He’s just successfully wrapped up the field testing for the hyperloop, Not to mention the successful SpaceX landings. It wouldn’t seem out of place imagining a conceptual boat design powered by Tesla Motors innovation, now would it? The E-Vision Granturismo Boat concept runs on Tesla’s Lithium Ion batteries. The concept boat has two powertrains mounted symmetrically on the left and right, providing speed that is independent of vibrations or engine noise. Solar panels on the front of the boat just sweetens the deal, making the E-Vision Granturismo a boat that runs on completely clean energy. More photos below!


Looks ugly af, Ill stick to my yacht thanks


if they went to all the effort of increasing global temperature just to implement carbon tax they're craftier than i thought

The hoax is that it's cause by humans. In case you weren't rusing.

Just like the cars, it's an expensive toy that wastes a lot to do what it does.


Smog is caused by the earth's magnetic field yeah? You tell them brofam

Fucking genius, petroleum is more readily found than most rare earths. Why on earth would using more of these in mass production be a good idea? Feasible carbon nanotubes batteries when?


Like I want my boat to be botnet.

lel, unless these have over the theoretical maximum of efficiency on solar panels they'll do jack shit, better have an outlet ready.

Carbon batteries when?



Diesel is reusable, ever heard of biodiesel?



Petroleum is formed from dead organic matter. There are 5.6 billion Africans projected by 2100. We'll be fine.

Electricity is botnet.

Are you trying to say the carbon cycle is the same as reusing something?