You're at a bar with your gf. You leave her for a few to go mingle with some friends...

You're at a bar with your gf. You leave her for a few to go mingle with some friends. One of your bros looks over and sees me talking to your girl, my back facing you like pic related. Based on all you can see, do you dare confront me or do you cower in shame and let me have my way?



cause my girls finna blow you off anyways

shes not into strange men at bars

You look like you're missing a chromosome. I'll bash your head in FUCCBOI!

I don't go to bars and I don't have a gf or "bros". I think you have the wrong person OP.

I'll leave you be because you're clearly talking to a wall corner

Bad haircut? Or were you molested by a hedge trimmer as a child?

I await my girl's reaction

if she responds positively to you (which I doubt), I kick both your asses

If she responds negatively, I kick your ass and tap her ass afterwards

you look like a scrony bitch fagggot anyways

My gf would probably turn your nuts into a mashed potato like substance if you're too pushy BEFORE I notice your presence on this plan of existence


same actually


I'd throw your 90lb ass into the dance floor and stomp you into a coma you little bitch

fucking lol @ all the wannabe tough guy FUCCBOIs in this thread

which one of the homo mods decided we can't say [email protected]/* */?

Also my gf is pretty defensive herself. So if you got flirtatious or sketchy you'd be fucking in for it.

I walk over to the two of you in a confident manner, and cut into whatever retarded bullshit you're spewing as if you were not even there. Then i'd only have to wait a few seconds before your autism wore off and you half-comprehended that standing there arkwardly postured and silent glaring at your feet, was the most awkward shit in the world - at which point you'd walk off in shame.

If i confont you it's because you are so retarded that you could not take multiple hints from my gf to leave her alone.

Honestly might do this. Really don't know if you have tard strength or not. Either way you probably just mant to make sure the bar glasses are arranged in descending order from most to least full.

It's like you're asking to get your ass kicked.


