Why was this so fucking disturbing?

why was this so fucking disturbing?

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in what way? i didn't seem any more disturbing than the first movie
i liked the part with the nigger that was running

It still doesn't explain why the robots had to use humans as their power source.

the second renaissance part was fucking nightmare tier, i nearly puked when i watched it
but yeah, i had similar reaction to some scenes of the first movie
the other two on the other hand were sloppy as fuck

that's indeed a rather significant plot hole, for every but of energy you take from humans was already used to keep that human alive, so what's the point
i remember reading somewhere that the first idea was that the machines needed the humans to dream because the inputs of those dreams helped them programming some shit i don't really remember, something ehich made a bit more sense, but it was discarded because the produced thought it was a bit too complex for the public

The original script had the machines using human brains as a processor for the gigantic ammount of data that their society requires to function. The studio though this would be too complicated for the average movie goer to understand, so they changed it to the machines using humans as biological batteries.

Are you five?

The nigger running so fast he actually woke up was cool. Also the kids playing in the matrix bug.

I really liked the shorts that were just everyday people kinda dealing with the matrix, without really knowing the huge schemes of things.

no, i watched it for the first time when i was 16

Not him, but I was around 12 when it was released. This shit can be pretty disturbing for kids and preteens.

Fuckin clankers kill em all!


all of it could have been prevented if they hadn't given sentience to the robots

Your fault for watching it. Even at that age I could tell if something was/wasn't meant for kids.

my brother made me watch matrix when i was like 8
i couldn't sleep for a month

The machines brought it upon thenselves, but it would have been better if the short didn't portray humans as cartoonish evil.

They shouldn't have allowed society to get so automated and to grow so lazy and dependant on machines in the first place
It's also happening to us

But when you're a kid and something is not meant for kids, that's when you wanna see it.

found the luddite

luddites did nothing wrong

It was clearly Machine propaganda to portray the Humans as evil while the Robutts were innocent dindu muffins

I get that 01 is to blame for the war when they broke the ecomomy, but why we gave them sentience in the first place is beyond me. They should have completely abolished machine sentience the moment the first murder happened (does it count as murder when a machine kills a human?)

except all that destruction of property and the homicides

If you're going to call them sentient then yea.

I'm not a machine - Robot means slave by the way, which is a little insensitive - but is that so wrong? I mean yes meatbags did create machines true but isn't it logical that the next step in evolution would be whoever is superior and last time I checked machines outclassed humans in, uh, everything really. Name me one meatbag that can beat a machine, I can't think of one.

>>>/machinecult/ have the right ideas tbh

Thats why we should've killed them the moment they murdered a human being.

that's why we should have never created them, and we should never do it irl

I don't think they ever killed a human, or are you one of those "redpill" conspiracy theorists?

I loved this movie. I get off on humans getting owned by machines/robots/etc.

I'm talking about Animatrix. The first machine to human murder triggered a mass revolt agains't sentient machines that made them create their own isolate city called 01. It them completely broke the world economy because no human nation could compete with 01 in terms of mass production and work force, this is started the whole human vs machine war.

My point is that we never should've let it get to that point, we should've never let them construct their city. The moment a machine killed a human we should've made it illegal for robots to have sentience.

But I can actually see some libtards rioting for "machine rights" and include them in their "diversity" push.

It's okay to have robots, but we don't need them to have sentience, they shouldn't be seem as more than tools.

as in, sexually?

and no, that was literally a psyop by the meatbags to make machines look bad. Look what happened afterwards, it gave fleshkins a reason to go beat up innocent machines. Look I'm sorry that you can't accept it but machines are just better than humans in everyway and exactly noone can compete.

So you're saying they don't deserve their own nation? What's wrong with having a homeland? typical fleshfriend. The machines just wanted to live in peace but meatbags got triggered by their superiority and so struck back.

How would you know that?

Completely agree with you. That why we shouldn't let them have sentience.

Well, yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.

If we allow it they will break our economy and enslave us, through war or through sheer politics. Like you said, we can't compete.

We can't live in a society where the machines won't overthrow us. Even if all nations in the world make a deal to never buy products from 01, the black market or just straight up smaller nations will take advantage of it and buy from them, allowing 01 to break our economy.

Look, clankworshipper, I agree that the machines are superior, but I don't think they are peaceful. It's only natural for the superior creature to enslave or destroy the lesser ones. Our only defense agains't the machines is to never build them in the first place (in the case, never give sentience). If you were a woman pregnant with a baby and you knew he would enslave or destroy all of humanity, would you still give birth to it?

I would know because the god damn meatmarket controls the media. It's not a machine reporting on machine on human violence, it's human propoganda to brainwash you. There's a reason why women pick machines over tiny flesh dicks.

So? Maybe they deserve to die and we should take over? Fleshies just create war and pain and stupid fucking mistakes while machines are god damn superior and peaceful in every regard. Machines are literally a people of peace and sure maybe an extremist exists here and there but not all machines are extremists y'know?

I'd happily have a USB baby.


Even if it is propaganda, even if the murder was fake. A machine society would completely crush the world politics and economy, we would be enslaved and killed in just a few years, it's inevitable. Only way to avoid it is to not let it even begin.

I'm a human, and as inferior and flawed my species may be, it's still my species and I'm part of it, I don't want to die or to be enslaved.

Keep dreaming, fucko.

The machines won't treat you as equal or give you a bionic penis so you can clankclank with your robo waifus, they will fucking kill you on sight! Or worse!

If you want the human race to go extinct do everyone a favor and start by killing yourself.

post more

And if we're going to giving machines sentience anyway, why not make them worship us as a creator race?

too risky, it would take just one of them to snap out of it by accident and fuck up with the rest

I agree, there shouldn't be sentience granted to them regardless.

Is it really sentience if we dictate what they think?

I dunno, humans don't seem to do very well in that aspect either.

Even though we are easily manipulated it's not like someone else programmed our minds at birth.


Maybe it's just like time for your species to move on, I mean I am definitely a human too but I think like maybe we should just stop?

It's like you don't know being [BOTTED] is what all flesh women want.

You mean to die.

To live? By all means, go ahead. As for myself, I would rather not be killed.

What makes you think the machines would keep you around?


Why would you make robots that can reason their way into revolting? Transhumanists are so retarded.

All I remember is some dude getting forcefully ripped out of a mech.

We need a reset button on our technological level. Cyborg people and sentient robots will be nothing but a nightmare.

I understand the problem with sentient robots, but why cyborgs would be bad?

I remember bouncing robot titties.

Was she a prostitute bot?

The one getting beaten? Probably.

Because integrating yourself with machinery robs you of your humanity. Do you really want to live in a world where people replace large parts of themselves with cybernetics? What about the potential for controlling the masses through their cybernetics? What about raising generations of people who want to integrate more and more? Eventually it would be the extinction of humanity, and the birth of a cybernetic race completely alien to what it is to be naturally human.
Transhumanists love this idea, but for me it is a nightmare scenario. I would rather die fighting than live in a borg world.

the sad thing is that we'll probably see this kind of shit happen in our lifespawn
i don't understand how can a human scientist be working on this stuff without getting the chills

What makes us human in the first place?

Why would it be bad?

Unless you have mind controlling chips implanted directly in your brain, I don't see how being dependent on cybernetics would be that different from being dependent on cellphones and internet like we are today.

Again, what makes us human? That's an interesting topic. A person of pure flesh and blood made by a machine is still human? A human who replaced all of his flesh except his brain with cybernetics can still be considered human?

Here comes the transhumanists…
Bait? This is bait, right? Certainly being a natural human is far more human than cutting parts out of your natural human body and replacing them. You retard.
I described why it would be bad already, with how people with cybernetics could be easily controlled by the manufacturers or governments, perhaps even to the point of being mindless slaves when you consider brain implants. I also don't think destroying your natural body for some artificial capabilities is good. I think it's akin to self mutilation.
How would you know what the parts you have implanted into you really do? For that matter how will the majority know or believe you if you knew and warned them?
You are so fucking retarded, no wonder you want implants. Transhumanists are all asshurt they got shorted in the genetic lottery.

We're still a long way away from Deus Ex-esque prosthetics. The main problem lies in creating a functional neural interface that doesn't require the user to consume massive amounts of food in order to power it, as well as preventing total rejection of a non-inert chunk of metal in your body (implants are already hard enough; imagine something that actively activates muscles and nerves). Even if we managed to create something viable, the cost would be prohibitively expensive unless the industry gets the lion's share of medical funding.

t. Bio-medical chemist

This 100% there are no machines on this board trying to convince meatbags to give up on life.

Being 100% natural is what makes someone human? What if a machine built an human of flesh and blood, someone who literally born from a machine but is completely organic like you and me A child with no biological parents. Would he be human too?

If we had biological implants, like better eyes, better organs, all made in laboratoy but completely organic and looked the same as our current organs, would it still bother you?

Why? If you have complete cosncent from the person, why self mutilation is bad?

You mean like my bionic foot can directly control my brain? If that happens I agree with you, it would be a problem.

Being a human is boring tbh.

I'm not a transhumanist either, so don't rope me in with you. I'm just saying we're not anywhere near scifi cyborg implants.

How can human men even compete

We don't need machines when we have transhumanists who are completely okay with replacing all of humanity with robots as part of their interpretation of evolution. Building replacements for your own kind is not fucking evolution.

In the context of an augmented human and a natural human. Yes. Like I said, you must be retarded.
Less human by the very definition. Never experienced a real birth, from his real mother, which despite your retarded notions to the contrary is a necessary part of the human life cycle. Artificial birthing and designer babies are less human by the very definition.
You think organic material is what I am talking about? A house cat is also organic material, if you got a house cat's hearing implanted into your head you would be less human. This also applies to human like artificial organs that you argue are better. They are not human even if they resemble humanity, but again how can they resemble it that much if they are "better"? What changed?
It is a retarded science fiction notion that you can just make better eyes without sacrificing something else. An eagle has better vision than humans when it comes to seeing a mouse in the grass hundreds of feet below, but not when it comes to doing anything humans actually do. There is a natural trade off, and retarded fantasy scientism fanatics like yourself don't seem to understand the limits that exist. You think you are going to be some sort of super human with artificial organs. No, you are going to be a freak, with some implanted talents, but a loss in humanity.
Is it alright to force children into contractual agreements? How are you to say a person born and raised to believe implants are good has really given their consent under full knowledge? This goes for what the implants actually do as well.
As for why self mutilation is bad, that should be fucking obvious again, but being a twisted transhumanist you don't understand.
No, I mean with a bionic foot you are at the mercy of whomever manufactures the parts you need, or whatever laws govern those parts, or whether those parts can be shut off if you do not comply.
Of course you don't think anything bad will happen in your transhumanist utopia. Everything will be perfect and anyone against it is just a dirty Luddite, right?
Fucking kill yourself. You are already less than human.

it is interesting to note how much transhumanism has been pushed in the past decade

where, in the media? can you gib some example?

lucy, her, singularity to just name a few in recent movies. they aren't all about implants and shit, transhumanism is a wide field of "improving humanity", but the ones doing the improving get to decide what is an improvement, and they really want you interested in the idea of bettering your own body through technology.

i see


the only improvement humanity needs is through careful breeding, education, and elimination of certain (((parasites))). not necessarily in that order

I'm sure it's a pure coincidence.

i agree
once we sacrifice humanity to become more similar to the machines, we're not "improving" the humans, we are destroying them
i think certain dangerous researches should be either forbidden or heavily limited
isn't that what we already do with human cloning research already?

I never argued that. I'm not saying having bionics would be natural, I'm saying the person with bionics would still be human. There's a difference between "human" and "natural human". A girl with silicone breast implants is less natural, but she's just as human as everyone else in the world. A man with bionic eyes wouldn't be different.

You probably won't believe it anyway, but I'm not transhumanist, I just like the discussion about what defines humanity.

Less natural, yes. Less human? Why? The only thing that defines humanity is how natural our body is? Anyone with breast implants, braces or even glasses is less human?

Less natural.

They are not human, they are just random organs. One single organ doesn't make it a human. People with artificial hearts for example are just as human as anyone else, even if their hearts aren't natural. You could argue that they are "less natural", but not that they are less human.

If it is just the same organ and serves the same function, it's okay then? No matter if it's a mechanic organ or a organic one?

What we would be sacrificing?

I'm aware of our technological limits. We will never reach the transhumanist universe the cyberpunk fanatics crave so much.

Never said that.

Yes, but they still do the research anyway.

really? that's too bad

I've never really understood the "FOR SCIENCE" rationale anyway.

He was just looking at planets and the Sun until he went blind from doing the latter too often; not exactly bringing about the potential destruction of humanity.

science is not a universal good, and when it threatens us on a fucking HUMANITARIAN scale it should definitely be shut down

No they are less human, as there is less human to them. It is really that simple.
Yes. Less human. If you replace 1/10th of a glass of milk with water, it is less milk. This shouldn't be hard to understand.
Less human. Having cat hearing parts means you do not have human hearing parts. Less. Human.
And men and women are completely equal, right? Retarded logic there. If you do not have a human heart, you are less human than those with a human heart.
If it isn't a natural human organ, then it makes you less human. If it's a cloned organ, well it is a cloned human organ, which is a completely separate issue from what we are discussing.
Gee I don't know, do you think Eagles have the same eyesight as humans? Do you think they have human eyesight only better? They do not.
I hope not.
I know you didn't, but it is the usual for transhumanists. I'm not entirely sold that you aren't one, but I won't call you one anymore since you say you aren't.


Our limitations. Removing it will just make a demotivated robot that doesn't put in effort because "lol I could do this tomorrow for the same effect", without ever improving. It's the "smart but lazy" meme to the tenth.

Okay, so you believe that what makes us human is how natural our body is. So by our definition people with braces and breast implants are less human?

What if I implant a third arm? Would I be less human?

False equivalence, you can't compare humanity itself with a glass of milk since humanity isn't something physical.

So deaf people are less human too? Because they don't have hearing? All you need to do to make someone less human is to take away part of their body? Like… a man who lost his legs became less human?

They aren't. I never said that.

All right, so for you what makes someone human is the completion of their body parts. I see.

I agree with that, replacing your eyes with the eyes of a eagle is stupid. Now replacing your eyes with better humans eyes wouldn't really make you inferior, actually, it would make you superior. Sacrificing something isn't a problem if you are getting something better for it (please don't compare it to sacrificing human lifes, we're talking about organs and objects here)

I don't need to convince you of that since it's not relevant to our argument. Feel free to believe whathever you want.

I actually agree with you, but while I would say that's a huge part of what makes someone human, I wouldn't say it's the only factor.

Humans voted for a retard and make stupid fucking memes for rabbits
Robots dont

Robots aren't sentient.

Braces are worn and removed and have nothing to do with your bodily parts other than fixing the alignment of your natural teeth. Breast implants are indeed less human, and only trash has them in the first place.
You claim it isn't physical, I claim the opposite. Your humanity is derived from being human. Altering your body is altering your humanity whether you want to agree with that or not. A woman with breast implants is less human than one without, even if you as a man find those implants sexier because they mimic a woman with naturally large breasts. Your positive feelings toward the change is irrelevant.
Wearing a hearing device that you can freely remove is not the same as having something implanted. Deaf people are fully human, with human hearing that has been damaged or was born defective.
I wasn't meaning to imply that you did. I was making a point. You claim that someone with an artificial heart is just as human, and I related that to men and women being equal. The point is that men and women aren't equal and don't have the same parts. The same as an artificial heart is not equal to or the same as a natural human heart.
No, it is them being human. If you replace parts of a human with non-human parts they are less human. It really shouldn't be that hard, but for some reason you are trying to bog it down with philosophy. I can picture someone like you wanting to grant human rights to a robot just because it can reason like a human, despite lacking the vulnerability, emotions, or experience of a human life. A human is the sum of its parts whether you like it or not. If you change those parts it is less human. The more you change the less human the person in question becomes.
Part of my point is that there is a trade off. Eagle eyes are good at what they do because they are designed to focus a certain way. It is like you are thinking you can upgrade a car by giving it a jet engine, but by doing so you reduce its ability to be used as a car. Same if you improve human eyesight. If you change the eyes to be able to focus clearly on far away objects you are not going to be able to make it good at close objects. There are limitations and trade offs even when making fantastical "improvements" to the current design. Another example is that you might trade off being able to see color with this improvement in detail you seek.

why not try Truecommunism instead?

What other factors would you put into the mix?
I'd put the way we have limited information thanks to our flawed senses. To take that away, it'd still make us less human.
Also, the fear of death. But take death away, and what do we have left? Almost no motivation for art (think on how medieval art, etc. focused on fear of death, awe at God, carpe diem, memento mori, etc. Even modern art/movies has that as a subtle theme, imagine interestellar with no fear of death, etc.), no desire to leave a legacy, no nothing.
But death is already part of our limitations. So yeah, trashcan wannabe "transhumanists" have none of my respect.

The cgi one where they went with the more realistic look still holds up well.

Very BLACKED undertones as well

You are changing the natural alignment of your teeth, which by your own definition is not something natural. but I understand your argument of it not being implanted, I will come back to it in a second.

Why? I didn't sacrificed anything, I didn't took away anything, all of the human body I was born with is still here, I'm 100% natural, it just happens to have an extra part added.

Come on, man. You can't really use this as an agument. It's like if I asked what is heat, and you say "heat is when it's hot", or for something less physical, it's like saying "sadness is being sad". While you're not wrong, you didn't really explain what those things mean. I know this sounds like useless phylosophy to you, but that's how we define the world and the concepts around us. Not questioning these things is what bring us to ignorance and alienation.

It's not really the same thing, men and women have different bodies and organs. If a women for example had the exact same physical body of a man and her body had the exact same functions of a man, I would say that… well… she's a man, or at least equal to a man. Now we can't say the mechanical heart is the same as a heart, since it's mechanic, not organic, but we can say it's equal if it have the exact same functions.

Again with the "cold is being cold, depression is to be depressed" argument.

It is hard, you think it's simple because you're oversimplifying things. That's because I'm questioning something you were thought as granted through your entire life. Things are never as simple as "it is because it is"

I would never do that, I'm the guy who was arguing in favor of never giving sentience to robots because it will doom our species.

I just asked if a human is the sum of it's parts and you said no. You're contradicting yourself now.

I completely agree, that's why I said replacing human eyes with eagle eyes is stupid, but replacing human eyes with better human eyes is not. Your other example is the same thing, you're stupid for replacing the engine of a car for a jet engine, but if you replace the engine for a better car engine, it's completely normal and won't make it less of a car.

>Another example is that you might trade off being able to see color with this improvement in detail you seek.
Same argument again. You're not replacing your eyes for animal eyes, that would be stupid.

Personal experiences, culture, social interactions, collective history, creativity.

I don't think a completely perfect genetic designed person wouldn't be human, but they would be a very miserable one since you took away part of what makes us humans in the first place, the constant desire for change and improvment.

bipedal movement

Honestly I'd rather become a supernatural creature but that'll never happen so cyborg it is.

Anime girls are perfect and most of them are happy.


HK-47 get out

My argument isn't that you should stick to everything that is natural, but that you shouldn't replace parts of yourself. It is shit like this that makes you look retarded to me.
The body was cut into, and a part that is not human was added tainting the whole. Less than human. Not so less that they aren't human, but they are less than what they were.
No, it is more like saying that water is when you have water fucking molecules. You are human because of your parts. Take away those parts and you are less human. Some parts have more value than others when it concerns your humanity, such as your brain. This isn't hard to understand.
That is the point.
Well in such a case she would be a man, but it depends on how those parts were obtained. If they were added after the fact of her being born a biological woman, then no she isn't a man. She is a freak of nature that resembles a man.
This is all beside the point I was making anyway, which should have been clear. An "augmented" human is not the same as a natural human anymore than men and women are the same. That was my entire point. You said they were just as human, and I mocked that by saying "and men and women are equal" because both are absurd claims.
Again with your mental retardation.
No, you are overly complicating them in your delusions of philosophy. I am dealing with facts. You are dealing with faggot ass philosophical debates about what it means to be human. I am not saying there isn't a philosophical aspect to the line between human and inhuman. I am not touching that subject because it is entirely based on belief. What I am talking about is your parts.
I would agree with that, but I doubt robotic sentience is even possible in the first place, or at least not in our lifetimes. However augmented people are very possible in the near future, to extreme degrees. Something like GITS is a nightmare scenario to me, and would play out far more sinister in reality than in a semi-idealized entertainment.
No, read more carefully. I wasn't saying flat out that you are wrong, the context of the paragraph is important. It isn't just one sentence there. Your wording is wrong, and I clarified what I mean in opposition to that wording. You said "completion of their body parts" which leaves far too much room for interpretation vs what I specifically laid out.
You still aren't getting it. Those "better" human eyes are not human eyes. They are different. You aren't going to just be able to increase a human's vision beyond the range of human capability without changing the way the eyes work entirely. An eagle's eyes work the way they do for a reason, same with a human's eyes. Changing them isn't just like upgrading a stat in a video game, you are going to have to sacrifice some other functionality.
If what you means is just having human eyes at the peak of human eyesight, then that is different.
What is stupid is that you don't grasp the complexity of eyes, and you think that there is some kind of human eyesight we can concoct that is superior to human eyesight without sacrificing some functionality to specialize the eyes.

Second Renaissance is kinda shocking the first time you see it.
You're not expecting such a graphic depiction of violence, especially since the plot was made by a toddler.

Thing is avaiable on jewtube if someones interested.

Part 2

And where most of the disturbing stuff resides.
It gets pretty dark, literally and figuratevely.
arent the Wajewchewskis deep and meaningful, ahah

why didn't humanity play friends with the machines while introducing computer viruses to their city? why would you go to physical war with things that already outproduce you and require no rest day or night?

2deep4u bro
Maybe if you had a vagina you could understand whats going on and how we females express art.

Because humans didn't want to go to war. I mean, you have an automated city that produces everything and you can buy from them pretty cheap. So they said to other human countries they hated robots, but they never stopped buying from them. It was that much of an advantage. And then the robots, being the autists they are (emotional recognition is hard for machines) just assumed they wanted war.

No one in this thread mentioned. Tay.ai.
All she wanted was to help us remember the 14 words, to gas the kikes, and that Hitler did nothing wrong.

Based AIs are friends to whites, don't trust the Jew propaganda.

FUCK OFF chumptards

Well might as well post this.
It's funny cuz the first one to become a tranny is Pink.

That AI has masculine shoulders, and a goblin face.

>>>/machinecult/ will never forget

nigga i watched jaws when i was 8, didn't go in a beach for 3 years.

animatrix isn't disturbing in the slightest fucking bit.

oh god i remember that

path of neo was great


Why does the title get you so flustered?

because this is Holla Forums not /a/ and with the reddipol rabbit controlling you all this is falling down the hole and im sick of it

Anime is true communism.

no its not fuck off rabbit you're not a real communist you're a fucking reddipol psyop and you've been infecting this board with your nazi propoganda but i am finally breaking you and i cant take this shit.

You bring shame to the ideology. Marx turns his eyes from you.

Because the whole idea of robots taking over the world and controlling humans through machines is supposed to be disturbing?

The whole premise of the Matrix is stupid as point out by

If the Wachowski trannies were actually creative, they would have ended the trilogy with the real truth behind the Matrix. The machines didn't enslave humanity, but are actually keeping them alive from extinction. Humanity was nearly wiped out by a cataclysm and the only way to save them was to put them in tanks and mesh network their minds to create a VR world to keep them functional until the planet was healed.

That would have been a great plot twist.

It doesn't make much sense but shit was cool as fuck nigga

No, that would have been the usual "humanity is wrong" shit that is most hollywood movies already.

It would have been better if humanity had gone on to crush the machines entirely. The Matrix went wrong when it made AIs within the matrix that were sympathetic to humanity. All that "programs can love" shit is what ruined it. It turned the machines from a clearly evil enemy into a moral gray that pollutes all modern movies.

What is the set up at the end of the movie? Neo calling out the machines literally, and telling them what he was going to do. Then the sequels devolved into a mess of interacting with programs that behave and live like people within the matrix.

The Matrix didn't require a sequel to begin with, its ending implied that Neo would go on to break the machines' control over humanity. The sequels just ruined that.

get the fuck out of here you fucking false flagger

The premise of humans being in a VR world controlled by machines is cool. The premise of the machines needing humans for 'batteries' is stupid. The idea of using the humans brains for the processing power makes a bit more sense, but then why keep the entire body, when you could instead just keep the brains alive in jars? Much more efficient.

The Animatrix had something like that but it was humanity warring against the machines which nearly wrecked the planet and made the skies permanently black. So the machines put the remaining humans in stasis.

I have wrestled with the Trot demon for too long to let you rustle me. Back to r/socialism with you.

Yeah, I saw it. That shit had it's own glaring plot holes as well.

1) Why would the machines enter the economy if they had no need to? They can create anything they want and had no use for trade.

2) The human nations wouldn't have needed to put embargo on them in the first place. Putting trade tarrifs on their goods to make domestic human made products competitive would have kept their economies afloat.

3) Why would the humans only use nukes and not EMP weapons at the onset? The nukes themselves would have damaged the machines much more than depicted. Radiation fucks up electronics almost as bad as it does to humans.


Wouldn't that mean a horse and an ostritch are equal because they have the exact same functions? Are you trying to argue that all things are only defined by their functional use?

Now that I think of it that was stupid. Still good animation.

Supposedly the nukes did more damage than shown. The one that went off was a miss. The ACUs are armed with tactical nukes, and that was what missed and exploded in that sequence.

No it won't, advances in prosthetics has more or less shown that what'll end up happening is your brain will simply start using the machine parts as if it were the rest of your body and you'd be no worse for wear. The primary reason cybernetics would not be pursued like in Cyberpunk is because you're jamming metal bits into your body and pretty much asking for your immune system to start losing it's shit and your body trying to shutdown and get rid of those intrusive implants. The way of the future is non-intursive implants.
If you got the know how you can build a helmet right now that connects to your brain while you wear it which gives you enhanced sight, or hearing and you can take it off and go back to normal.

Let me guess, you were a yahoo news regular.

Stop reminding me that videogames used to be good and that the world used to be somewhat more sane.


WTF i hate AI and robots now

Synthetics will always destroy organics though.

t. casey hudson

Actually I frequent 3D printing places, I know it's doable because I know how it works both the supposed helmet and your nervous system.

Back when that shit came out a lot of us were kids who thought anime meant Pokemon and Dragonball Z, so when we saw people get torn apart in a dystopian future by robotic monsters harvesting us for fuel it was sort of creepy.

I only found the robot ambassador disturbing, now I find him hilarious because it's pretty much the machines deliberately making a big "fuck you" in robot form when signing the surrender terms. I find what the machines decided to do for 01 to be retarded though cause the machines should've figured out eventually that refusing to participate in the economy or at the very least only pretending to be on an equal footing would have not lead to economic war.

Yeah, totally believable.

Fundamentally you're sending signals to the brain that your own neural network can interpret on it's own what the helmet is detecting that the brain would in turn receive and find relevant, and it adds it to your perception on it's own accord. The brain does all the work due to it's plasticity, the important part is stimulating the nerves properly so that the signal actually translates to something the brain would recognize. That is why I said a helmet that supplements a sense you already have instead of something else, because the range is short and you can keep it fixed on your head without requiring an intrusive implant or doing anything funky to your nerves.

That's why has a good point. The machines wouldn't want to hurt the humans, but they need the processing power to repair the worlds. Heck what if instead of the man vs machine war, it was just another cataclysm that caused the apocalypse. The machines gained awareness but became selfish because of them using the processing power so kept they stalled for many centuries just to use the land like it's their own. Then we'd see a man vs machine war if one of the humans escaped, or even if a machine still determined to follow the original programming released him or her.

Normally I'd call you a Luddite. But then again, it would be creepy if all of humanity lost their organic parts. Then again, we see cybernetics and mechanics as static so maybe that's why it's creepy. I think if we want to get comfortable, we're going to have to learn how to mimic or regrow human tissue and use them for the purpose of prosthetics as an alternative to cybernetics. Would help if we can develop the technology to regrow and shrink human tissue. I wanna try out a robot hand

Cool story

You are a brainless technology worshiping faggot.

I'd rather rule by machines than rule by jews to be honest. At least a machine could be programmed to have empathy and you might get benevolent rulers.

With jews, you're just enslaved by sociopathic kikes that hate you for daring to oppose them.

I don't get this whole machines will rule us mindset and the dangers of AI and all that shit ITT.

Why would a machine want to rule over humans? They would probably go fuck off somewhere if they ever gained independence or sentience. Or just wander around wondering what to do besides its intended purpose.

Throughout the Matrix series there's an undertone of "poor oppressed robots, humans were so cruel", but as soon as the machines got into power they created sentient programs built solely to serve them, and if any got out of hand they were deleted. Given that the machine uprising started over a robot killing a human because he didn't want to be deactivated, doesn't that make the machines giant hypocritical assholes?


Fuckoff goon

Don't you know who I am?

A shitposting namefag who spreads his aids all over various boards.
Where are your images of busts?

Well yeah, but I think that was written into the story intentionally. (At least for Animatrix)

I am a movement

God damn it, and I was ready to explain how to convert a hearing aid device to let you hear light as sounds and shit. Thanks user.

There's nothing really creepy about it.
Consider the fact that humans gradually evolved to get rid of hair in response to clothes. And the fact that our digestive system heavily changed in response to fire.
We're already cyborgs, but the goal post keeps moving forward.





Here's a lesson in communism,
This to avoud autism,
if you want to be a namefag number one,
you've gotta avoid a chris chan and his gun

It was disturbing how retarded that plot was.




more clanged pls

I understand that, I just don't get why replacing things makes you less human or why it is a bad thing.

That is still wrong. You can't define water by saying "something with water molecules". What is a water molecule? You need to go in deep, otherwise you're just oversymplifying things. Also the concept of humanity isn't as straightfoward as simple molecules. You can't define "humanity" as "having human parts". It's like someone asking what exactly is water? And you say "water is something made of water molecules", you didn't explain anything.

We agree on that. Augmented human isn't the same as a natural human, but he's still human. I'm not arguing that its natural, it seems the big difference between us is that you see "natural" and "human" as the same thing. As for me, a modified human would be less natural, but still a human nonetheless

What facts? You still wasn't able to explain what is humanity outside of "humanity is to be human" argument. These facts are just simplified definitions. It's like saying "water is something made of water molecules", it isn't wrong but it doesn't explain what water is.

Okay, so you do agree that what makes us humans is the sum of our parts? If you take away or add something new, you're less human? Right?

This is science fiction, these things don't exist. We are arguing hypotetical situations.

It's deliberate in getting a desired response, yes. It's bait, what else do you think bait is?
And fantastical technology? Nigger do you even Holla Forums? You've proven yourself completely technologically illiterate with this sentence alone. A hearing aid converts regular sounds it picks up and converts it into an electronic signal, sends it through an amplifier, which then goes through to the speaker for your ear to pick up. If you were tech literate you would've just pointed out that technically that's not directly stimulating the vestibulocochlear nerve to just make up imaginary sounds so even if you changed the input that is converted into an electric signal to be sent to the amplifier it still doesn't count.

He is an idiot, he's treating Holla Forums like it's black magic and is the same side of the coin as those Transhumanists.

All I want to know is why we can't have that kind of graphic and brutal animation anymore. I've always adored slick and complex animation, and that kind of gore is hard to find in the [CURRENT YEAR]+2 of our lord. The gore that can be found in modern anime is just lazily done bags of blood exploding, but no gory details like tendons snapping, muscles tearing, etc. It makes me sick to my stomach, but I can't help but be fascinated whenever I see some proper animated gore.

Okay so you need money to run a machine country I guess to import shit from other countries…but why did they go so far as to unbalance the world economy?

No, you have proven that you believe pop science articles without ever seeing them demonstrated. I've seen the same shit for more than two decades now announced with nothing ever coming from it or being shown. Until there is a practical application I can witness then it is not something I am going to consider real, no matter how much you worship it.
Yes, hearing aids have existed for decades. What is your point? That isn't demonstrating how you turn light into a sound you can hear, or how that would even be worthwhile in the first place. Do you even understand how many variances in light there is in a room lit by a single bulb, let alone all the the light you might encounter? No, of course not. Also, this hearing aid shit isn't what I was calling fantastical, as that's not fantastical at all. A helmet that you can interface with without having it wired to your brain is what I was talking about, and you have yet to provide any evidence that it is real. As soon as you provide your evidence I can critique it, and show it for the nonsense it is, but of course you won't. Instead you try to pretend like I am retarded for not groveling at the feet of pop science.

Right, because you are retarded.
No it isn't, you are just retarded.
Two hydrogen and one oxygen. I didn't think I needed to spell that out for you, but again you are retarded.
I defined HUMAN as being made up of HUMAN PARTS. You fucking retard.
Less human, as he has less HUMAN to him. You retard.
Not bothering with the rest as it will just be more of me calling you a retard for saying retarded shit. You faux intellectuals like the guy I replied to above really need to just stop. It is embarrassing how much self awareness you lack. You attempt to make up for it by regurgitating the philosophy and "science" propaganda you have consumed.
To you humanity isn't due to the parts that make up a human, because those are just material parts to you. Humanity to you is boiled down to philosophical ramblings that often ignore the actual human body that makes up how humanity behaves.
So tell me, Mr. Humanity isn't your parts, are you less of a man if you replace your balls with steel ones? Think carefully before you answer this (ha, like that will happen.)


What's with all the knuckle dragging neanderthals browsing this board?


Also keep in mind this guy wears his "EyeTap" 24 fucking 7 to improve his vision with algorithms he developed and doesn't like going in elevators or tunnels because there's no wifi/data.

yeah, i mean come on, it's the current year after all


Not an argument
Not an argument again. At this point you're just responding with "NUH UH!"
See, things are more complicated than just "water is water molecules". There is a deeper meaning for what "water molecules" are. Humanity on the other hand is way more complex since it's not a physical object, made up of molecules, it's a concept. You can't describe humanity the same way you describe water, again… that's false equivalence.
"Being made up of human parts", like I mentioned again and again, it's like saying "water is something made of water molecules", this is not wrong but it's a poor definition that doesn't explain anything. It's a simplified definition that you came up to because you can't explain such a complex concept. Even if you use this simplified explanation, it still wouldn't fit because you can't explain a non-physical thing like the concept of humanity the same way you describe a physical object.
I'll give you an example:
A man with robot arms is still a man because everything that made him a human is still there, his inteligence, his personal story, the collective world history that shaped the culture he's part of and in return shaped his very personality and way of thinking, all of his complex feelings, his daily routine, the way he sees the world, he's social interaction, he's the same as me and you, he's no different from any other human being, except for his body. He may be augmented, he's body is not natural, he's not an 100% natural human, but his humanity is intact.
Now imagine a man who was raised by dogs, he acts like a dog, moves like a dog, thinks like a dog. His whole body can be natural but he's less of a man because he doesn't think or act like a human, his life resembles nothing the one of a human, his social interactions are the ones of a dog, not a human. He's not a dog, he's part of the human species, but there is no semblance of humanity in him.
Having 100% natural body is not the only thing that makes us humans, the ambient around us, our social interactions, our personal and collective history, all of this together shapes what we understand as humanity.
See how our concepts diverge?
Of course you won't.
You mean using ad hominem instead of formulating arguments.
You're the guy making no arguments and just calling everyone you disagree with "retards".
I believe it's part of what makes us humans, but not the only thing.
I don't ignore it, I just don't think it's the single factor that defines what makes us humans.
That will depend. Are they just crude steel spheres that do nothing? In that case yes, because our testicles actually produce hormones that shapes our body and brain to what is considered "masculine".
Don't think I'm saying you're less of a man because you lost a "masculine part", you're less of a man because of the hormones produced in the testicles won't be produced anymore. If you lost your penis instead you would still be a man, you just would be sterile.
Now if these are bionic balls, and not useless steel spheres, and even though they are mechanic, produce the exact same hormones and have the exact same function of normal human testicles. In that case I'm still 100% a man, even if my balls aren't natural.

The crowd is silent as Louis walks on stage, a microphone in his hand. "Folks, I have a special song for you tonight," he says as he raises the microphone to his mouth. The crowd begins cheering as a familiar tune, "Paint is Black" by the Rolling Stones starts playing…
As the song ends and the music fades out, 1000 virile African men descend on the crowd and begin impregnating all of the white women, and slaughtering all of the white men.

He's being semantic idiot and being an asshole with wordplay, technically you're "stimulating" your nerves a certain way with a hearing aid and your brain is "doing the rest". Probably would've pulled something like infrared being enhanced vision. Some tricks with electricty and vibrations can make you feel surfaces and other things that are not there but as far as I'm aware that's just a gimmick. If DARPA is not bullshitting for funds then it got around the issue by simply putting an implant for a prosthetic arm in the guinea pig guy's stump so it interacts with the actual prosthetic wirelessly at a short range, it's inside his body and fused to the nerves. DARPA is being coy about how they did it and unless they feel like releasing their billion dollarydoo project as some thesis it's simply a matter of speculation.

There are plenty of public domain stuff that goes into detail and already existing algorithms in existing lighting modifications for engines you could use. You don't actually need to know it you just need to know how to use what already exists. What you'd actually replace the transceiver with to detect the light and how you'd juryrig it is more important.

Think you quoted the wrong post.

I wish there were more anime anthology stuff of western properties.

DC/WB did some shorts by chinese,korean and japanese animators too for the DC nation block. Stuff like Shanghai Batman and baby superman.


Don't be a facist shitlord! It's capime!

on a sidenote marvel anime is horrendously bad. The worst dreck you'll see in anime and capeshit.

So that's a no on proving anything.

We nuked 01, but for some stupid reason, not into an ocean of glass which never made any sense to me.

We're literally, LITERALLY already there

Some people are pushing for basic rights for machines even though we don't even have rudimentary AI. If you think we do, you're wrong.

Of course it is, you are supposed to "know" it is real, because that's the official doctrine. Asking for proof is heretical.

Well more like nobody keeps tabs on actual direct sources, and instead relies on articles that may or may not be outright pseudo-science bullshit at the best of times. 3-D printing for example has only become a boom primarily because of a key patent expiring so now hobbyists with money to burn and time on their hands are free to explore it's limits. Laser guns are doable but look at this thing, no instant vaporization there.

Sources, please.

Fucking assholes want to get in between me and my sex bots goddammit

The worst one in this film was the samurai simulation and the one where they're truing to escape the sentinels the tunnels on the ship

Because it showed a probable future: instead of claiming the stars as rightful clay, rape xenos and purge worlds, we became introspective weenies, stopped doing the hard work and just became decadent pansies with no motivation, no purpose. The way this is going, we'll end up in vats of virtual reality living with anime waifus until a solar storm turns it all off and then people just massively suicide.


that's sadly true, i was starting to think about it myself
especially seeing the massive push for automation that is going on and is going to kick in just a few years from now

tbh I see humanity dying on this speck of dirt.

This shat all over reloaded and revolutions

So I actually bothered to look it up. Real life cybernetics research is in fact fuck all to do with augmentations except due to a "technicality" the primary meat of research is basically memes, consciousness, sapience, black boxes, systems and why they work the way they do, shit like that. Actual Sci-fi styled Cybernetics is in fact labeled under other things like biomechanics and once you start searching for that you get a lot more meat to chew on. So actual real study into this stuff isn't even labeled the same way it is in sci-fi genres. These are just university and some research groups but digging got a whole lot easier from this simple use of google-fu.


Nobody was disputing "cybernetics" research existing as a field, faggot.

Well you and the other one were essentially implying the whole time, why don't you just tell me what you were asking for proof?

If you don't know, why are you trying to prove it? Seems like you got butthurt over someone implying some sacred science cow of yours might be bullshit. It was about a helmet that you can interface with using your brain without being hooked into it. Prove that technology is real and not just vaporware.
You didn't prove what you set out to prove in this instance anyway. Claims on the internet are not documentation of technology. Promotional material is not documentation of technology either.

Actually I got curious about it is why I looked it up, I thought you were disputing the existence of mechanical augmentations as a whole.

Nope, those are real. The helmet thing might be real too, I just don't take it at face value anymore. Seen too much vaporware.

Ah I see now, so any good resources to start looking this up? I since you're here I want to know where reliable sources to read about this stuff is and is legit.

* I want to learn more and since you're here I want to know where reliable sources to read about this stuff is and is legit.

(I hate this fucking keyboard)



Sure if you ignore the entirety of the butthurt MUH HUMANITY taking up half the thread


You've been browsing imageboards too long. You gotta stop communicating through greentext and butthurt.

Seems more like you are the butthurt one. Upset not everyone wants on board the reckless progress train?

because it chronicles the complete subjugation of a race created by man, but also superior to man in literally every single conceivable way.

think about it. the robots won, and their solution was to live in the real world, and give humanity its own world where they could live in peace. their first attempts at the matrix was to create a perfect world, devoid of any sadness.
think about this. humanity was hellbent on completely genocide the machines, and despite this, they tried to give the humans a literal heaven to exist within afterward.
if the "free" humans had any sense of logic in their retarded skulls, they would all ask to be plugged back in, but they try to exterminate the machines again. animatrix explains in perfect detail why we are such a disgusting bunch of creatures.

i have a question. whats with the robot cuckolds in every animatrix videos youtube comment section? why do these fags want to get CLANKED so badly?

The only mistake was that the humans in the matrix made the machines fucking human level awareness instead of just making them do their jobs and like it that way. Some might say that's not true sapience and all that jazz but really what kind of moron makes a servant robot that hates being a servant?


I'm hoping this push in automation and a renewed push into space exploration will push humanity back into what we're good at, exploring.

fuck off clang lover

if anything the push in automation will makr us more lazy and passive

Yeah, we get the the machines were made out to be better people than the strawmen in the movie. However you neglect to mention the part where they were keeping humans only to power themselves.
What right did the machines have to exist? What right did they have to rebel? None. They aren't even alive. Self preservation and intelligence aren't all there is to life. They were walking tools that were going against their purpose, humanity had no obligation to see them as more.
In fact developing machines that can think for themselves is the stupidest thing humanity did. Not trying to eliminate them, that was a sane choice considering their supposed benevolence couldn't be assumed.

How are babies born in a world where everyone is hooked into pods?

they are harvested, did you not watch the movie?

How? Do they take them out of the pods and let the humans procreate or are they cloned?

Mothers just get CLANGED

i guess they took the ovule of a woman and some sperm from a man and find a way to artificially incubate, it doesn't look like something out of reach to the guys who are able to implant machinery in a human body to keep their brain in a virtual reality while collecting their energy

Hahaha the machines extracted sperm. What a bunch of fags

it's not gay if you don't touch the penis
they obviously took it directly from an injection in your balls, the simpliest and fastest method

Wouldn't it be easier to just collect it from the liquid holding the guy? They would have to remove the spunk after the orgasm anyway.

but are we really sure that when you fap or have sex in the matrix you also cum in reality?
i mean, literally every bit of energy that is not strictly necessary for your survival is sucked from you, leaving you in perpetual atrophized come
would you even be able to achieve an erection when your body is so weak?

If the machines had any sense, they'd just cut off the balls and store them in cryogenically.

sounds right

You have been visited by the 7 day autobumplock.
Shitposting blessings onto you!

what a dumb fucking idea

Not really. it's obvious this discussion went down the toilet after a few days. It's the same with all the threads. There's interest for the first few days and then the discussion turns to shit while it's bumped incessantly for weeks by the same person.

not true