What's this movie called again?

What's this movie called again?

Boundary of the Next Day

Future Blade

Event Horizon

Scientologist Groundhog Day (starring Girl Who Worked Out Her Tits Away)

Live. Rape. Repeat

Tom Cruise Playing Himself As Usual.

Jack Reacher

Mission Impossible MMXX

Scientology The Movie

Would've been nice to see a series of timelines where he just fucked her silly in more and more creative ways.

Circumcision Extended Cut

I sniggered.

something about a fiery crucible in which only the true heroes are formed

It's in the filename

Ow the Edge (of Tomorrow)

Finding Nemo.

Well he did try that time with the tea. And many times before that.

Corner of MaƱana

All You Need is Kill

Feels bad 2bh

Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.

It ends of day after current one

Tom Cruise is a homo and a manlet. He probably got pegged by Blunt multiple times in the timelines.


Lucky bastard


What a gay.

hatechan the infinity

seriously if youre stuck in a timeloop you should have the right to at least one rape day.

yer fucking dying again and again, lets keep things in perspective, and its not like your rape is actually hurting anybody, its like buddhist rape or something

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