Last Airbender

Is this kino?

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I'd bend her air, if you know what I mean

Was film Yue brown? I thought she was white

curry niggers can't conquer my back yard, what makes you think i'd believe they'd be able to conquer the earth kingdom?
meanwhile japs actually did conquer shit, so asians would have been a lot more believable

Are you 15?

Curry niggers are Asians tho

Plebs can't appreciate the choreography used in this masterpiece

They also cant appreciate its masterful story telling. Adapting anything isn't easy, but a show? Damn near impossible. But this movie manage to do all of it and work by even creating new concepts the show hadn't thought of before. The story flows naturally and leads into the next scene masterfully and the character development is executed nicely giving key characters moments to shine. Beautiful, it is completely kino.
Plus Reddit ranks it worse than the prequels.

I watch it once a month to really soak in the scenery

By using Reddit as a metric, this means that TLA is exceedingly more kinographic than the prequels.


Your point?

All of this to trow a rock that anyone could do with the bare hands.

No she was white and had a penis head.

Tbf in ancien times the Indians did have their own empire and trade.


curry niggers are a whole different kind of asian tho

He's a nostalgia cuck fan I guess and that he should kill himself

would any of you guys ever fuck a curry negress?

Oh, douge, why are you so funny?
>However, I'm a good guy because my shitty movies are made shitty on purpose
Literally /ourguy/

I'm not into scat nor bestiality.

So there's water (as well as small amounts of blood) in poo right?
So since Katara could waterbend and bloodbend in the show, dors that mean she can poobend too?

Korra is even worse than this movie.

nothing, ya know, t'was just a BIG LIPPED ALLIGATOR MOMENT

I have one as a girlfriend

The Waterbenders in the show arent poopoos, they're based on Inuits.

Hitler thought the Verdic and the Bengals are Aryans and Aryans came from Hindu texts



Korra tier. Except inverted. Instead of overkill and over done, nerfed and lulz. At least it's over before 2 hours and can be dismissed as non-canon.

What did curry niggers do for the rest of the world?
They couldn't do shit while japan,china, the middle east etc went out and conquered other countries and territories

He literally corrected all of the shows inaccuracies and flaws, too bad the fan boys are too overprotective and retarded about their show that they won't let anything change.

Were one of the first people to discover civilization

You have no idea how bad it got with Korra and Douge. This movie was the best thing to come out of the franchise.

That actress is definitely not white, she's latina

Probably an anime waifu pillow. Leave him alone.

Nah, anime pillows of Indians don't exist my main man

A really shitty civilization of pooping in the streets

Dubs checked but ironically they used toilets back then.

well but tbh aside from katara and sokka all the other water tribe people we see are tanned asians


Then how did they go from toilets to shitting on the streets?

Originally the Indus had toilets that were connected to a river, they let gravity do the work. However because a united India has never exited until now, its infrastructure was way behind the rest of the world.