I found a Dell mini and a couple of iPod touches. What kind of cool shit can I do with them?

I found a Dell mini and a couple of iPod touches. What kind of cool shit can I do with them?

Other urls found in this thread:


Return them to there owners.

Install Gentoo on the laptop.
Nothing much you can do with phones.

try to return them instead of being a nigger?

sell them
or put in a backdoor and then return them

Stick the mp3 players in your ass.
Use the laptop to bash yourself repeatedly in the skull.

Nice coordinates in your EXIF data, btw, dumbass.

I'd look for the owner, probably on Rue Andre-Brunet in Montreal. Maybe someone from the golf club?


tape the ipods around your dick and fuck till completion.


OP here. I didn't steal any of these. Found the iPods in the basement, after being abandoned by my mom for a few years. I found the dell mini at a flea market.

install gentoo on laptop

ditch iphones for being proprietary

Is there still no way to install Linux on an iPod touch? The models I found are from the iOS 6 era, are you sure someone hasn't cracked them by now?

Might as well install Gentoo though.

You mom abandoned you in the basement for years?

I was referring to the iPods being abandoned.

I was referring to the iPods being abandoned. I forgot to add the 'them' in my post. Sorry!



I'm not a nigger who steals shit m8

For all we know some rich ass twat threw them into the garbage and played with his/her new daddy bought iToy.
Melt em for gold, maybe use the Dell for a seedbox or something?

Do this
Then this


I think summer has arrived.

we are le anonemooze xDDD

The GPS lat/long was in the file.
Was there admin intervention?

As a matter of fact, I can prove there was admin intervention, because I have the original file.
Here's the original first, with slight modification because it says it still exists in the thread, you can see that the file you download from the site now is 1.8 MB, and I can post the modified file because it technically doesn't exist in the thread according to this shit software.

The question is, why someone who has access to the servers modify the file and then damage control days after it was posted? Do you have some sort of mental illness?

I wonder who you are. Would you be willing to tell us? And why you're intervening on boards in a shitty thread that rightfully got called out?

Jamal, return the devices.

Also, I have archived the thread.

Your autistic m8. So fucking what if he left the long and lats in the exif file.

Shove them up your dick and post videos

He's the actual nigger who wants to steal OP's shit

It's not the fact that lon/lat was in the EXIF now, it's the fact that an admin modified the post because of the fuckup.
Why are they intervening on our board? And then, presumably whoever did it, making all of those shitposts?
It was a garbage thread in the first place, OP should be bullied.
You can use computers... TO COMPUTE!

I have one of these laptops OP, how much did you manage to purchase this one for? If I recall they were $99 at retail back in the day.

I got that one for about twenty bucks. Too much if you ask me.

fill them with CP from TOR, plant them in the home of your worst enemy and make an anonymous tip to the FBI

Boil them.


You must be new, retarded, and a faggot judging by the quality of your post and that nigger dick in your mouth.

BO interferes with posts all the time.

SSH client for when you want to type at the couch

server for in house owncloud

Translator Note: Found means stole.

Not the BO, it was an admin, unless the BO asked the admin to modify it.

As a policy we don't edit posts (unless they were made by staff while being open about being staff). If we did, a "edited by" message would be visible, and editing attached images is actually impossible. We didn't do it.

Whoever did this has access to the server, or to some super secret feature even global volunteers can't see.

what was the location anyway? maybe the dipshit who made it was one of the admins, or IRC buddy.

why else would they care about a random user doxing themselves?

It probably was the BO because they are nice people and try not to have stupid ones like OP blown.

Probably codemonkey enters here, and so he saw the exif data and said "don't do that, dude" and deleted the data. As a thing nice owners would do.

Or maybe, and hang out with me here, it was the NSA because an agent had blown his cover.

An admin shouldn't fucking touch anything unless it's asked of him.
And especially not shitposting after the fact that he removed the EXIF data.
My bet is on Freddit Breddit from Reddit shitposting.

I think he doesn't have access to the servers any more. Officially, he's a "consultant" now. I could be wrong.

Are you a fucking schitzo? The admins aren't going to go out of their way to protect some tech jacking nigger. Its most likely that when you uploaded the image, the EXIF was stripped. Go take your fucking meds and get off my imageboard.

And even then, what the fuck are lon/lat coords going to do? I searched them up and I got this random place in Italy.

I posted the original image in the thread, modified with a green pepper.
You'll notice that the image you download from the site is now is 1.74 MiB versus the original 3.52 MiB. So not only was it stripped, but compressed again.

Unless they literally started running mozjpeg on images and stripping all EXIF data on all uploads, future and past, which they didn't as I was able to upload the original image with the original EXIF, it's not unintentional.

You're really reaching hard, friend. All it takes is a simple notification of why an admin felt he had a need to interfere with our board.

I don't see why you're so upset here, friend.
The exif doesn't matter, what matters is that an admin felt the need to interfere with the board.
I have, and posted the original image, so stop with the "schizo" bullshit.

The easiest way to verify that something changed is downloading the image, checking the file size, and comparing it to the file size as indicated in the post box.

And it's now 1.74MiB versus 3.52MiB. As I said.

Could have just deleted some data off the iPods.
