Languages similar to Javascript?

So basically what I am looking for is a programming language with the flexibility of Javascript that is not shit. (I'm looking for anonymous function execution, flexible objects, etc.) Any ideas?

Also shill/recommend your favorite language here with reasons

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For prototype-based OO, looks good. It's like a successor to Self.

Try a Lisp.
No joke. Scheme was intended to be as close to Lisp as possible in C form.


"What is almost every language that exists?", the post.

Perl and peers. Forth*, Common Lisp. Erlang tier FP languages**. Lua. Seriously, just about everything.

Btw, JS doesn't suck. Indians suck. Most uses of JS suck. JS on its own is fine enough and can be used for good. Read Elegant JavaScript and take the language as it is. Watch "javascript sucks and it doesn't matter" by Rob Ashton. If "wat" videos bother you too much, pick up You Don't Know JS.

* OO flexibility will need to be supplied.

** you'll do things differently but you won't want for flexibility.

> var x = ['10', '10', '10'];['10', '10', '10']>[10, NaN, 2]

At least it's lot

That guy might actually be the king of the neckbeards.

Nigger-tier tbqh fam. "When I do random stuff with functions I don't understand, I then also don't understand the result." There's more of this discussed with JS because most people writing JS don't think they even need to understand what they're doing. That the web half works with this population is a miracle.


The problem here is that it works at all, when there's wrong number of arguments and some of the arguments are wrong. I hate fixing stuff in languages like this.


just use any language (that has objects since you seem to want that), they're all the same. python, Java, C#, ruby, what the fuck OO language has no anonymous functions? you could do that even in old Java with anonymous classes (baw you have to type slightly more)

fuck off


Use Number instead
ParseInt is fucky because it takes the second argument as radix

This. This wouldn't be an issue if they didn't get people to get used to treat parseInt as a one-argument function. JS's permissiveness is what makes it so fucky

It's not that it allows giving fewer arguments, but when an integer argument is outside of specified bounds (2-36 for radix) it should loudly complain instead of giving you whatever random value it feels like.

All these people trying to attack JavaScript and instead slipping in the mud and landing right on their faces. This is part of how I know JavaScript doesn't actually suck. This is as good as anti-JS rhetoric gets.

Stop caring about how idiots are shitting it up with the language, and just get your work done.

Try smearing your feces on the monitor. That is similar to Javascript.

I bet you cut your food by stabbing it with a fork repeatedly because it "works just as well and who needs knives anyway forks have pointy parts too".