A message to the "Civic Nationalist" cucks I've seen pop up more recently (1/2)

America is a white nation built by whites, for whites, and should remain so indefinitely. Our country is white in every sense of the word, and this aspect of our identity is inseparable from who we are as a people. The definition of what it means to be "American" is firmly rooted in a white European foundation, and to remove this important racial element would be to destroy our identity replace it with the sterilized race-blind "propositional nation" garbage we have today, which is not based on any shared blood, history, or identity, but on some adherence to a supposed “shared set of values” which have no actual basis in reality.

Any amount of foreign races, even ones who have lived in this country for three generations or more and have supposedly "integrated", inherently dilute the innate white European nature of our society and threaten the long-term survival of our civilization, due to the fact that their people played no part in building or defining America from the start, and have absolutely no deeper connection to the European race and our shared history and identity as a people. These non-whites will forever remain foreigners living in another race’s land, and thus can only work to dilute our racial and cultural identity.

The only way non-whites could ever be incorporated into the definition of "American" would to completely negate and ultimately destroy the central white racial element that has defined us from the beginning, thus leaving us open to the importation of more non-whites, all of whom are naturally incapable of upholding the white identity, culture, and history that is such an integral part of our nation. All non-white races are also genetically inferior to the White race in that their people are simply incapable of rising to the levels of white civilization, and thus, importing any amount of foreigners constitutes a threat to our genetic stock. I'd also like to point out that not only all non-white immigrants and their offspring have a vested interest in ensuring the innate racial portion of our identity is destroyed so they feel incorporated into the definition of the nation, but also to continue this process of mass non-white immigration, since they themselves owe their presence in our nation to this system. Having non-whites in the nation at all creates an unsustainable positive feedback loop as more non-whites fill our nation and demand special recognition and the destruction of our historic identity.

Since this country is part of Western Civilization and is a construct of the white race, and our culture is a direct expression of our race's unique vigor, importing any amount of foreigners who belong to a non-European race and who are both genetically and circumstantially incapable of maintaining and growing our civilization in the way our race has done so for generations, inherently threatens not only the survival of our cultural, national, and racial identity, but also makes us lose sight of who we are as a people, where we come from, and the strong white European foundations on which this nation was built. It's simply ludicrous to believe that a non-white from China, India, Africa, or the Middle East have any capacity to, or even interest in continuing to uplift our white culture, traditions and identity like our ancestors have done so for centuries. Culture is not something that can be simply separated from a race of people. It does not exist in a vacuum. A living, breathing, and uniting culture – one that can truly uplift a people and allow them to reach their full potential spiritually and mentally, can only exist in a racially homogeneous nation with a shared identity.

Other urls found in this thread:


In the long run, the only binding force that keeps a nation together is a shared racial and cultural identity. A single culture is simply impossible to foster in a multiracial population where people come from vastly different backgrounds, look vastly different, and have no bond to each other through blood or history. The only result of such an arrangement is a degradation of our national identity, a loss of social cohesion and trust, and the creation of conditions that breed dysfunction. A lack of trust and social cohesion is a staple in multiracial societies due to the fact that humans are biologically predisposed to tribalism, meaning we naturally and oftentimes subconsciously favor our in-group over foreign races and cultures, and wish to live around and help out those most similar to us.

I have no interest in subjecting my nation to this destructive and unsustainable system of multiracialism/multiculturalism simply in the name of the false promise of "diversity" and “equality”. An unbroken identity based on blood is what forms the foundations on which greatness can be built. Superficial values come and go and as history proves, do not stand the test of time, so the only insurance you have that guarantees your civilization will survive and continue to rise to prominence is the maintenance of an unbroken racial chain throughout the generations.

The loss of our race to this soulless cosmopolitanism will result in the loss of our culture, racial memory, and history, and the only thing that can and will follow will be the ultimate death of our civilization. It is not only in our interests to preserve our racial and cultural integrity, but also our duty, to our future generations of white European children.

This speech would make sense 100 years ago before the damage was done.

America is 60% white and it's only going to get worse considering the fact that non-whites breed like rats. Trump can slow it down by a lot but he can't reverse the damage. America will never be a white nationalist country. We had that chance once and we blew it.

What's more….what makes the 60% White statistic even more disastrous and depressing is the fact that a sizable chunk of that 60% are past the age of reproductivity.

If America DOESN'T get rid of the nonwhites it will collapse. Simple fact.

There's no American nation outside natives.

Skin color is not a race. Just because you all share a pale skin doesn't mean you are from the same genetic stock.

Just because your ancestors betrayed their brothers and adopted the Anglo culture and language, doesn't mean it's your culture

Traitors from every corner of Europe, not a history worth remembering.

Race is not skin colour, you retard.

Daily reminder that even hilter himself said that the US would finish what he started. OP confirmed for upset brit trying to D&C.


Isn't this just le ebin BASED civic nationalist maymay that brit/pol/ started?

Is anybody here actually a civic nationalist?

inb4 carswell posting


I believe a fascist system could potentially ignore racial issues outright as certain groups would always inevitably fail the requirements of living in said fascist system

At the same time this isn't anywhere near an ideal answer

If we get rid of the kikes, segregation would probably work.

It already is collapsing, you are just waiting for civil war to create multiple countries in the US

You have more than half your nation calling the other side racist and evil,and too many niggers, beaners, and soon to be muslims, there is no way it could continue in any normal circumstance


No. They'll be removed. Not one square centimeter of American soil will be surrendered to nonwhites.

Daily reminder that Jefferson and Co. had different ideas on the USA than race-cucks.

They probably didn't want to end up with this mess but hey, deal with it.

Just another shill/heretic/misled.
If the ones who should be able to, can't figure it out for themselves, then they do not deserve to be apart of the race and its nation.
Or alive, for that matter. :^ )

No they won't, get some real perspective

You are better off fracturing the public with political views

Well aren't you a stupid motherfucker. Natives never had a unified nation of their own, and it definitely was not "American" other than being on the physical continent. "America" refers to more than just geographic location

What are you talking about? There is a single European race with slight genetic differences depending on region, but these differences are largely negligible when it comes to integration, unlike niggers, arabs, or other non-white races.

What is OP trying to D&C exactly?

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

America is Civic Nationalism "the country". You were founded on it.

You are missing the definition of Man.
The definition that you think is Man, is including those who are not of Man, which was done deliberately as a perversion to subvert the divine order. Which it has succeeded greatly at, unfortunately.
As Man is still culpable for allowing this to happen on his watch that has been so entrusted to him, it is up to Man right now to correct itself.

Spotted the half-breed burger

We need to return back to a racial nationalist platform. Basically run the original immigration laws that allowed any white people (caucasians of European decent) with good moral standing. Its softer than pure Ethnic Nationalism but its the best we have to work with in the context of America.


Why didn't you post this in Brit/pol/ instead, OP?

And non-whites were not considered "men". Pic related: the original immigration laws of the United States.

You don't have to like something to be true, fammo. The fact remains that there is in a fact a single European race, although there do exist slight genetic differences between ethnicities depending on region. Also, many Europeans would be hard pressed to call themselves "pure" considering how much border-shifting and raping went on throughout European history.

Agreed. Multiple European ethnicities are able to integrate into American culture and not degrade it due to the fact that they all belong to the white race and do, to a certain degree, share a common history. The same cannot be said about non-whites.

And Italians and Irish were not regarded as white. America was founded as an Anglo Saxon country. You don't see the founding fathers with Paddy or Dago names, do you? No. America now, is spiritually, and racially nothing like it was at its foundation.

lel, clearly never been to europe

White persons of Good character. Very succinct and correct, this defines the true nation of God.
You have allowed illegal immegration, perversion, and corruption of God's nation.
You have turned God's nation into a upside-down false state that manufactures all of the evils, Hell manifested upon the Earth. For too many once good Men got rused by the forced memes of falsehoods.
This is why you exist here and now, to learn all these lessons, because it is necessary in order for you to become the true Meme Magi you were created to be.

You also have to take in to account the fact that a lot of Europe actually belonged to Rome at one point. So, could the purest whites actually have Roman ancestry?

America didn't allow non-northern europeans to immigrate to america. That is why the immigrants integrated so well for a long time. The difference between european cultures and races are not always negligible. Burgers don't even understand their own country.

And we know now that the distinctions between most European ethnicities is largely negligible when it comes to integrating and sharing a common identity. Whites from all over Europe can integrate and become part of the American nation both culturally and spiritually, because we all share a common race despite our regional differences. This cannot be said about any non-European ethnicity. I also don't see why the anglo-saxon cultural traditions need to be erased either, considering all kinds of Europeans can be integrated given enough selective pressure, which is clearly shown to be true based on how America was around the first half of the last century.

I never said this, you dumb shit. I said that Europeans all belong to one race despite the fact that there are genetic differences between groups depending on geographic location. There is no "German race" and "British race" and "Spanish race" in the same way that one can make distinctions between Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans, for example. Yes, there are some genetic differences between these groups, but they are largely negligible when it comes to integration and becoming American

And there should be an emphasis on Northern European ethnicities, but that doesn't mean that non-European ethnicities are incapable of integrating all the same. With enough pressure to integrate, and a complete rejection of all hypohenated-American identities, I'm sure pretty much all European ethnicities could become part of the culture indistinguishably

Man you yanks are more thick than I thought.

If you lived in America 100-200 years ago you'd have been laughed at and called a race mixing faggot who wanted to subvert America

You don't understand do you, that spirit is connected to blood, and only certain Europeans have that spirit. You ignore hundreds, thousands of years of history, both racially and culturally, in the belief that somehow they will "integrate", rather than deteriorate, which they have done.

Where the fuck did I say I wanted any non-white spics to come in, let-alone at that number? stop strawmanning like a faggot

What I'm saying is that Europeans from all over Europe are capable of integrating into American culture ON THE CONDITION that there is a heavy emphasis on integration, and hypohenated-American identities are looked down upon. Due to our genetic similarities and somewhat shared history as Europeans, we are able to integrate most Europeans in a way that simply would not work with any non-European ethnicity.

You're conflating who the nation is for (descendants of the original citizenry), who has the genetic traits to preserve it (whites, especially Germanics, especially Anglo-Saxons), and who benefits (all current citizens).

yes, 100%
No, don't be dumb. 1%? 2? Surely 40% is too much, there is a threat now, but exaggerating the threat level throws away our credibility.

Names are names. So long as people get there are different meanings, we're good.

Need to distinguish between objective inferiority (eg blacks, low IQ) and inferiority specifically for preserving American culture and values.

Wrong on both counts. Do they have the capacity? In some cases, yes, they have something to contribute. Do they have an incentive? Yes, because they fled the crappy culture their race created for a reason; they like ours better and want it to stay that way.

I'm fine identifying either as WN or CN, you can probably see why from what I wrote above.

lol no. This is genetic. Demanding assimilation helps but if you allow very high levels of immigration, whether of non-Anglo Europeans or (even worse) non-Europeans, you are screwed in the long run.



Actually, the reason things were ok was because of liberalism. After the civil war, well, there's no difference between a nigger and a wasp or spic.

Then tell me what integration means.

There it is, that meme again. We're all the same.


Rather than actually integrate, they've created a new America.
Because true integration is impossible.

America was a fucking mistake.

Because assimilation can't work

A fucking Italian will never be a German you inbred fuck.

It didn't have to work.
People/communities could get on with their own thing in their own community.

The amish and mormons are doing fine.

They would be neither, they would be American.

t. multiculturalist

But I don't break contracts. If a nigger's a citizen and his family served in the military… he's American as apple-pie.

Take it up with Caesar.


No they do not have the capacity, because they have no deeper connection to the race of people that built the country in the first place. A Chinese will always be a foreigner living in a nation his race played no part in defining or building, thus he is incapable of truly maintaining and uplifting it in the way the white race has done for generations. Also, if we are to accept that culture and civilisation are largely racial constructs, then we inevitably arrive at the conclusion that any non-European ethnicity is simply unable to maintain our civilisation in the long run. Whatever results would be a cheap, bastardised imitation.

That is why you shouldn't allow unrestricted immigration of Europeans anyway. It should be controlled carefully as to ensure only the best of the white race from all over Europe, and done in a slow enough fashion so that integration is possible.

I never said we're all the same, you disingenuous fuck, I said that we're all similar enough to form a cohesive nation around a shared racial identity given enough pressure on integration.

Which I never insinuated. An Italian and a German would both become American, and since they're both white, this society will be functional unlike multiracial societies.

Fuck off, civic nationalist cuck. Did you not even read the OP? Any bottom-of-the-barrel scum can enlist in the military. This doesn't say much

>Americans will never EVER know what it's like to live in a racially homogenous society where everybody's ancestry is the same ethnicity

Okay, but that's only one (important) kind of contribution. But you can contribute to other aspects of our civilization even if you aren't good at promoting its basic values.


But this is a reason to underline that you can make partial contribution. I.e. clannish Sicilian Americans undermine our ethos of reciprocal altruism, but they make pretty decent shock troops. Some vices are objective weaknesses, like nigger IQ; others are specialized traits that need to be used wisely.

And Germany and Italy wasn't even a unified country until 1871. "British" is also a manufactured identity of Scottish, Welsh, English, Irish, and other smaller ethnicities. Spain is also a combination of multiple ethnic groups, just like most European nations. This idea that each European country is a purely 100% homogeneous nation of one single ethnicity and culture, and has been so since the beginning, is a retarded meme that seems to be peddled by Europeans. As you have national identities made up of multiple smaller ethnicities, so can America be made up of a combination of many greater European ethnicities.

Sid you not read the OP? The highest level of genuine integration and shared identity can only be achieved if we ensure only European immigration is allowed. As much as you might like to deny it, there is in fact a greater European/Western identity that has been forged over many centuries that underlies a lot of who we are as a greater race of people. To assume that an Englishman, a German, and a Russian are just as different to each other as an an Arab, an African, and a Chink are to them is a real misassessment. Western Civilisation is greater than each individual European nation that has contributed to it alone. America should be a culmination of the greatest of Western Civilisation, not a multiracial mix of people from all over the world who don't know where they have their roots.

You're avoiding the obvious problem here.

Civilized men honor contracts/promises/agreements made in good faith. Who are you to take away citizenship from families who have been US citizens for generations?

If you want a Whiteopia, you'll have to build it somewhere… but the USA has passed that threshold.

good thread

there's nothing wrong with racially aware civic nationalism

That's actually completely wrong. Going back to settlement, the Americas weren't only populated by whites but also some Arabs/Persians in the beginning. The USA in particular has it's history intertwined with Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans very heavily, but those groups were minorities during our past. Half our economy was based off using blacks as agriculture equipment.

The problem with the USA today is that whites will eventually be a minority here, and the (((government))) is currently trying to prevent whites from forming their own segregated communities at all costs. Meanwhile the solution which (((they))) don't want to allow is to introduce the same selfish views in minority communities that have led to the massive decrease in white birthrate, to stop massive immigration, to promote white pride and reproduction, and preventing minority pregnancies and births. We just need to stop outside influences and focus inwardly on our country, everything else is just poppycock.

gr8 thread m8

Have a bump.

And you can hardly say the history of non-white immigration into the US has been in good faith. Hell, much of the land of North America was gained by going against or ignoring contracts made with the natives. Civilised men uphold their race and civilisation above all else, and if that means removing foreign racial elements, then so be it.

Someone who recognises the importance in maintaining a racially homogeneous society and a racially-based national identity. The comfort of non-whites is none of my concern. You could literally use this "argument" to support keeping non-whites in European countries have immigrated many years ago. I support maintaining a white America. Nothing less

All white nations could be said to have passed that threshhold. Have you forgotten that the destruction of our race has been deliberate? We'll need to take back what is ours and ensure that something like this never happens again, which means a zero-tolerance policy for non-white citizenship.

civic nationalism is an oxymoron. If you're truly racially aware, then you'd realise that you're spouting gibberish.

What the fuck are you talking about? America was never populated by arabs or persians.

Native Americans are as much a part of the American identity as Serbs are a part of the Turkish identity. Blacks are just as much a part of the American identity as white slaves are a part of the Arab identity. Just because these groups were subjugated and ruled by us, doesn't mean they suddenly "become" part of us. Yes it's true that our history has seen a lot of interaction with these groups, but our greater European history going back through the ages and even to Roman times has nothing to do with them at all.

Lol. Blacks have as much claim to America as a tractor.

The government is also the one importing all these foreigners in the first place, not just preventing us from segregating. They want nothing short of the complete annihilation of white civilisation, and mass non-white immigration is a part of it.

Yes, but once we actually gain control of our nation (if ever), we should actually go the extra mile and consider deporting non-whites back to their racial homelands (except for the injuns, of course). Read up on Georg Lincoln Rockwell. He had an idea of creating a sovereign Black American state back in Africa. That should be our ultimate goal.

Right, but most people are afraid of taking a more nuanced position.

theres nothing white about our country tbh sorry fam

Those contracts were created by subversive foreign agents. Hispanics especially have taken advantage of the fact that we've been pozzed up.

Obviously solving the logistics of all this is a big challenge, but it can be done.

Those contracts were created by subversive foreign agents. Hispanics especially have taken advantage of the fact that we were pozzed up.

Obviously solving the logistics of all this is a big challenge, but it can be done.

Lol wannabe anglo-aryan detected

We're going to have to get rid of a lot of people.

the purges will be bloody but they must happen

Jesus Christ the bongs are right when they say people here are fucking thick

There are more civic nationalist cucks popping up other than the britbongs. I've had to engage in MANY cucks who don't identify themselves as civic nationalists, but openly spout garbage like "culture is waaaay more important to me than race :D:D." and "I don't mind if non-whites immigrate as long as they respect muh culture and are hard working :D:D".


good infographs. saved.

I've often thought of making an image similar to the OP's as a way to describe the links between race and nation, and how one holds up the other. I'd have race as the foundation, the base from which the pillars of identity rise - culture, history, religion and more - each bearing the weight of a nation. As a visual tool, it's useful to demonstrate how attacking and weakening one pillar destabilizes the nation as a whole.


Under that definition, can Israel even be called a nation? Remember, they're racially diverse and only started re-adopting Hebrew language in the 19th century.

What nonsense. What about the current situation is permanent?

Give a reason not to ethnically cleanse the continent.

Oh, is that why the Founding Fathers acted like niggers we equal? Is that why they accepted Indians into the country? Is that why literally the second law they ever passed was telling nonwhites they could never be US citizens? Is that why in the writings of many Founding Fathers they explicitly call the US a white nation?

Yes, don't be retarded. 2% of the population has deteriorated our country immeasurably, and you have the temerity to say "Oy vey, as long as there's not too many!" One is too many. Fuck off.

Your presence on this board is a fucking mistake. You're the same kind of shill who cries "No white race!" while at the same time implying "All Germans are the same!" You have no leg to stand on and no understanding of deeper issues, hence your inability to distinguish between relative similarity and homogeneity.

It's obvious from your posts that you're not here to do anything but bait anyway.

t. Billy

Yes, there is. Multiracialism is 100% pointless.

They're held together by a unique common hatred in their souls.

Civic nationalism is garbage.

Ethnocentric nationalism or gtfo


Okay, if you think the jews are "just like any other ethnic group" then you really should go back to halfchan for a few months. But clearly the problems, say, Hispanics cause are much smaller than those jews cause, and if there were 1/10 as many hispanics the problems would be 1/10 as large. (Whereas you could probably deport 99% of the current jewish population of the US and the remaining 64k could still control the country just as effectively as they do now.)

Seriously, what do you guys take the difference between the two nationalisms to be?

My take is: a nation has an aggregate national character. That character is sustained by psychological traits and aptitudes that are heritable. You cannot be a nationalist without acknowledging that the national character (and all the institutions, culture, laws, traditions that depend on that character) depends on a biological folk. If you change the genetic makeup of the population a little, you change the character of the nation a little, and things start to slide. If you change the genetic makeup of the population a lot, you change the character of the nation a lot, and things fall apart.

Having recognized this, the only non-negotiable difference between a citizen who is genetically a perfect match for the founding national folk and a citizen who is a bad match or who is distant is that the perfect match contributes the most to preserving the national character.

It proves that 2% is a problem, you fucking weasel. One is too many.

That's not how things work.

This sounds like one of the Marxists' famous "faux phobias".

I would acknowledge your points and I agree with your sorta "originalist" perspective of how the country's civics should be structured, but I have two points of contention.

1 is purely practical. Its one thing to believe in The Emperor's plan to incentivize, convince, coerce, and force the removal of 30 million illegals. 40% of the population is a civil war.

2 is more philosophical. You'd point to this whole "Nation for white people" concept that was written into the founding documents, yet it seems to me that the most viable route to a nation for white people would be secession with a new constitution (as impractical as that option is within at least the next couple of decades).

The reason I say this is because contemporary adjustments to the interpretation of the constitution HAVE brought it more closely in line with the founding principle (a lie) that "All men are created equal". Thus we have the liberal worldview of pretending race is merely a "social construct" woven into the founding documents via implication.

All that being said, there's also a compelling ethical case to be made for the inclusion of at least the black minority within the civic structure on the basis that they were "in at the ground level" of the American enterprise. While I doubt this view would find much sympathy on Holla Forums, I do think it can at least be said that blacks are the least of our problems behind the Hispanic demographic threat and the jews pulling strings.
In a scenario where it was JUST whites dealing with a black minority (at current size), and without jews riling them up, I think the world looks completely different.

The country's practically headed for civil war anyway, so I don't see this as much of a concern. Moreover, I do not think it very likely that deporting all nonwhites would cause a civil war. Not in any meaningful sense. They're in a terrible strategic position to resist (whites almost entirely control their food, water, electricity, and pretty much everything they need to live), but beyond that they're nonwhites. They aren't very good at war and I don't see that changing. Oh, I'm not saying it'll be easy, but I don't think it'll be a hassle.

I partially agree. At this point I think US law is so fundamentally fucked that it'd be easier to tear it down and start anew. My disagreement comes with the secession part — or at least secession without intent to retake all current US territory. I do not agree with giving a square centimeter away. If anything, I'd hope for more US land, as if we're at war to retake current holdings I see no reason why we ought not to seize more of Mexico and the Caribbean — not keeping the people around, obviously.

I don't see how it's compelling at all. The only thing they've done is manual labor, and even then about as much as the Hispanics. If the Hispanics are going there is no compelling reason that I can see that the African squatters shouldn't leave too. About the closest they are to the American experience is as scenery, but I do not see why that nets them any special points. Moreover, it is far more efficient (and better, in the end) to declare a white nation than to say "Well Hispanics must go but Africans can stay because I say so." It opens the door for a debate on "How many nonwhites?" which shouldn't even be part of any consideration. When you declare a white nation the discussion is "What level of violence do the nonwhites merit?" — a far preferable national discussion.

It really doesn't. You can seriously think blacks right now are only a problem because of Jews egging them on and funding them. Blacks always have and always will be violent cancers — as proper history and the existence of blacks everywhere else in the world proves. The myth of the "civilized" pre-1965 black needs to die. They weren't civilized; that was just an image sold by Jews to convince whites that this whole "anti-racism" thing was something good. It was a lie.

Civic nationalism can work, but not even ethnonationalism can work if you have your own people reeducating the young to believe lies.

You can't blame everything on kikes. While they are assuredly a significant factor, we have always had backstabbing liberals in our midst. Most of our actual enemies in existence today are English from the Northeast and West (speaking of the US, obviously). The English from the South are the only remaining heirs that desire to retain the nation as it once was, and that's because of culture and history.

You're the one blaming the eternal failure of civic "nationalism" on kikes. Civic "nationalism" fails because multiracialism is self-defeating and pointless; civic "nationalism" is basically little more than state-worship. It is also entirely antithetical to liberty.

Nice comprehension, sport.

You're blaming the failure on "reeducating young people to believe lies." We all know who's doing that and no matter how much you blame traitors that won't change.

Not that it matters because, as I said, civic "nationalism" is a failure and always will be.

Well, I didn't figure on this thread being worth a shit.

Now who's the one lacking comprehension? I never said it wasn't kikes. I've said the opposite about three times now. You're blaming traitors when most are merely tools of the Jew; basically none are in a position to influence anything. There's essentially no non-Jewish equivalent to Rothschild, Soros, or Bloomberg.

I've stated the reasons you're wrong on civic "nationalism." Feel free to go back and read them. I was merely pointing out that no one is blaming kikes but you (indirectly). No one here says that civic "nationalism" is only a failure because of Jews. We know exactly why it's a failure, and it would be a failure with or without them, with or without young people being educated in lies. Young people could be educated in the most virtuous shit under the Sun and civic "nationalism" would still fall flat on its face.

America isn't just one country yo know? Its 50 states united. We need states to start exercising their rights again and enact local-border laws, and if the Federal Government threatens to slash their funding, then the state can just tell them to fuck off and the people only benefit more because no taxation without representation motherfucker!

Bet you support California's border fuckery and sanctuary cities too then, because it's a state exercising its "rights."

Being mindlessly pro-states rights (if such a thing even exists) is dumb. I would support any state against the Federal government if it was expelling nonwhites; I would side with the Feds if it was a state trying to muddy itself.

The solution would be simple, Californias bordering states would just exercise their rights and prevent Mexicans/Californians from crossing their borders

What's wrong with you? The proper solution is to tell California to stop its shit and deport the brownies.

Civic nationalism is realistic. Ethnic nationalism in the US at least is not. I would like ethnic nationalism but civic nationalism has a snowball's chance of being achieved within my lifetime so that my kids don't have to live in a fully war torn 3rd world globalist zone. Trump, who I like, needs everybody, and his platform is civic nationalism. He will do the most good for the citizens of this country, and so I am at the point I care more about that than I do about pol shitposting.



Its about more than just moderation or popularity. I do find it ironic that many on pol want to pull for conservative traditionalism with Christian values, while they act in a complete opposite manner 24/7 online.

Civic "nationalism" is trying to be moderate by saying "We're not extreme! We'll accept some nonwhites!" in order to try and get support from nonwhites.

Civic "nationalism" is the unrealistic option. No one fucking wants it besides semi-intellectual virtue-signallers still trapped in leftist morals. No one will fight to live next to an African, no matter how much he might be "one of you" (which is a big lie besides). No one will fight to live next to a Hispanic.

Trump is winning because he is the closet to real nationalism whites are going to get, and they're flocking to it. I guarantee you if a real nationalist leader came on scene in the US he'd be more popular.

You're obvious not from here. Holla Forums wants what works, and advocates for it. There is no inconsistency, and most on Holla Forums rightly see that such "values" as allowing your country to be destroyed so that you feel good is not a value at all.

It isn't virtue signaling. It is accepting reality. If you think you can get a group of white revolutionaries together, in the nuclear globalist age, and throw a coup of the government, and be legitimate, good luck. I want to provide for my children and secure a future for them. I am a man not a boy.

You don't even know my true power level. I starting posting on SA in 2000 I think? As soon as moot founded 4chan and posted about it on ADTRW I was on it. I've been reading this garbage for a decade and a half, you?

oh it shows, kill yourself goon faggot.

Nope. European nation-states are clearly based on ethnic designations (particularly their names), so I would argue, a Somali moving to Sweden, never actually expects (in good faith) to become Swedish, and should look at it as a temporary solution.

Whereas America, and American states are generic names, and the millions of immigrants came here with the expectation of being Americans.

It's only this last wave of Mexican/H1B "immigration" that I would count as bad-faith and that's why it's being fixed/disputed.

Most problems would be fixed if you dealt with "gibs" (having to bankroll spics/niggers etc) and the forced integration into communities.

If all blacks were in a state called Dindukota and you didn't subsidize them (but they were still citizens)… then noone would give a fuck about White nationalism.

You aren't accepting reality. You're either being a defeatist or trying to spread a false narrative, but the fact of the matter is that no one fights for civic "nationalism." And why would they? Real nationalism is tangible and gives you a feeling of pride. Civic "nationalism" is so abstract that it takes energy to believe in, energy most don't have. It's low-energy because it's too hungry.

Once the swing starts rightwards (as it will have to to even get to civic "nationalism"), there won't be a stop at civic "nationalism." It'll continue all the way to real nationalism, because nobody wants the fake shit.

Who is honestly going to stop it? Who? Who is going to face off against the US in order to impose multiracialism on them? You're dreaming, buddy.


Sure, buddy. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but that proves nothing. You're obviously not from Holla Forums.


My grandpa fought for civic nationalism.

/pol is shit lately because its the death of thought. You want me to epically meme and signal my fashy millennial counterculture virtue. I have real responsibilities though. Again, good luck with the revolution, the family men will never follow you scrappy doo, you don't have what it takes, but if you somehow do I will be happy you had the balls and the vision :^)

Its true goons are hideous freaks and it turned into a SJW cesspit. But back then it was the only place to be for hot memes.

Yep. The argument was purely based on time. If time is your criterion then there's no more reason to deport nonwhites in Europe.

Not only could they never expect that — because why would they suddenly start caring about other races? — but that's an argument purely based on speculation. Who's to say the Somali doesn't expect to become Swedish? How can he anymore expect to become American than Swedish? Only because you've said so.

And you would be wrong. All nonwhite immigration has been in bad faith — they've all been looking for "a better life" (they want the shit America will give them). They've never come to "be American." Hell, a lot of late nineteenth/early twentieth century white immigration was in bad faith. That's entirely separate to the fact that nonwhites can never be American though, no matter how much they expect to be.


And at that point why not just deport them? You're saying the exact same thing. What's the difference between deporting them to Dindukota and Africa?

I'll bet he did. Probably where your defective genes come from.

If it was the death of thought I wouldn't be arguing with you.

What was that about not virtue signalling again? I can't hear it over the suckling sounds of your autofellatio.

See William Pierce. He started a cadre of elite Aryan uber-men to do this.

That's the life-cycle of these movements in America.

Virtue Signaling is the new Overton Window

>"I'm the true defender of conservative traditionalist Christian values!"
Please, continue.

I'm not an option, voting for Trump is an option. Do your duty white man. I could probably work in a burn about you being a quadcopter bomb pilot in the weev RWDS. I'm tired and old. Don't get old.

Now you're not even coherent, but I'll amen to Trump.

Not to complicate this discussion further, but I'd add another pillar of nationalism: religion. Common faith is just as important to national identity as common language. Probably the most important, as Evola, Spengler and others have pointed out. Once a nation loses it's religion it begins to decline.

I don't think it's a coincidence that America and other white countries began to accept non-whites at around the same time that atheism and moral relativity began to become the norm.

I'd argue religion is an offshoot of culture, or at least tied around that pillar since religion will adopt the cultural values of the society it's in

bretty gud, for better or worse, Trump has brought a fuck ton of the civic nationalists cucks in who really have no difference from the mainstream conservatives

I'd argue the culture adopts the religious values. Take the Jews for example, even the one's who aren't religious still hold to the tribal prescriptions laid out in the Torah and Talmud (almost to a religious degree, ironically).

I'm kinda facepalming through large portions of this post, not because there's anything wrong with the analysis, but because its a completely COMPETENT analysis from the perspective that America consists of three primary races: Black, White, and Hispanic. And that's just how jews want it.

1. You yourself discuss later in this post how members of these races are irrationally violent.
Indeed, this trait would express itself during an attempted removal as 40% of the population would IGNORE their lack of infrastructure and move to engage in civil war.
2. You assume whites control the infrastructure, but large amounts of it, possibly even a majority, would be controlled by jews.

This is the contribution of most people of any race, especially for that time period. However, their inclusion in the American enterprise was by decidedly non-consensual immigration, and their labor was provided for free.
There is literally no case to be made by which you would talk about "real Americans" and not include black people. They're our problem. Your case that the same would apply to hispanics because "they worked too" rings hollow.
Before we dive into ethical debate, you might consider that you advocated for arbitrary expansionism and disposing of native populations in Mexico and the Caribbean. I think your thought process is based on something other than ethics.

Also, the reason I say secession is the only (practical) option for a reborn white America is because such a thing would ultimately have to be a massive act of consolidation/"white flight" as an alternative to an untenable civil war.

This isn't about that. This is about the fact that before the jews started riling up the blacks, they weren't a POLITICAL cancer, in addition to how degenerate black neiborhoods became post-war-on-poverty.
Its only once a black minority starts thinking it has a place in the governance of a white society that you have a problem. So again, if you stop ignoring the role of the jews in all of this, you'll see that America was actually fine with its original demographics and had a perfectly stable handle on its population of black people.
Both problems of black people as a group going to shit (in an intense way) and the immigration issue were driven by jews.

The nation springs from the people, and the binding force that keeps it together is shared blood and identity through race and long-term history. Take your moderate shit and fuck off. We preserve our nations for our race. Every non-white can fuck off.

A propensity to violence does not a good soldier make. It doesn't make for good generals either.

In a civil war scenario? No. Jews do not have the strength to hold such things, whereas whites very much do and will quickly seize such things.

We're not talking about individuals, but the race as a whole.


Blacks cannot in any way be considered real Americans anymore than Indians can. They country was not founded by or for them, and they have contributed nothing meaningful to it. Moreover, to be a term with any sort of meaning "American" cannot include more than one race, because there is no such thing as a multiracial nation. Besides which, how does being over by Jews and merchants and owned by other Jews and pseudo-aristocrats constituting 2% of the population mean that the rest of Americans should be suffering for it? Africans were in close proximity to the creation of America and this is somehow a way they have a claim on it. Pull the other one.

Because you say it does? Give a real reason.

No, it's not based on your ethics, because your ethics are nothing of the sort. It lives in a fantasy world, not the one we live in where survival at the expense of other groups is a reality.

There's nothing arbitrary about advocating for your group to seize more nearby resources for itself. I'm not a universalist. I don't have to apply my values to other races like we're all part of the same group, because we're not, and down that path is suicide.

If you've frequented /k/ or any place that actually analyzes such things you'd know that a civil war is far from untenable.

Civil War ring any bells? Blacks have been, since the start, a political cancer. Their affairs have been a burden on our political system as the question of what to do with them went 'round and 'round. They were also the original nonwhite invasion, the pretext and preempt that has allowed all other nonwhite incursions.

And given that this will inevitably happen when you have a population of them, this makes having an alien population inherently a problem. Not to mention there is literally no point to having them burden on the American nation (that is, the people of whites). There's no reason to keep them around.

I haven't been. I'm merely rejecting your silly conclusion that nonwhites are only a problem when Jews are around. They are always a problem and they provide no benefit or goodness, ergo they must be expelled.

It wasn't. That original 10% is why we have 40% today. Even the worst European countries have managed to have under 20%, and it's not hard to figure out why that is.

Why are you historically illiterate? Nonwhites have been a continual problem throughout US history.

Stop advocating for societal cuckolding.

Oh, besides which, do you honestly think any white secession could possibly happen without civil war? You think the Jew controlled Federal Government will stand idly by and let white ethnostates form and leave their control?

I'm not gonna go point-by-point on this one.
I'll just take
There's a very simple point to make here. You make the same points that traditional white nationalist groups have been making for decades.

These points are completely divorced from any notion of Realpolitik and the actual will of white Americans.
As soon as they leave the theoretical bubble of a website like this, they die stillborn as soon as one presents them to 99.9% of the public.

If these simple political realities do not impact your thinking, then shill or not, you might as well be a shill for the cancerous effect that you have upon advocacy for the white race, because you are as useless as an asshole on one's elbow.

We are JUST NOW in a position where we might pull off the MIRACLE of even ATTEMPTING to remove an illegal population equaling 10% of our country's total population. A titanic undertaking.
Now here comes some retard saying we need to remove 40%.
Fuck you.

Good thread.

What are your thoughts on alliances with black separatist groups in order to fight the common enemy (Jew), and achieve similar goals? I figure if black nationalists are promoted to the heads of black leadership we can create a united front against Jewry. Once the Jewish problem is solved we can repatriate the blacks without having to fight them.

As long as they agree to the creation of a sovereign black nation back in Africa, I am perfectly willing to ally with them to remove Jewish influence. Anything less, and I will consider them a subversive element with the goal of undermining the white race and our nation.

I could say the same about you. Do you honestly think that white Americans, once they realize the cancer of leftism en masse as they are already doing, are going to choose multiracialism? That's deluded. The only scenarios in which civic "nationalism" would come about are scenarios in which real nationalism is far more likely.

It's rhetoric like this that's been going on forever and has never been proven correct. All it's done is stop candidates from running on this platform and justifying shit like neoconservatism. It's divorced from reality, as Trump's rise shows.

It's easy to pretend to be right when you decide what "reality" is, isn't it?

Oh, and any multiracialism at all is a cancer on whites. There is no "embracing political reality" for that, only embracing suicide.

Now you're just being retarded. When have I ever said not to do that? When have I ever had advocated an all-now or nothing approach? You're just extrapolating retardation where there is none and sticking words in people's mouths.

Trump is a stepping stone to eventual reclaimation of sanity. We first remove that 10%, then the 40%. Probably another few because of all the traitors.

It's either that or have civilization collapse. If that's honestly a choice to you then you're fucking braindead.

Whatever the method all nonwhites must eventually be expelled — within a reasonable timeframe.

I honestly think it's a political possibility, blacks in general seem to take to conspiracy theory for whatever reason. I say if red pilled blacks can rise to prominence we can sap Jewish muscle out from underneath them.

No. The problem with other white nationalist groups is that they either try too hard to appease the left and prove how "not racist" they are, or they go full neo-nazi and act like a bunch of meth-addled degenerates. What we need is a genuine pro-white organisation that expresses strength and proud in our white heritage, not one that makes the movement look like it's full of junkies and wiggers.

The moment you whittle our message down to a half-baked civic nationalism is the moment we melt into obscurity and conformity. We are not civic nationalists. We are racial nationalists who want to preserve this nation for our people. Anything less and we are shooting ourselves and our future generations in the foot.

Yeah, except that its only because of ego that you've ruled out the possibility of secession and consolidation of the white population into a portion of American territory.
Something like, "Don't give an inch" or somesuch, I think you said.

If you want to talk about impractical civil wars, impractical would NOT be the minorities trying to fight us all across America, that would be a bloodbath for both sides, impractical WOULD be the jews trying to use only minorities to invade a white homeland, that would be waves crashing against rocks.

They take to conspiracy theories easily because they generally have an intense inferiority complex. That's why they blame whitey for everything. They just need to be convinced to blame Jews instead.

The fact that you're using "Muh PR" to condemn shit that The Emperor does exposes you as a shill.

I was gonna correct you, but I've thought better of it.

Because such a thing is pointless. It would immediately erupt in civil war anyway, which is exactly what I'm saying should — or will — happen if such gains are not made through peace.

You mean the ones all trapped in cities and largely dependent on whites? Those "minorities"?

No, only for one.

It would be literally no different. First of all, such a "homeland" would never be created. Any attempts to would be shut down, and if they got forceful enough the civil war you fear so much would erupt anyway, leaving whites in the position you claim is untenable. There would be no rock for the nonwhite waves to crash against. Secondly, white homelands would be no more defensible than current white distributions. 90% of nonwhites are in easily sealed cities. They control no significant portion of food production, and cities are easily cut off from water and electricity. The tiny remaining nonwhites outside the cities would survive a day in a country where rural areas even in goddamn California are armed to the teeth and ready to defend themselves. Not to mention that of those remains only a handful would be mildly competent anyway.

Trump isn't a right-winger moving left, he's a centrist moving things rightward. He's not moderating himself, he's making himself more extreme. That his position is more moderate than is desirable doesn't make it the same as being Holla Forums moderation.

Stop referring to him as "the Emperor" you dumbshit. He's a tool we're using to deport illegals, build a wall, ban muzzies, and put us on the right direction to white awakening, but he is by no means the be-all-end-all.

Trump IS doing stuff that we should be wary of. He's talking in a way that incorporates non-whites into our nation instead of making them know they aren't welcome. Obviously I don't expect him to be 14/88 white nationalist, and I completely advocate voting for him, but don't kid yourself into believing that he will save us or represents what Holla Forums wants.

Agreed. Trump is the first step, not the last. We should be using the intermittent time he's giving us and the energy he's created to sow the seeds of our own rise.

Anyone's thoughts on distribution of nationalist literature at Trump rallies? I've thought about using Trump rallies as recruiting tools, but I don't know if it's practical.

I agree. We have to in particular get away from the pro-Asian/skilled migrant line of thinking that has become so pervasive in the alt right.

Holla Forums really is a different beast to the alt-right, and we should do everything we can to ensure they don't co-opt us.

Because this has happened countless times before and each time we've bounced back right? No not really.


no, mate. it hasn't even been ironic (as indicated by the cucks arguing for civic nationalism in this thread).

He didn't. Hitler recognized America as the Liberal-Capitalist shithole it is.

From the Table Talks:

7th January 1942, evening (pg 186 - 188)

I don't see much future for the Americans. In my view, it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities. Those were what caused the downfall of Rome, and yet Rome was a solid edifice that stood for something. Moreover, the Romans were inspired by great ideas. Nothing of the sort in England to-day. As for the Americans, that kind of thing is non-existent. That's why, in spite of everything, I like an Englishman a thousand times better than an American

But my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance. I feel myself more akin to any European country, no matter which. Everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together—a State where 80 per cent of the revenue is drained away for the public purse—a country where everything is built on the dollar? From this point of view, I consider the British State very much superior

Throughout the Table Talks, Hitler makes it very clear that dislikes Americans and American culture. Hitler does give America a little praise though:

4th July 1942, at dinner

Although, in general, I hold no brief for the Americans, I must in this respect take off my hat to them. The American statesmen, by subjecting the Church to the same regulations governing all other associations and institutions, have limited its field of activity to reasonable proportions; and, as the State does not contribute from State Funds one single cent to the Church, the whole clergy cringes and sings hymns in praise of the Government. This is not to be wondered at! The parson, like everyone else, has got to live; what he makes out of the public offertory doesn't amount to much, and so he is more or less dependent on State charity. As he has no legal claim whatever on the State, he therefore takes very good care that his demeanour is always pleasing in the eyes of the State and therefore deserving of the crumbs it cares to toss to him.

Once we cease handing out milliards of marks a year to the Church, our damn parsons will very quickly change their tune and, instead of having the impudence to revile us and attack us in the most shameful manner, will very soon be eating out of our hands. We can make this clerical gang go the way we want, quite easily—and at far less cost than at present.

He also praises American industry a few time, especially it's motor industry.

gth April 1942, midday

In the economic field we can learn much from the United States. The motor industry of the United States, by standardisation of types and mass-production, has reduced the cost of a motor-car to such an extent that every workman over there can afford to keep and run a car. Our own procedure has been exactly the reverse. We are constantly bringing out new models and modifying and improving existing ones. The result is that we have to produce an immense number and variety of spare parts, for the parts of a different model of the same make of car are never interchangeable. Nothing like this occurs in America.

2nd February 1942, evening

American cars, for example, are made with the least possible use of human labour. The first German manufacture of the sort will be the Volkswagen. In this respect, we are far behind the Americans. Moreover, they build far more lightly than we do. A car of ours that weighs eighteen hundred kilos would weigh only a thousand if made by the Americans. It was reading Ford's books that opened my eyes to these matters. In the 'twenties the Ford used to cost about two hundred and fifty-five dollars, whilst the least expensive of our cars, the little Opel, cost four thousand six hundred marks. In America everything is machine-made, so that they can employ the most utter cretins in their factories. Their workers have no need of specialised training, and are therefore interchangeable.

It's very interesting to get into Hitler's deeper thoughts and see what his everyday views were about politics and life. It really helps to put a human face to such an elusive man.

The founding fathers created the country for themselves and their posterity. Do you know what posterity means? Hint: something to do with their genetic descendants

And if an American marries a nigger or gook, then those kids are posterity dipshit.

Most americans are already mutts, it doesn't matter.

European mutt is still much better than non-white mongrel

No, they are not you stupid low IQ Ameircuck nigger.


Other Holla Forumsacks are calling out "civic [lolbergtarian] nationalism" for the forced lie it is. It's; civic, mutually exclusive with nationalism.

There's something hilarious about eurocucks with such a superiority complex. It's almost comical how you people think Europe isn't chock full of mixed mutts despite the fact that borders shifts and rapey invasions have been happening for thousands of years. Do you think that all the countries in Europe are 100% ethnically and culturally homogeneous blocs? Most European countries are made up for multiple different sub-cultures and ethnic groups that have mixed with each other for centuries.

American whites are offspring of various cultures and races leading back thousands of years. You'll need to be more specific about exactly which whites should be allowed in America and why, when America was colonized by English, Irish, French, etc…, other races have no right to colonize it. Since I can't see you doing so without looking like an inept autist, I'm going to go ahead and call your argument defeated.

Human history is a story of colonization and conquering. I agree with the idea of nationalism in order to protect one's own society, but when someone makes an argument as naive as yours, it suggests that defeating the whole purpose of creating societies is a good thing.

I'm sorry you wasted several paragraphs on a broken idea.

American whites are offspring of a whole number of white ethnicities spanning pretty much all of Europe. All of these different European ethnicities have contributed to Western Civilization in some way and all belong to a common European struggle that spans back thousands of years long before many of the modern cultures we know even existed. The point being made is that America can and should be the culmination of the greatest of European/Western Civilization, and should be based around a greater European identity built on our shared racial blood and shared history as a greater people. I'm of the belief that America could very well have been a great civilization built around a pan-European identity and grounded in Western culture had we not been subverted by (((them))).

Calm that self-important smugness, fella.

Alright then. Don't even pointing out how my argument is naive. just assert it and hope no one questions it.

Hardly broken at all. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not valid.




how about this
you are white if you live believe/ where raised by people whom believe in common law

yes that common law that the Romans gave us the thought that men have rights the thought that the law is sacred that one should not be afraid of the punishment but something far more than that. that the law is sacred, pure, that their is some such thing as Right. that their is a proper way to behave in society. you know the things that are necessary to crate a "high trust" society that the modern world is dependent upon?

Their are only a handful of tribes that accepted this as the best way to run a society and guess what they where Europeans, Whites while each nation hell even regions bear unique cultures they are all built upon a shared European heritage of Common Law. the distinction of British and Irish or Danish or Finnish to the Spaniards to the Ukrainians is but small differences when you compare them their history their societies their cultures to any outside Europa. all other modern nations outside of Europa simply copy it. china/korea/japan while industrializing their economy taking form Europe what it needed failed to copy why Europe was made great. the thought that men had rights that the law is sacred. yes Europe has at times fallen from those traditions but they always returned as sons of Europe read the history's of the roman republic Roman philosophy Greek philosophy on top of the "wild" Independence that the northern tribes Celt Saxons and Nords tend to express. from their own private histories.

something that the chink will never make a knockoff of is the white man, the jews will never stop trying to fuck everyone over, and japan will never fix their sickly society that only produces degenerate slaves. the Somalians will never so much as build a city state as they perpetually squabble tribe against tribe without law. the Mexicans will forever flee to where life is better while not taking responsibility to create a better situation for themselves wherever they decide to place their feet. Muslims will always try and conquer and when they smash into a wall that they cannot cross they will conquer each other devouring their "kin"

OP actually had a good point and just skimming this thread for the first time it was all missed, tied in with other bullshit on this board. What a shame

And people wonder why no one makes high quality threads anymore. It's because people end up shitting them up.


The shilling has escalated dramatically. It'll be like this until after the election.

That's like saying that because we never flew before the Wright brothers we can never fly. It proves nothing.

It's not even accurate, considering that we've been in many similar situations in the past.

The crux of the matter, though, is that there is nothing about the situation that's permanent. Not a thing.

Whites over similar stock can fucking mix, deal with it you autistic eurofags. The funny thing is you guys are probably nearly as mixed as american whites, but are unwilling to accept it. Germans especially are complete mongrels of celts, nords, slavs to just name the top 3 there is also tons of mini infusions of genetics like hungarian, spanish, italian, asiatic etc.

The one thing we americans have over you is racial conciousness

more like op was spewing bullshit and got btfo shortly after

Apparently you didn't read the thread, because every cucked faggot who tried to argue against the OP got themselves refuted outright. Quit making shit up to justify your appetite for interracial civic nationalism.

this will make us weaker and more open to foreign invasion. Russia is still imperialist and is buddies with China and several others. We might not have Europe to back us up at that time considering their current.

Multiracial societies can be peaceful as long as a single culture is encouraged, the lower races are made to understand their place, voting is restricted to landowning white males, and Jews and commies are kicked out.

We were doing fine with our black population until the Jews came along and took control of our media and press.

That is like saying you were doing fine until you were stabbed through the hole in your armor.

Don't be a fool. Russia is a paper tiger with no genuine power. They are in serious trouble economically and they don't have any capabilities to actually launch any form of attack. Despite the fact that Russia likes to make themselves look strong and dangerous, they are actually weak and in serious decline.

There's that fucking meme again. No it is not possible to foster a single culture between different races because foreign races are incapable of connecting on a deeper level to our European culture and identity. You cannot remove the racial component from a culture without bastardising the culture and turning it into a sterilised husk of its former self. No non-whites should be permitted to live in our nation because they just dilute our racial identity.

Or they can fuck off back to whatever non-white shithole they come from. They already have enough clay as it is. Send them all back and make our country white so do we don't have to deal with some dumb nigger "having a dream" in two generations. The reality of the lower races is they will NEVER know their place. They constantly want usurp natural order and bring down the superior races to their level so they may dominate.

Agreed, except all non-whites must go too.

What are you talking about? the black population was always a blight on America since the start, being a central point of tension in our nation. They've always been shit and committed tonnes of crime.

Nah it's more like saying "my half-broken leg was fine until you someone came along and finished the job". Niggers gotta go or else we'll just have a repeat of >muh civil rights in two generations.


Bumping this thread in lieu of the East Asian thread where hundreds of shills came out of the wordworks to promote "muh based honourable aryans are fine by me" cuckoldry


To be a leader, one must learn to be approachable to many different spectrum of people while keeping the stance unchanged as much as possible.
The blatant white nationalism won't help us gain any traction here in the USA.
Our best bet is innawoods