Breaking Bad was an overrated and forgettable soap opera

Breaking Bad was an overrated and forgettable soap opera.

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It's time to cook, bitch! xxDDD

You're not wrong, but the fact that it took you so long and that this is your trigger…

I'm glad he was killed by white supremacists and left in an unmarked grave in the middle of the desert.


Jesus Christ, Marie.

Well… it kinda was, yeah.

Still, I can think of worse ways to pass time.

It was, I don't even care about this actor being a bitch for virtue points

Everyone was an asshole in the show. Literally everyone. Why am I supposed to care about anyone in this show if they're all horrible people?

It was such a slog to get through I'll probably never watch it again.

That's just how life is user. Everything you ever liked had somebody you'd hate working on it.
Breaking Bad was alright for a Sopranos ripoff.

I disliked Breaking Bad before I knew Dean Norris was a bitch.

Then perhaps you should have made this thread without that screencap, or preferrably before the he even said it? It's not like there are no reasons to, Cranston keeps cranking up shit movies multiple times a year. One where he was a commie got an oscar nomination.

Jesus Christ Marie, you told me it was #marchingforMINERALS.



If he said something pro trump youd lose (((your))) mind.

No, not really, because I'm not autistic, unlike yourself.

It's like pottery.

It was pretty good

And easy to remember

But possibly a soap opera

Having said that anyone who likes anything sucks dicks

MINERAL hackers fixed the meth investigation

did under the dome already get canceled? because you know what happens when a celeb tries to go against our god emperor.

Who gives a shit? Following a fucking nobody on twitter, who hasn't had a role in years, just to see how much they like Trump?
He doesn't even have anything to do with the show they are actually making right now. Bob Odenwhatever was one of the people who were in that cringey as fuck plea for electoral college, but I seriously doubt it will reflect on quality of BCS.
They are actors and pretend to be other people on camera, expecting to like them for their interesting viewpoints is just ridiculous. Especially for women actors, because to get there you might only need a good set of tits, and even that isn't necessary lately.

bob is able to separate his work and his personal life. it's why jim carrey was in kick-ass 2, but didn't promote the film. tbh we need more actors like this.

But one of the actors doesn't like our meme candidate, so the show obviously suxx!!!


wait a second

is piers serious?

what the fuck guys, is this the fucking twilight zone or something, why do i find something piers said actually funny and slightly agree with?

How is Paul Fag so cucked?
I've never seen anything like it, even PR teams don't go into such absolutes when describing their products

Jim Carrey was in kick ass 2, then a school shooting happenned as usual in america and he went mental, saying he doesn't want to act in violent movies like these. I am not sure if he even did anything else since then and I don't really care.
Kick-Ass 2 was even worse than the first one and completely missed the point of the comic, which is that being a superhero is childish and sucks, will likely bring you nothing but trouble and injuries and won't make anyone respect you.

That guy has no career anymore, he is unhireable. I'm surprised this tweet is as popular as it is.

yeah, i realized how stupid i sounded after posting that. dumb nigger doesn't want to get paid or be associated with shit because muh feelings lol.

i still stand by what i said about bob, he can clearly separate work and personal life.


oh shit, piers has fired shots.

Holy shit, Piers bringing the bantz. Can he finally redeem himself?

if he does, we have definitely entered another dimension.

He called out Meryl Streeps speech on Trump and pointed out the hypocrisy of Obama so maybe?

i distinctly remember piers being an obama sycophant during the gun control debates, maybe it finally sunk into his brain that he was wrong?

I hope so.

He's changed over the last couple of years. He's still a prick, but he's speaking sense.

I disagree. I think it was the best TV show made. You have no idea how much the actors being total liberal retards annoy me, BUT they were just actors. They did not write the script. And the movie had no propaganda to sell. The show had more than 10 writers from what I remember, and it wasn't some cuck feminist shit.

I still think the actors were pretty damn good though.

Jesus, kid, your naivete is showing.

Oh really, and what would your patrician best TV show be? Don't tell me, is it The Sopranos? A show about ugly jews doing crimes and everyone is a dick? Something else? Enlighten me.

Do you only know two TV shows? There's no need to be so aggressive.

You have one more post to make me still reply to you, and it must include the reasons of why breaking bad is terrible and why your favourite show is so much better. Anything other than that is a distraction and just name calling, which is funny but gets boring after a while.

Sorry, buddy, now I can see that you're just looking for an argument. Take it easy.

You rule, Feiggot

You can like BB, user; Hank's playing a character, so it has nothing to do with his politics.

Was Hank ever supposed to be a likable character? The best thing he did was teach Walter's retarded son to avoid meth whores and then he died because he was trying to be a hero. He should have stuck to rocks.

He's meant to be a 'villain' to the anti-hero turned anti-villain that Walt is.

Would Walter have been happier if his (((friend))) didn't steal his business and his girlfriend?

Hank was just doing his job.



It's true! This man has no dick!

Wow! Piers Morgan has been red pilled!

At this rate paul might surpasses Anthony Burch.

It still pains me to know that I genuinely enjoy his sister's voice in my ears.

Quality post friend. I have a new show to watch.


these people are insane

This is stupid and all, but if they're actually peaceful this time I find it hard to give a shit. They're just demonstrating how out of touch and spoiled the left is. The country goes to work, and they put on pink pig snow hats and march around celebrating their celebrity.

It'll be interesting to see how many careers will be over in the wake of this.

Is he still mad that he was killed off by Nazis? Jeez.

I totally agree

I liked it, but honestly why did you not like it?

Underrated post

They've already alienated a lot of people. They'll continue to alienate them further over the next few years as they continue to screech about how they deserve special treatment, whilst Trump goes to work for the people who don't get paid exorbitant amounts to shovel out tone deaf crap.

on a Saturday?

Guys the march is gay but you don't have to be even gayer


He is trying to find a new audience.


Some of us has to, to pay the bills.

It's not kosher to work on Saturday's goys, G-d says so.

Kind of like Ann Coulter

When did anyone mention mgtow?

Not that user but I never knew people even did that.


Never, he's just trying to start shit.

my name is isaac shraderbrau

and you can go fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Crowd Scientists Say Women’s March in Washington Had 3 Times as Many People as Trump’s Inauguration :


seems legit

I'm glad that fucking kike got what he deserved at the hands of a true Aryan.


At one time, Piers was the hatchet man for the new world order. And he knew it. Lately he's realized that 1776 _will_ commence, something something.

How was anyone expecting a yuge crowd for a red candidate during working hours on a Friday in the middle of a blue area with a 50 mile radius that is also known for LA tier traffic anyway?

they also kept tweeting a picture of half the mall being filled and claiming it was the whole crowd, but tv showed me a filled mall, so yeah, fake news and all that.
