Incompetent SJW writers at Marvel Comics accidentally dropped major redpills

No, this isn't an edit. This is the actual page for Marvel's new Captain America comic.
How can we use this to our advantage?

Other urls found in this thread:

Heil Hydra

the (((Bankers)))

They didn't fuck up at all; that's exactly what they want.

The writer

brb joining Hydra

Red Skull is now Red Pill.

The next page is some serious bait-and-switch kikery.

"Yes goy, white men can be suicide bombers too."

Have you ever heard
People often end up relating to villains and their motivations very often. This is good

but even the most fuckwitted berniefag has to think this sounds pretty reasonable.

in order for a nation to decide what it wants to be it has to have borders in the first place. even the most cucked progressive society, like Sweden, is going to be a liberal's nightmare in the next 40-50 years b/c of the sandnigger invasion. not to mention none of the socialism shit works unless you have borders, a homogeneous population of hard working, principled people

Is red skull the hero? You obviously have no idea how these people use their propaganda.
Or maybe you're just in marvels marketing division.

All the enemies in comics now are white nationalists or analogous to them.

The current liberal worldview makes for some really boring plotlines.

That doesn't really work anymore, though. After all, everyone started liking Doom because he was a villain saying and doing sensible things. So you're right. She's trying to eliminate this viewpoint using the villain, yes, but that tends to backfire anymore.

That doesn't fit our narratvie or our truth at all.
That's not how nationalists work, you know what I suggest?

We memory-hole that second page and meme the one OP posted.
We have that power now.

You're not kidding anyone.

No one is saying the writer did it on purpose. He's saying the SJW failed so hard they made Red Skull sympathetic with their strawman attempt.

Reed Richards kept becoming more and more of a total cunt over the years, that had a part in it

ah i see.

the perfectly reasonable and just first page becomes undermined when associated with the 2nd.
pure propaganda. disgusting.

we should definitely spam the 1st page though. it's fine by itself.

I'm actually impressed by the writer's knowledge of the opposing viewpoint. Most lefties don't know squat about their opponents just that they're shitlords

No one is supporting marvel, but we can create our own context now, just for the one pic OP posted.

The villains always end up being the only characters with any depth or even rational motivations. The heroes never really have any motivation for doing what they do.

photoshop the no skin man to captain america and spread it on all social media sites

Red Skull's a villain.

Depends on the context, Adolf Hitler is also a villain in popular culture.

The first image in the OP is correct. But then when you combine that with this second image it makes that movement suddenly look awful.
Therefore the correct message we try to get across gets misinterpreted. All by design.

This user is correct. Meme the OP image

Great idea here too

Yeah, this is clear Communist propaganda.

Is there any particular reason for why a convict mass murderer is walking around the public and using corporate airplanes without anyone caring?

We could edit the second one to replace the whites to muslims.

He's probably a allegory to Trump.

Too bad they now made doom a progressive mouthpiece who likes muslims.


It's that islamo-fascism goyim.

Well sure. This is propaganda. They're trying to disassociate suicide bombs with Islam, even though they're pretty much exclusively used by them.

Is there any muslim villains we could shop in place of Red Skull?

Definitely. I can't into photoshop, but this would be very good propaganda if we did

Goy, why would a Muslim be a villain? Are you some kind of Islamaphobe?

Is this day and age? Fat chance.

Supervillains? No. However in the Punisher comics the US Government had Muslims hijack a Russian plane and try to crash it into Moscow.



And one of the major cultural traits of our present age is people more and more frequently rooting for the villains.

But isn't he supposed to be an eastern european, those fuckers hate mudslimes.


Not even in the past? Marvel had a lot of Soviet villains.

The Ten Rings in the movies clearly represent muslin extremists. Too bad they are more like chinese traditionalists in the comis.

Wew the memes are ancient



has he ever been bluepill?
I remember one pic where he was talking about America's decline.




Comics have always been a way to brainwash the youth in leftist ideology.

That's the trick. You have to give this view to the villain, because it's wrongthink. Otherwise you'll never get published. The trick is that you explain it so well, and make such a convincing argument, that people will latch on to it regardless of who is saying it.

good fucking god this is so disgustingly pathetic.

as though you can't agree with the speech without turning into a laughable, cartoonistic, propagandistic stereotype

these people are utterly out of their minds, aren't they?

someone should make a comic of this quality except make it explicitly about a loose collective of evil leftists trying to destroy society from the inside out

would be pretty cool, plus it's actually a perfect reflection of reality so it's even more horrifying

Remember in the "X-Men" movie when the character Iceman "came out" to his family as a mutant?

The movie was directed by homosexual Bryan Singer.

When your enemy is common sense, you have to write your villains as having that trait.

SJWs are fucked.

the outcasts who identify with villains will align with the idea then. If the stereotype is true that comic readers are outcasts then it's good.

The entire trilogy was about faggot acceptance. It was the most transparent bullshit ever.

Now that is a true villain


Conquer the thirsty betas!
Hail Hydrate!

Not if they're relating SUICIDE BOMBING to the villain.

That's always been the point of XMen. To push all kinds of liberal shit.


Took me by surprise.

I feel like this already foreshadows the eventual shift from terrorists being identified with nationalists even though that would never be the fucking case…

God people are fucking retarded if they buy into this shit.

Iceman is gay now in the comics too overcompensating with toxic masculinity to hide it.

I hope the progressive cult gets to the point where they're strapping bombs on their own chests in real life before their idea of xXxNeoNazeesxXx do. Just to prove that all of this was projection.


It's 2016, shitlord.
Comics are a trendy and diverse part of modern culture.

The reason is that capeshit has always had piss poor writing.

Notice the similarities?

But yeah, white people don't suicide bomb. The IRA didn't, so far as I recall. There's that video of the guy crashing the wedding with a pistol and some hand grenades, but it never occurred to him to strap a bomb to himself and blow himself up.

It's things like this is in leftist propaganda that always gives me a good chuckle. How many were killed by white supremacists in the last decade in America? Less than 100 in a country of 320,000,000?

>The data also reveal a surprising aspect of white supremacist violence. If one takes the 215 killings related to white supremacy and analyzes them for the role that white supremacist ideology may have played in the killings, a surprising fact emerges. Of the 215 murders, only 63 were deaths in which white supremacist ideology played a primary or secondary role. The other 152 killings (71% of the total) were committed for non-ideological reasons.

63. You'd think it was in the thousands every year the way they portray it.



From 1911-1914

1, suspicion of murder; 1, alleged murder; 5, arson; 5,

I wonder if this could be memed into happening…


Hail Hydra.

They keep goofing. They have no idea how to properly make wrong-think toxic and problematic.

Don't you love when the strawmen actually makes sense?

That's racist.

Yeah, he's a hardcore Hillary supporter who regularly flips out on Bernouts. It's really a shame because he can write some good stuff (Superior Foes of Spider-Man and his current book at Image, The Fix, are both really great if you like Guy Ritchie-esque crime-comedy stuff) but when he's bad he's among the worst writers in comics.

The sad part is he's not even the most annoyingly progressive dickhead working or having recently worked for Marvel. There's G. Willow Wilson (the white muslim convert who got pissed with the CEO donated to Trump's veteran's chrity), Al Ewing (Bong who loves him some black characters), Jason Aaron (male-feminist who writes Whor), Marguerite Bennett (insane fat lady who recently wrote that garbage Angela book), Brian (((Bendis))) (kike, loves Luke Cage because he wants to be a nigger himself) and Ales Kot off the top of my head.

Kot is a special case that I should mention all on his own. He's a far left pretentious hipster who has tried multiple times to stir up social justice lynch mobs to get other creators fired for engaging in Wrongthink. This includes Mitch Gerads who was drawing Punisher because he designed something for some Chris Kyle-related charity (Kyle and his squad were big Punisher fans) and Kot flipped out because CHRIS KYLE WAS A RACIST RIGHT-WING BABY KILLER HOW DARE YOU SUPPORT HIM IN ANY WAY YOU FASCIST. He most recently tried to get Nathan Edmondson fired from Marvel because he was pissed Edmondson got picked to write Red Wolf (about an injun from the 1800s transported to the modern day) and Kot fucking HATES Edmondson for the crime of being a conservative (one of the few open conservatives working in the lefty hell hole of modern comics). Called him a homophobe and a "serial abuser" (i.e. implying he sexually harasses women) with no proof and when people called him out on it he slunk away. He hasn't had a book at Marvel since thankfully.

I'm sure you'll be surprised to learn that Kot is a low-test numale while Edmondson's a handsome aryan alpha.

Hydra Did Nothing Wrong


Odd. Never seen hydra using suicide bombers.

But then never seen nationalists using them either.

Hitler may not have done anything wrong, but Red Skull is a megalomaniacal globalist.

Hydra is kinda nazism on steroids, Hitler himself considered then to be extremists.

I've read about that tactic for spreading lies: start with truths so they believe you and when you get their attention you give them a white suicide bomber.

I think there's a passage out there where Red Skull says he disliked the Nazi party because they weren't sadistic enough or something like that

I miss the days when Marvel villains were commies…


Not dubs

I know who I'm listening to!

yeah this is the kind of shit they've tried to bury Trump with and look where it got them. it doesn't work anymore.

>white man's idea of fighting back is to become comically evil suicide bombing nahzee bastids
top kek, they're really gasping at straws

It's kinda ironic that Captain America was pretty much american anti-nazism propaganda, but they still felt like it was too extreme to make the nazis full villains.

Edit the second one, love

In a lot of modern media I keep rooting for villains for this reason.

Immortan Joe
Now Hydra

That looks like Carl the Cuck talking to his redpilled dad.


We don't know until we try. The esoteric powers rest with us right now, if we want to make marxism a suicide cult we could.

>>>Holla Forums592412

In the captain America movie where he destroys the hydra super carriers I was mad because I thought they were a good idea and captain America destroyed ridiculously expensive marvels of engineering and crashed them on a city. Everybody argued with me how they were ebil nazi omnicidal blah blah but I agreed with the computer nazi guy's ideas


I really feel like we can meme this in our favor.

I like Bane because he's just a lot fun.

to be fair villains end up stealing the show a lot of the time since they tend to get better characterization nowadays (due to 1d moustache twirlers falling out of favor). protags, in contrast, remain the same generic goody faggots or they might be anti-heroes but with a hidden moral compass/heart of gold to keep audiences sympathetic. it's just authors don't notice that by characterizing villains and giving them more freedom of thought than the protags they're making the villains more human and relatable.

Red Skull doesn't even name the Jew

Must be one of those alt right sissies

Jason Aaron also scripted a book called 'Southern Bastards' that started pretty well. It was about an older guy in his 50's returning to the hometown he hates to wrap up his dead father's estate.

He gets caught up inexorably by a web of old associations and bad memories and pulled into the dark heart of the Deep South, where football, violence, moonshining and cockfighting surge together in an irresistible maelstrom.

Then just as its getting really good- possibly even great- the main character is murdered in a fight at a BBQ restaurant and the protagonist becomes his half-black daughter who's returned from frontline service in the Middle East.

So she has no connection with the town other than her father lived there for a few years, and she is going to go to a town full of racist rednecks and clean up. Totally unnecessary switch of protagonist done purely for progressive points. Disgusting.

the only comic books that's ever came close to being red pilled are judge dredd and the punisher

i would know, I grew up blue pilled and read many comics, I was an avid fan and aspired to be a comic book artist

the page in the OP is classic ad hominem style villain portrayal, this shit does not red pill people at all - it does what it's supposed to do, associates right wing ideas with suicide bombers and hitler

the people on Holla Forums might see the irony but it's lost on blue pilled zombies who move from one form of media to another like cattle

the only thing that really red pills people is reality and the inability to ignore it


Dark Horse's initial Conan run was pretty good

Don't miss that "Guns for 'peace' " bullshit they snuck onto the bumper sticker in the bottom left if you meme this.

not only that, but it's for children.
that's for manchildren who make comic strips commenting on adulthood.



basically this

I wanted to watch all the punisher movies, but there's like 5 of them. Do I start with the first one? Can I skip it?

This is so clumsy and ham fisted. In four frames he goes from listening to a political speech to loving snackbar. He even manages to be a whiny cuck about it.

Shut up CIA-fag.

Well that escalated quickly.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Red Skull's actually a huge dick though. He doesn't really care about the Germans, and even Hitler thought he was crazy, despite training him/having him trained.

There's obviously a "monster creates bigger monster" thing, but some writers (ie, good ones) know enough to highlight Red Skull as someone who uses ideology as a means to an end.

It's what he's doing here. Honestly I wouldn't mind the strawman if someone like Cap came along and acted as the reasonable guy making the same points, but having the reasonable approach at solving the problem.

But nope! It's all just a path to suicide bombers.

this. it's funny how they think an edgy grimdark setting will somehow make their material less childish. protip: adults read books

I'm pretty sure there are only 3 Punisher movies, and they all exist in separate continuities.

fucking Heil Hydra

Kinda interesting, but ultimately they did it exactly right unfortunately. To a certain degree the page from OP probably has a similar effect as that Die Zeit cover where they showed a white family with kids like it's a bad thing.

But people who read the comic will be brainwashed. You know how when you talk about inconvenient truth bombs with liberals they get extremely nervous and emotional? Shit like this is why. OP page shows you the completely reasonable argument that anyone who thinks it through will understand is absolutely sensible. Then, in the story, it turns out to be a slippery slope and before you know it, you're beating innocents to death and suicide boming for hydra. The point is to subliminally instill an irrational fear of the exact talking points that red skull makes in the OP image.




Well I read both, so you're wrong there.

Mind you, I don't read capeshit. I read things like Transmetropolitan, 100 bullets, The Boys and Preacher, all of which are redpilled to some degree.

It's American History X all over again.

Could you name them?

I searched and found another one with a different tittle, so I counted 5.

The problem with the strawmen is not Red Skull, but the guys jumping from agreeing with a speech to become suicide bombers. Red Skull is not preaching a religion, these guys weren't promised 40 virings in heaven, it makes no sense for then to be so indocrinated to the point of strapping bombs to their chests.

Red Skull is actually in character here (though I have no idea why he is walking freely around the public when he is a historical mass-murderer), but the situation as a whole is forced leftist propaganda of the worst kind.

Exactly, catering to an audience that isn't reading comics is just stupid.

Just look at the sales, and see how the kikes fucked up their own comic-book-industry by having navel-gazing writers write "smart" comics geared for man-children rather than children.


There's nothing inherently mature about reading a book. I've been reading books for as long as I've been able to read.


The ultimate goal here is to create another Sodom, which they can control easily while the people are too busy busy degenerates to form any sort of agency.

I'm not saying it's an invalid form of entertainment, just that an adult person looking for intellectual development is supposed to graduate to high literature and works of actual philosophers at some point.

Of course he's the villain, but what he's saying is still truth, will be seen by many people, and thought about by some.

Bloody hell, are you fucking 5 years old or just ridiculously autistic?

IIRC Red Skull still has Xavier's brain and thus his powers and the first volume of Uncanny Avengers had him using them to whip people up into a genocidal anti-mutant hysteria so it's likely the same thing here.

you're right, just comic books stick to simple ideas and concepts while some books explore complex concepts. You're obviously emotionally involved and cannot see that so I'll use an analogy. Comic books are like mlp, they're both for children yet have a fanbase of adults.

he's right though, the only people who will "think about it" are people on Holla Forums

it's definitely not a red piller, the jump to the extremism is the catalyst to further blue pilling

just look at one example of current events where the the protesters at the oregon wildlife refuge were cast as terrorists while so called peaceful protesters in furgeson burned down businesses, cars, rioted and looted

logic does not overcome brainwashing

I think these comics would work well marketed at teenagers, but trying to pass them off as "adult" shit for the manchild demo is cringe as fuck.

I wasn't referring to all books ever. obviously there's not much to be gained by reading shit like Twilight. my point is that you won't find the greatest intellectual work mankind has to offer studying word bubbles in cartoon booklets.

i miss /fit/

I'm sure this is almost true, but I retain hope that there are some leftists to which this does not apply.

Mind you, their whole fad is based on blindly following what the media tells you and not applying logic, so I suppose the situation is pretty dim.

everything about this is awful. comics have always had a liberal slant to them but this is turned up to 11 ridiculous.
but ignoring the obvious propaganda its so poorly written. nothing about this makes any goddamn sense. this is hydra. the same hydra that spends decades getting one of their agents a janitorial job at shield hq.

The thing is, the good guys aren't even fighting for good in any absolute sense anymore. They fight for whatever social justice cause is in fashion at the time. Whatever the media and government happen to be shilling is what they support.




as much as I agree with leftards and normalfags eating this blue pill shit, I still think it chips away at their brain at least at the subconscious level. granted, their ego likes the narrative being reinforced, but there's still a massive cognitive dissonance with the kike bait and switch. they may not have noticed, but their brain did.

they reflect the average contemporary leftard pretty well. rebels without a cause.

This is actually a very clever method of covertly disseminating unpopular and forbidden ideas within a society. You basically use the villain/antagonist within a story or conversation as the mouthpiece for your unpopular ideas, and make their arguments look much better than the "good" guys PC bullshit arguments.

It's part of the 48 Laws of Power… particularly Law 37: Think as you like, but behave like others. I HIGHLY recommend reading the chapter here (and the whole book too if you want):

pgs. 309-316

The author of the passage in the comic is probably giving out redpills using the villain as a mouthpiece, thus giving him plausible deniability if people were to accuse him of actually holding these ideas. He can say "No! That's why he's the villain, I'm against those ideas!"

But here's the catch:

When you're expressing both sides of the argument (pro-refugee vs. anti-refugee, in this case), you intentionally make the "bad" side (that you covertly believe in) have very good, impassioned, and logical arguments, while you may the "good" guys have shitty, overused arguments and platitudes that people will see through and will not accept. So even though you can claim that you're on the politically correct side, every other aspect of things shows that the "bad guy's" arguments are correct! And people will start to believe them in the back of their mind. It's a subtle and clever way of redpilling that we should use more often.

It's another screech that reinforces the message that's already echoing around modern society, so the message will be absorbed subconsciously, yes. But in order to read those pages and think that it's a plausible chain of events (even for a comic book), the reader would have to be a leftist zealot who'll go along with anything that validates his beliefs, a moron or someone just not paying attention.

It's effectively a non-sequitur. It would be like a comic where Bernie Sanders gives a speech about the living wage and the next few panels show an excited audience member go from protesting on Wall Street, to taking three black AIDS dicks in his ass, to staring at Trump through a rifle scope. We'd all get a laugh out of it, but I'd be worried if it kept anybody awake at night fearing that it might become a reality.

It would actually have been more believable if they skipped the last three panels and just wrote an extra caption at the Red Skull rally saying, "3 months later Robert bombed a synagogue. He did it for hatred."

I didnt know about that 89 Punisher movie. Anyone know if its any good? (by good I mean by shitty 80s action movie standards)

Daily reminder that Marvel was started by Jews

And that its top-shelf titles are Jewish-issue propaganda

> Captain America's first and foremost villain: the super-nazi Red Skull

> The X-Men's first and foremost villain: Magneto, a brilliant Jew driven insane by the holocaust

Each of these straw man villains appeared in Issue 1 of their respective hero titles.

All the heroes are gentiles, giving the intended audience someone to identify with as they battle for Jewish causes.

AIM are the guys who'd be more likely to exothermically an hero.

Magneto's often portrayed as a lesser evil, can't have a jew be completely evil, no he's just misunderstood.

Exactly. He's the most honorable villain in the Marvel universe. Because he's a wronged Jew.

He's both exoneration for the Jews and their future crimes

And also an implied threat to the Goy

idk man, they're already out there rioting at Trump rallies and attacking people.


I wanna know too!

C'mon where's movie user when you need him?

Dolph Lundgren as Frank Castle. Well, that's my next movie night settled.


you're retarded aren't you?

Iceman was the one, well-adjusted, decent white X-Man who wasn't a whiny dumpster fire. He was a supporting character uncomplicated with drama.

When they ran out of other characters to fuck up for being too gentile they finally got around to him.

First they race-mixed him with a chubby Azn. Then they made him a teenaged homo.

Take that, goyim!

Me too lad.
We should go post on Holla Forums's /fit/ to make it popular again.

I can feel it right there… in my mouth…


I got a bootleg VHS when I was a kid in the 80s. I enjoyed it a bit, but it was disappointingly unlike the comics. He didn't have the costume, not even a skull t-shirt. No battle van. No Microchip. No familiar villains. The only thing it had in common with the comics was the name.

Think of it as a Death Wish with motorcycles.

of coursh.

Worse is how they went about it
This RETROACTIVELY makes him gay

Not even that he kinda got a taste for the dick. No no, he was ALWAYS gay.

God why must they ruin everything I hold dear.

Can't wait for them to go after Tolkien so I can properly flip my shit.


Check out what DC did to Alan Scott.

You can't just spring the JQ on people, I did to my gf and it really made her back off for a minute. I drop truths every now and then but she said she "didn't want to talk about the Rothschilds in bed anymore."

Why Bane? Bane was pretty blatantly a lying communist rat.

When you realize how evil homosexuality is, how psychologically destructive it is, and when you realize that they're doing this to us and our kids, you see just how fucking evil this all is

Check out the Marvel film, Captain America - Winter Soldier.

Hydra is literally portrayed as jews who have secretly subverted and infiltrated Shield and various governments.

Secret or unintentional redpill.

you need to give her a good dicking before dropping the truth bombs


Agent suckmycock47, plz go.

meh, good work shill. You're doing a good job spreading their cancer everywhere.

She will when you convince her to do some RP with you as an evil kike overlord blackmailing a poor dirty shiksa goyim girl into sex.

Awwe, so cute.

Why don't we keep the original message but change the call to action to be something far more reasonable? Like find Hydra doing good things or make OC?

And then they never brought it up again, because pander to SJWs once, and you've got them for life. Unless you start dropping obvious redpills

I don't like Green Lantern, so who cares.

I got like a quarter of the way through before I couldn't handle the endless barrage of strawman arguments. Holy shit why can't leftists just get to the fucking point?

I used to be a big Justice Society fan, and that made me drop comics forever.

I guess it was for the best.

Ehh, I always thought DC's comics were shit, anyway.

I figured comic marketers used this to try to appeal to adolescent girls who enjoy watching buff guys make out

Any girl who is into comics either had an alpha BF who was into them, or just liked watching the buff guys (Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, etc.) running around in tight clothing

Holla Forums should make a webcomic series. Not like xkcd or some shitty meme cartoon thing, but like an actual comic book that just happens to be hosted online, like Crossed.

I normally don't ever have to say this to a satan's trips user, but you're a retarded faggot.

Then you post an image of FOUR titles. Dirty Laundry is like a high quality ex-machina production, 15-20 minute fan made short. It's pretty good IMO. The faggot director also made a Venom short in the same style too, check it out.

Dolph Lungren as punisher in 89 was mediocre, but OK. Punisher War Zone was the best, the 2010 short version has some real good shit in it - but it's like 30 minutes total.

Three official movies, two shorts.

concise articles are bad for brainwashing.

hard to avoid when you wear a MAGA hat and she's an anchor baby. Political views and world views had come up beforehand.

u fuckin w0t m9

Because that is the point. To create a gradual feeling of smugness in the already compliant reader that gets them to buy into its premise. These are where the common SJW talking points are born.

They do attack our women and bomb our cities, our culture really is under siege. That was a good read.


Thanks for the info and the bully.

Fuuug. Nevermind.

9/10 idea

i saw it in 2000 when i was 12 and it blew me away
At the time, in most movies, when people shot at each other, they'd just miss a lot and it didn't have any weight. In Punisher, he kills somebody every time he pulls the trigger, and the yakuza are just straight badasses.

Those are more like political cartoons than actual comic books though.

You are not alone. Ever since I read that shitty transgender comic shoop where the guy is telling the girl "Did you know what the jews own Nestle"? It's been hell.

The programming, the media, how pervasive and constant it is - amplified by social media is just saturates everything.

Every other single commercial, mixed couple or mixed kids. For no reason.

Preacher on AMC, knew it was going to be shit with dood weed jew Rogan at the helm, but just wanted to see Cassidy as a person. Tulip gets race washed and turned into a Mary Sue.

My girlfriend was getting a little pissy at my powerlevel when I was explaining how I could handle Tulip being black (nigger) (white lie) but I was disappointed (raging internally) that they had to make her a Mary Sue Supreme Assassin Martial Artist McGyver.

Then, right as I said that "She's a stronk womyn who don't need no man" The fucking nigger tells a little white girl "You just be a strong woman who don't need no man" after making a bazooka from moonshine and blowing a helicopter out of the sky.

Girlfriend was kind of shocked and shut down, could tell the programming was confused in her head.

Next Commercial has David Schwimmer as a white single dad with a half black kid in some new shitshow. I stood up to leave and said, "No I wonder why the little boy isn't half Asian or Hispanic, hmmmm, how strange…"

If I come back in a second life, Rowdy Roddy Piper is going to have to nutpunch me 20 more times before I put on the Holla Forums glasses again….

Ayy lmao. You need to dick that bitch down while wearing a robe and carnival mask.

If this is HYDRA now, then


Rolling digits for Holla Forums to be renamed HYDRA.

youd have to be a retard to not notice how fucking forced it is now, in the 90s you actually had to write a new story and make up a new character who was black or make an entirely new IP that was multi-cultural/diverse, now they shoe horn that shit in everywhere

Even apolitical comics are unreadable now because cucks like bendis, whedon and dan slott give all their characters that same fagotty millenial snark dialogue. You can practically hear the vocal fry and uptalk.

It's a variation on the simple strawman mixed with poisoning the well. Use a combination of true and false statements and attribute them all to your foes to make normalfags think that they spoke both the true and false statements when they did no such thing.

This is a standard propaganda technique. Create a fictional version of your enemies, have them repeat reasonable-sounding obvious facts like "mohammedans are invading europe", then make them veer off into something insane and retarded that that their real-life counterparts would never support, like "we must suicide bomb things just like our enemies the muslims, except unlike peaceful muslims we actually do blow things up!"

don't talk politics with your woman, she will just parrot your opinion later.

What? No… they are portraied as nazis who infltrated the world governments. They even mention that Hydra infiltrated america through operation paper clip.

But it's so common know that normies don't even realize it. It's a shock to so many people I used to know (no more time for cucks) that someone doesn't want to be programmed because….reasons.

So, every graduation ceremony and speech evokes "multi-cult is good - celebrate diversity".

This mid 30s cock caraousal white chick, tattoos - hitting wall before our eyes, gave a presentation for our sculptural design class about how her project will bring together diverse people of the neighborhood to a common space that will represent buzzword buzzword.

The very next fucking phrase from her thinning lips, "Kids used to go outside and play together, they used to be happy, their used to be a sense of community".

I witnessed the cognitive dissonance and compartmentalizing in real time.

People like to be around their own races and in-groups. These dumbasses preach science above religion and spirituality - but any hard science that goes against their feelings is "racist, bigoted, ignorant, are you kidding me, you need to check yourself".

It's unbearable for rational 100 IQ and above human beings who don't need to virtue signal, belong to a cult or who aren't thirsty beta faggots.

History, science and common sense proves that if you want to shoehorn a retarded violent pedophile nigger into a white calculus 12th grade class it's not going to end in everybody becoming a better (indoctrinated) person, the class is going to suffer and not achieve all that it can because experiments and feelings trump reality and facts.

China isn't beating us to tho their master race intellect dog diet brains, niggers and inbred arabs are pulling whites to the middle like big lipped anchors. But no one can say that. Not one teacher, on their deathbed calls a conference and says, "De-Segregation was a yuuuuge mistake".

Robbie's experiences with WN mirror my own.
I need to rethink my life…

Unfortunately the director of that movie is a feminist, arab supremacist, and censor.

40 years ago I could just beat it into her.

Social Media is completely ruining our women. Between Facebook putting 100 anti Trump ads disguised as articles being sent to her 24/7, save our refugees, white people are not the majority and that's awesome, niggers are humans - look at this ad where they have jobs and act white, it's a battle.

Trump may be the nominee, but social media is absolutely corrupting our friends, families and loved ones.

This shit isn't true anymore. You have to constantly take jabs and rip away the indoctrination in steps, using humor, escalation, shame, love, negging and an entire arsenal.

Otherwise you end up in some polyamorous clusterfuck coming home to a Hillary sign in your frontyard and your name dragged through the mud for all to see on the internet forever.

its the best one

Good info but,

Stanly Kubrick was a jew, I am not going to denigrate Full Metal Jacket because of that fact.

In case any of you anons think I am exaggeration, here is a shitty VOX article on Tulip:

But it's Ruth Negga's Tulip who runs away with the first four episodes — which is an impressive feat, considering how completely boring her character is in the comics.

For most of Preacher's first volume, Tulip is pretty much exists only to whine at Jesse and try to make him remember that he used to feel something like love once. Even though she develops more in the comics going forward, as Joanna Robinson says at Vanity Fair, it's significant that in the first four episodes of the TV series, Tulip's storyline still hinges on Jesse's without the character depending on him for a personality.

In Negga's self-assured hands, Tulip is impetuous, furious, and brilliantly mean. She runs on resentment and hellfire, and every second she's onscreen crackles with smirking electricity. As in the comics, she's head over heels for Jesse, but she's angry about it, and the result is hypnotizing. She can deliver a stirring monologue about love with a wink, constantly keeping you guessing whether she actually means it or whether she's full of shit.

As she tells a couple of gaping kids not long after crashing into their ramshackle house:

If you're lucky enough to fall in love you have to be even stronger. Fight like a lion to keep it alive. So that on the day your love is weak enough or selfish enough or freaking stupid enough to run away you have the strength to track him down and eat him alive.

Oh, also: Tulip delivers this passionate speech while literally building herself a bazooka.

Giving Tulip so much to do — and trusting Negga to bring her roaring to life — speaks highly of Preacher's instincts and bodes well for the future.

Ok, ok, we've seen the jew edited version, now who has the original, made by Ben Garrison.


Women just don't want to see character development or a heroes journey, they're the niggers of cinema and mass media.

From the Mary Sue:

Negga (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) absolutely nails the tone and humor of her character, Tulip, including some palatable chemistry between herself and Cooper. Despite the fandom surrounding the comic, I didn’t hear or read about any diehard fans questioning the casting of Negga for not having a physical resemblance. In fact, there was such a big round of applause after her action-packed introduction that the claps drowned out some dialogue during the next scene…offering me another reason to watch the pilot again when it airs on AMC this spring.

Someone please make me some OC - "ALWAYS DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE MARY SUE SAYS".

Oh god, what!?

The new Captain America in question.

Actually, the purpose was to get into the European markets with anti-Nazi laws.

Fun fact: Before this whole Falcon thing, there actually was a character named "Black Captain America".

At least 40% of teenagers now identify as non-straight.

The truth doesn't care if it sounds silly to you.

Those are some grotesque-ass muscles. Why haven't capeshit artists ever learned how to draw?


Marvel is once again showing us the truth. I don't know about you all, but I am down with this as FUCK. I bet all those kikes and spics are losing their shit over this. Did they finally get rid of that stupid cunt bitch thor and bring back our true aryan hero? I wish they would so we could show those stupid nigger what a real white man looks like


It was the 90s.

If you're talking about Captain America, he is a full nazi now.

I'm not joking, he is an agent of Hydra.

Who gives a shit, the fact we are not giving these cucks the Ben Garrison is an indictment against our drawfags.

I know what you meme. Let's make Marvel great again! Tbh I think all this liberal bs they have been doing lately is just a parody. They were mocking the SJW clique before they brought back real heroes to show how shit is done. Personally speaking I am down with all this shit and it really shows that Marvel is fed up with pretending to believe these lies like the rest of us. I bet that if we started buying the new Captain America we could really show all those progressives what we think and make them know what America really is!

The problem is Rob Liefeld. He ruined Marvel comics. His art is why I stopped buying them.

Steve Rogers is the quintesstnetial American hero, but I am thinking of a more broad and European appeal. What says master race more than Thor. Not the stupid bitch Thor some SJW thought up, but the original Aryan master race god he was envisioned as? Chris Hemsworth was a great choice in the movies. His true white blood really came through and how he led the warriors three showed how the inferior races and women would submit to a real man. I don't know about the rest of you, but bringing back the original Thor would make me totally interest in comic again.

THAT was his name.

I wish they would get rid of the female Thor. That shit is stupid and really ruins the story. If they did I would start buying it again in a heartbeat.

What does pol think?

Rob Liefeld was the least of the 90s problems. The stories were just as bad as the art. We had shit like Death of Superman, Spider-Man's Clone Saga, the rape of Ms. Marvel.

And know what's worse? COMICS IN THE 90S WERE BETTER THAN THEY ARE TODAY! The art today is actually worse (pic related) and everything is filled with leftist propaganda, every single thing… at least in the 90s we had buff men with huge guns murdering eachother.

Thor will come back, the female Thor is temporary.

A villain you say?

This is blatant cultural appropriation of Muslim culture by European-Americans.

Absolutely disgusting! Especially in the current year.

Put away childish things user. Pirate them in between the books you should be reading from the Holla Forums master read list.

Burn it all down to the ground.

Oh, shut the fuck up, you defeatist millennial faggot.

You know why the left is winning in this country? Because they throw every fucking thing they have into the breech and launch it. Meanwhile, the right just worries about finding the one magic bullet that will solve all their problems and worries about looking good to people who hate them.

Obama recently hindered immigration enforcement. It will be overturned eventually, months later, but meanwhile thousands of illegals will get in. And they will have tens of thousands of babies. He will be shot down by the Supreme Court in a few months, but he should still count this as a victory.

If he were a member of the right, he'd say, "naw… I can't do this, it will just get shut down. Better think of something else." And he would miss his brilliant opportunity.

Throw it all into the breech. There is no, "Naw, it'll just be shut down eventually."


Everything he says is correct and makes perfect sense.

Yet this is what the SJWs will call shocking, horrifying rhetoric.

Unfortunately true.

I gave up on Marvel and DC comics.
Only cape I read now is Boku no Hero Academia.

I know.

Marvel isn't stupid. They know what a train wreck this whole feminism BS is and that is why they are making these comics. This is all some long con to pull them in so they can make fun of them. Marvel is full of master rusers like Trump.

Reading about the Aryan god of thunder and war isn't pol related? I mean I get that they are playing a joke on femiSHITS right now and if you are too stupid to know better it would look like they are supporting them. But if you are a savvy pagan with a knowledge of history like I am you can see how this all mirrors the mythological Thor and how appearing as a woman is just a set up to f#$k up those in power who aren't expecting the truth. Thor will come back and BTFO out of anyone who isn't ready for the true aryan hero. Man I can't wait. I bet this whole run is going to end up as collectors issues worth a lot of money. Anybody who knows about this will definitely start buying Thor now so they can make a profit while they laugh at those stupid liberal SJWs.

That's what I'm planning on doing. Then I'll make my own stories for the coming Reich, along with redoing capeshit to make it more American and more European-based. Captain America vs SHIELD-ZOG, Iron Man takes out Chinese industrialists who kill the environment, Black Widow defects and reveals (((HYDRA))) influence in the USSR, Thor fights against the Sons of Muspell KD Rebel reference, anyone, you get the picture.

They made clear it was temporary since she was announced. There was a short Thor story set in the future and he had the hammer, so we always knew she wouldn't be the new Thor permanently.

Also she have cancer and refuses any kind of treatment.

Dude that is weebshit. Don't be end up some creepy weeb jerking off to Japanese perver rape comics. Be a true aryan and start reading Marvel. Steve Rogers has already taken the Red Pill, I bet Thor is going to come next. This is what you should be paying attention too. I bet there will be a story arc soon where the man Thor kills all the filthy immigrants in Asgard and Makes It Great Again.

Anime is for stupid loser virgins. Don't read that trash. It isn't made by white so it is garbage. Marvel knows what is up, you should check it out and see how they troll those stupid normies that thought they were SJW cuckolds.

Yeah I know what you mean. Anime is just for losers. Anyone that is interested in that trash is just a creep. A real aryan man would want to read stories about his own people. I can't wait for female Thor to end and it all to be one joke.

I read whatever that's well written.
I'm saddened to say that All Might from Boku no Hero Academia is a better written Suprman than the current Superman at DC.

If I would go back to reading Thor, I would dust off the classics from my shelf and have nostalgia about how great comics and cartoons were.

I remember boasting about how cartoons were superior to anime in writing, animation, creativity and effort.
But that's no longer the case anymore.

Marvel is even more pozzed than DC you homo. Capeshit cannot be redeemed.

Samefagging, I see your ID.

Hail Hydra.

The bad guys have become good guys. When any of these Marvel writers want to hand their personal property and land holdings over to illegals and Muslims, then they might have something to stand on. They aren't going to do that.

That is retarded. Don't read that garbage. People will think you are a loser if you just keep jerking off to anime girls. If you read a real white comic you can see stuff that is related to you. Anime is trash any white man would ignore. Don't be a creep, dude.


I'm down. Get me a budget and an illustrator.

The movie was directed by homosexual PEDO, Brian Singer.

Who said I jerk off to anime girls?
Are you projecting?

Except Marvel and DC was mostly created by Jews.

Pretty much.
Joseph is best Joestar and I like Stroheim.

heil Hydra!

if I cared what others thought of my activities I wouldn't be here. Besides, its not something I typically inform others of (except for rick wilson)

Top fucking bantz mate!

Thanks "ideas" guy



The shills are here in force tonight.

School's out for summer

Hi summerfag
Filtered and a bumparoo



Jesus Christ.

Red Skull is Marvel's super hitler.

People who want to fight rapefugees are super hitler now.

This is just like the writers of Killzone inadvertantly making the helghast more sympathetic and interesting than the good guys.

Have you noticed that no-one has the ability to project their voice like a white man?

The classic stentorian voice is an exclusively white trait.

Looks more like you didn't make it through the first sentence if you thought it was from a leftist perspective. Or, ya know, the fact that it is on a site with a bunch of Hitler books for sale on the sidebar.

Stay Calm and Hail Hydra

Reading up on the writer, Nick Spencer, he used to work for a "Democrat politician." He seems like an insufferable twat. I can see why Marvel hired him.


We're waiting, faggot.

The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via Parker-Hale MOD.

Bix nood mufugga

We all do

Based Red Skull

Agree with every single word he said tbh.
Don't get how he is "evil".

subversion, cultural marxism at its finest

I'm four decades old and I've only been surprised three times by a black man who sounded completely white.

A little bit about the guy who writes Captain America.

Heil Hydra!

Wouldn't this inspire the people to become uh…right wing terrorists or other?

The feels are real

Speaking of which!

Holy shit, that guy's a dead ringer for Ryan Gosling.

Edmonson confirmed for real human bean.

Guys, Red Skull has been truth-bombing for a long time now.

That is depressing true.

Holy shit, this show is literally Super Trump: The Anime.

gas yourself shill

I don't think this was a mistake, I think they're so far detached from reality that they believe this is a high form of "evil". Like always, this will backfire and cause the normies to agree with the message.


Yeah, I remember back in the 2000's mocking almost any 90's comic that wasn't Kingdom Come, Marvels or James Robinson's Starman was a favourite pastime of mine.

Now I just want Rob Liefeld and his pals, and goofy all-ages action adventure comics to make a comeback. All is forgiven.

Oh, and speaking of 'villains' speaking absolute common sense.

Get into Gundam, Holla Forums. It's good.

meh, gundam has been shit for ages. They are stuck telling the exact same fucking story over and over.

Faggot in Gundam will beat the bad guy even though the bad guy is a better character, has better motivation, has actual character development etc etc

Take a look at Gundam Thunderbolt for example.

Federation pilot is a boring adrenaline junkie who gets plopped into an I-WIN Gundam.

Zeon Pilot is a member of the living dead corps which is soldiers who have been injured in the past but fitted with prosthetics so they can keep fighting. He lost both legs years ago and ends up losing one arm in the battle with the Gundam pilot. After which the scientists on board cut off the other arm so they can plug him into the new Mobile suit control system they have.

There is more character development in an hour with Daryll the Zeon pilot than their has been for any/all Gundam pilots in decades.

And it doesn't matter. Because no matter what they always tell the same story… the faggot in the Gundam is going to win.

Have you even watched Gundam Thunderbolt?

The Gundam lost.

And how does Daryl has better character development than any/all Gundam pilot in age?

You are not listing his character development, you are repeating his history.

No it didn't. It was a draw. Read the mango, Feddie gets a brand new even shinier Gundam no less than two issues after he gets captured.

I'm trying to summarize his past and part of the story without spoiling too much. It's the closest decent gundam has been for as long as I can remember so I don't want to spoil too much about the rest of the crew and the events of the story.

I just watch OVA 4.

If Io still ends up winning, then it's historically correct. No more stupid Zeonwank where they get a new MS out of nowhere.
You are already spoiling his whole history but say nothing about his character development.

In fact, I don't think Daryl has much character development at all. He's still a goodie-two-shoe who just realizes that he loves to kill in a mobile suit, something IO has realized since the start of the show.

Jesus have you actually been paying attention?

And no I spoiled one thing that happens to Daryl, not his interactions with other crew members, his memories or his reactions to the events of the story.

That's his literal big realization, aside from the romance subplot.

It's not like he was hated by the crews, they just worship him more when he decides to amputates himself for everyone.

Well they were planting bombs in the 60's through 90's, and environmentalists do it to this day. Groups like the FLQ were and are "progressive" organizations and they loved planting bombs and killing people for their cause.


The IRA used to warn people. It was about bankrupting the City kikes, not murder.

Uh, user…

It was a funeral you div

What will the Jews think up next!

That's good, actually. It breaks the immersion, because people know there aren't any far-right suicide bombers. People will stop and think for a moment and realize it's all wrong, and it's these moments that deliver new members to our camp.

You fuckers are amazingly easy to manipulate.

We are EAGLES, not fucking octopuses. Next you'll be praising the swarm when they make rats and mice edgy and cool in some shit movie they push out of the anus of Hollywood.

Exact same shit with Guy Fawkes being adopted by "anonymous" because of that retarded movie.

Using memes pushed out of hollywood is just weak memetics.

Octopus = International World Jewry

Tranny identifies as a woman. Does it makes him a woman? No.


Heres one from the 80's

vid related. these guys have lost it.
they think they have total control and it's like they don't even listen to themselves anymore.


That's pretty nice user good work

I hate it ever so much. Worst is their habit of insertinf said dialogue into "life or death" battles. These men have never been in a fight, let alone a war.

We're still alive, friendo.

It's not backfiring at all. Nobody would be convinced by this. Not unless he went on about how only a minority are refugees, about how the migrants are given preferential treatment by the state or how encouraging them to come on boats causes them to drown. Point is that is simply speaking to the converted. Which is obviously the point since they want you to hate this guy. Hense why the next page is how it is. So you assosiate the phrases and such said on the first, which are points that those against the rapefugees make with terrorism, racism and neo-nazis.
The idea is that normalfags will hear these later and will assosiate them with the images portrayed here, making it extremely difficult to get through to them with the actual evidence that the comic conviniently omitted while keeping plenty of terminology and such.

I would call this brilliant propaganda except nobody reads marvel anymore.

Lol, this hit-job makes me want to vote for Trump even more. This could literally be an advertisement FOR his campaign.

Japs write much better white hero than Jews, as theorized.

What's uptalk?

If Hydra will save my people then
Hail Hydra

These fuckers don't understand our power. We will make them understand.
We are gonna meme Redskull into reality. He's gonna be ascended to our pantheon like Pepe and Moonman have.

They don't really control the narrative anymore: we do. They just supply the raw material.


Blacktain america


I have a question for the comic experts, why is the Hydra symbol red and black in the movies and yellow and green or yellow and black in the comics?

not an expert, but red seems more evil and sinister, so even though they couldn't change it in the comics (people complain like crazy when something small is changed (which is why changing something big causes a shitstorm, like the nazi captain america thing)), they most certainly could in the movies. Plus movies have always been over dramtic (yet still manage to suck, especially now).

Same reason the x-men have different outfits in the movies than in the comics.
Because it looks bad in real life.

God, I'm from near his home town (Jasper, AL), so he's probably talking about us. I hate this guy. What a shameful display of the great Alabamian race.

Hello paid marketer or an idiot, you're just shilling a cartoon pic for them. Fucking create your own shit if you want to combat them.

and >(1) hello baiter shill.

"The Jew Cries Out in Pain as He Strikes You." -Polish Proverb

Some interpreted the twist as a slight to the character’s Jewish creators, Joe Simon (born Hymie Simon) and Jack Kirby (born Jacob Kurtzberg).

Captain America was conceived in 1940, while World War II was raging in Europe and the United States was still staying out of it. For Simon, creating Captain America was consciously political. He was disgusted by the actions of the Nazis in Europe and wanted the U.S. to intervene.

The first issue of Captain America showed Captain America punching Adolf Hilter. It sold nearly a million copies.

Some suggested the outrage over Captain America’s Nazi reveal is exaggerated. After all, this isn’t the first time Captain America has worked for Hydra, according to The Beat editor Heidi McDonald, and Kirby himself once drew the beloved superhero saluting Hitler (even though it was all due to mind control).

Still, Jessica Plummer, a writer for the comics media outlet “Panels,” was among those upset by the development, saying it was in poor taste in a world where anti-Semitism is not a thing of the past, and is in fact, very much felt during this election cycle, especially from the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, who she writes “spouts fascist ideology that echoes Hitler’s rise to power.”

“I am angry, because Steve Rogers’s Jewish creators literally fought in a war against the organization Marvel has made him a part of to grab headlines,” she wrote.

Many of Marvel’s iconic superheroes were created by Jews. Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor and the X-Men were all created by Stan Lee, who like Simon and Kirby, is the son of Jewish immigrants. Kirby co-created the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, and the Hulk.

What disgusting propaganda. Comic books were always kiked.


A guy who worships Israel.

He's a goy with a brain and a spine.

That's pretty antisemitic.

I'm waiting for the part where he's a villain.

It's funny they're making Cap an ebil nazi because Cap lifted Thor's hammer. Guess that means being le ebil nazi makes you a good guy.


Wew, leftists are truly masters of mental gymnastics.

Red Skull calling out the Jewish Magneto.

Those are some anime eyes on Magneto.

Ignorant hate mongers! Why does it have to be Squirrel Girl? She's been female for decades… it's time for a change! #MakeSquirrelGirlTrans

Hail Hydra!

I think these two posts are hitting on an important point here:

Part of the memetics of this second page is that it doesn't JUST associate our reasonable nationalistic anger with becoming a tattooed thug, then murderer (or accomplice), then suicide bomber, the implication is far more jewish.

The meme here is that if you even FLIRT with these ideas. If you TOUCH them. If you LISTEN TO A SPEECH AND FIND YOURSELF NODDING, you are gonna be a suicide bomber in four panels.
"Just because you wanna be part of something"
That's they're most insidious meme.

Not dubs, but we're the first posts ITT to start with 616, the designation of Marvel's main continuity.

Isn't it the same as in VTMB? In that part where you go after some producers of snuff movies with demons?

Anyway, looks eerily familiar, like I've seen it many times before. Could we get deeper into analyzing the origin of this meme? I'm thinking there's much more to this symbol. I guess I should mention I'm not familiar at all with comics nor their characters, was this symbol ever used before or is it new?

Oh well this answered my question, it's apparently quite old.

Also pic related is what I was thinking about, similar but not quite the same thing. I'm still curious as to why it looks so familiar to me despite not being familiar with comics. Is it maybe a common motif for some culture?

Counter-currents is a leftist site made by marxist Greg Johnson



more like crazy eyes


So…do we have a Hydra-chan mascot?


The IRA were Catholic, lad. Suicide is the one unforgivable sin in Catholicism.

Yep; it's thoughtcrime.

You must purge yourself of these unapprved thoughts, goyim. Like Arthur Chu says, he "mind kills himself" every night.



Comics are a lost cause.

