Holla Forums what's your trolling style?

Holla Forums what's your trolling style?

I like to research both sides of a controversial topic, so I can execute a samefagging blitzkrieg.

Then I bail the fuck out, and hope momentum takes over. If it dies out I try a different topic. It's not fun if I have to do any work.

My best troll was Christians vs. atheists, and the shitstorm raged on a forum for 3 months.

Other urls found in this thread:



That's not bad. One of the best things you can do is sow the seeds of dissension among the people there. If you manage to fracture both sides against each other and create moderator drama and two vehemetly opposed groups that can do damage for a long time.

It's similar to what your thinking, but its a full on false flag. You can combine these too, split the people into two groups with an arguement first, then sow seeds of massive dissent against each other ( making sure to call out from both sides) and then you'll manage to have a long term fight that propitiates itself going.

I prefer omegle and shamchat. My strategy is adaptive to the situation and short-lasting, rather than long-lasting troll threads. Sometimes I'll switch tactics mid-troll if a strategy is either not working, or to take advantage of another victim's weakness.



Best is to middle ground statement that pisses both sides off, but I'm pretty lazy so who knows


Works pretty well on the big topics. Islam, fedoras, race, etc. Still mentally challenging, but a lot less work for the bang.

This is what I do with flat earth threads.

Today I learned there are flat earth threads

they're flat

please troll me. :)

what's going to be the next big issue? can the minds of Holla Forums create it?

Why? It helps creates "discourse".

1. Jewtube
2. Search anorexic recovery
3. Post comment "looked better when she was skinny"
4. ???
5. lulz

Jewtube is like pissing in an ocean of pissBarfShit


I like to trick conspiracy theorists that the ads on my blog are actually a hidden portal to Edward Snowdens secret society

Brutal honesty is my trolling style. I troll Juggalos with exposing them of the bad things they've done. I troll the PC Master Race with the truth about how poor they are. I troll Trump & Hillary supporters pointing out the truth about either one of them. A truth they don't want to hear might I add. I troll meninists with everything bad about those losers.


Sorry but your pic doesn't apply to me since I have a hot redhead girlfriend and you have only your blow up doll. Get lost loser.

I say the truth and that makes people mad. The more facts I throw the madder they get.

I like it, but does it really count as trolling if you're just samefagging an entire argument by yourself?

It's like being your own uncle.

I see it as throwing a troll grenade, and diving for cover.

FUCCBOIry leads to suffering in this life and beyond

Sodomy leads to suffering in this life and beyond

dat pic is missing an important ingredient.
