
I kinda wonder why, honestly? I mean, trump's already said a while back that he believes the Stock market is in a bubble that's about to burst, so shouldn't Wall Street feel a bit worried?

At first I was totally in for Trump but know I start feeling more and more unsure. Especially about the things with Israel and that suddenly everyone who was against him is now on his side.


I don't want to sound like one of (((them))) Holla Forums but really? The ties to Israel, the backing of Wall Street, the sudden change of heart from many. It's all looking a littleā€¦ odd.

Say what you want about Bernie, but at least he's honest!

He sold out. Sheldon Adelson is bankrolling Trump Super-PAC. It was a good run guys, we can't beat the system by voting.


You tried.
Back to leddit, friend.

lol quit talking shill faggot. stop pretending you are a moderate

Gas yourself, kike.


No, I'm a jaded conservative just like you guys.

You cucks will probably still vote for Trump if he scraps the wall and says we need to take in refugees. Blind worship is stupid

Because they know Hillary will mean the end to the economy in short order, while Trump could mean hanging on another 4-8 years and possibly Reagan-esque good times for a little while longer.

They'd have much preferred a Rubio or a Cruz but since that possibility's out now they're backing a winner, and who they consider their best meal ticket.

Fuck off Shlomo

Except he won't do that, so you can fuck off.


Shills are also in full force here.

Try again tomorrow Holla Forums


If you're surprised by this you must be falling for libtard bullshit about how Trump is literally Hitler.

Why would WS care about him? They are rich people who make money from trading stocks. With either president, they will continue to be rich and make money from trading. Even if Bernie implemented a 90% income tax and HFT tax, they would just hire a tax lawyer, hide assets overseas, evade the tax and continue on being rich and making money from trading.

This presidency affects primarily the average man on the street, who cannot afford to exploit legal loopholes, cannot afford to white flight away from diversity, cannot afford private security, cannot send his kids to a fancy private school where they get a useful education.

It really doesn't matter all that much to the richfags even if all mexicans are deported. Costs will go up slightly, but they go up for all their competitors too, so it's not such a big deal. They'll just hire poor, stupid americans and exploit them instead. Yeah it's slightly less profitable, so they'll get a 100 foot yacht instead of a 110 foot yacht this year, so what? It's not the end of the world.

Same, I am officially a



hi moshe

If I was really I kike I would complain about trump following (((their))) flute.


The thing that affects richfags is the collapse of the dollar economy. They're the ones holding other people's debt and they need the dollar to remain relatively stable. And they know it will come eventually, so they're rooting for the alternative least likely to crash the economy with no survivors.


Shill thread. They majority of them think he'll become president, but that doesn't mean they're comfortable with him.

Yes, or tricked by the cuckservatives. Trump has to placate (((them))) until he gets into power or they'll start fighting him even harder. Part of the reason we love Trump so much is that he is the BEST at playing power games and winning. Everything he does is to win so then he can dictate the rules afterwards. Trump's said plenty but he hasn't actually DONE anything that worries me and I judge people by their actions and the outcomes of those actions. The only outcome so far of him pandering to the Jews is getting more votes, seems like a good strategy to me.

Technically, a transfer of wealth from the third-world to Americans (what we want) is probably good for Wall Street as well. Don't think Trump is going to lead us in the glorious NatSoc revolution or anything. we'll get there, though. First we have to crush the cucks

Why wouldn't Wall Street feel comfortable about a Donald Trump presidency? They own his fat ass. Pic related.



Art of the deal, user.
Art of the deal.

all these shills in here

who should I vote for?


This. If anything it could mean that Wall Street is in the acceptance stage.


No shit, he would fix the economy

Obviously they answered this way because they know, that being supported by (((them))) isn't exactly going to help the candidate who receives their support.
Have you never answered a poll in a way that you thought would help your case the most instead of answering it accurately.

Who cares what Wall Street thinks about anything? They're a bunch of degenerate gamblers playing in a rigged casino who have all their risk and losses subsidized by everybody else. They're utterly detached from reality, even moreso than tumblrtards.

That's just the Republican party for you, they pretty much always get in line behind the leader, the winner, it's just the nature of the beta cuckservative. Whereas the beta libcuck is whiny petulant sort that gets off by being a constant gadfly to the alpha winners, the republicuck gets off falling in line behind the champion lion.