Looks like nobody's saying what everyone needs to say

Looks like nobody's saying what everyone needs to say.

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how ironic

What do you mean?



I'm onto you, Shlomo.

today on "OP Literally Cannot Stop Sucking Dicks"

Well, yeah, a lot of people are saying that, but are they saying what needs to be said?

The UK had the right idea.

wtf nigga? You gay or something? Lesbians are hot.

But the SJW agenda isn't.

not in children's cartoons nigga

Feel free to like SU, but don't deny that its not filled to the brim with SJW influence and agenda.

Cartoon Network seems to have a thing against action tons as of late.

Only if they're attractive


If you don't want your kid to see something change the channel you faggot.

Waaaah I dont like something so it shouldnt exist!!

It's not that I don't like it, it's that the ideas in it are linked to an agenda that has time and time again harmed more people than it's helped. Let me be clear, I am extremely anti-censorship, often to the point that my friends jokingly call me an anarchist. But you know how pretty much everyone knows that killing people is bad, but people are tasked to do just that in times of war? This is a time of war.

first one is what we're saying, it's common sense
second one is what you're implying that we are saying, it's stupid and you're stupid

I actually don't have a problem with gay characters in children's media. It's just the motive behind it in this case that's bad, and why the show needs to be banned.

I love ho no-one has any good counterpoints, so they don't say anything.

Why should lesbians not be in a cartoon?

How do you know the cartoon's motives? And do they really matter? All characters are created by someone, and someone has to make the conscience decision to make a character gay. Does it really matter whether they were made gay because "I want more gay people on TV" or "I rolled a die and it came up homo".

Look at it this way: Richard Wagner was a total Holla Forumsack, and wrote his music with the intention of celebrating german and nordic heritage; the nazi's advertised the music and used it in their propaganda. Despite me disagreeing with Wagner's intent behind the music, I can still listen to it and enjoy it. Should we ban Wagner's music from children's cartoons because of the intent it was created with? If I choose to have The Flight of the Valkyries in my cartoon does that mean or imply I'm promoting white supremacy? And if I am, does that mean it should be banned from that cartoon, even if other cartoons are allowed to have it? Do you see how fucking stupid this is now?

this thread's going nowhere productive, but i'll participate for a bit i suppose.

yes, intent matters, especially regarding things that many people would find objectionable to be included.
that seems to be the general liberal argument for shoving this shit around (why SHOULDN'T my political beliefs be forced into this thing?). a better question to ask is why should the thing be included if the inclusion offers nothing of substance.
especially in the case of:
because it promotes and normalizes sexual deviancy. again, why should something like that be included (in a cartoon, aimed at children)?

sure they are.

google is just suppressing it.

The lesbians are the very very very least of SU problems. Its that its populated by horrible, lazy, and shallow people that the show refuses to frame so and portrays them as caring loving responsible ones.

Because it's a lazy shallow show.

lesbians are still a problem, though.

Keep your pony cancer on the pony cancer boards.

Me personally? I don't have a problem with them per say. Like stepping away objectively having lesbians is eeeeh.

But its HOW those Lesbians behave and how every single thing is always about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE, is what makes this show insufferable.

This is Tumblr the show. It embodies all its worst traits.

good goy, keep shitposting!

Go back to WBC.

Go back: Holla Forums

hi there, i noticed you have no arguments counter and are inclined to just be a huge faggot
here's your (you)

Do you have an argument beyond "censor anything I don't like" and "DEGENERACY!!!"?

You're saying that it's a good idea to push ideas of sexual identities in shows made for children?

No, but that doesn't mean it should be censored. Don't show it to your kids if you don't want your kids seeing it. Simple as that.

this is your brain on liberalism

Your probably one of those guys that cried about the costume change in Xenoblade Chrionicles X, aren't you?

That's not what I'm saying, you idiot. What I'm saying is that the censorship of ideas is contradictory to the very things we stand upon. The closest that should be allowed to censorship is the usage of the Rating Scale to decide what is suitable and not suitable for certain people according to their ages and tastes. Censoring Steven Universe because of an idea you don't like is fucking stupid. Do you really think kids are dumb enough to think
Because I'm pretty sure kids are smart enough to know that a show containing sentient watermelons and space rock girls might not be the best place to get your ideas of who you are as a person. Kids find things out about themselves on their own, not because the CRT Jew tells them who to fuck and who not to.

Kids are dumb enough to think snowy owls would make good pets because Daniel Radcliff had one in a cage in a movie, those few twerps who actually watch Steven Universe are probably chugging the koolaid like no ones business. And the banning of antisocial and obscene material dates back to the founding, the idea we have to put up with socially deleterious stuff is modern nonsense pushed by commies and jews.


Next your gonna say your kids seeing black cartoon characters is gonna give them Reverse-Vitiligo.

No it gives them the unrealistic impression that Obama's sons are just like you and me and that inequality is the result of oppression.


it sure isn't a choice which is why coincidently the vast majority of boys who are sexually abused by a man grow up to have sexual feelings towards boys.

fucking weird that right

This is your brain on full retard

Well it's their property, so they can do with it what they want.

Because it's CN's property and if they feel the writers they hired didn't go outside of what they wanted the show to be like I don't see the problem with it. If CN's has rules against showing homosexuals and the writers and animators violated that rule then that's CN's to pull it. But they didn't, because it's their show and they can do with it what they please. There doesn't have to be rhyme or reason.

Well every study I've read shows that homosexuality is inate, so promoting it won't do much good anyways. Sexual "deviancy" is subjective, and considering the majority of american's are fine with not only homosexuality being legal but gay marriage I'd say you're on the minority here.

If you're children are dumb enough to be brainwashed by Steven Universe then you and you're lineage deserve it.

[citation needed]

Just for you user (pic related).


must everyone be this retarded that they'll always fall into such extremes
"durr hurr you're wrong for being anti-censorship only when it's convenient to you, myself on the other hand, I love censorship everywhere"


Being gay isn't a choice?

But I have a person at work who says that she's decided to be gay 20 years ago.

Nah, I'm just exposing your hypocrisy.

literally the smallest and most insignificant change I've ever seen that only applies to TV broadcasts.
SJWs are fine with all that Simpsons censorship on channel 4 though

What Simpsons censorship?

There's a fuck ton.


But it's a step in the right direction.

I actually said this in the post you replied to; it's not that I dislike it, it's that it is literally harmful to society.

You people are intellectually dishonest. Someone actually, truly sees the genuine harm in shows like Steven Universe and you call it censorship. I bet you were all against Sargon's petition, too.

Steven Universe is shit
It's message is harmfull to children and society
and the show somehow manages to be even more degenerate than waifu bait softcore Hentai like Queen's Blade (at least that is not targetted at children)
I don't think it should be baned, but it certainly shouldn't be viewed by minors
this fella does an exelet review of why

You need to leave.

I don'tlike censorship m8, and banning something only makes people want it even more

it sure as fuck should not be shown to yougsters,

But Tumbliretttes, as much as we may hate them, also deserve something to enjoy, even if it is something as disgusting and degenerate as this show

My only problem with it is not that it exist. but that it is aimed at children

And neither do I, but like I said earlier, we all know that killing people is wrong even though we have people do exactly that in times of war. This is a time of war.

Basically everyone who disagrees with OP.

Do any of you lying cucks have an actual point against what I'm saying? Like, you can't think of any reason not to ban the show other than liking it or calling me pro-censorship?

Stop being autistic

Stop shilling your video.

You're retarded, mate.

You know, if you don't know a thing about politics, you probably shouldn't criticize other people's political views. And no, I'm not Sargon. He's a moron who has a good idea every now and then, and that petition was the best he's ever had.

Terror apology and other monstrous, inhuman ideologies isn't one of those things you simply "dislike." It's funny how a website that got most of its notoriety from allowing GamerGate discussion somehow drew in SJWs in denial.


My problem isn't that the show has gay characters. In fact, there shouldn't be any stigma against gay characters in children's media. When I said "terror apology," I meant one of the over-arching morals of the show being, "Oh, it's all about perspective."

Well in case fair enough.

Care to elaborate. I don't watch the show.

So, a long-ass time before the events of the show, this planet referred to as "Homeworld," inhabited by creatures known as Gems, plans to take over Earth and destroy it. The Crystal Gems, a rebel army made to protect the Earth, successfully (for the most part) stop Homeworld from taking over. Around six thousand years later, three (really four, but…) leftover Gems now live on Earth with this Steven kid who's the son of their leader and they all protect the place from monsters and shit. All well and good so far, right? Well, there's a slight problem with that; the inclusion of Homeworld's perspective on things.

Near the beginning of season two, the character Peridot is introduced, starting off as a villain and later becoming a member of the team. I'm going to intentionally give shit away, because it was at this point I said, "Fuck this show." In the episodes "It Could Have Been Great" and "Message Received," she is shown praising the efforts of Homeworld and her leader Yellow Diamond. She talks at length about all the good that colonizing Earth would've brought for the Gem race, draining life from it, hollowing it out and using it like a sort of communication and rest point. Of course, our heroes are horrified and disgusted by how enthusiastically she talk of all this, except for one; Steven. At the end of "It Could Have," Steven jumps at Peridot's defense after she talks about Homeworld's plan. He didn't exactly say, "Wait a minute, let's hear what she has to say," it was more of an, "Oh, would you look at the time," as he pulled at his collar, protecting her from being rightfully pummeled and shunned. In the next episode, "Message Received," Steven is the first one to talk to her after the events of the previous episode. You know how most world leaders say, "We don't negotiate with terrorists," or words of that effect? There's a reason for that. Instead of chewing her out or trying to "poof" her, he asks her about Homeworld and Yellow Diamond! I can't talk about the rest, because I turned the thing off and promised to never touch the show again. The only message I could piece from that moment, as well as smaller moments throughout the series, is that even if you plan on destroying the world, your views matter and are valid. It's pure terror apology, the same mindset that makes people defend a mass murderer, so long as they're part of a protected group.

I can't even bring myself to watch the older episodes, because once Rebecca Sugar made her views clear, it made every memory of the show impossible to stomach. The last episode I watched was "Hit the Diamond," which only further proved my point to myself. Granted, with the right amount of antacid, I was able to watch the episode to completion, but it was still a chore to sit through. It was clear from then on that Steven Universe is nothing but a piece of cultural Marxist propaganda on the exact same level as East Germany's Sandmännchen. How anyone can say that this filth should not be banned is beyond my comprehension.

Holy shit…

It's kinda funny how only lesbian relationships are the only gay stuff that is shown in children cartoon shows.

True, but that's only a small problem of the show. When the UK removed it from their localization, it was only a small step in the right direction.

I know. It's just a trend I have noticed whenever there is a gay relationship shown in a cartoon.

Shiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Man that's spot on.

This is always the case or just the logical conclusion of the typical "good character with the unfaltering heart of gold". It is the same belief that leads people to sing Lennon songs after 130 people were killed and violently tortured.

Just love everybody and magic will protect us. Fuck this cartoon and the countless others just like it,

What event was this?

Fuck off, Holla Forums.

This is Holla Forums Anschluss, and you know it.


Don't you just love it when scam artists pull shit like this?