Here is your chance to reach over a 100 million people

I'm the creator of a major social networking platform. Don't bother guessing what it is - I won't tell you. I have access to over a 100 million user accounts with contact information.

Over the last five years I have been working on a unified document. This grand file is a manifesto that has nearly every single major "redpill" that you can think of. Everything from the NWO to the Israeli connection with 9/11 to the satanic pedophile rings of the global elites.

Soon I will disseminate this document to over a hundred million people worldwide. There will be no escaping it.

This thread is your chance to post information that you may want me to include in it. I'll see what I can do.

This will be major news in a few weeks

Other urls found in this thread:|publisher=St.|publisher=Mount!WBV00SpB!bwKthBpV9LXnAC34-qHzuREeVxN60lAAMSQtSi1cLPs

Sounds like you already got it all figured out but incase you dont. Hitler did nothing wrong, britpol is cancer, the west was destroyed in ww1, Finns are white, read spengler evolution and glubb.

You’re a coward, likely a homosexual, and aren’t worth our time. Fuck yourself with a rake.

Yeah I'm going to go ahead and tell you all about it to foil my plan. When I upload it to the site and start sending it out they will come after my and take the platform down.

But I though Hogan put the leg drop on Nick Denton

I hope this is legit.

I've found that using words from Jewish mouths goes over better with normies. If I say it, then I'm an evil nazi. But if a Jew admits it…

Thanks. God speed.

Try to include material about the Protocols and jewish ritual murder.

One more thing! Jews are 2 if the population but make up 55% of the US Supreme Court. Very important.

I have summaries of all of the Protocols linking them to modern events. I also debunk the claims that they are forgeries - something which has not been previously done before.

Sounds like you got all of your bases covered with NWO, pedowood, etc. Don't forget TGSNT, the money masters, and pic related. and I think that will be complete good luck if you aren't full of shit.

You’re a coward, likely a homosexual, and aren’t worth our time.

Make sure to link them to Holla Forums.

Great idea Moshe. That's sure to make the vast majority of people ignore the other, legitimate content.

Good luck, but have you planned for a getaway ? It's pretty dangerous to redpill a 100 million people like that. (((They))) will most likely hunt you.


Can you post the debunking? I have not found any information to that effect, all I know about them is speculative, the most said about them by the redpilled crowd is that they fit perfectly with what is going on and otherwise it is totally ambiguous, can you link to the debunk please?

It's gonna look like one of those insane FWD:fwd:fWd: emails from my grandma, full of unconnected ideas, loose ends, and Probably irregular Use of Caps and PUnctUAtion!!~@*

You really can't redpill a person all at once, you have to give them a series of small innoculations, not one giant horse pill.

What's the point? If they kill me it will confirm the entire document. They would never do it.

I cannot give you many details on the contents but I have managed to actually get my hands on original letters from the editors at the Times of London where they openly admit that they are forging evidence for a greater goal.

They are. We should focus on materials that are actually backed by evidence.

The Protocols was written by the Tsar's secret police and there's no evidence to support the other claim. Stop being such a gullible faggot.

How accurate IS that image, because it claims colonial scrip was “successful” fiat currency… except it hyperinflated into worthlessness.

No it isn't. It's an over 5000 page book all neatly organised with complete explanations. Starting shallow and going deep.

The information has always been readily available if you looked. My question to you how do you plan on getting these people to actually read it?

Wait, what is? Do we have such a repository already?

Harassement, stalking, they do that thing I forgot the name of, something about shadow harassing. They do it until you go crazy and suicide.

I'm assuming that this isn't legit, but in case it is:

Godspeed, OP. I'll keep a lookout and think of this thread if something interesting happens in the future.

You mean (((suicide))).

That argument could have worked 100 years ago, but not today when all of the protocols have happened or are in the process of happening.

Looking forward to it, I guess. Someone screencap this thread so we can all crow about it in a few weeks.

Polite sage as dunno if bait thread or not. If it's real I salute you brother.

Yeah this one too, but the normal as well, some people years after years just can't take it anymore.

Look into Rabbi Rosenberg, an outspoken critic of the Jewish culture's fondness for child rape.

The British counterfeited continentals on a large scale as economic warfare against the rebelling colonies, all you needed to do so was a printing press and they took advantage of that to cause hyperinflation.

Repost here after you have released the book, I am interested in reading it and after you have already disseminated it you have no reason not to repost on Holla Forums or /pdf/.

100 years ago they were in the process of happening. Henry “I will revolutionize automation to more quickly kill kikes” Ford even said so.

Okay, and… that’s how all fiat currencies work. Why is that a good thing?

After what they’re already doing to people who hold our views, I can’t imagine ever taking my own life.

I think the only thing that keeps me from being one of the more dangerous people on the planet is my total lack of power. I’m an ideological rock and can’t be bought or threatened. That goes for most of Holla Forums, I’d guess.

Start it with something shocking, something which will get the attention of the media and the normies. Maybe something with hitler or turmp.

Good luck then, if you're not lying then you're a hero. But if you're the creator of a major social media why not invest the money into virus research and invent one that attacks certain races/ethnicities ? Some user earlier in another post said it was pretty easy compared to what people thought.

do you have the redpills of zion and TGSNT in there?
anyway, looking forward to this if you're telling the truth
i'm expecting salt like we've never seen before

Sorry if it was confusing; I’m not OP (I don’t believe him, actually; if he’s legit he could give us actual info or wouldn’t bother posting until he was rolling it out). As for ethnic bioweapons, my thoughts are as follows:
1. I can’t imagine them being impossible if we’re accounting for future technology, but they likely aren’t now.
2. I can’t imagine it would be possible to keep them from mutating and affecting other groups.

I mean, if you wanted to kill off abbos, you probably could do it without affecting anyone else. But if you wanted to kill off negroids, could you really keep it from affecting asians and whites?

Yes, we’re genetically disparate enough to be called separate species, but I just get a funny feeling about the similarities there.

That's not at all evidence that they're legitimate.

The notion that Jewish elders met in secret to plot the takeover of the world is such a ridiculous, cartoonish idea. This concept is constantly used as a strawman whenever someone speaks out against Jewish power or influence.

Kevin Macdonald's work is a far more logical account of why we're in this current situation.

Both Kevin Macdonald and Dr. David Duke reject the legitimacy of The Protocols. That's good enough for me.

I cover essentially all topics in the redpills of zion but that webpage is mostly links. Can you link me to TGSNT?

I'll tell you this right now. All major rightist media figure heads like David Duke are collaborators with government agencies.

They have to be melanin based.

Creator of the major social networking platform, has all the secrets of the universe, but cannot into TGSNT?


Can you prove this? Duke always seemed like a nice and genuine guy.

Oh, did you know that the melanocortin system itself is partially responsible for managing aggression?

Blacks are literally more violent BECAUSE of the color of their skin.

You sound like you are putting on airs…
but just in case you aren't, here's the ultimate redpill:

It's as bluepilled as shit, until you look under the covers, and then bluepill, redpill, such distinctions are truly irrelevant. Oh, and the learning curve is mighty steep.

A good starting point is

The main takeaways are threats to mankind, in no particular order:
1. 99942Apophis - threatens to destroy much of Northern Europe in 2036, not so much from the impact as from what comes afterwards
2. Cumbre Vieja - when it collapses, the tidal wave will wipe the entire American East Coast clean
3. Fukushima - poisons Earth's Northern Hemisphere
4. general environmental destruction - especially the threat of planetary carbon cascade unless we implement carbon sequestration modalities
5. the Islamic State - supposed to take over the world within about a century or so
6. World War 3/4 - less and less likely, but if it occurred, it would end us
7. rise of self-replicating war machines - this one can end us
8. immigrant invasion - rising to 300 MILLION in Europe alone
9. our own obstinate stupidity, and reliance upon religions - just as a contributing factor, and why no one visits Earth
10. American ideological/racial civil war slowing starting, by 2020 everyone will be able to see it - half the population dies

and my personal favorite pet peeve:
11. racial mixing also makes this list, because it weakens people and even whole races to the point of giving up on life, not caring if they live or die

but there are other threats, as well

The main suggestion is to get everyone following the Universal Natural and Creational Laws.

(pic related - extraterrestrials look like us, or we look like them, one or the other)

Cheers and have a pleasant existence

: )

Dr. Duke takes the position that they're a work of fiction based on reality to bypass the debate and convince people to read them. I highly doubt he really believes it.

right here
also this
what the fuck dude


Because the alternative explanation makes far more sense. And if such a conspiracy did exist an account of such a meeting would have kept away from the eyes of the goyim.

You're going to look like a fucking idiot if you promote The Protocols. A significant portion of normies are aware of its existence and thats it's a forgery. This will cause then to ignore all the other information you provide.

Bitch this better be fucking real.
Archived for posterity:

Anyway, use any information you find juicy enough from this document:

Also, another guy named Racial Faction made an even better version of it (''100 Facts about
Whites and Blacks
(but one lie)
REVISITED'') . You might search for it on /pdfs/ or /pdf/.

The fuck are you on about?
Not going to hit.
Not going to collapse or do the damage claimed.
Not happening.
Are you just joking?
You have to be joking.
You’re joking.
Only eight, huh.
wew tip fedora wew
You’re a fucking idiot.

God-speed OP. Don't listen to the shills, do not reveal your intentions fully.


Here it is:

No I didn't, I just assumed that niggers of all shades came color coated for a good reason. (I had to deal with minorities since I was a kid)

Man, I remember this picture, I found it a while back on a website that said there was 4 species of aliens that "we" know about. I really hope blue skinned red haired women are a thing otherwise I'm going to be disappointed.

The protocols match up exactly to what is going on today, I don't see it making more sense.

And this is an argument against it's truth how?

Not true at all. Maybe they've heard of it's existence, but they have never actually read it.

How so? If you show just how well Jews have attached themselves parasitically alongside each Protocol, it would be very effective.

If this is legitimate, make sure to make it normie-digestable, and to leave no trace.

Also, you may want to visit >>>/32/ for more redpills.

Dear fuck, kill yourself if you actually believe anything on that list.

Your posts are a perfect example of just how terrified the kikes are of the Protocols being read by the masses. If you aren't a jew yourself, you're a fool who's been manipulated by the lies of their agents.

"To what extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. They are based on a forgery, the Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that they are authentic. What many Jews may do unconsciously is here consciously exposed. And that is what matters. It is completely indifferent from what Jewish brain these disclosures originate; the important thing is that with positively terrifying certainty they reveal the nature and activity of the Jewish people and expose their inner contexts as well as their ultimate final aims. The best criticism applied to them, however, is reality. Anyone who examines the historical development of the last hundred years from the standpoint of this book will at once understand the screaming of the Jewish press. For once this book has become the common property of a people, the Jewish menace may be considered as broken." – Adolf Hitler

"If ever a piece of writing could produce mass hatred, it is this one. . . . This book is about lies and slander." – Elie Wiesel

Who do you believe?

Sorry I know the documentary I was just not familiar with the acronym.

You doom us all if you don't.

Are you insane? Do you know why Jews are still Jews in the first place? Because they are waiting for their messiah.

Their messiah will be the one of their descent who will (or won't should it go our way) literally conquer the earth through war and bring about "world peace".
It is already clear that they are not the people waiting for their prophecies magically to occur. So it is with their Messiah and leadership.

Reported for /x spam, then.

Kill self shill



It would be of great importance if you hit multi-million company kikes who rely on selling their products to dumb goyim. For example, you could post a redpill on how most of today's manufactured beers produce a lot of estrogen in the body (along with all other carcinogenic additives that come along). People don't know about this stuff compared to knowledge about other harmful pastimes like smoking.

This isn't /x/ you faggot, no roleplaying allowed.

Because if a group of Jews were competent enough to launch a campaign to take over the world they'd be competent enough to keep its details hidden.

I recently became aware of an hour long TV program about The Protocols, which aired either on the National Geographic channel or The Smithsonian channel.

A recent post on reddit's maim page detailed how The Protocols was the main influence leading the NSDAP to anti semitism. Like I said, The Protocols are a well known forgery and promoting them as legitimate will cause people to ignore your message.

Kevin Macdonald's and Dr. Duke's opinion on this manner should be enough for you to accept the document isn't legitimate.

I want to believe.
I'm probably going to be disappointed but whatever.

Should have just gone and done it, and if anything needs to be added or corrected, then Holla Forums would be sure to offer up the highlight reel. But, now the intentions have been telegraphed to ZOG, so now the kikery daemon is going to have at it.


BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT just in case this is real, please include the connection between the jews and the Soviet Union/Marxism/communism and obviously the holohoax

I'm not sure about Kmac (who also claims the Holohoax happened) but Dr. Duke still encourages people to read it and plans to print his own edition.

Great logic. Jews have spoken out against the claim that Jews kidnap children of the goyim so they can sacrifice their bodies, does that mean that claim is true as well?

Just in case you're not bullshitting us, can you provide a narrower timeframe in which you're gonna do this? Gonna make it easier to link screencaps if you're not being an ebin trole.

Jews Jew because of their culture, history, and that they're extremely ethnocentric. A grand meeting of elders to spell out how they would go about conquering the world is unnecessary and silly.

On Duke's radio show the topic came up and both of them agreed that it wasn't a legitimate document.

Duke thinks that The Protocols can be useful if we view it as an allegory.

You repeated yourself, this isn't an argument against the fact that the Protocols came true.

Fantastic, did the Talmudvision actually show or talk about the text itself allowing the viewer to make conclusions on the document? I doubt it.

Because they believed that they are either true or a very good forgery that was borderline prophetic. Again, I doubt the thread talked about the text itself.

Being called a forgery due to the only people believing in their legitimacy lost WW2. Even if it is a forgery, there is no reason to not promote it to be read after giving the redpill.

Put something on page 88 so we know it was you.

There's no evidence in support of the jewish conspiracy theory that the Protocols were fabricated as part of an anti-jewish plot other than kikes claiming it is and pointing out some similarities to another text that are only present in the edition printed by Serge Nilus.


Since you seem to think David Duke is the authority on everything:

But part of that is conspiring with other jews to jew more efficiently. It always has been.

You said anyone who promotes the Protocols is a "fucking idiot", yet Dr. Duke is doing just that.

Post these

Make sure you include Yuri, talking about degenercy amd subversion, amd the way the casualization of sex, and all this Trans gender shit is tried and true old soviet methods for destabilizing countries, not bring people equality and happiness.



Never disputed that. Not proof that its really the product of a secret meeting of top Jews.

The link to Duke's site dealing with Jewish ritual murder does not state that it's a notable trend among Jews that continues to this day. It energies a single incidence in the 13th century.

And Duke does not promote The Protocols as being legitimate.

I'm sure

Of course. No plan by the elders was necessary for Jews to favor other Jews and undermine goyim society which they feel is inherently and irrevocably anti Jewish.

The proof is that all of the Protocols can be applied more than 100 years later in today's world and really should be all that one needs. Do you at least agree that they would be extremely prophetic for a forgery given the results of the 20th century? There isn't any reason not for them to be talked about either way.

But what happens when all of the goyim are effectively dealt with in this scenario? Would there be a utopia among Jews? Or would there be various secret group among those in control looking to get control from one another? This group from which the Protocols leaked from were simply thinking ahead by having such meetings.

Because Toaff's book, which both links were related to, only focused on a single case. Once again, you're promoting the jewish conspiracy theory that gentiles with no connection to one another conspired together to libel the jews with false accusations.

But he promotes the document itself and sells Henry Ford's The International Jew which was largely based on the Protocols and argues for its authenticity.

Maybe you should buy the 4 volume set instead of basing everything on the alt-right's meme book about jews?

Yes. As does Macdonald and Duke.

I've said enough about this topic.

If you're interested in effectively communicating red pilled materials to the masses it's best to ignore The Protocols.

See this video:

Well, if you're really own a major social network, it would be easy for you to hire someone to translate 5 top commented posts from here
and 5 top commented posts from here

Both authors are prominent Russian rightwing thinkers.
First link contains huge redpills on Jews, USSR, UK.
Second link — European elites, modern Russia, Muslims.

>Over the last five years I have been working on a unified document. This grand file is a manifesto that has nearly every single major "redpill" that you can think of. Everything from the NWO to the Israeli connection with 9/11 to the satanic pedophile rings of the global elites.

I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks

And you haven't said anything on this other than bringing it up somehow discredits anything. A prophetic book from 100 years ago should be talked about, whether it's a forgery or not.

>I'm the creator of a major social networking platform. Don't bother guessing what it is - I won't tell you. I have access to over a 100 million user accounts with contact information.

Sending that picture to a 100 million people would be effective. It's simple and it's easy to verify.

Sending a long and dense 'manifesto' that an autist worked on for 5 years that "has nearly every single major "redpill" that you can think of." isn't going to work.

You could turn that manifesto into a book and physically send it to a 100 million people and only a tiny % would bother to read it from beginning to end.

OP is an idiot.

Fairly interesting content, I have some of it. Do you have more?

That third image is particularly interesting. I've seen nothing like it before. It doesn't conjure up any results in an image search. Where did you get it?


??? you're in denial there user, you really should check out background radiation levels on the North American continent for the last 10 years. The Pacific is showing the 1st signs already in terms of fishery numbers.

Plz webm this

Call out the holohoax.

Gonna need some evidence.

I sent in a BO request for it but never heard back from anyone.

Kill yourself.

Look at this thread.
Nice sourced chart.

I sure hope it's not just a database dump on your part. Only a percentaile would read vast amount of this type of data. You should have edited it out and made easy to digest for normies.

Include pic related.

It's from a dump of Protocols-related material from the 1930s that I posted a couple months back. I pulled it out of a jewish archive of "anti-Semitic" publications from the WWII-era.

as you must realize you will need to do some digging but here is a good start


I'm intrigued. Could you provide the full material?

Historical context
{{see also|Events preceding World War II in Europe}}
At the conclusion of the [[World War I|First World War]], the [[German Empire]] signed the [[First Armistice at Compiègne]] on 11 November 1918 as an end to hostilities with France, the British Empire, and the United States during the convoluted [[German Revolution of 1918–19]], which began 29 October 1918.

Negotiations between the Allied powers regarding post-war Europe started on 18 January 1919 in the [[Salle de l'Horloge]] at the [[French Foreign Ministry]] on the [[Quai d'Orsay]] in Paris. Initially, 70 delegates from 27 nations participated in the negotiations. The opposing nations of the [[German Empire]] and the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]] were excluded from the negotiations. At first a "Council of Ten" comprising two delegates each from Britain, France, the United States, Italy and Japan met officially to decide the peace terms. It became the "Big Four" when Japan dropped out and the top person from each of the other four nations met in 145 closed sessions to make all the major decisions to be ratified by the entire assembly. In June 1919, the Allies declared that war would resume if the German government did not sign the treaty they had agreed to among themselves. The government headed by [[Philipp Scheidemann]] was unable to agree on a common position, and Scheidemann himself resigned rather than agree to sign the treaty. [[Gustav Bauer]], the head of the new government, sent a telegram stating his intention to sign the treaty if certain articles were withdrawn, including articles 227, 230 and 231. In response, the Allies issued an ultimatum stating that Germany would have to accept the treaty or face an invasion of Allied forces across the Rhine within 24 hours. On 23 June 1919, Bauer capitulated and sent a second telegram with a confirmation that a German delegation would arrive shortly to sign the treaty.

kk OP i want you to include this statement at about 5/12 into the document to prove you posted here first

"This is for the user, i was mean and it was real, 4chan was the place to go, but now there's a better place that we all call home~Path of light"


88 pages filled with


On 28 June 1919, Germany signed the [[Treaty of Versailles]], a peace treaty which formally ended the state of war and imposed various punitive measures upon Germany, including [[Treaty of Versailles#Military restrictions|military restriction]], [[Treaty of Versailles#Territorial changes|loss of territory and colonies]], [[Treaty of Versailles#Reparations| war debt, and effective acceptance of blame for the initiation of hostilities in World War I]]. At the time of the armistice, an attempted [[German Revolution of 1918–19|Communist revolution]] transpired (October 1918-August 1919) , resulting in the abdication of the [[Wilhelm II, German Emperor|Emperor of Germany]] in November 1918, and what became known as the [[Weimar Republic]] was subsequently established in the wake of the uprising. The transition from [[monarchy]] to [[republic]] was difficult, and many in the new government were not supportive of the democratic system of government. The officer class gave little support to the Republic, and Germany was forced to borrow money from the United States and others to pay its [[war reparations|war debt]], imposed by the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. In the early 1920s a period of [[hyperinflation]] made the [[Reichsmark]] almost worthless. In January 1922, one [[US Dollar]] was worth 191 Marks, but by November of the same year it was equal to 4,200,000,000 Marks.{{cite web|last=Kalfus|first=Richard|title=Weimar Republic 1919-1923||publisher=St. Luis Community College|accessdate=6 May 2014}}

In 1932, [[Adolf Hitler]] was appointed [[List of Chancellors of Germany#Weimar Republic (Reichskanzler) (1919–1933)|Chancellor of the Reich]] following a contentious election. Under Hitler's leadership, the [[Reichstag (Nazi Germany)|Reichstag]] turned the government into an effective [[dictatorship]] under Hitler's oversight on 21 March 1933 with the passage of the [[Enabling Act of 1933]], and the economic hardships were significantly diminished via implementation of new economic and social policies. After five years in power, Hitler [[Anschluss|annexed Austria]], former component of the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]] (allies of the former [[German Empire]]), into Germany, despite such an act (specifically, "prohibition on the merging of Austria with Germany without the consent of the League of Nations") being banned by both the [[Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919)|Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye]] and the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. In early November 1938, the [[First Vienna Award]] was signed, allowing Germany to seize the [[Sudetenland]], a German-speaking area of [[Czechoslovakia]] which was formerly a part of the [[German Empire]]-allied [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]]. Soon after, Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia and also gained [[Memelland]] (part of the former German Empire from 1871-1920) through the [[1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania]].

While some sources claim Hitler still wanted more, to create [[Lebensraum]], or "living space", for Germany, other sources claim evidence of [[Ethnic cleansing|hostility]] on behalf of Polish [[partisan (military)|partisans]] toward [[Germans|ethnic Germans]] in the [[Polish Corridor|Danzig Corridor]] (territory lost to [[Germany]] as a result of the [[Treaty of Versailles]]) which may have served as a motivating factor for the [[Invasion of Poland|German invasion]] (often portrayed as [[propaganda]] to justify German [[expansionism]]).

better yet you need to get into contact with someone and have them make some info graphs people love those because they're easy

you can have one page inforgraph then another page detailed info

Two [[Western powers]], the [[United Kingdom]] and [[France]], gave [[Anglo-Polish_military_alliance#British_Guarantee_to_Poland|guarantees]] to [[Poland]] that they would declare war if Polish independence came under threat, as presented in a statement to the [[House of Commons]] by British [[Prime Minister]] [[Neville Chamberlain]] 31 March 1939 (formalized by the British 6 April 1939; not ratified until 4 September 1939 by the French):

{{quote|… in the event of any action which clearly threatened Polish independence, and which the Polish Government accordingly considered it vital to resist with their national forces, His Majesty's Government would feel themselves bound at once to lend the Polish Government all support in their power. They have given the Polish Government an assurance to this effect.

I may add that the French Government have authorised me to make it plain that they stand in the same position in this matter as do His Majesty's Government.[ Statement by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on March 31, 1939.]}}

Although they honoured these guarantees by declaring war soon after Germany's [[Invasion of Poland]] on 1 September 1939,{{cite web|last=Rapten|first=Pema Dechen|title=Political Disorder: The Weimar Republic and Revolt 1918-23||publisher=Mount Holyoke College|accessdate=6 May 2014}} and although the [[Dominions]] of the British Empire quickly followed suit, so little
practical assistance was given to Poland, which was soon defeated, that in its early stages the war declared by Britain and France was described as a [[Phoney War]].

Further, neither the [[British Empire]], nor the [[France|French]], ever declared war upon the [[Soviet Union]], which invaded Poland on 17 September 1939 (17 days after [[Nazi Germany]] invaded from the West) and held sway over the former-Polish territory at the war's conclusion, having become a part of the [[Allies of World War II|Allied front]] in the course of the [[World War II|war]]. At the insistence of [[Joseph Stalin]], the post-war [[Yalta Conference]] in 1945 sanctioned the formation of a new provisional pro-Communist coalition government in Moscow, which ignored the [[Polish government-in-exile]] based in [[London]]; a move which angered many Poles, who considered it a betrayal by the [[Allies of World War II|Allies]], and, as a result, [[Anti-Communism in the Communist Bloc|as elsewhere in Communist Europe]], the Soviet occupation of Poland met with [[Cursed soldiers|armed resistance]] from the outset which continued into the fifties. The consequences of the [[Yalta Conference]] subsequently added new permanence to the end of [[Poland#Postwar communism|Polish independence]] on 22 July 1952 with the creation of the [[People's Republic of Poland]], a [[Communist]] [[puppet state]] of the [[Soviet Union]] which held sway over the territory from its inception in 1952, until [[Poland]] once again achieved [[independence]] on 13 September 1989, following the toppling of the [[Communist]] regime and preceding the [[dissolution of the Soviet Union]].


does your a unified document. This grand file is a manifesto that has nearly every single major "redpill" that you can think of.
have the fact that the energy lords have been lying to us for over a century? That evey person should have easy access to cheap electricity?
Tesla was correct about being able to transmit power to any point on the globe with less than 1% loss ? (see the recent work by the Plekhanov brothers)
Or that Farnsworth was right and his approach to fusion works ( see recent work by Lockheed's Skunkworks that builds on the Farnsworth fusor )


Anything and everything you can find on the Rothchildes.

I have a large collection, but not able to drop it all at this time - with a little work, you can find a lot though.

That's a big list.

Elaborate. How extensive is the evidence for this?



Big Guy.


Holy shit

You might be one of the snapchat guys, or Pavel Durov, creator of VK in Russia and Telegram. If this is legit, which it probably isn't.

While if true I commend your efforts, I still believe in order for people to be redpilled, people have to arrive at that realization themselves. I honestly don't think most people are capable of such a realization, whether it's due to embracing ignorance of reality, sheer stupidity, or just simply not caring, I don't have hope that the majority of people can be redpilled.

I suppose if you manage to redpill even a small fraction of those 100 million you claim, at the very least it will grow our ranks for the happening.

I want to believe this is real.






it's probably bullshit but EVERYTHING IN HERE





here's the current link


Red Shield

Evidence for White Genocide


"The Talk, The Non-Black Version"

Liberals and IQ

Infinity/pol/ redpills the plebian redditor scum!WBV00SpB!bwKthBpV9LXnAC34-qHzuREeVxN60lAAMSQtSi1cLPs

Hess murdered to conceal wartime secrets

Life and Death of My Father, Rudolph Hess
Redpills of Zion 2014
Holla Forums Redpill Video sticky: Updated 30/12/14
Holla Forums recommended reading
Dangers of Homosexuality
Big Ol' Pile of Jews

Let's think about this…

Depending on the source cited, there are between 70-80 million (NRA, 2013; tinyurlDOTcom/n9ujjfm) and 106.3 million (Injury Prevention [journal], 2015; tinyurlDOTcom/q8u25zg) firearm owners in the US.

And then consider…

~30,000 firearms-related deaths annually in the US.
2013: 33,636 (Remember this one!)
2012: 33,563
*2011: 32,351
2010: 31,672
2009: 31,347
2008: 31,593
2007: 31,224
2006: 30,896
2005: 30,694
2004: 29,569
2003: 30,136
2002: 30,242
2001: 29,573
2000: 28,663
1999: 28,874

(Center for Injury Prevention and Control - CDC, 2014; tinyurlDOTcom/ouwmayz)
*(US Dept. of Health and Human Services - CDC, 2012; tinyurlDOTcom/oakmtfh)
( Sydney School of Public Health, 2015; tinyurlDOTcom/7wrrqd4)

… and note that, approximately 60% of firearms-related deaths, are suicides…

"61% of gun-related deaths are suicides"
(The National Academies Press, 2013; tinyurlDOTcom/pcgngyk)

"The U.S. Department of Justice reports that approximately 60% of all adult firearm deaths are by suicide"
(Bureau of Justice, 2010; tinyurlDOTcom/ofm5c4n [wiki: tinyurlDOTcom/ouwu9by])

… So, if we look above, we see that in 2013, the year with the greatest firearms-related deaths since 1999, there were 33,636 firearms-related deaths in the US.

For our purposes… Ah, why not?
Let's increase that to 34,000.

And let's account for suicides while we're at it - remember, about 60% of firearms-related deaths are suicides…

34,000 - (34,000 * 0.6) = 13,600

… Giving us a total of 13,600 deaths annually in the US, in this (high-estimate) theoretical paradigm.
Note: Though suicides have been accounted for, accidental deaths (and other values potentially worthy of exclusion) are included.

I don't want to post the link to the archive publicly, so it doesn't get shut down, but I can dump more in this thread.

btw if anybody's good at cleaning up (cropping, resizing, etc.) scans and turning them into .pdfs, let me know so we can get this stuff mirrored on >>>/pdfs/

Estimated time for when you plan on releasing anything?

… So, let's assume, each of those 13,600 people is killed by a different firearm owner - this is obviously not the case given many incidents involve a single person killing several people, and such assumption will inflate our number (potentially considerably), but let's assume such is the case.

If we make such an assumption, that means, of the between 70-80 million and 106.3 million, there were 13,600 people who used their firearm to kill another person.

Note again: This includes accidental deaths, and assumes each death was attributable to a different individual.

In that case…

(13,600 / 70-80,000,000) * 100 = 0.019% to 0.017%

(13,600 / 106,300,000) * 100 = 0.013%

… Granting us a theoretical range of 0.013% to 0.019% of firearms owners who will use their firearm to harm another human being with purposeful intent.

Not 1%.
Not half of 1% (0.5%).
Not one-tenth of 1% (0.1%).
Not half of one-tenth of 1% (0.05%).
Somewhere between one-tenth of one-tenth of 1% (0.01%) and one-fifth of one-tenth of 1% (0.02%).
Elevated relative to actual figures due to our analytical approach, of course.

The point being?
Remember these numbers when someone tries convince you that firearms need to go after some random nutjob goes on a shooting spree.

Because the notion of denying the Constitutional right - the Constitutional duty - of the American citizenry - all 318 million of us - due to the actions of criminals and the mentally deranged?

That's not very American.

… One last thing to consider:

"Black Americans are more than twice as likely to die from gun violence than whites, according to a new study that surveyed more than a decades' worth of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Between 2000 and 2010, the death rate due to firearm-related injuries was more than 18.5 per 100,000 among blacks, but only nine per 100,000 among whites. Hispanics, it was just over seven per 100,000, and for all other races it was just below 3.5 per 100,000…

… As The Washington Post noted last year, African-Americans who are killed by gun violence are significantly more likely to die as a result of a homicide.
Whites are much more likely to use a gun to commit suicide.
A white person is five times as likely to commit suicide with a gun as to be shot with a gun; for each African American who uses a gun to commit suicide, five are killed by other people with guns…

… A Washington Post-ABC News poll from last year found that more than three quarters of African Americans support stronger gun control, compared to fewer than half of whites."

- Washington Post, 2014 (tinyurlDOTcom/p5mk4ja)

Control Gun Ownership vs Protect Gun Rights
Non-Hispanic White: 39% Control vs 59% Protect
Non-Hispanic Black: 72% Control vs 25% Protect
Hispanic: 70% Control vs 28% Protect

- Pew Research Center, 2014 (tinyurlDOTcom/p7knzcx)

Also, about the Hispanics…
> tinyurlDOTcom/p384fg2
> tinyurlDOTcom/pn85w66

I can literally hire a team of specialists to rework all of these pictures and turn them into high quality posters. If you could, send me the link at [email protected]


OP, see

If you could link those somewhere in there it'd be great, at least a few will sit through them. Keep the main message short and concise though.


Secret Space Program. Aliums.

For the love of God, just release it now. No waiting, Just let it fly and enjoy the wave.


And no, for once, this isn't about niggers or Jews.


Tell me Holla Forums: What the fuck good is this data?

What the fuck good is data on whether or not a suspect was Hispanic or Latino, if there is no clarification as to whether or not they were simply "Hispanic/Latino" or "White Hispanic" or "Black Hispanic" or whatever the fuck else?

They just give us these fucking numbers, but what fucking good are these, really?

They could be 95% "Black Latinos", so how can I employ them in any analytical fashion as regards the other racial data, without some sort of external census as regards Hispanic/Latino composition within criminal populations of the various racial groups?

This fucking annoys me, and do you want to know why?

I'll tell you.

The intentional homicide rate in the US is about 4.7 per 100,000 residents.

And in 2012, blacks were responsible for 49.4% of the homicide.


If you removed all the blacks, homicide rate would drop by about half (they increased to ~52% in 2013), to about 2.35
homicides per 100,000 people.

That would put the US in the company of Syria (2.2; 2010) Norway (2.2; 2011), Malaysia (2.3; 2012), Guam (2.5; 2011), Turkey (2.6; 2011), UAE (2.6; 2012).

… But that's not entirely accurate, is it?

Because there's still the Hispanic/Latino numbers included amongst the white numbers, the so-called "White Hispanics/Latinos".

And so I'm left wondering, well, what WOULD it look like, and lo and behold, the FBI's data is fucking useless, because it doesn't clarify which category of "Hispanic/Latino" these numbers represent.

Frustrating, and confusing…

… Buuuut, let's think a bit here.

If "Hispanic Whites" were to contribute, say, 10% inflation of "white" numbers, what would it look like then?

Then, we'd be at about 1.9 intentional homicides per 100,000 residents.
Where does that put us?

In the company of Bulgaria (1.9; 2012), Sierra Leone (1.9; 2012), Armenia (1.8; 2012), French colony of Reunion (1.8; 2009), Malawi (1.8; 2012) and…

Oh, would you lookit that!

Israel (1.8; 2012).

And remember: That's if "White Hispanics" only contribute to 10% inflation of white numbers.

Math is fun.
FBI crime stats are still stupid though.


Make sure it is clear that the wrong side won WW2.


Last one.

This isn't so much a 'redpill' in terms of statistics or what have you… But this was my first step down the path to the awakening.

This is where it started for me - I still remember, going to halfchan Holla Forums during the Trayvon shit, and seeing this, and thinking about it.

And I kept thinking about it.

And the more I thought about it, the more I agreed with it, the more it seemed the right path (no pun intended).

If it had an effect on me, maybe it will have an effect upon others.

Good luck OP.
Praise Kek.
Hail Trump.


I see larping is still quite popular on Holla Forums. Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming to this place asshole.

Please avoid going overkill on the Jewish shit Holla Forums likes to spew. Make it subtle (like how Israel was involved in 9/11 and the sinking of that one American ship). Also please don't forget Soros and his shenanigans.

I don't really think any of it is worth that much trouble, but I sent you the link from a temp e-mail.

Post here so I know it went through.

Got it.

The walls work. Berlin, Hungary, Israel.

the porblem with that is that they are proven plagiarism from earlier political satire

they are a fake, propaganda, a fairytale, there were no old jews who had an evil wizzard cosplay meetup in an old cemetery to cackle and prophetise about the fate of the world, that's ridiculous, this is just a romantic litterary spoopy trick, and bringing back hypotheses that they might have been truly written by their supposed authors helps no one

what IS remarkable about them however is how true the text has become all along its century of existence
this vindicates what the real authors of the text believed might happen with the jewish exploiters and financers they knew at the time
you'd better make a complete ananysis of the exactitude of the previsions of this text by comparing it to real events of the world's history instead of trying to weaken it by implying it's "genuine"
it isn't, it was written as a parabole, like "1984"

the fact it's true while having been written as a fake IS what is scary

This reminds me of when I bought a book about Pretty Boy Floyd at the grocery store and it had a short message about keeping America white and a phone number. When I called the number it was a recording that jumped around from niggers to Jews to free masons to Reagan to symbolism on money to numerology and all around again. 0% redpilling by that, plus my book was defaced.

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

FBI pls go

When does that shit drop nigga?

how many shekels does that net someone a month?

That you don’t find anything suspicious about his lack of info is what makes you a retard.

Who cares, this was a good info dump thread regardless. If it happens it happens.


The Tesla method of transmitting power is well explained in the link I provided. This explanation uses facts and math and conforms to known physics. There is no magic free energy or other mystic mumbo-jumbo just the esoteric physics of waveguides

as for fusion energy ask Lockheed how much they're betting on the project besides their reputation.
the Rockefeller group divested itself of all oil holdings a year or so ago
is there any doubt the petro-dollar is in trouble from somewhat mysterious causes?
Nobody since Tesla has built a working model and the Plekhanov brother's attempt is lacking financial support. Take it as you will, either a failed attempt by Tesla or a technology that is deliberately buried by those in power.


Add further reading at the end so people don't just say "oh, a crazy manifesto" and dismiss it. Make this become a gateway to further learning.

At my job, I am in a position where I could replace the sensitive legal documents of a bunch of major banks with pictures of swastikas and anime.


that would make for some lols but probably result in nothing but you getting fired and/or thrown in jail

Kurt Braget

Argentineans are whiter than those mongols

Godspeed, OP. I hope you're not a faggot, because something like this, a mass informing of the people, is one of our last possible vectors of attack.

you own either telegram, snapchat, or linkedin

or pintrest

Holy fuck, the salt would not ever stop.

so…. Faceberg?

How do you know this is legit?

yea you're going to take a risk and make a thread that could foil your plan.

if you're going to datamine just tell us what the fuck you want.


It's important that you start the debate, that you link to various sources, and mention that the picture is not complete and that it is up to each and every person to investigate further.

COINTELPRO shills having a field day in this thread. Annunaki lizard people and shit, those are the ones truly at fault, goy.

Do not include anything deep down the rabbit hole like the protocols or whatever. Stick to things which are easily proven, like Jewish control of the world economy, Jewish control of every communist movement ever, cultural marxism, Kalergi's plan, etc.

Hey there OP. Godspeed to you.
I applaud your efforts in the release of this documentation. Might I ask how many people you are employing on this project?

One thing that needs to be addressed is not just the dangers of multiculturalism, but the problems associated with non-compatible interracial breeding. Additionally, reasons for double standards in regards to women and why the push for feminism is geared directly towards the destruction of the family unit. Women are being targeted specifically because their emotional nature can be much more easily swayed then men. Men would follow the pussy if the women are led astray. This stretches back towards the dawn of creation with Adam and Eve.

Anyhow, women are being targeted also because of how important their role is as a stabilizing element in society. Without women, there is no civilization to be advanced nor reason to question ethics, no mother to rear the next generation, by cutting off the woman by forcing her in the front, there is no one to shield her from the horrors that the Jew would impose upon her… and therefore she cannot be there to protect her children.


Another thing that needs to be addressed is the nature of the (((CIA))). Even though they say that they've been founded by Nazis, escaped Jews instead forced German scientists to work for them as they were the losers of WWII.

Its very first project was known as MK ULTRA, and has been used to understand the power of hypnosis; other prognostics revealed that there have been many experiments being conducted upon the American people such as Project Monarch and others. Project Monarch was a real life attempt at creating super-spies by forcing split personalities from early childhood that could activate by directives. Sick stuff.

The CIA from the very beginning has not been answering to our nation's government, as you probably note that it's a dual-headed viper for (((MOSSAD))).

Quit being a faggot and read Final Judgment. Israel killed Kennedy.

Doesn't weeve have some sort of evangelizing method? That may go better than a data dump.

Op is probably from some lefty blog like salon looking to write a "I trolled the chans, they actually believe Jews use dental fillings to mind control people lolololol" article.

please be real


Also if you have (((Them))) in your list, obviously send them nothing.

This pic should be first.


Fucking kill yourself.
The protocols describe literally every single thing that is happening today.

sure is psy-op in here

OP is a liar and a shill and the dump is psy-ops.


Are you in the same thread? This was a very good dump thread. What's your opinion the The Protocols?


Take every well known anti-white anti-male screed and replace the words white and male with black and female. Watch the press go ape shit, and then show everyone the original and show them how they are fucking hypocrites.

The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on.
– Henry Ford

Also this

Everything on this list.

– Social trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity, case study in Denmark from 1979 to the present. Link.

– Ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions positively impact individual and societal levels of social trust. Link.

– “In longitudinal perspective, [across European regions], an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust.” Link.

– Immigration undermines the moral imperative of those who most favor welfare benefits for the neediest. Link.

– The negative effect of community diversity on social cohesion is likely causal. Link.

– In Switzerland, social peace between diverse factions isn’t maintained by integrated coexistence, but rather by strong topographic and political borders that separate groups and allow them autonomy. Link.

– “Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by both physical and political boundaries.” Link.

– Diversity hinders between-group cooperation at both the one-on-one and group levels. Link.

– The best chance for peace in Syria is better borders (intrastate or through the creation of new states) “suited to current geocultural regions”, and tribal autonomy. Link.

– Using data from US states, study finds a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust. Link.

– Diversity is associated with more White support for nationalist parties, except at the local level where large immigrant populations cut into vote totals for nationalist parties. Link.

– In Australia, ethnic diversity lowers social cohesion and increases “hunkering”, providing support for Putnam’s thesis finding the same results in the US. Link.

– After controlling for a self-selection bias, study finds that ethnic diversity in English schools reduces trust in same-age people and does not make White British students more inclusive in their attitudes towards immigrants. Link.

– In Germany, residential diversity reduces natives’ trust in neighbors, while it also reduces immigrants’ trust but through a different pathway. Link.

– Increasing social pluralism (diversity) is correlated with increased chance of collective violence. Link.

– “[E]thnic heterogeneity [diversity] explains 55% of the variation in the scale of ethnic conflicts, and the results of regression analysis disclose that the same relationship more or less applies to all 187 countries. … [E]thnic nepotism is the common cross-cultural background factor which supports the persistence of ethnic conflicts in the world as long as there are ethnically divided societies.” Link.

– Genetic Similarity Theory (GST) could help explain why diverse groups in close proximity increases ethnic conflict and ethnic nepotism. Link.

– Genetic diversity has contributed significantly to frequency of ethnic civil conflict, intensity of social unrest, growth of unshared policy preferences, and economic inequality over the last half-century. Link.

– Using social science data and computer modeling, researchers found that policies that attempt to create neighborhoods that are both integrated and socially cohesive are “a lost cause”. Link.

– The numbers and the genetic distance matter. Minority groups that get above a certain critical mass, and that are culturally distant from the majority culture, begin to self-segregate from the majority, moving society toward division and away from cooperation. Link.

– Using data from Copenhagen school registers, researchers found that native Danes opt out of public schools when the immigrant population concentration hits 35% or more. Link.

– In the most liberal region in the US, San Francisco and surrounding suburbs, White parents are pulling their kids out of public schools that are becoming increasingly asian. Link.

– School integration (forced proximate Diversity) will not close race achievement gaps. Link.

– Exclusionary dating is a natural consequence of racial diversity. Link.

– As diversity increases, politics becomes more tribalistic. Link.

– Company diversity policies don’t help minorities or women, and they psychologically discriminate against White men. Link.

– Greater classroom and neighborhood diversity is linked to stronger tendencies to choose same-ethnic rather than cross-ethnic friends. Link.

– A longitudinal test of the impact of diversity finds that it makes existing residents feel unhappier and more socially isolated. Link. (alternate link)

– Internal dissension stoked by ethnic, social, political, and religious diversity, rather than environmental degradation, caused the collapse of the urbanized Cahokia Indian Tribe. Link.

– The volunteer participation rate in America hit a record low last year, declining 0.4% from the previous year, and has been declining since 2005. Not coincidentally, the racial composition of America has become more fragmented during the same time. Link.

– A sense of social cohesion with the people who live around us is as happiness-inducing as love for the place itself. Link.

– Our desire for ‘like-minded others’ is hard-wired. Link.

– “The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation”

Recent agent-based computer simulations suggest that ethnocentrism, often thought to rely on complex social cognition and learning, may have arisen through biological evolution. From a random start, ethnocentric strategies dominate other possible strategies (selfish, traitorous, and humanitarian) based on cooperation or non-cooperation with in-group and out-group agents. Here we show that ethnocentrism eventually overcomes its closest competitor, humanitarianism, by exploiting humanitarian cooperation across group boundaries as world population saturates. (Link)

– A wealthy Virginia county that is rapidly racially diversifying is getting poorer and less socially cohesive. Link.

– Gender diversity does not promote nonconformity in decision-making bodies. (But individual ability diversity does.) Link.

– High ethnic diversity has a negative effect on innovation, but high “values diversity” has the opposite effect, as long as ethnic diversity is low. The best innovation happens in countries that are ethnically homogenous but diverse in values orientation. Link.

– Growing racial diversity in Houston is contributing to declining construction standards and aggravating the impact of natural disasters. Link.


Chris summarizes,

In short: diversity gives us violence, conflict, less welfare, less trust, less cohesion. Merkel knew what she was doing. So do other elites. They are responsible. All the negatives of immigration and refugees are predictable and backed up by scientific evidence. Ergo each act of violence can be considered to be done from the hands of the elites themselves.

Merkel raped those women.

The hyperlinks can e found on the website/blog page



How the Nazis were right and how the Government is spying on us.

I'm the creator of a bigger social networking platform. Don't bother guessing what it is - I won't tell you, primarily because I haven't thought out the RP that far. I have access to 100 million more user accounts with contact information than the OP.
Since the age of the telegraph I have been working on a unified document. This grand file is a manifesto that has nearly every single major "ironpill" that you can think of. Everything from EVROPA to the /fit/ connection with 69/11 to the satanic pedophile rings of the bodybuilding community.
Soon I will disseminate this document to over a hundred million people worldwide, 100 million more than the OP. Since that's roughly 200 million, there will be no escaping it.
This thread is your chance to post information that you don't want me to include in it. I'll see what I can do to start the fire.

This will be major news in a few weeks, but only after the OP does his leak as I want to steal his thunder

Historical documents prove the connection between Jews and Bolshevism

if you were not trolling. you are now dead for being a retard.

Maybe this is a honeypot thread for alphabet agencies to present the extremism of "alt-right".
Maybe we are in the start of proclaiming alt-right as terrorist a organization.
Holla Forums could be under attack.

I'm pretty sure it's just roleplaying, but it still resulted in a decent infodump.

Someone not familiar with these subjects can be drowned in the sea of information. Please remember that less is more, if you put two facts together and group it with something we're not so sure about and label it as a "fact" then the integrity of the whole can be damaged.

That’s why starting with the protocols and proving their contents works best.

General redpills of zion Holla Forums put together


Gas lighting
gang stalking

Read the portion from that Idaho shooter's manifesto about the "pew pew" hand signs.

Could you enclude Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein's interview where he openly braggs about the jews abducting children for their sex and death fetishes and grinding the corpses into McDonalds "Beef"?

He also has a few choice quotes:

Hey, we ARE god's chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, butour god is Lucifer.(Rabbi Abe Finkelstein)

-You are eating your children in sausages and hamburgers-

Q: Well, that's very interesting. I understand that. But I also know the bloodletting. I know that on your Passover, which isn't mine, that a lot of little children do disappear, and I do know that, and I know a lot of police departments and agencies have been informed. But, you're very open, you're very open tonight. I am very surprised that you are talking about the bloodletting of the little children that you put their blood in the Matza [Matzo bread] balls and that you eat it on sacrifice on Passover.A: Well, there is a goyim that wrote a book about it back in the 30's. I forget his name at the moment. But, anyway, he wrote the book, ah, people didn't buy the book. People don't want to listen. We've been doing this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Adam's time.So, we take the children of our enemy, which is a white race and we bring them to the basements in the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch them die there. It's very similar to how we do the sacrifices that we do with a kosher butchering, and so we do that. And then we mix it with a Passover bread, and so we eat the blood of our enemies.

And, even when we say this outright and tell you, people, you don't believe it

And the bodies, eh, we are not cannibals. So, what we do is we take those 'cause we can make some shekels, and we give them to the slaughter houses, and there's a pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in a sausage and a hamburger and that's why we make those the most popular things - sausage for breakfast and a hamburger for lunch, and so all the goyim out there are eating their children.And, even when we say this outright and tell you, people, you don't believe it. So, that's, that's your problem.

Hitler did nothing wrong.
Women's highest calling is motherhood.
Devotion is a way of tapping into traditionalism.
Kosovo je Srbija

That is all.

Don't forget to add something about Kalergi's plan.

OP, don't forget to check up on /polarchive/
>>>/polarchive/439 (not really redpill but self-improvement is very important for a stable society)

Also don't forget to add shit with comedy value, considering the fact that it goes down far more easily than paragraphs upon paragraphs of statistics. My comedy folder is a bit bland so I am just going to dump something else.




In the hope you are legit you better fucking put oli north and that faggot who was making a movie about him who got killed by the cia and had his hand replaced with a 2000 y/o hand

FBI pls go…

I think first pic should be posted but remade so it isn't a screencap but rather a humourous guide. Would be interesting to see "niggers did this" on every single spray-painted wall because it is a win-win scenario if they erase it and if they don't.


Drop some redpills about the holohoax

I wonder if they chose that name to be ironic?


I believe it when I see it.

Yeah… so in a country where, 100m people CAN'T read and another 50m read at a fifth grade level, op thinks having an email list will what? Because your, 'document' doesnt' contain any easter eggs that nobody doesn't know about. If one were so inclined… they could find everything you're going to spam them with. Oh yeah, I have over A BILLION emails. So liste which is 20-40% spam accounts doesn't impress. I doubt you even make the news.


Out of how many people though? I am pretty sure the country you are talking about doesn't have only 150m people


Can't wait for 2030 to be honest, Sweden will have a civil war the likes of 1930s Spain

How can there be a civil war by Swedes if Swedes no longer exist?

I have some stuff for you OP but not sure I could even actually portray it across the internet yet.

You need to point out that the Jews invert everything to fuck with the natural order of reality.

They invert reality to fuck everything up.

Even if OP is a crock of shit, this is the greatest thread I have ever read on Holla Forums. I missed out on the archives and other major-redpilling threads. I will spread this thread to my friends who are on the verge of being redpilled(Knowing about (((THEM))) but not the specifics) in hopes of getting this knowledge as far as I can.

Mention the artificial nature of the 3/11 Tohoku and Boxing Day Tsunamis, how these waves were created by drilling thermonuclear weapons into the seabed. Regarding the Boxing Day tsunami, mention the evacuation of Diego Garcia days before the tsunami, obvious foreknowledge. This was potentially connected to the micronuke used on Australian tourists in Bali to force Australia into the fraudulent war on terror.

Regarding the Tohoku tsunami mention the suspicious activity of Magna BSP, "the owl" (the gun type dirty fission nuke used at Fukushima) and the deaths surrounding the Chikyu Maru, the ship used to drill the warhead into the seabed.

Mention kinetic weapons, specifically the one used (and intercepted through unknown means) over Chelyabinsk. This event was meant to be blamed on asteroid DA2012 and force Russia's hand in world affairs. The asteroid's approach was reported on extensively in the news in the week prior to the event, which coincided with the date of the reported closest approach of the asteroid.

Mention the earthquakes induced through magnetic energetics such as the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake and the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. The smoking gun was the artificial aurora produced before the earthquake struck among other things (a dispute over old rights in Haiti). Mention also the use of these weapons in weather modulation and timely storms like Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Katrina, and various conveniently timed tornadoes.

Also mention the use of clean low yield nuclear weapons by Israel in Syria and Ukraine, Saudi Arabia in Yemen, and the U.S. (zionist elements) in Tianjin. Their low radioactivity allows for plausible deniability of their unconventional nature.

There are plenty of other whitewashed events, but these pose the greatest and most immediate danger to world peace and stability. Best of luck to you and your efforts.

Buddy I trust me, I got all of Richard Koshimizu's work in there already.

Time for you to kill yourself.

Actually I think 3/11, WTC nuke, and tactical mini-nukes are Koshimizu's topics but I don't recall him talking about kinetic weapons. Could you fill me in on that?

Also if you have any more of these whitewashed events please post them.


Mom, please send some bitcoins!

Good luck user, spreading this shit is something we should all do more

Wow, user I didn't even know about Koshimizu, im gonna enjoy doing my homework on him. Its further validation the Japanese are aware of the artificial nature of the Tohoku tsunami.

As for kinetic weaponry, the "rods from god" program is well known, and the timing of the Chelyabinsk "meteor" was suspicious to say the least. The intercept of the "meteor"was actually captured on film in multiple cases too.

Sure am glad I wasn't stupid enough to fall for the social network jew.

Really? The exact way you grouped all of those statements made me immediately think of him. Especially when you said Magna BSP.

Where did you get all of this info then?

Other whitewashed events? The Titanic and Hindenburg come to mind, but otherwise we're gonna get into pretty obscure and inconsequential territory. Maybe mention the "airship" crash in Aurora, Texas. Our cosmic neighbors are practically begging for attention.

Titanic had the last remaining influential guys who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve on it. What's your take on Hindenburg?

Ex-Forbes correspondent Ben Fulford's has been writing about the Tohoku Tsunami for years now. Koshimizu's research runs parallel to his. Unfortunately I don't speak Japanese, otherwise I'm sure I would have come across his work.
As for the Chelyabinsk meteor, I honestly cant inform you any more than I already have.

My take is the Hindenburg was sabotaged by Hitler himself to muzzle Dr. Hugo Eckener and create distrust of America in Germany. Though Eckener was successfully ruined, the heartrending grief and horror of the infamous radio broadcast perhaps mitigated the latter goal.

That picture is bullshit. Billy Meier took photographs of children's books, trash can lids and television screens, then went around (along with his retarded followers) telling people this was 'proof' that aliums existed. Once people called him out on his bullshit, he proceeded to pic related until he fell into obscurity.

His idiotic followers realized it was a scam half-way through and just tried to squeeze every dime out of the operation before bailing the fuck out of that disaster.

Be sure to put some racial realism inside of it, like this

Ayyo hol up are you saying Jews did the Titanic?

In short, yes. I have plenty of documents confirming it.

Hoping there's some Federal Reserve stuff in there.

If you could explain the usury problem in general, that'd be fantastic.

Something like a hypothetical where only $100 exists and that is loaned at 10% - the loanee then having to pay back $110 (the extra $10 doesn't exist, thus we've created an economic system with perpetual debt.)

Also, if you could cite Operation Northwoods, that might persuade normies that False Flags do indeed exist.

gas yourself

Yep, and not even that G. Edward Griffin shit. I went straight to the original Eustace Mullins.

I bet this is how Nerv feels.

You forgot:

This is the 2nd most imminent problem after Fukushima.. which is clearly being covered up by Japs.

Fuck sake, that thing goes, 1/3 of the planet goes the way of the book of revelation.

Remember, that is a forgery.

But that doesn't mean Jews don't believe it now, they might have been suckered by it.

Would you mind dumping some?

Obama made up "crossing the red line", where Assad used chemical weapons, as an excuse to invade Syria [1].
Assad didn't use chemical weapons according to MIT [2]. The invasion caused the current migrant crisis.
Israel wanted the US to take out Syria back in 1996. Read "A Clean Break" [3][4].
Israel is drilling Syria's oil fields in the Golan Heights [5] under the company Genie Energy (NYSE: GNE), which is run by Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch, James Woolsey, Larry Summers [6].
The UN rejects Israel's claim over Syria's Golan Heights [7].
Hillary said before the Syrian war, "The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad." [8]

Study: Bush led U.S. to war on 'false pretenses' [1].
In 1994, Cheney predicted catastrophe in Iraq if we invaded [2].
In 2002, Netanyahu said "If you take out Saddam, I GUARANTEE you will see enormous positive reverberations" [3].
Israel blamed 9/11 on Iraq. "They had no specific information about what was being planned but linked the plot to Osama bin Laden and told the Americans that there were strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement," said a senior Israeli security official. [4]


Bin Laden died in 2001 [1].
On September 10, 2001, a 68-page paper by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) stated the Mossad is "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." [2]
In 2007, Italy's 42nd president Francesco Cossiga said the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York’s Twin Towers had been organized by the Central Intelligence Agency, Israel’s Mossad and the “Zionist world” to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. [3]
Israel has illuminati symbolism and pyramids all over its supreme court. [4]

Rita Katz is the daughter of a mossad agent and the founder of Site Intelligence.
She leaked the bin laden confessions to the government [1] after bin laden denied doing 9/11 [2].
She also leaked all the isis videos including the foley murder [3] which was later deemed fake [4]

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon [1]
Why Is Jewish owned press so consistently anti- Israel in every crisis? – Rupert Murdoch [2]


I can't provide the actual documents right now but here's what I'll give you:

In 1898 a man named Morgan Robertson penned a book titled "Wreck of the Titan" about a luxury liner deemed unsinkable that was going too fast in the North Atlantic in April and hit and iceberg killing most everyone on board due to lack of lifeboats.
14 years later this fictional book would play out in real life exactly down to the name, with the wreck of the Titanic; but this time it would have major political implications. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were on that ship and some were opposed to the Federal Reserve and central banks.

FACT: JP Morgan funded/built the Titanic
FACT: JP Morgan was booked on the voyage but canceled at the last second.
FACT: Friend of JP Morgan, Milton Hersey, also canceled at the last moment and survived to build the Hersey food empire.
FACT: There were no red flares on board to signal to any boats for rescue. Only white flares that signal a party and that everything is okay.
FACT: It was the first ship of its kind with the ability to seal decks electromagnetically which could also seal people below deck.
FACT: The Captain Edward Smith was one of the most decorated Captains of his time and would have been totally out of character by avoiding precautions.
FACT: The author of the book was poisoned to death a couple years after the Titanic sank.
FACT: The Federal Reserve was formed the very next year.
FACT: The Astor Family was one of the richest families in the world and John Astor III opposed the Federal Reserve.

John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend of Nikola Tesla, and an outspoken opponent of the creation of the Federal Reserve. Astor gained his wealth, in part, as a real estate builder, investor, and inventor. Other prominent Federal Reserve detractors, such as Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss, also died on board.

The Communist Takeover of America - 45 Declared Goals would be a worthy addition.

I really hope this isn't bullshit. If OP delivers this could be a game changer.

Better post it quick OP they'll assassinate you soon.

Also does anyone have intel on these recent plane disappearances and crashes? Before MH370 no plane has ever vanished without a trace. And then a few months later the exact same Boeing from the exact same airline gets shot down over Ukraine. And another plane in south east asia crashed during this time as well killing all on board.

Now a plane was shot down over Sinai in Egypt, an Egypt air plane was hijacked, and another Egypt air plane vanished without a trace.

There seems to be a pattern of aircraft disasters targeting certain countries.

Oh and one more thing, I think this user mentioned it in his post:

What the hell is it with all of these Chinese industrial explosions? Ever since the Tianjin explosions there have been over a dozen massive explosions in factories all across China. Is this corporate sabotage?

I would also like to ask what you guys think about "A World Without Cancer" and Vitamin B12?

Bullshit or not?

Look up the Okinawa diet. They eat 800 calories a day and lived the longest in the world. They recently started eating an American diet, and are living half as long. Low calorie diet is the key to living long. You won't hear this anywhere else. Look up the Japanese smokers paradox. They smoke like chimneys and still live long. It's because their low calorie diet makes up for the toxicity of the smokes.

Don't have anything saved on MH370 right now but there was Rothschild owning the company and being insured by Lloyd's of London for Malaysian Airlines, from which he got a huge sum. Along with that would be Rothschild becoming the sole owner of some important patent after the co-owners died as a result of one of the planes. If you Google this particular shit, I think you might find something on it.

As far as I know, targetting civilian airliners has been common practice for governments in a cold war against each other. Even during the Soviet Union there would be things like this happening and that is even if you take into account the fact that planes were much less safe in the past.
Possibly economic war between countries because you would expect corporate sabotage to be happening all the time instead of it suddenly appearing for no reason.


The full document will drop exactly 2 weeks from today. That said, keep dumping info to add in.

Ehhh…. whatever you say Alex Jones

The vast majority of the people won't give a fuck

That doesn't matter. The mere fact that over a hundred million will have it in their possession and it will be posted on the homepage of the site for anyone to download is already going to impact millions and change their views.

Will you at least announce with a thread?

Also the fact that it will inevitably reach news sites will also drastically increase the number of people that see it.

I mean sure but when it happens you WILL know. It will be covered by all major news sites.

So it aint Twitter or Facebook?

Both of those have "homepages". Otherwise, no comment.

user, you're fucking lazy. How many times must we redpill you? It's not "Satanism"…. They have been using prostitutes and faggots and children to hire people they think are talented and put them in positions of power (under their control) for thousands of years. No one wants to do business on that Jewish level with a person you can't control. You are fucking bluepilling people like a god damn backstabber! Fuck you! Get it right and stop using the CIA Alex Jones disinformation trick on your own people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




The fact that you have post in all caps and in red text to express yourself like a cock smoker makes me think the opposite.

Well most of the people using it never delete their cookies so you just end up on the fucking "timeline" bullshit.

I wonder man, if you can start a fire like that it might be glorious.

Did you include information about how global warming is a pretext for rigging the world economy and establishing global taxes (carbon taxes) and therefore revenue for world government?

This blog is really good at debunking a lot of AGW claims, fun fact, the whole narrative of "evil oil companies shilling against climate change" is the exact opposite of reality, AGW has been pushed by Chevron since the 70s so they can squeeze coal out of the energy market and securitize/speculate literally thin air with Al Gores "carbon credit" racket.

ou know who got more way way more oil money than the WUWT website?
the pro-AGW Climate Research Unit at the university of East Anglia:
the Sierra Club, who had a secret partnership with Exxon to promote taxes on carbon emissions + a cap-and-trade scheme like the one Al Gore has been pushing for years:
ExxonMobil and Sierra Club Agreed on Climate Policy—and Kept It Secret
Big Oil Money for Me, But Not for Thee
"between 2007 and 2010 the Sierra Club accepted over $25 million in donations from the gas industry, mostly from… Chesapeake Energy – one of the biggest gas drilling companies in the U.S…"
the WWF, World Wildlife Fund, who are big propagandists for AGW:
"In other words, the WWF’s very first corporate sponsor was an oil company – one which wrote it an enormous cheque. The WWF then continued to accept oil money from various sources for another four decades."
and the WWF also receives a lot of money from big agribusiness corporations like Monsanto. They even had a partnership with Monsanto to promote soy agriculture in South America.
the EDF, Environmental Defense Fund, who also has good relations with the CIA for some reason:
Conservation International and Nature Conservancy, two pro-AGW groups (they got millions from BP):
the BBC, big AGW propagandists in the UK, their pension funds are heavily invested in oil companies:
The UK's Royal Society, they had something called the Royal Society Esso Energy Award for 25 years:
'Skeptical Science' an anti-AGW skeptics group, via Dana Nuccitelli the propagandist who writes for the Guardian. He works for a company – Tetra Tech – that does business with oil companies (and he has called for a carbon tax, a pure coincidence of course):
There's a short ist here of pro-AGW groups or universities who have received oil money:
just a few names not mentioned already:
3. Delhi Sustainable Development Summit
4. Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project
6. Union of Concerned Scientists
9. Climate Institute
14. Green Energy Futures (sponsored by Shell)
15. World Resources Institute (sponsored by Shell + a lot of other multinational corporations and banks)
and by the way the WRI report on the 'New Climate Economy' is the source of the trillions mentioned here: If you click the link on the page you'll get a PDF of the WRI's report. (No I haven't read it yet).
I could go on and probably fill pages and pages. This myth of the Oil Industry lobby financing the AGW skeptics while the other side the believers doesn't receive corporate money is complete bullshit, they get millions from Big Oil + millions from other corporations + billions from governments. Well funded corporate environmentalism is real.
Spot the Vested Interest: The $1.5 Trillion Climate Change Industry
"Climate Change Business Journal estimates the Climate Change Industry is a $1.5 Trillion dollar escapade, which means four billion dollars a day is spent on our quest to change the climate. That includes everything from carbon markets to carbon consulting, carbon sequestration, renewables, biofuels, green buildings and insipid cars. For comparison global retail sales online are worth around $1.5 trillion."

And if you really want to have a better understanding of the corporate roots of the Green 'non-profit' industry and see how deep the rabbit-hole goes you can read these two lloonngg articles on
(it's a socialist website but more focused on economics and social causes than the environment so I presume you won't be able to accuse them of being fossil-fuel shills):
The Philanthropic Roots Of Corporate Environmentalism
"Thus it is fitting that when Prince Bernhard was forced to retire from WWF International's presidency in 1976, his replacement for the next five years was none other than John Loudon, the former head of Royal Dutch Shell (from 1951 -65), and son of former Shell board president, Hugo Loudon. During Loudon's first year as president of WWF International he additionally served as the chair of an advisory group put together by David Rockefeller to counsel his Chase Manhattan Bank"on its growing international business"; while the following year Loudon was joined by fellow oilman and former IUCN chair Maurice Strong, who fresh after presiding over the operations of Petro-Canada for two years, became the vice-president of WWF International (1978-81), remaining a member of their executive council until 1986. "
If you don't know who Maurice Strong is you can read that article:
Taking Strong Action For Capitalist-Led Environmental Destruction
"To this day, Strong's dedication to corporate liberalism remains strong, and in the wake of the Earth Summit he took up the chairmanship of both the World Resources Institute and the Stockholm Environment Institute. Then in 1999, Strong, the former CEO of Petro-Canada, felt it was time to retire from the board of directors of the oil and gas company Cordex Petroleums – a company that had been managed by his son, Fred Strong. That said, despite maintaining his commitment to managing the environment, Strong continues to enjoy harvesting the planet, as he is a board member of Wealth Minerals Ltd – an organization that describes itself as "a well financed and managed leader in uranium exploration focused on identifying world-class discoveries in Argentina." "

Yes but thanks for the sources.


Further anti-AGW sources, all well sourced from a scientific perspective. Chiefio has good articles on geopolitics and economics also, definitely worth a read.

Anti-anti-global warming?

Anti-Anthropogenic Global Warming

AGW = Anthropogenic Global Warming

anyone remember that thread where they might have found the location of the ark in yemen?

Which ark? Noah's or the Ark of the Covenant? Noah's Ark was found at the Durupınar site in Turkey. The Ark of the Covenant is allegedly in an Ethiopian Church.

Ark of the covenant.
I dont have the sources anymore, but there is a site somewhere in yemen that only a few archeologists were working.
One of them had his own site with pictures and tons of info, but im not sure if its still up.
I cant remember what happened, but iirc they had to leave due to local armed conflicts or something.
Its a large tomb with a sort of short retaining wall around it, with ancient writing carved all along the outside.
They translated most of it and are pretty sure it was built by queen sheba.

OP, will you be discussing anything involving hollywood/Laurel Canyon or whatever?

How comprehensive is your report going to be?

It seems like you've been researching it for quite a few years at least. I'm going to offer you an interesting puzzle piece that you can use to go through your files and stuff. It's a bit modern but look up Pierre Omidyar and some of the venture capitalists' connections with


I hope you're familiar with the basics of game theory, but this method has been quite influential in our age of social media.

I'll be hanging out in the thread if you have any questions.

Was he on a suicide mission then?

How was the collision caused?

Sure they live longer, but the Japanese all seem small and weak.

Is living longer as an elderly person really worth the tradeoff?

Remember that when you live long, you don't get to spend more time as a young person. You get to spend more time as a very old person.

Rumor has it those ethiopian guys get cataracts too. Which is consistent with bibilical accounts, and "it's a bunch of radioactive shit" theories. I think the ethiopians might actually have it.

Looking through your first link now. This is gold. Thank you.

JooooP4 for sharing.

I'm glad I saw this thread before it died.

I was skeptical reading the OP, but after going through the thread you seem knowledgeable. I sincerely hope you are being truthful with us OP, we don't need any more disappointment in this world. Also I appreciate you coming here to 8/pol/, but it might benefit you to post this on other chans and see the response you get 4chan excluded, it's way too cancerous

Have an ass for your effort.

Many thanks. Been on mobile.

Also, I thought of one thing you could add that I didn't see ITT or maybe I missed it: Race redpills. Not just for jews, but how niggers have lower IQ on average, or how their aggressive nature is genetic. Describe how segregation is the true path, citing examples of white cultures in history and the degradation of society after multiculturalism.

I'm sure you have these topics but just in case

Yes I covered race realism extensively. The research from The Bell Curve helped a lot because it really does correlate with crime statistics.

Good to see you're still lurking. It worries me that some alphabet agency might catch wind of this thread, but you must have considered the risks of posting this thread.

Godspeed sir, I hope you have a hideout.

Also one more thing

As others have noted this thread was an excellent info dump. When it dies I'll make another one to harvest more info as there were some very knowledgeable users posting.

Until then, keep posting stuff ITT.

tell us if trump is good or not

I'll take it upon myself to archive when the thread reaches bump limit. We should preserve this.

user everyone here is already on multiple watchlists and they can even detect your emotions by your mouse movements.

Holla Forums is also a compromised honeypot but the reason I chose to post the thread here instead of cuckchan is because here things are taken much more seriously.

I hate to talk on this subject because regardless of the side you choose you will get called a shill.

Is Trump's rhetoric good? Well a lot of it is. But he stands in front of a bunch of influential Jews and supports Israel.

Had he been an actual candidate and had this been an actual election then yes of course he is better than Crooked Hillary. But the craze that this board has with monitoring the US election under the assumption that it is not rigged and the candidates aren't pre-chosen is absurd.

Yeah I'll mention pedowood.


I'll look into it.

Of course. I was surprised that you chose to post this thread at all considering this. I suppose if what you say is true about owning a social media platform there would be no stopping you anyway, but 2 weeks is a long time.

Good luck OP.

One more thing OP, bumping this

I know we'll more than likely see the document after you release it because major news and whatnot, but posting it here would be nice for some hardcore Holla Forums-only guys.

Don't forget inductive game theory as well, brother.

Why are you waiting 2 weeks though? Wouldn't it be better to release it sooner than later? Why tell us in advance other than to collect more information?

My team is putting the finishing touches on the file and I'm just gathering more topic ideas. We need about two more weeks to make sure we aren't missing anything we should have.

Also could you elaborate on inductive game theory?

What I have read, and had explained by a friend who saw one of these arks, is that many villages have one and they all will claim theirs is the actual ark of the covenant. They shroud the thing in mystery and only bring it out for ceremonies.

You were beaten, just ctrl + f for proof

Include this:

OP if this is true you shouldn't have fucking posted this here they probably already know where you are and they're coming to get you.

Begin here.

I leave y'all to piece the implications together.

Researchers at the Santa Fe Institute have developed new machine learning methods to study conflict.

Their work appears in PLOS Computational Biology on May 13.

Quantitative studies of behavior traditionally rely on game theory to investigate the logic of conflict. Game theory seeks to identify normative strategies that maximize payoffs for individuals in the face of uncertainty.

Although game theory has been very useful for determining which of a predefined set of strategies – for example, "tit for tat" – will be stable given certain assumptions, its has not proven to be very useful for determining what the natural strategy set is, or which strategies individuals are using out of equilibrium. Game theoretic models are also not practical for studying strategies when interactions involve multiple players interacting simultaneously. This is the case in many complex animal and human systems.

Santa Fe Institute Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellow Simon DeDeo and Institute faculty members Jessica Flack and David Krakauer developed the new method, which they call Inductive Game Theory, and applied it to a time series of fights gathered from detailed observations of an animal society model system.

"With these approaches, we can identify those strategies likely to generate periods of intense conflict," DeDeo says.

"Fights are not explained by 'rogue actors,' or single aggressive individuals, but by complex interactions among groups of three or higher, and the decision to fight is very much dependent on memory for what happened in previous conflicts," says Krakauer.

"These results suggest that individual agency has been over-emphasized in social evolution," says Flack. "We need to re-examine the idea that a single individual or nation can cause turbulent periods in history and consider the possibility that what predicts long periods of conflict is how we respond to the actions of our friends and enemies in their conflicts."

"This new empirically-grounded approach to conflict is a crucial step towards designing better methods for prediction, management and control," she says.

Immigrant invasion is relevant, the rest is mostly garbage.
Islamic State is powerless when Russia decides to help. Their fighters are incompetent, their leadership is incompetent and they would destroy themselves if they weren't backed by Israel.
Half the population dying in civil war is bullshit, unless the gov't decides to purge the civilians. 90% would hide or just remain passive. However, if they do that, everyone will be out to get them and become a hero, and Russia will step in to take over. The Jews see that too, how much of a mistake it would be.
The scale of damage is completely different among different things from the list: 1. and 2. are largely irrelevant compared to 7. (which is scifi bullshit anyway).
Fukushima: Chernobyl was bad, but we dealt with radiation. We'll deal with radiation this time, too - maybe with bigger cost, but we will.

It's like Alex Jonestein: present real threats along with bullshit and some random, yet less threatening things; if normies read the list, they will consider everything a joke. Poisoning the well.

Well aren't you full of it. Good job assuming that we assume the election is not rigged. We are really so fucking naive and absurd, and of course you are here to help us mad people out, aren't you?

Seriously though, I've seen this happen over and over. Some self-proclaimed media influencer "reaches out" for information, only to use it for backstabbing. It happened with Airplay for GG. And we don't need a manifesto. The fact this idea is brought up is concerning in itself. A compilation of conspiracies never works out in your favor, and everyone should already know this.

Sage, again, for obvious RP bullshit.

Your not that bright are you?

This is a thinly veiled "spoon feed" "dump" thread for anything and everything…

Christ… Some people really are fucking dumb.

dude, if you're serious


has a lot of good shit

Shine some light on how South-East Europe is so mercilessly beaten by kikes to the point of extinction. The overwhelming majority of "Syrian lefugees" is passing from countries like Greece and Italy.
Greece has also suffered many wrongdoings by kikes in the last century, also with the aid of Turks for the most part. I believe there's something to be taken in Greece, mainly a really huge reserve of natural resources that kikes do not want seized by a nationalist government (which is part of the reason why Golden Dawn is so much shit upon by the media).

Vid and link related are a small introduction to how Greece is portrayed as a target by (((Henry Kissinger))) himself.

Also don't forget to check out >>>/tdt/

It probably is but there is little harm from doing this once in the rare event that OP really isn't a faggot


That second image is fucking amazing.

>This will be major news in a few weeks

We need a maximum number of weeks so we know when call that OP didn't deliver.

here's a good one for you

subliminal messaging to the american public in the 1960s is a proven fact.
is it still going on?

Just quietly avoid jews, mormons and masons (who all worship lucifer) and hide your power level. Let the evil eat itself.

The Russian one?

Omidyar is funding Gawker' appeal against Hulk Hogan. Betcha it's about blackmail. Omidyar is very spoopy

Could be vk, but I dont think it matters at this point. OP should have just kept quiet and released this without posting here imo

We'll see what happens

Why would you post something like this here? You want Holla Forums to be ridden with more shills and redditors? You want us to suck your cock?
If you have a plan, just do it. Dont connect Holla Forums to it in any way. If you did a good job we will find you on our own

I dont think he's connecting his book to Holla Forums, but coming here definitely increased his chances of having an "accident" before the release of it.

Military family, just assumed we were due to security clearances

Why are you trying to figure it out?

What does it matter to you, Schlomo

Thanks user, I knew of this but never had a name for it. Kinda like with SJWs.

Exactly. Even if hr isnt fucking up us, he is potentially fucking up himself.
Unless he is doing this to make us feel more optimistic and tribal, which is good.

So all I have to do if I want to destroy Holla Forums is to do the opposite of this post, and get reddit and lefties to flood in in a massive invasion force?

Thanks for the advice, goy.

Nice try Mordecai, but you can't kill Holla Forums

It will always live on in the hearts of those who post here.

holy shit user, I admire people like you, very good job

also monitoring thread for the same reason as OP, you are not alone user

It goes without saying that OP is lying.

Now, how about some theories about OP's actual objective.

Obviously a desperate need for attention is most likely.

Then consider that someone like Sinead McCarthy has started this thread to mine Holla Forums-approved "red pills" for use in their own material.
Sort of like preemptive astroturfing.

I think it goes without saying that you read the OP, then proceeded to post without reading the other 332 posts.

project more.

That's the best you got?

Nigger I've been ITT since yesterday

I bet you have. You are behaving exactly like a Firestarter Media shill, probably triggered by the mention of Sinead McCarthy.

OP's story is false, anyone smart enough to understand why, won't need it spelled out to them.

So again, LeTs discuss what OP is real trying to achieve.

Funny, the only time I hear that name is on Holla Forums.

It's almost like the person who says her name is trying to generate attention for her in an abstract way.


And so, we shall wait.

The post I was responding to was a sage. I agree with you and do not find any issue with this, hence why my post was not a sage.
Thank you for the bump.
Have an awesome anti-feminazi pic.

Holla Forums is never what it seems.
Please see


It's a shill for the cunt it mentioned. Nothing more. Don't treat it like it's sentient.


Anyone have information on Neuschwabenland, Antarctica ?

Even if OP beez baitin an sheeit someone else could use this.

We need to spread the words of Adolf Hitler, Rosenberg and Himmler. What was actually said and done in National-Socialist Germany, we must break the information wall that has been put over it.

Uranium bomb was dropped on Hiroshima despite not being by the US, unlike the Trinity test, yet the US know it would work.

A makor secret of WWII, which the victorious Allies and Russia have concealed for reasons that should be obvious, is that National-Socialist Germany had the atom bomb first and it isn´t even the biggest secret….
Are you entirely sure about that, user?

Because I think you're full of shit.

One can also counter positive attention with negative.

Are you tied up with Blue Labs OP?

Capped for the event OP turns out to not be a fag.

Funny how Makow's still claiming that retarded Rosenthal "interview" is real in that article.

last bump of fresh air

Oh look, another 'We need to stop hitler and the super-secret fourth riech whitey overlords" thread. David Icke forums down or something?

This pleb world…

Fuck off and read, here's about 5500 PDFs I archived for your express
People wanting someone else to tell them what's real is a massive part of (((The Problem))),

OP, if you are legitimate, best of luck. However, you aren't going to be able to show people something they have been trained and programmed their entire lives not to see. You need to weave some causality upon this world, instead of throwing docs at it (Or at least get this info to people at particular echelons of society whom can).

Oh so you admit that consensus is an illusion… What was Holla Forums ever?

Containment Zone #99923041074777, meanwhile nobody is going into the mundane aggregate and doing anything because their magic is weak against jewish sorcery.

Same old story

OP, you should mention something about cases like James Holmes, and people being bred by the government to do haneous acts like these false flag school shootings.

Well? Is OP a faggot yet or what?


You mean it's comic book villainy? Know why that is? Because kikes created comic books.

1 out of 3 niggers is a felon.

Hence why they try to suppress the Protocols, even with death.


On the off chance this is real, do not tie the furthest right stuff to Donald Trump. If your information package is genuinely good enough to redpill people, they can make that leap on their own.

Not to be a PR fag Teflon Don could probably roll with the punches anyway if you did, but we don't need the headline to be "Neo-Nazi web announcement supports Trump for president". This would also cause people who don't care Trump to give it a miss, with the exception of those who hate Trump, who will quote mine your work and attribute it to Trump himself.

If the headline however, is "Neo-Nazi doctrine send to thousands of people via" it will generate interest. People who aren't even on the website you sent it to will look it up out of curiosity. The networks would be caught: Do they read it out on air and risk redpilling, mention it but leave all references vague (which could lead some people to seek it out due to curiosity) or not mention it at all, which could let it grow and be passed around covertly, costing them the ability to disseminate the info and remind goyim of the 6 gorillion.

TL;DR Leaving out Trump would make the document more 'mysterious', creating a curiosity gap for normies, and will prevent a PR headache for the God-Emperor. Putting Trump in will allow media pigeonhole it much easier and could potentially hurt his campaign.

Make that document interesting to read, not walls of text and statistics.

the mega collections is a fucking goldmine.
thanks user.



1) I have come to rescue my people, and to free our land from tyranny.

2) Voluntary education works better than violently enforced laws.

3) Economy laws are more efficiently enforced with voluntary education.

4) The Cold War has not ended, and has been psychologically abusing the people with technology.

5) There is a hidden secret agent war, so vast, that human trust has been destroyed and nobody can be sure who is or who isn't a secret agent.

6) Secret societies trick people into selling their free speech, only to regret it later. This is a tragedy.

7) We want complete freedom of speech. There should be no crime for speech alone.

8) Psychiatric hospitals torture innocent people and take away freedom of religion.

9) Spy technology secretly takes statistics on the people in order to brainwash easier.

10) The people are controlled by giving hypnotic suggestions on their technology devices.

11) The people are also controlled by overwhelming them with secret agents playing mind games.

12) At times, the entire might of a government will focus on one person at a time, until the entire nation is brainwashed.

13) Languages have been corrupted and used as a weapon to confuse the people.

14) The common folk have been trained to be unkind to eachother, alienating lonely people and creating monsters that commit atrocities.

15) Populations were grown specifically to provide legions of brainwashed common folk to bully intellectuals.

16) They are trying to turn all men gay.

17) They are trying to make all women slutty.

18) They are trying to eliminate the father from the family.

19) Heterosexual groups are demonized by false claims of homophobia, because their strength is feared.

20) This Cold War has destroyed all human trust in knowledge, so that we need a new school to re-learn everything.

21) We must compete with enemy propaganda for the minds of the common folk, else they might be used against us.

22) We must discourage passivity, because people are often conquered by targeting one group at a time. Therefore we must defend each other.

23) The election system is used not to serve democracy, but only to prevent riots by teasing the people with a false hope of progress.

24) Politicians must not be forced into fame to run for office, or else elections will become puppet shows.

25) Family is an alliance of patriarch and matriarch groups.

26) Family must be allowed to rule their own family without interpherence.

27) Families should remain free, so long as they don't take the freedom of others.

28) Child protective services are destroying the sacred independence of the family.

29) Abortion is an issue for each family to decide on their own.

30) Laws against cannabis give women power over men, and destroy the family.

31) Family nationality is determined by the home of the oldest ancester in your patriarch or matriarch group.

32) All land should be ruled by its native families.

33) North America must be gradually given back to native families.

34) There should be at least one road of free travel through each nation.

35) Any woman forced into prostitution is a great shame upon all men.

36) Young vulnerable girls are often tricked into thinking prostitution is fun.

37) If women are being abused anywhere, except within their own family, we must rescue them.

38) Society is manipulated to give youth power over their elders, because elders are too difficult to control.

39) New parents need freedom to be continously present in the lives of their young children.

40) Marriage must return to being a ritual to guarantee paternity.

41) A father should get custody of his son, while a mother should get custody of her daughter.

42) Technology disrupts the natural instincts of common folk.

43) Technology is disrupting the sex instincts of men, to give women power over them.

44) We desire treehouse cities instead of giant concrete cities.

45) We must reconnect with nature by holding large meetings on each solstice and equinox, and smaller meetings on the full moon.

46) Less technology means local communities will be self-sufficient and protected from fake financial crisises.

47) Technology destroys small town culture in favor of worldwide celebrities which steal the spotlight.

48) The courts are corrupt, favoring the rich.

49) Juries should have the power to convict, and also to forgive. Victims should have the power to forgive.

50) We do not torture.

51) Prison should serve only to prevent crime, and not to punish it.

52) Police have no principals on when not to get involved, always sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

53) Legions of people are pretending to be police by flashing fake badges and terrorizing the people.

54) Police and secret agents are too strong to challenge directly. Instead we should infiltrate and bring them down from the inside.

55) To protect our infiltrators, we must teach the people not to treat all police as the enemy.

56) Starving people must not be fed too much too quickly, or else they will die.

57) The common people have been starved of freedom, and we must gently transition them back to freedom.

58) When people become free for the first time, there will be a short period of poor behavior as they adjust to their new life.

59) A group of spiritual guides should be ready to help the common folk adjust back to freedom.

60) Food has been poisoned with chemical additives that humans have never eaten before.

61) We wish to guide the common folk to eat natural foods.

62) Biological diversity is being ended by enforced race mixing. They label diversity as racist, when really it is just the opposite.

63) There are enough resources so that everyone could be rich, but financial trickery keeps the people poor.

64) We want these resources released carefully, or else the common folk might destroy themselves and the environment.

65) A race war is being instigated in the common people to use as a cover for inevitable rebellion.

67) Their plan is to assassinate Donald Trump and Barack Obama in such a way as to create a race war.

67) Communism preaches better conditions for slaves, while we preach freedom to choose better conditions.

68) We must teach the people about false flag terrorism, so that they won't be deceived anymore.

69) The common folk are wrongly taught to ignore spiritual healing in favor of drugs and surgery.

70) Good will is diverted when corrupt charities steal donations. We should donate directly to the needy.

71) People have been taught to hurass celebrities, but we must care for all people.

72) They are planning a new Muslim halocaust modeled on the Jewish halocaust.

73) They are planning Barack Obama to lead the United Nations, while Michelle Obama becomes president of the United States, to use their popularity to form a global tyranny.

74) Nuclear bombs do not exist. They are an illusion of brainwashing, to control the people through fear.

75) The government of Texas is very suspicious. We must find out for sure if they are good or bad.

76) It is more satisfying to solve a difficult task than an easy one.

77) We desire a spiritual enlightenment to bring us all back to good health.

78) Caution the common folk to choose honest politicians instead of script reading puppets.

How much of a fucking lifeless autist do you have to be to come up with this bullshit?

Which is it?


One thing I know for sure: he's not "the creator of a major social networking platform".

And everyone should use sage to avoid bumping this stupid thread.

Better get that shit ready. You got less than one day left.

Back to your office Cuckerkike.

Data mining much?

No, I will bother guessing. These are the social networking sites still open to membership with at least 100 million registered users:
01. Google+
02. Facebook
03. Twitter
04. Qzone
05. Sina Weibo
06. Instagram
07. Habbo
08. VK
09. Tumblr
10. LinkedIn
11. Renren
12. Bebo
13. Tagged
I assume globalist outfits like Google and Facebook aren't it. I'm gonna guess it's…

That's still a thing?


I don't even know what half of those are.

And Google+ isn't actually a social network, it's just 100m YouTube accounts that were forcibly converted. No one uses that shit.

Now I know you're lying.
If you wanted some redpilled image macros to win an argument on Omegle or Twitter all you had to do was ask.

The Dominion of Humans
78 ideas to get us started on creating a new society:

Lets get a best of image set going… I'm on my phone, else is contribute


FBI data collection…

We gotta keep it alive for when it doesn't happen.

The Rothshilds are worth TRILLIONS upon trillions of dollars. No jewish family should EVER have this much leverage over the entire planet.

I feel I should say that OP should make sure that people know that hitler opposed Christianity, iirc as a whole

also include something about that idaho "pastor" who didn't die after an ex-marine headshot "him" 3 times in the skull

i think that all "aliens" are either the descendants of nephilim or things the likes of which can be found in hell, but i wont back that statement up, if you want to call it a theory go ahead

also Jesus Christ exists irl, but i dont expect you to type those words in there

Here, have With Open Gates

Either a
or kikes trying to see how much we know.

I pray OP isn't shitting us, It'll be a glorious day.

If they know that memes affect thought, they'll be more keen towards it's influence.

They're our tool, not the enemies. People are better off not knowing if it helps them.

you'd be surprised. a lot of idiots use it.

You have until exactly 6/26 to do this before you become and irredeemable faggot of the highest order, forever condemned by kek to die in a fire and get raped by a pack of niggers over and over.

Nevermind, you have until exactly 6/11 to drop the documents before kek condemns you.

Your nigger ass is either being too specific with the timeline or is rusing us.

Um, I did my version of Hitler's 25 points. But I made 78 points cuz I didn't want peope to think I hate Jews. Let me know what you think. I actually worked hard on this, boiling it down to bite sized pieces that even the common folk could understand.

1) I have come to rescue my people, and to free our land from tyranny.
2) Voluntary education works better than violently enforced laws.
3) Economy laws are more efficiently enforced with voluntary education.
4) The Cold War has not ended, and has been psychologically abusing the people with technology.
5) There is a hidden secret agent war, so vast, that human trust has been destroyed and nobody can be sure who is or who isn't a secret agent.
6) Secret societies trick people into selling their free speech, only to regret it later. This is a tragedy.
7) We want complete freedom of speech. There should be no crime for speech alone.
8) Psychiatric hospitals torture innocent people and take away freedom of religion.
9) Spy technology secretly takes statistics on the people in order to brainwash easier.
10) The people are controlled by giving hypnotic suggestions on their technology devices.
11) The people are also controlled by overwhelming them with secret agents playing mind games.
12) At times, the entire might of a government will focus on one person at a time, until the entire nation is brainwashed.
13) Languages have been corrupted and used as a weapon to confuse the people.
14) The common folk have been trained to be unkind to eachother, alienating lonely people and creating monsters that commit atrocities.
15) Populations were grown specifically to provide legions of brainwashed common folk to bully intellectuals.
16) They are trying to turn all men gay.
17) They are trying to make all women slutty.
18) They are trying to eliminate the father from the family.
19) Heterosexual groups are demonized by false claims of homophobia, because their strength is feared.
20) This Cold War has destroyed all human trust in knowledge, so that we need a new school to re-learn everything.
21) We must compete with enemy propaganda for the minds of the common folk, else they might be used against us.
22) We must discourage passivity, because people are often conquered by targeting one group at a time. Therefore we must defend each other.
23) Our current election system is not used to serve democracy, but only to prevent riots by teasing the people with a false hope of progress.
24) Politicians must not be forced into fame to run for office, or else elections will become puppet shows.
25) Family is an alliance of patriarch and matriarch groups.
26) Family must be allowed to rule their own family without interpherence.
27) Families should remain free, so long as they don't take the freedom of others.
28) Child protective services are destroying the sacred independence of the family.
29) Abortion is an issue for each family to decide on their own.
30) Laws against weed give women power over men, and destroy the family.
31) Family nationality is determined by the home of the oldest ancester in your patriarch or matriarch group.
32) All land should be ruled by its native families.
33) North America must be gradually given back to native families.
34) There should be at least one road of free travel through each land.
35) Any woman forced into prostitution is a great shame upon all men.
36) Young vulnerable girls are often tricked into thinking prostitution is fun.
37) If women are being abused anywhere, except within their own family, we must rescue them.
38) Society is manipulated to give youth power over their elders, because elders are too difficult to control.
39) New parents need freedom to be continously present in the lives of their young children.

40) Marriage must return to being a ritual to guarantee paternity.
41) A father should get custody of his son, while a mother should get custody of her daughter.
42) Technology disrupts the natural instincts of common folk.
43) Technology is disrupting the sex instincts of men, to give women power over them.
44) We desire treehouse cities instead of giant concrete cities.
45) We must reconnect with nature by holding large meetings on each solstice and equinox, and smaller meetings on the full moon.
46) Less technology means local communities will be self-sufficient and protected from fake financial crisises.
47) Technology destroys small town culture in favor of worldwide celebrities which steal the spotlight.
48) The courts are corrupt, favoring the rich.
49) Juries should have the power to convict, and also to forgive. Victims should have the power to forgive.
50) We do not torture.
51) Prison should serve only to prevent crime, and not to punish it.
52) Police have no principals on when not to get involved, always sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.
53) Legions of people are pretending to be police by flashing fake badges and terrorizing the people.
54) Police and secret agents are too strong to challenge directly. Instead we should infiltrate and bring them down from the inside.
55) To protect our infiltrators, we must teach the people not to treat all police as the enemy.
56) Starving people must not be fed too much too quickly, or else they will die.
57) The common people have been starved of freedom, and we must gently transition them back to freedom.
58) When people become free for the first time, there will be a short period of poor behavior as they adjust to their new life.
59) A group of spiritual guides should be ready to help the common folk adjust back to freedom.
60) Food has been poisoned with chemical additives that humans have never eaten before.
61) We wish to guide the common folk to eat natural foods.
62) Biological diversity is being ended by enforced race mixing. They label diversity as racist, when really it is just the opposite.
63) There are enough resources so that everyone could be rich, but financial trickery keeps the people poor.
64) We want these resources released carefully, or else the common folk might destroy themselves and the environment.
65) A race war is being instigated in the common people to use as a cover for inevitable rebellion.
67) Their plan is to assassinate Donald Trump and Barack Obama in such a way as to create a race war.
67) Communism preaches better conditions for slaves, while we preach freedom to choose better conditions.
68) We must teach the people about false flag terrorism, so that they won't be deceived anymore.
69) The common folk are wrongly taught to ignore spiritual healing in favor of drugs and surgery.
70) Good will is diverted when corrupt charities steal donations. We should donate directly to the needy.
71) People have been taught to hurass celebrities, but we must care for all people.
72) They are planning a new Muslim halocaust modeled on the Jewish halocaust.
73) They are planning Barack Obama to lead the United Nations, while Michelle Obama becomes president of the United States, to use their popularity to form a global tyranny.
74) Nuclear bombs do not exist. They are an illusion of brainwashing, to control the people through fear.
75) The government of Texas is very suspicious. We must find out for sure if they are good or bad.
76) It is more satisfying to solve a difficult task than an easy one.
77) We desire a spiritual enlightenment to bring us all back to good health.
78) Caution the common folk to choose honest politicians instead of script reading puppets.

whoops. sorry for the spam. i thought i was making a new post

OP is /x/-tier anyway. You really think this is gonna make a difference?



This is fucking autistic as shit and fedora-tipping paganism.
