like people have this impression that Holla Forums is a hopeless shitpool if shit. But that's not necessarily the case. The board is quite quiet tonight and most people seem to behave like normal. I think there is a small chance 8/b/ might have a comeback.

If I'm rattling off numbers I'm not going to use 2 syllables when I can use one.

in american we call this here a squiggly



yes, this is very shitty.

double oh seven