Be college fag

Lmao this is why Jews get kicked out of every country they're in. He still has yet to answer a question without somehow dragging in or referencing the story of his grandfather being in the holocaust. Oh and hes related to the dean of the school, of fucking course.

I am a jew.

I live in Texas.

I'm pro-gun. I eat bacon.

I think that it's simply easier for you to dismiss people with different points of view, or people you don't like as "Jews" rather than accept that many people who are part of the population at large, from every demographic, suck.

I think that Jews are a distraction from the people actually fucking us over, and that demographic minorities have little to do with how we're actually being fucked.

The problem right now isn't a genetic one, though I think genetics play a definite role. It's a cultural one. How we're getting fucked is more a function of class, and the exclusivity of various social and political and economic institutions rather than a shared social responsibility to uplift every member of society so that we can reach our national potential by encouraging everyone to reach their personal potential.

I'm wasting my time. Why do I waste my time here?

As a socialist, I'm all for "shared social responsibility to uplift every member of society so that we can reach our national potential by encouraging everyone to reach their personal potential".

Obviously socialism can never work in America (because Amerifats are fuckups and), because it's ruled by globalist jews.

And socialism is under threat in other countries, because American globalist jews try to come in and skim profit where there should be none to skim.

I'm a jew, and you're not a jew

Kill yourself goy

he's not entirely wrong. Honestly, jew or not, most college professors are like the one you described OP. an aura of superiority to you with no reason to back up an argument because they are your senior. Making genuine learning difficult for me through the normal routes. My philosophy on learning is sharpening steel on steel, meaning i am willing to change my opinion if someone makes a better case or incorporate what they have said into my own idea, therefore growing. You are just getting shit on by the thought that any professor has, which is, "Muh Degreeez, Muh debt is larger than yers, I lernt myself and was taught what is right, you havn't been indoctrinated yet so i don't need to actually debate. Fucking weirdos that question muh auuuthority."

shut up jew

Try going to college in Texas.

My favorite professor called himself a Whig, and I ended up, after 2.5 years of political science curriculum, considering myself a classical liberal.

Frankly, the tendency to generalize is damaging to everyone. While there are definitely vitriolic liberals everywhere in academia, the point of academia is diversity of thought and the pursuit of novel understandings of novel data.

I got excellent grades in a logic class where I dismantled the Health At Every Size movement. I had a professor from Kenya who was brilliant at discussing the problems with African political systems. You know? It's where you go to school, and what you're there for.

I'm seldom able to tell the trolling from the reality here. I'm certain it's a combination. Simply, if you're being honest, you're doing yourself a disservice by simplifying the issue to the point where you'll derive no benefit from your answers. Even if you manage to go on some murder spree, or whatever you want.

what kind of jew r u, if u eat pork? Thats not cosher. If all u have for your jewness, is that your parets r jews, or your mother is jew, u r not a jew. Jew isnt a race, its a ideology. If u act against the ideology, u r not a member of it. Im not talkin bout "no true scotsman", im talkin bout takin the label other push on u, when u dont fit the criteria. Its as if i was a christian, cuz my parets r, while im actually an atheist

I agree, but you know that it's already too late. Giving up the idea that the caucasians are the master race, you know that they won't have the tenacity to wholesale resist this new bullshit. Same as it ever was. Set up to be king-for-a-day so they can enter a new iteration of being tied to the yoke and treated as if they were somehow better than everyone else, but evil. Milked for all they're worth until the cycle repeats. The SJWs WILL get their evul raycists and will have been "right all along" through sheer bullshit

As a socialist you're too lazy and risk-averse to do your own stealing so you demand a government control the flow of all money through draconian and unfair taxation, negating the purpose of organized labor and ensuring its decline so that you can get more drugs and fine wines straight to your piehole without going and lifting some boxes for a few hours to afford it. Boy oh boy, these evil companies that pay us minimum wage and sell us a weeks' worth of food for an amount of money we can make in a day sure are evil! Cooking? Cooking is an evil tool of the bourgeoisie, we could all have like, robots! XDDDDDDD

Hey, I happen to be an electromechanical engineer and I know you wouldn't trust a filthy bourgeoisie like I surely must be, but it's not actually as fucking easy as just snapping our fingers, so maybe instead of bitching about people having more stuff than you, you should acquire some useful skills and help automate labor, or maybe you should just walk off a cliff? No one would miss you.

"hurr durr let's kill people if they don't give us their stuff because they dared to offer us a deal for working with them that we don't like but will take anyways because we're dependent peons despite it being simpler and easier than ever to start our own business and run it as a collective or however we want and not exploit labor"

I suppose I'm going off the "racially pure" nattysoc definition of jew, the racist bit, more than the belief bit. The racial nationalists seem prevalent here.

Wheel-go-round of blame, ever distracting everyone, again and again. Hah! Simply, in capitalistic society, and in a globalized world, the people who move capital around without restrictions and evade constantly the laws of every nation are the cancer at the core of the nation system, as they undermine the very concept of nation. Although, the nation-state is a dwindling fiction, a form of human organization already surpassed by the multinational corporation, and novel forms of statecraft are already in play. We, the people, the people of the world at large, have yet to catch up in our conceptual framing of human organization.

I'm sorry you were born American.

My country already has a functional mixed economy. A comfy mix of socialism.

The threat to this system is external. The American capitalist parasite wants in on my precious nationalised heath system.

Found the problem.

Another kike invention.

Socialism isn't wrong. It's a force of nature in a lot of ways. It's an economic force.

There's the convergence of socialism, and the divergence of capitalism. They're a lot like natural forces that need to be channeled, not all-right/all-wrong systems. Everything exists all the time to varying degrees.

Look, limited socialism is important. Socialism in the family context, the community context. You're fooling yourself if you think you uplifted you all on your own. You were raised by millions of hands, and on the rich topsoil of your ancestors.

Regardless, what you said, albeit antagonistically, holds some water, and the weight of the masses, all self-interested and frequently wanting more than they require or "should get", is a definite negative in the more socialist-leaning societies.

I think the largest problem is a lack of national fabric, at least where I live. There is very little social unity or cohesion. This contributes to a "grab what you can and fuck the rest, it's your moral imperative!" mindset.

Socialism protects AGAINST kikes. I can't be exploited for $5 per hour, because socialism provides too much upwards pressure. I can just say "No! Fuck off globalist American jew".

I wish I could just ignore America, but I feel too much that my way of life is under threat by American jews.
And I'm pissed at the individual Americans for being so brainwashed by their media.
Also, leave the middle east alone.

wat do?

I have to ask: Why Jews? I'd think it obvious by this point the problem is more broad than just some 15,000,000 people, many of whom are poor and focused on reproduction.

I think you're all fooling yourselves.

Try to pass.

My lazy catch-all for elites

All it does is alienate you from a broader, more accurate discussion.

The more you mislabel the problem, not that I have an excellent label at the moment, the more the discussion is fucked up. Semantics are important.

Tax-dodging, globalist, borderless, apolitical economic zealots. I dunno. I've got work ahead of me if I'm to accurately name and try to address the present set of problems.

If we can decide that jew means "Tax-dodging, globalist, borderless, apolitical economic zealots", then we can continue with mutual understanding.

It's not like other political terms are accurately defined.
"Socialist" has all this baggage which triggers Americans, but non-Americans have this totally different thing in mind.

"Free market" - Honestly it's like English and American are two different languages.

I notice you avoided naming your country because you know how shit it is.

Those are some nice unsupported assertions, I can tell you memorized a book extolling the virtues of socialism really well.

The US worked fine and had an extremely coherent moral fabric without the government getting involved. Law allowed people to get rich as they pleased (aside from fraud), social cohesion and expectations caused them to want to give to charity, help out their neighbors, and not hoard. Then the socialists came in, decided that they needed to "uproot the entrenched classism", and ripped apart the American culture, the most successful one ever in terms of both material wealth and technological advancement, to give us a gimped shitty system that rewards only the corrupt capitalists (the ones who played ball with the socialists to preserve themselves) and the laziest assholes. No one can trust anyone post-"cultural revolution" and the economy runs on lawsuits and cliques and officially faked superfluous money.

So I hope, I really really hope, that you choke on the poisoned dick of the Frankenstein Europe and the Slavsphere created, that we tried so hard not to become. We should have let you all starve and kill each other, because all you've been for the US the last hundred or so years is slow poison. "Muh evil capitalists"? Your philosophical progenitors set them up, enthroned them where they are today, and killed free trade. You are the maggots and the carrion crows, and I wish you only the misery you have won yourselves and us. Incidentally, keep on blaming the US for fucking everything whether we get involved in your shit or stay out of it, that's sure to give you great success.

Class will never die because it's an abstract that you keep whinging on about; by contrast, caste is a real and continuing problem that plagues the rest of the world, and not the US.

As for "millions of hands", my immediate ancestors were farmers and miners, and they lifted themselves. The only social cohesion they needed was a fair trade (as in mutually agreed upon, not "I should get more because I'm the one whining") and for their neighbors to live in peace with them.

Our nation is the one that led the industrial revolution, and it wasn't founded on your pure collectivist labor, it was founded on honest men doing honest work for the wages they agreed on. We excelled, and it wasn't by weeping about "muh culture"; in fact, the US was always a fractured culture, the bastard child of the people who recognized what shitholes their native countries were and got the fuck out.

ma nigger

And in the US you could just start your own fucking company, retard. But no, keep leaning on us, depending on our influence and military, while insulting us and blaming us for everything. Maybe eventually your delusional thought processes will lead you to another retarded, pointless world war and by then we can just sit back and watch you destroy yourselves like the worthless cunts you are.

Brainwashed by our media? Our media has been feeding us the "capitalism bad muh evil people having money" for the last twenty years you dumb fuck. It's not my fault your mom only gets 1950s US shows on her TV.

HAHA. Ok go and start your own ISP in murica.
I'll be waiting.

Your media's main job is to normalise constant war. Soldiers are awesome patriots (until they come home then they're spongers).

America is the cancer of the world.

That's the thing, though. Jew carries other connotations. It's a race and religion, and by labeling the negative as Jews you're alienating yourself from a broader conversation with more folks.

It adds a social dimension that isn't desirable, and encourages a negative series of divisive movements, like the modern nazis and the blind racists and chauvinists (I mean chauvinism in the nationalistic sense, the tribal sense) to just latch onto the conversation without contributing anything.

Maybe "Corporatists", incorporatists, anationals, I'm not sure. We probably need a neologism.

Look, I'm neither socialist nor capitalist. They're useless labels in a lot of ways, at least in defining how I feel. There are shades of socialism and capitalism that are necessary in all nations, and it's about controlling economic forces more than just denying their existence.

Look, you're mythbuilding. There was never any point in american history where people were totally free to do what they willed. Initially, many people were property. Indentured servitude, etc. Laws guarantee property rights, and there was plenty of land, so there was a relative sense of equality of opportunity, which wasn't correct in the modern sense, but allowed a relief valve from the stifling traditional european land titles.

The farmers and miners built on knowledge and infrastructure. They did not do everything themselves. Class is an amorphous concept, but it's one that allows a certain understanding of the world.

I'd continue, but I've shit to do. I may be back later, as I'd like to continue this.

Ok, I'll accept Jorporatists

YES! Much agreement. Very happys

After a 15 minute discussion with a German, I had to reject my formal educations entire take on the 20th century.

Classical misdirection and well meaning threat Jew, you haven't changed your tactics for 2000 years.

Here's your answer; most systems work well until you add the Jew. The Jew corrupts systems, causes countries to collapse. Its why monarchs kicked them out of literally every fucking country in Europe. They've done this in every country they've play parasite too, including but not limited to, Communist Russia, the whole of Europe, Rome, and the United States.

Most people want the best for themselves, and also everyone else. This good will drives prosperity. Jews on the other hand just hate and revile everyone they see as different. They see goyim as almost non-human. Sure not all are the same, just like not all nazis were the same, but the fact remains that Jews have infiltrated, controlled, and eventually destroyed every safe haven they've been admitted to, excluding the ones of course who've shown out. You can try to 'deny' this, but there's a very good reason Jews try so hard to control the media and banks, because money and propaganda are their weapons. There is a reason people don't like Jews.

We need Hitler back.



Speaks for itself how your example is something nearly impossible (top level ISP) in any country around the world, directly involved in a globalized, standardized pseudo-utility, as if that's on the US. People working for ISPs rarely make minimum wage to begin with, so how about you stop deflecting and try being honest just fucking once in your life?

Gee, never heard that one before! I can tell you know what you're talking about and aren't just regurgitating what you're told! We should definitely hate our soldiers and spit on them like with the Vietnam vets constantly! It sure is horrible how big bad US hits back when someone fucking attacks them, if only they were all massive dependent vaginas like everyone in the EU who bends over whenever bombed!
France has wised up, UK just might, but the rest of you I don't have much hope for. Keep preaching your "roll over and die" doctrine, and don't worry, the meddlers-in-affairs you claim to hate will always see to it that we get stuck protecting your dumb asses.

"Other peoples' money should be subject to my feelings!"
Kill yourself, lazy thief.

I don't see anywhere user implied that freedom of information was a bad thing. In fact, I seem to recall the US storing up vast archives of publically available knowledge and even initiating a global network which we're currently using for the partial purpose of sharing free (and neutral) information. So while that's an impressive post about how neutral you are and how you also understand the obvious shit about groups of people that everyone already knows (omg SO DEEP), it seems you've not really challenged anything user had to say.

You got attacked because YOU started.
Terrorism is blow-back from America being a globalist dick.

I know you have to believe that the world is full of evil people, who woke up one day and decided "I think I'll terrorize America today", but that just isn't reality.

Please STOP posting pics of charming innocent little girls in this thread!


Yeah Muslims, like blacks, are peace loving tree people who we need to let into our countries and fuck our wives. Diversity is our strength.

Attack people. Why aren't you piece loving brah? Why are you attacking us? We din do nuffin.

OH SHIT. Mind blown. Americans ARE the niggers of the world.

Drop nuclear bombs on Japan. Din do nuffin!
Proxy wars in Asia. Din do nuffin!
Bomb the middle east for oil and profit. Din do nuffin!

Neoliberalism = corporate american welfare

the what with the what?

Op you need to keep you're mouth shut! College is not the place to ask questions anymore, get your degree or whatever your working on and get the Fuck out of there.

he should just go to trade school doe.

it is their area of expertise. you might learn to become more jew-like with your own finances.

Fuck off gook.

Muslims have been attacking Europe for a long time. Just because you can't be bothered to study history doesn't mean it didn't happen.

We've also been under large sustained attacks from non Muslim shitskins in our history. This implies it's a racial issue and not a religious one.

Your as bad as the shitskins who blow people up and rape young children when you make excuses for them. that's assuming you're not a dindu/mud