The Doctor is in!

The Doctor is in!

Ask Holla Forums's resident medfag anything!

Can 15 minutes get me a lower rate on car insurance?

Will hiking fuck my joints up?
I hike about 20 miles every weekend, sometimes alot more but thats about once every few months (Think 200-300 miles over a couple of days)
I dont have pain in my joints or whatever but Im scared that in 20 years or so I would need a wheelchair because of the extra work I give them

it hurts when i pee

Not really. Just stay hydrated and nourished too keep the joints lubricated.

Quit sticking your penis where it doesn't belong.

But you can wear out the stuff on your joints right? Does staying hydrated really prevent it?
And if I am dehydrated (Always the last few days of the hike are sparcely watered) how much till I cant anymore?

Will daily exposure to porcelain dust eventually give me silicosis?

I was backed up like crazy, and my blood pressure was high, and heart rate was high, I took a pill to give me diarrhea, ate nothing, my blood pressure became normal. Then when I ate a normal portion of any food, my blood pressure goes up and my chest hurts, and it takes forever to have bowl movement.

What bad will my eating habits do?
Today I ate about 200 calories because I wasnt hungry at all, but yesterday I ate 3000 calories because I couldnt be sated
This happens pretty often where I eat a bunch one day (2000-2500 cals) and other days I barely make 1000

Is Hillary die?

Doctor's advice:
No More Excuses. It's time for all of you fags to turn off your devices, get offline, and go sit ouside, and do nothing but stare at the sky for 3 hours. Do it. Right now.

I don't want to get ZIKA.

humans will die in 3 mins without O2, right?
Is nitrogen a painless way to deprived your body of oxygen

It is actually, but helium works better
it works by the body not knowing the difference between different gasses


I can't get pure helium anymore.
I can get medical grade nitrogen.
is it painless?

I dont know im not the doctor but I did a biology minor for 4 years so I know some shit
I guess it works but Helium is easier to get where I live. You dont really need pure as long as the rest isnt oxigen

Helium is painless btw, its about breathing out that makes sure youre body doesnt tell the difference between air and non air, nitrogen might fuck you in the ass though ask your local physician about that

please take a look at this post i made a few minutes ago

can you lose your fingers from prolonged juglone exposure?

They dilute helium with O2, I think it was something like 20%, more then enough to keep a human alive. If you know where I can buy it pure. Please tell me.

I know how helium works, I need to know how nitrogen works.

yeah, I don't want to get put in the nuthouse

What would happen if I masturbated once a day non stop for about 10 years?

If Doctor 8 is legit, then why does he shill for psychiatric meds?

Christians: 1
Athiests: 0

I did it for you, you brainless tit. You're hand is kill.

i didn't see your post until after i posted mine

If you haven't been, you're probably underage.

Actually it wont really keep you alive, it will kill brain cells and that could eventually kill you but dont try it
Anyways try one of those chemical companies or buy from abroad

Nitrogen works about the same as helium and every other gas, I just know how helium works specifically, didnt do a chemistry minor

You wont probably, it probably didnt enter through the skin that almost never happens unless you had a cut, if anything you will just get really fucking sick but keep your fingers

have been doing that for the past 12 years, doesnt matter
Dont jerk off a ton of times in a short time period though, I got a really bad prostate irritation from it that hurts like hell, I think I jerked off 18 times in 6 hours

The air is 20.95% O2, and humans only need about 5% of that, it would keep any normal person alive

sorry, nitrogen is used in medicine, so I thought you'd know.

im not the doctor remember? But I did a biology minor so I know all the basic stuff about most topics, just not about which gasses kill you and which dont and how many airs you need

we don't have IDs, I don't really know who I am talking to

I will keep this thingy so we can identify

didnt even do it

the conversation is over, nothing left to talk about

sowwy :^(

it is okay.

are u eminem in that pic

Holy fuck user

An anti-inflammatory diet will help in the long run. But joint problems are usually hereditary.

Depends on the silica content of the porcelain.

Make an appointment with your clinician. I can't determine a probable diagnosis without seeing you in person.

Endocrine and digestive problems, mostly.

I've reviewed her file and she is not well.

Good advice.

Yes. But this

Cell damage. Seek medical assistance.


I'm tired during the day and can't sleep during the night, please fix it.

I've been trying to get /fit/ lately lifting weights and eating tonnes of calories but around mid day and sometimes in the afternoon I get super tired. eyes get heavy and yawning. anyway I can fix this?

Screwed up internal clock fam

How unhealthy is top ramen?
I eat way too much of it sometimes (About once every 4 months id say)
Eat it for about a week or 2 straight. and then only eat it once or twice a month

why do I feel pain on my prostate and the tip of my dick whenever I cum using a sex toy? it can be washed with soap or just water it still gives me pain and the need to pee, I'm 24 if it matters

How come I feel amazing after drinking and bathing in my urine and how long do you think it is until this puts your little sham clinic out of business, PUNK?

What is this thing on my ballsack?
It can not be an std as I am a virgin.

it looks like a hand.

How do I get rid of pin worms?



acne you fucking retard. or whatever acne's called when it appears in those regions

Ive got these weird bumps on my knuckles. They look like warts. What should I do?

its diabeetus, eat less sugar

I used to be a boxer and shared gloves with some other people a few times if that helps.

I got a pimple on the shaft once. God was it annoying.

disgusting. You got some disease alright

Greentext time

ingrown hair, stop shaving your balls

w.. what disease?
am I going to die?

The choking sensation comes from a buildup of CO2, not a deprivation of O2. This is why Deadpool wouldn't have actually been tortured in the movie.

Yeah, that why you exhale before you put the bag on, so you get all the CO2 out of your lungs, also makes you pass out fast.
Your body can't tell the difference between oxygen and helium, but your lungs don't trade CO2 for helium, and you just keep re-breathing helium until you die from lack of oxygen (which is painless, if you do it right) rather then from CO2 build up (which is painful)
Just wondering if your body can't tell the difference between oxygen and nitrogen, the same way it does helium.









is the doctor in?





Are you ready to be a government employee drawing a regular paycheck of $9k per month?

If pedos need help why aren't you at pedochan?
Pedos 1
Dentists 0

Is it trye that sleeping or cuddling with someone helps your health? I highly fucking doubt cuddling with a girl at night is going to lower my cholesterol

The younger the better

What age would you reccomend doc? :^)

It will release some oxytocin which will make you feel good and help long-term health. Nothing dramatic for your cholesterol though, sorry.

My knee cartilage is fucked up. Can I rebuild it best by walking a lot or by walking as little as possible?

Who's healthier?

Did they forget about teddy roosevelt?
That mad bastard was out camping and hiking for weeks during his presidency
No way any president these days could be nearly as badass as roosevelt

Where do babies come from?

The bum

My foot is sore right above my big toe and the other toe next to it.
My hand is the same say Inbetween my thumb and finger on my hand.
Shit has hurt for over a month.
Will I be kill soon?

What would be the most effective and painless way to an hero?

when i eat my come i get sick for a few days
does this happen to everyone

After I ejaculate it always feels like I have a uti, and the veins running over my urethra on my shaft always hurt.

Gunshot to the brainstem

sodium pentothal

muh dikk shoots yellowish cum
wat do?

How rude!

Talk to an actual local physician or general clinic, they should prescribe you some stuff. It's probably nothing big but still worth it to check out.

I was a wrestler and got ringworm (minor fungal infection) from contact with other people and the mat and I just got a cream for it.

Something similar probably happened when you shared gloves.




Hillary sed u wer a darkest plase

This is pretty cool doc. plz never leave