I found this under your bed. Care to explain??????

I found this under your bed. Care to explain??????

i'm american

I bought two of these for a light snack, ate one already but could only eat 1/4 of the 2nd one. I store it under my bed so I could eat it later. You didn't' eat it did you?


I'm sorry, mum, I just couldn't eat up, I had a tummyache, it's not that your cooking isn't delicious, I swear!

Is that a fucking pizza burger?

it's beef retard

Thats fucking raw what the fuck


what i meant was it isnt bad to eat raw meat

tell that to the little boy who had to get holes drilled in his skull after he got E. Coli from a burger

You can die from anything if you're unlucky enough. Don't be a pussy.

I cooked something I found on /ck/. Came out better than the OP, I'm quite proud.

why don't you use heroin then?

Is this 2 pizzas with hamburger meat in the middle?

How do you even eat something like that?



The same way you eat everything else you fucking gay faggot cunt.

Yes it is, especially ground beef. The only type of meat that you can eat practically raw are steak cuts.

fatty's should all be gassed


I don't even have a bed faggot.

what's it like being a socialist?

i dont get it

its nice having solid ground under me


Yes. It is peculiar how steaks are only tasty when they're cooked rare or even blue rare and anybody who prefers it any more done is has an irrational fear of germs and an ignorance of cuisine.

My brother and sister-in-law are dumb enough to order steaks well-done.

not the guy you're responding to, i do a lot of heroin and i wouldn't touch that thing.

You know what has to be done.


