Why am I so attracted to nerdy chicks? this woman makes me rock hard...

why am I so attracted to nerdy chicks? this woman makes me rock hard. is there some biological reason why they are my 'type'?

Actually, yes. A child's general level of intelligence tends to be inherited from its mother, and humans have evolved to find intelligence an attractive feature.

Your body is telling you to make babies with the smart girls.

iktf OP

but why is it so uncommon? I wonder why my genes prefer the nerds, while 90 % prefer the hot chicks.

Probably because you're fairly intelligent and like attracts like.

Cultural marxism.

Nerdy looking=smart

Thats a man.

The primary factor is that you enjoy weak prey. Probably due to low self esteem, or a feeling of being an outlier yourself.

If that's your taste in women you should be prepared for hair, lots and lots of hair.
You will also always be the 4th most important thing in her life after herself, her mom and facebook, except when a cute guy at work smiles at her in the canteen. when you'll be 5th.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums


and cats or gerbils or whatever else

This, btw, but when i see a sad fugly my dick is triggered to protect her, its normal, the problem is just going for "weak prey".

I know that feel bro.


Thats sad.

Because Holla Forumscucks never contribute anything useful to a discussion and tend to derail threads into shitty arguments about irrelevant subjects.

Fuck off and don't come back. I'm not going to warn you again.

What you're describing is another incarnation of gamer grrl. Autiste nerd girls are loyal as fuck.

Thats weird because i am talking with 3 faggots at the same time with arguments, can jew say the same about yourself you hedonistic snowflake?

back to 4chan niggerfaggot

And this is why Holla Forumscucks need to fuck off.

Go back to your safespace and never comeback please.


Your first sexual experience was with one, no?

And this is why Holla Forumscucks need to fuck off.



Why? you are the one telling me to go away, i say no and i am still here, its logical that your anus is blasted, not mine.

Thats cute.

Pol right now is a bunch of tards that post frogs all day.

ya, you're a new wave Holla Forumslak all right.

Boring, then you enjoy my stay here… why lefties are so… girly?

one of those false flaggers? good on you, it's a worthy cause.

Sometimes i think that they are girls from lefty that despise patriarchy, but at the same time they want a real man with them, that anime exposure will explain that behavior, sick but cute.

*that and


just shut the fuck up

post nerds





aaand grateful




That girl is so cute that i feel bad fapping to her.




they're perfect








What is Shyloh doing these days?

No idea.



And I'm spent.

Nope, no I'm not




Just what on earth is even the point of coming here and leaving 4/b/ to begin with if you're just going to be lefty faggots here as well? Kill yourselves.

That's an ugly cunt in glasses, not a nerd.

nerdy AND dfc?

vol plz

Looking for more of any of these girls.

Who's the one in the first pic? Your second pic is Clio Lune.

Can i get sauce on 2nd pic please. She's awesome.

Nerd dumper here. I've got ~550 pics of Clio. Gimme a few and I'll up them to mega.

unknown, my man
have more

First, there isn't really a strong connection between a girl's between 'truly' nerdy and her being intelligent. So there are two possibilities.

One is that you don't like high-IQ girls, you like introverted/awkward girls. Another is that you genuinely like smart girls (like all guys!) but you, yourself, are very smart.

Why does it matter how smart you are? Because of female hypergamy; girls like men who are higher status than themselves. That means guys like smart girls more than dumb girls, but like girls who are dumber than they are (who will be attracted to them) more than they like girls who are smarter. So you get the same result as with tall girls; even though guys love tall girls, most guys date girls who are shorter or max 1"-2" taller.

Further consequence: just like only only real chads are tall enough to date a 6'0" girl, only a very small number of guys are smart enough to date a girl genius.

If you actually like shy/awkward girls, it is probably just because they are easy prey. They are lonely, need attention, so you can treat them however you want. Shy girls attract men on both ends of the spectrum; a gamma is afraid no one else will date them, an alpha is confident she'll won't demand exclusivity. But whether or not a shy girl has lots of admirers, most guys consider it imprudent to gossip about wanting her/doing her.

Alternatively, it may be that you're attracted to 'innocent' girls, and many of them are shy/"nerdy". It's natural to want a virgin bride. If other guys don't, it's because they're more worried about pussy than about falling in love.


where's the full set?

post proof.


no, of what's INSIDE the files.


if there are not deepthroat/anal pics then I'm not interested

then don't download it m8

Could we just dump some of them here?

I'm not big into using random download sites.

thanks user. fucking ingrates.

Here's higher res pics because I don't think anyone's seeing that massive wart on her vapussy

BTW girl in op's pic is cute af. Would bang/date/marry/introduce to mom

That's the on button isn't it??



everything in this thread is wrong about why we are attracted to these semon demons known as "nerdy girls" the answer lies in our childhood
pic related answers the question to the age old question why we want those nerdy bitches




tfw no bodybuilding qt nerdy waifu


I'm dying here.
Just made an account on mega for the first time hoping to get this archive.
The url just doesn't fucking work.
Please respond.








you have inspired me


kek nice work

Unfortunately, Rebecca Sugar has been taking nigger loads for years.

best porn ever.

I'm so smart, because I repeated 2nd grade four times!

so is this faggot ever going to realize that's not how mega links work?

It's not uncommon



Oh no, you're ruining my hugbox!

If you're attracted to "nerdy chicks" (average looking to unattractive chicks who wear glasses), you're the reason why modern women have such high standards regardless of what they look like. You screwed everything up you thirsty beta cucks.

It seems like the more time goes on, the more guys are attracted to Velma. Maybe if all guys were attracted to Daphne, we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.

getting called out and being banned for disagreeing, learn the difference you marxist faggot.
we wouldn't have this problem if you fucks didn't burn every nice place to the ground and follow us to the next.

Totally wrong. The reason most prefer Velma is that she wasn't boring. She had more screen time, running gags, a catch phrase, and most importantly bigger tits. Daphne's been re-invented a few times because originally she had no real personality. She's supposed to be the pretty one, but in practice she's just the plain one.

Most of the girls in this thread have really nice racks. Glasses suggest vulnerability and intelligence, a feminine trait combined with one that would be useful to your offspring. The problem with society is shit like this garbage:

Trying to re-define what's masculine as feminine. This is popular with betas. In reality women shouldn't be the same as men, but equal in different ways. Men have a greater tolerance for external pain while women have a greater tolerance for internal pain. Men have a greater tolerance to cold while women have a greater tolerance to heat. You'll find numerous differences like this because of sexual dimorphism.

In an ideal society men are tall, strong, skilled and intelligent and women are short, well-read, have an hourglass figure, can cook and handle a firearm.

Wew lad, not even a Holla Forumsack and in every single thread leftypol shows up in they can't help but mention Holla Forums, it's like Holla Forums are the grown ups and you are children so desperate for approval that you lash out, even in porn threads where it really isint relevant. You are incapable of the bants, you are just whiney. You just want sempai to notice you, you thirsty thirsty motherfucker. As someone on the fence thanks for at least pushing me as far away from leftypol as possable, never want to be a whiney obsessed cuck like you.

Wide hips are often a thing, but much rarer

oh no ya dont

Fix the link

I would bang her so hard that she wouldn't be able to walk for days afterward

OMG… I just realized why my attraction… they remind me of my own daughter!

Who wouldn't bang a younger version of your own wife crossed with a younger version of your own sister.

That's a really interesting thesis and makes actually a lot of sense.

If that's true then why the fuck am I still a kissless virgin?
Either there is no girl smart enough that matches my interests as well or I'm dumb as shit, the leading example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect

because you're a white knight
so you get attracted to ugly girls because the hot girls ignore your common and boring ways

spot that faggot

so by "nerdy" you just mean glasses, apparently
