Obama unwittingly paving the way for the God Emperor

Immigrants willingly signing up for early visits from Right Wing Deportation Squads


how many decades have they been using this same number?

I'm wary of any official numbers. But supposedly there was a lot of emigration during the recession, which is believable. That also fucks up the "they HAVE to come here or else they'll die or something!" assumption that leftists push.

¡Ay caramba! ¡Recuerda de los 11 milliones, gringos!

I expect cartel activity to increase once deportations start and they get roped in. Will hopefully shut the fence sitters up as the SJWs stand up for Jose "The Beheader" Gomez.

They've apparently still got hope the free ride will continue. We're going to have to pry them off the gravy train with a crowbar.

Can't wait to see the looks on their arrogant faces when they realize there's no hope and it's time to pack their shit.

I could imagine big Leftie protests on the border where buses of illegals pass through. It'd be amusing seeing cartels use these big groups to get people into the country (with drugs or anything else), and in the midst of this rape Leftie women and beat the shit out of Leftie men. Seems plausible. If it happened I'd laugh my ass off…

The first step should be closing any loopholes or removing any policies that give these people benefits. Any benefits. It'll cut down on costs of having to track down, process, and deport these sub-humans, because a few million will probably head straight for Canada. Either way, Canada is going to get a lot of new Hispanic immigrants soon. I guarantee it.

I think the cartels are going to start hacking up returning migrants as a method to destabilize the effort on the U.S. side.

It won't look good when Lupe the illegal alien and former U.S. Hi-Skool sophomore gets the chainsaw treatment on liveleak.

I would imagine there is a plan in Trump's briefcase right now outlining just the loopholes you're mentioning and how to shut them down.

about as long as there has been 6 million Jews in Europe

"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like raw burger I shall mould them, and in the furnace of 'Murca forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great MAGA hats shall I clad them and with the mightiest hickory beating sticks will they be armed. They will be untouched by taco or tamale, no bean will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and Bearcats so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the illegal ayylien. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Deportation Marines and they shall know no fear."

My bets are around 30-35 million

Since the last time they legalized them so the number would go back down?

If he can do this in America I'm sure he can help us in Europe.

this sounds about right

they are all over the place

I doubt the number is really that high. Consider, though, that there are 300 million people in the U.S., and if there are 11 million illegals, that means
of the U.S. population is here illegally.

His withdrawl of military support is already going to indirectly help you.

A big reason why you guys are able to afford all of your welfare/entitlement services and the like is because your taxes don't really go towards defense. With all the immigrants, some of your countries are already starting to buckle. Once you can literally no longer afford it, you're going to see more and more countries leave the EU, and hopefully that will solve quite a few of your problems.

Although I can imagine you guys having a war between EU loyalists and separatist countries. Will probably be the first worthwile war in a looooong time tbh, although it sucks that whites will be killing each other again


Enlist in the Deportation Corps today!

According to the census: 9,200
According to the Brazilian consulate: 100,000
According to the Brazilian foreign office: 230,000

Why do we need a deportation force? Just offer rewards for people to rat out employers who hire illegals.

If illegals can't get any work, they'll self-deport. The ones that turn to crime will be purged by law enforcement.

You never use an active option when a passive option is available.

About 20 years at least. To give you an idea in 1990 there were ~22 million hispanics. There is ~50-60 million today.

Think about that for one fucking second.

I would say that that would just end up like the McCarthy Red Scare, but then again it turned out like… every fucking one he accused of being a Communist turned out to be true, so…

Well, even if companies are rewarded for ratting on illegals, there will still be odd jobs to be had. Normally we'd just go round them all up, since they're all usually at Home Depot, but I doubt they'll be so easy to catch after that.

Honestly I hope the number is that high. The more there are that are susceptible to deportation, the better off we'll be after the fact. If the number is 11 million or lower, once deported the situation in cities and whatnot won't change too much. If it's 30 or 40 million, it'll be a different fucking nation.

It's not just the spics affecting us, it's also the niggers. They also need to go.

Stop, you're giving me an erection.


Don't reward companies, reward people for ratting out their employers.

I like the cut of your jib, sir.

And or reward companies that turn over illegals. If they get more out of ratting out illegals they could potentially hire, they will be more likely to. Naturally, they would need to be punished in the short term, but if they had long term (((Quarterly))) financial compensation for every illegal they turn over, and the money they get is higher than the money they would have to spend on hiring someone legal to do the job, then they will.

Why not both?

The official number is closer to 50 million.

Yeah, but that's an entirely different matter that the population is just not ready for. The only way the white populace, in general, would accept that, in my opinion, would be to accelerate Multiculturalism, not try to end it. The only way enough people would ever support it is if they personally feel threatened by the existence of blacks in this nation. Most don't because they don't live around enough of them. Then there's the international community that would deem it a crime against humanity or something and threaten war.

If we could propagandize to blacks however, and create a lust for "a new life" in Africa, with financial incentives, as opposed to the current thug mentality (we see how effective propaganda is on them), we could probably drop a decent amount that way. Hell, call it "reparations!" They've been wanting it for so long. Have the government directly fund the purchase of 10 acres of land in the country of their choice in Sub-Saharan Africa. The only catch is, they renounce their American citizenship. Build it up as a privilege that evil whitey sees the downside of, having to pay for a grand new life in Africa for the negro, free of his chains. They'd be so smug thinking they're getting one over on us, the Left wouldn't be able to stop itself from boasting of the program, rather than attacking it.

Cost. I mean if we need a more specialized team to clean up the remnants after the majority is purged via the passive option, at least it will be significantly cheaper.

They will become more accommodating once kicking out the spics shows dividends.

And that, user, is why so many white supremacists support Democrats. I wouldn't be surprised if this multiculturalist bullshit was spearheaded by white supremacists who sought to do just that: redpill everyone on niggers so we'd exterminate or get them all out. And win nigger votes in the meantime, because they'll think what the government is doing for them is to their benefit, and they'll begin relying on the gov for survival.

After all, it was Lyndon B. Johnson who said "I'll have these niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years!"

Yeah, but with Trumpian economics we could afford it. Especially if it's done by a private security company, since he'd naturally get the best deal. Your plan of self deportation strategies supplemented by deportation squads is smart business. The Emperor would be proud, user.

Tfw I'm only semi funposting and there's a very real chance some of the immigration reforms will be handled by PSC's, and there's no reason Holla Forumsacks can't apply

Would you believe I got in a Goybook argument with some liberal fag and he used that quote to defend democrats, only with "nigger" swapped out with "blacks", as if it was a good thing?

Yes, I would believe that, sadly. That's why I don't bother arguing with liberals without analyzing their personality to make sure they aren't hopeless. This election cycle has made that process very easy for me, too, because all I need to do is say the word "TRUMP" and they'll tell me if they're irrational or not.

There were 6 million Jews in Europe now they are all in Israel.

IIRC it's about 308 million, with 30 mil being illegals.


DHS estimates 11 million unauthorized immigrants, out of a total 31 million foreign-born population (311 million total population); 2011.

Please no. Most of the people we should kill are non-whites.

This is WHY I try telling people to spread the word. We need to MEME this shit harder than any otehr meme. Who the fuck is gonna help Sweden when the war finally starts? People are gonna say 'hurr sweden YES fuck em they deserved it!' Don't let this shit happen nobody asked for this and approved of this. We need to meme it and we need to do it fast!


I wonder about that sometimes. In Asia at least, they'd probably wonder why it didn't happen sooner.

So did we ever get an answer from Trump about what's to be done with all these illegals?

I don't think he ever clarified his 'they have to go back but they will come back legally' position.

So I'm wondering, is everyone going out and then only people with work being let back into the country?

Rofl, can't make this shit up.

Aren't they now saying that the net migration rate from Mexico to the US is negative or something of that sort? Their cognitive dissonance knows no bounds.

So who will be joining Trump's elite deportation force?

>11 million
>11 million
>11 million




Same thing with the # of funs in private hands in the US.

They have kept saying that the # of guns is equal to about 70-80% of the population. Keeping the ratio below 1.

It's far higher than 1. That number is from like the 90s. Then we've seen month after month of increased gun sales for years.

In conclusion: there is a fun for you.

I wonder if they think that even if they get citizenship under Obongo's administration that Trump will keep that fraudulent and illegal status as real and legal citizenship.

This is reality, not fantasy land

A lot of new hispanics and a lot of completely useless brainwashed unemployable college kids.

I never jerk off when your mom is around.

Then guards fire upon the truck.

Make America White Paradise Again.

Oh man, that's truly a dream coming true. No more ugly spics here in Commiefornia, right-wing death flight squads dropping the commies and liberals over the wall killing them maybe.

I can't believe its taboo to call criminals criminals nowadays, fucking ridiculous. I'm a syrup slurper who's fallen for this man, and know Trudeau will probably be bullied by Trump into extremely unprofitable trade deals and maybe suicide so I hope you guys enjoy having me.

Right Wing Deportation Squads

Whether they know it or not, they are helping to meme Trump to the Presidency Throne of the American Imperium.




They'd probably be relieved because it would greenlight their own ethnic cleansings.

You're a retard, highly misinformed, a shill, or all three.

Significant amounts of the white population, way more than half, probably in the range of 90s%; feel threatened and unsafe.

Or do you trust the news?

No no goyim you need to bring in more color to make the nation white, it worked for South Africa didn't it?

This sounds about right. Every time I look at demographics for a state, it ends up with this amount of Hispanics.

Won t they be eligiable to vote in the elections?

What if we started one of those stupid fucking hashtags they love so much (something like #wewanttogobacktoo) advocating for "us blacks" going back to Ghana or Liberia. Say stuff like "when police officers can kill little unarmed black kids and face no punishment, it's clear there is no future for us here #wewanttogoback"

We could pair it with #blacklivesmatter so it reaches more people. In fact, as Trump gets closer to being elected more people will want to leave. The fact that hashtag campaigns target the young most of all is really good, because if most young'uns left but a couple old niggers stayed, there wouldn't be any blacks left in a few generations.

What's a few million undocumented aliens here and there Jose? Surely, there's not more than 100'000 or so terrorists in cells here mixed in there. A pittance.

I concur, it's pushing 10%.

lol u srs? no organization on earth can go toe to toe w/ the US military via conventional means user.

Go back to /k/, kid.


rofl at 11 million illegals, the number is at least double that. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if there were close to 11 million illegals in CALIFORNIA ALONE

unregistered euthanasia specialist
unauthorized IRS agent
unregistered pharmaceutical distributor
unauthorized copulation enthusiast

What a load of shit. I'm a legal immigrant and I'm voting for trump

Unauthorized sex therapist.

Crap, I mean unauthorized sexual surrogate.
I got the two things confused.

It wouldn't even surprise me if there really are that many in the US.
I have a job now, but for the last number of years I didn't and every single fast food restaurant, every single convenience store, every single temp agency, taxi service and low level manual labor position was employed by 99% tacos and rice that barely speak broken english.

You don't hire nothing but people like this by coincidence.

undocumented sexual advisor

Its undocumented Gynecologist. Don't demean their accomplishments just because they don't have a fancy piece of paper.


Fuken saved.


If Obama legalizes them via executive order can Trump undo that executive order with another executive order and kick them out anyways?

They aren't leaving they are just being legalized.
The real number of illegals was 40 million about a decade ago.
That number may be lower but we really have no idea.


That's projecting white thought patterns onto blacks. Stupid as they may seem to you, they simply operate at a lower frequency of thought.

But their signal strength is strongest in the human genus. They intuitively and reflexively understand territory, domination, and manipulation. Where you think in terms of "send them back, they'll love their own country", because you want your own country, a black only wants his own house.

He wants ebt, cash, hoes, and drugs. He sees you giving it to him and sees no reason to leave. He cries or riots because he wants more, not because he thinks he deserves it. He knows this and if comfortable around you will readily admit it. It won't trouble him however, as his mind is dragged back down immediately to the gutter again.

Show him Africa on a plate and he will show you the most shockingly perceptive race realist you have ever ever met. "Why I need Africa? Just dumb niggas and no welfare over there!" Until you have the will to deport, something even your precious Confederates did not, you will not rid yourself of the Black plague.

That seems a likely scenario tbh.

Lets all the farmers keep paying Jose $5/hour to pick fruit, but now they've gotta pay to get him there and Jose had to pay to get in the system just to get a shitty fruit picking job. When his visa expires he has to go back. Maybe charge a renewal fee to keep him in the system. Funds pay for ICE and wall improvements. I bet a lot of companies just suck it up and pay some local kid minimum wage rather than trying to get a migrant into the position.

or how about we just ban those motherfuckers altogether?