Bulgaria bans use of proprietary software in government


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probably out of fear of being spied upon by the NSA like merkel was

Bulgaria is murka puppet state.


That is not true. They require that software is open source if they pay for development. They will still use Windows, Office, etc proprietary software.


I seen this news on HN and there were Bulgarians commenting on it. They did it because they had series of bad deals with some companies that take a lot of money, about 200k USD per project, and all they deliver is static page or even worse web page that is absolutely unusable. Someone might argue that static pages are good because they do not require a lot of resources, but they are absolute shit if you want to change things and do not have code that generated pages. So they implemented this open source thing to protect themselves from those companies.

I don't see how that protects against being Pajeet'd.

>they're sent with Gentoo already installed

Why are you here though?

/g/ why are you shitting up all our threads lately?


I long for the day I can all my system truly GNU

their you have it

if only if it was that simple

But in the end, you have more freedom with Gentoo. You can choose a different kernel (freebsd), a different libc (uclibc, freebsd libc, musl), a different init (s6, runit, daemontools, systemd). In fact, Gentoo can be run everywhere or almost through a prefix.

Guix is getting a HURD kernel port (which will enable it to be fully GNU) and its design makes it very convenient to install on top of another distro. It's designed to isolate packages from the regular filesystem, while Gentoo prefixes are just a hack. The distro uses an init system that's not in your list (shepherd/dmd). And it can be kept free more reliably because the package selection is more rigorous than Gentoo's overlay, and the whole system is designed to use no proprietary packages.

Gentoo's freedom is not a superset of Guix's freedom.

Another country has fallen to communist free software. How many more lives must communism claim? I weep for the future.

That's great, I will not be able to use many of my devices there now like my Intel-based Tablet because GNU has no touch drivers for it, not even generic ones

Of course, banning proprietary software seems awfully vague, do they have their own definition or the GPLs definition? Does this mean proprietary websites are also banned? All vehicles with proprietary Drive Train Control Module Firmwares?

But its okay for the government to control peoples lives more and interfere with a free market because its something some people personally approve of right?

Oh wait, I just realized this will only apply to the government. They're just following suit with China and Russia

You really should learn to read before posting.

It would be stupid for any country to use proprietary software from a foreign one in the first place. I'm not into politics but it seems like most countries aren't very soverign at all anyway.

Shit I didn't think of that. I would have finally been able to drive. Back to bike for me :/

#wow #whoah



2/10 b8

>>>Holla Forums

holy fuck i hope you're trolling. I don't visit Holla Forums but I highly doubt your referral to it makes any sense what so ever. You *can* charge money for code that has source available. People do this all the time, and anyone who is using Java or .NET, or some webdev bullshit (read: practically everyone) is publishing the source of their code unwittingly (only client side in the case of web).

This sort of thing is what triggers my autism. We wouldn't have that problem if the specs were free and people could write proper drivers instead of poking a black box all day.

I never understood this argument. It's better to not install proprietary software because you understand why it's harmful rather than because it's difficult to install.
How? Also, libc change is pretty important for me.

You're not getting what I mean. Gentoo's libre overlay is not perfect. They sometimes miss packages, so if you rely on it to keep your system free you might end up installing proprietary software anyway without knowing it. And packaging is typically done without taking it into account. If you've chosen to want a fully libre system then Guix is more useful for that. Debian is more useful for it too, because whether a package is libre or not is a core packaging decision that involves the maintainer, and packages are often patched or split up if they're partially proprietary. So if you already made the choice to use only free software, Gentoo might not be the best choice.

You're installing programs that were packaged for a regular installation in a non-standard location. It works, but you're severely changing the structure of your Gentoo system. If you install Guix on top of another distro it works pretty much the same as it does on the regular distro, with all files in the same locations. Compared to Guix, Gentoo prefixes are a hack. They are useful, of course.

Yes, but my point was that Guix also lets you do things Gentoo doesn't. You can't safely say that "you have more freedom with Gentoo".

Is Hurd usable yet or is it still just a research project?

Depends on your definition of "usable". It has been basically working for ages. You could, perhaps, use it as your main driver, although you wouldn't want to.


That was hard. Anyway, I'm actually very interested in guix, but the only problem I have with Gentoo is Portage being slow, right now.

Can you read it again? It said that Gentoo's way was inferior, not that it didn't exist.
Guix is not fast either, unfortunately.

But trying it is easy. You can have it available as an alternative package manager after a few minutes of setup.

Like Gentoo, it makes compiling your own binaries really easy, but it has a focus on reproducibility rather than customisability.

If i can have a desktop withotu dbus and polkit, I'll see. I fear that Gentoo is the last bastion for those wanting a top that can fit in 24 lines at boot.

Have you tried Alpine?

Binary packages aren't my thing.

tbh this is probably so they can stop getting cucked by nsa, merkel, etc
although i wish every country would do this

Didn't some German city try this before?


I've wanted to test it for a long time, but I fear breakage.

congratulations, you are still running lots of nonfree software in your system.

How great for them!

Does this mean that Bulgaria will not be part of the NSA's international surveillance?

If america had done this gore would have won

Don't be a bad goy and demand reproducible packages! Be a good goy and accept the binaries we give you.

Hello Turkroach, How is your day on Holla Forums

back to >>>Holla Forums

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you aren't on polchan, it's Holla Forums. we discuss Holla Forumsnology here, not national socialism of other countries. If you want to talk about politic so much on Holla Forums, we could recommend you essays that talks about privacy, free speech & ethic related to computer science.

also, if you actually can't code or make a circuit or both, consider getting out of here.

sincerly, user.

its polchan