Apparently jewtube is censoring everything.

Holy shit these rules are so stupid, they're basically saying "you can't make videos anymore, fuck you"

Other urls found in this thread:


They just won't get any money from the vids. maybe they'll get a job like a functional member of society.

Stop using Google sites then and tell everyone else to do so too.

kill those homos

Two things are going to happen:
Either the jewest will comply and start doing PC friendly videos to get money
I think most of them will get a contract with advertizers (who doesn't really give a shit about the content really) and include the ads directly into the youtube video

The big youtubers are rich enough to get together and put a giant advertisizing push into giving them their own less censored site for doing this where they're allowed to monetize and do whatevver the fuck they want. I kinda think that may happen.

what search engine do you use?

i just heard about this through Philip Defranco, haven;t watched the guy in ages but the title caught my eye

they apparently demonetizing any content that isn't "advertisement friendly"

vid related

from the vid

They're turning jewtube into Dinsey Jr. fuck me

The free ages are over, internet is getting censored, we need to make a new internet without censorship.

Actually on second thought it's not AS bad, because you could still get donations through patreon and shit, however it will start getting bad when they will flat out REMOVE videos which hurt baby's fiwst feewings.

It's still very bad and very concerning though

They try ridiculous shit every couple of years and it always goes away

in a month you will all accept it and you will all keep on using it.


Idk about that nigger but I use duckduckgo as a search engine and bing as an image search engine.

I'm glad to see those sellout piece of shit """content creators""" finally going down. They ruined YouTube.

Only way to kill this is to create a new platform without all this garbage to replace jewtube.

Which of course will never happen because it's always easier than whine about it instead of actually doing something.

Any nigga could write the software for a jewtube clone.
But you need sheckles for bandwidth, which means adversing.

Adverts are the cancer killing the internet

Either you have advertisers and free access or pay for content and no adverts. Or do you want a tax funded and UN run internet that is "free for all"?


we have to wait t'ill downloading a video on the internet cost about near nothing like text.
This mean that we have to wait t'ill 2030~

No one moves anywhere because social media dominates the norm-tubes. We're dominated by sunk cost fallacy and fear of not being noticed.

I'm not suggesting a solution. We're insurmountably fucked.

This is the right solution. Wait till bandwidth is so cheap, we don't need jewgle.

Hard mode: The jews are holding back fast symmetric home bandwidth.

You know it's true when all your IP's get logged on the chans. Big Brother is watching us guys, the end times are upon us.


Youtube = Minecraft + nasty bratty kids + barely sexual titillation.

Mission statement: Disney sells sex to children without triggering parents

dont post that eceleb shit here, this is Holla Forums, a serious board


I can't wait for them to demonetize sjw and islam shit. Gonna be cash

Surely SJW is very advertising friendly


also, consider your dubs checked

Nah, they shit on men and women who don't think like them. Sarcasm aside, am curious if this another case of wrong think. Young Turks got hit, but maybe they pissed off Youtube.

well, I go forums and IRC's that contains a userbase of 20 - 1000 people. I'm pretty everyone does the same here.

if we make a website with maximum 360p quality video with a 10min maximum video, we might be able to host it if we purge any video that isn't popular enough after a week and purge anything that isn't enough to remembered after a month. We can also make a law that someone can only start posting video after commenting 5 videos and like 20 videos. People can also only put one video per day. So if we had 1000 active user, we'd need at max: 1000 * 7 * 50~mb = 350 000mb = 341gb a week of new content. Let's say, somehow 100 video a week gets to survive the first purge. So the next week we require +5000 mb = 4.8gb~.

so y = 4.8x + 341, with a can only be at max 4. So by the end of the first month we need 360gb. If we only save the "big 10 videos" at the end of each month, we get an extra +500mb per month. so it's like adding 0.48~gb per month on the total.

This is most likely going to be a mix between newgrounds, where fame is recognized, and chan, where most of it is purged. We could potentially make a final purge by the end of the year where we purge 2/3 of what was saved during the year. Also, the purge takes account of the like/hate ratio.

It would be good if google lost their monopoly on internet videos.

No coin/power there, and you're still subject to the ideals of the mods/owner. The most pervasive and used websites are conditioning people to get used to the idea of a safe internet. Majority rules in a democracy, and online "hate speech" is already prosecuted some places. With the ICANN news, it's only a matter of time (even if it's generations) before a meshnet or sim is required to avoid censorship.

no thanks user

I do am still subject to censorship which is hard for em to avoid, but I'm atleast not subject to advertisement. If you were to do something interesting in a meshnet, i'd be glad to join

a free platform already exists: archive.org but not many people use it because the interface isn't as slick and sexy as youtube

also, the popularity factor, but people who care about popularity belong on youtube anyway

Interesting, I'd take ads over censorship personally. Extra content can be ignored, omitted content is forever gone. Still researching meshnets, if any user can chime in? This shit's moving really fast now and would like to jump on something.


zeronet youtube alternative…rough, but it's a start and a glimpse toward a possible solution


clearnet sites accessed behind vpn/tor/proxies are not a long-term solution and clearnet shitholes like 8ch and youtube are a dying breed in the long run

ipfs and distributed web are the future

IPFS better furry the fuck up is all ima sayin

Youtube is going to rake in more cash than ever because they don't have to share. Some fag­got fucks are already shilling YoutubeRed to ensure "creators" get paid.

thanks user. sorry for poo pooing it based on tor. gotta back something and nothing's perfect at the start

So what is the right stance
Create a competitor or try and get jewtube to unfuck their shit?

Someone give me the quick run down of this plox.

I can't be fucked to go watch a whole jewtube video on it.

This would be suicide for them. All they get for free, they'd pay for and then there'd be the trolls to deal with.

Basically jewtube are making retarded rules to turn it into Disney Jr.

jewtube supposedly takes 60% of the cut tho. would be close

I prefer the decentralized model we had back in 2006.

Time machine is the most viable option. Noted.

whats a good alternative to jewtube if i just wanna hear music?

besides spotify

pandora, slacker, iheart, last.fm all work and have apps last i checked. if you're looking for certain songs on demand, vimeo has some but you're pretty much fucked.

actually downloading it, fag.

Fuck censorship.

at least we have Holla Forums.

Yeah this, the idea of streaming music is nice, but the audio quality is shit due to youtubes compression.

Both of those suck, user.

And duckduckgo straight up sells their search data or some such thing they specifically said they didn't do.

oh you silly little piglet

Just on da pedo stuff. Cry more.

>being a goon
Yupp, just pedo shit alright :^)

You need to learn how to use Vimeo and Liveleak, no kidding!!!

Popular youtubers are getting demonitized.
That's a good thing.

Youtube needs to be about creativity above shekels.

I can't believe you're still salty your spam was deleted. :)

t. deletomia

toast pic has no capcode.. .fake.


Just use DailyMotion, I know it doesn't have your gay FUCCBOI liberal cocksucking untermensch crush "PewDiePie" on it, but it's significantly less shit than YouTube.

Sure, but turning around and doing this the way ts being done dosen't do that. In fact, it outlines a strict set of community guidelines that make it less about creativity. The people who stay and tow the line with this, are just censoring themselves for sheckles. This breety much ruins youtube acutally



demonetizing != censorship you dumbass FUCCBOIs

Their videos are still up. These YT FUCCBOIs should have left YT and made their own streaming site with the money they made instead of relying on Jewtube.

They deserve it and it has nothing to do with free speech violations.

cry harder fucking e-celeb fags

honestly you just seem jealous

jealous of not being paid? These retards relied on Jewtube to get paid. A site that is known for screwing people over. Like I said, they deserved it.

ya you are still coming off as jealous

Maybe if I was an attention whore like you. I haven't had a Jewtube account ever since google took it over. I just find this whole situation hilarious and really enjoy the butthurt.

the rage is palpable

RIP Papa Franku i guess

Jewtube needs a final solution

dysnomia definitely likes dicks tho…


Google have been censoring like mad for the last couple of years, copyright reasons to begin with but then trolls and politically sensitive videos.

It started with restrictive countries such as saudi arabia and pakistan being against freedom of speech, then the british and the americans copied them. while condemning the chinese and the saudis and so on in state media such as the bbc.

Now we find they do the same as the countries they criticize except for different reasons, for political reasons in china, for religious reasons in pakistan.

Here in britain and america it is done for three reasons:

1. someone might take offense:

feminists,politicians,muslims,nazis. if it offends its a nono.

2. it infringes copyright

2.5 seconds of a copyrighted song=a takedown from mega music corp

3. it has sexualized stuff or violence particularly cheese pizza

1 image of a old scorpions album cover from the 70s will turn the entire nation into pedos! better block it with cleanfeed.

But i digress pewdiepie makes enough money off them anyway.

How would you know that duckduckgo sells search data


What a fag

Startpage/IxQuick of course, Anonymous.

There already is Dailymotion. They don't give a fuck about hate-speech or copyright.


A fucking dense sheeple is what they are.