Looking for Capeshit Kino Recommendations with Strong LGBTQIA+ Characters

Hey Holla Forumserinos, proud Holla Forumsck gobbler here. Thought I would just crosspost from Holla Forums to ask for film recommendations. I'm looking for capeshit superhero cinema. However, I only want recommendations for kino with proud LGBTQIA+ super heroines of color please. Holla Forums is the queer capital of Holla Forums, and one of our tenants is diversity is the spice of life, so please no films or shows staring cis-hetero white men who vote Republican. Also no films or shows with misogyny. I don't know what the proud strong womyn of Comics Alliance would think of me if I watched something dominated by patriarchal norms and objectification with costumes for super womyn that are not just worn for function and are used for the oppressive male gaze. Shalom!

man of steel is pretty fucking gay

the Catwoman movie is a strong feminist comic film you would like.

Fuck off Holla Forumscksucker.


any Marvel movie to be honest

man of steel is not only the greatest super hero movie ever made, but it's also the greatest movie ever made

You may think this is funny, but it's not.

what's funny? this is a serious thread


do you have any recommendations or not?

Yeah, bullet to the head.

is that a capeshit kino film or tv show? how many LGBTQIA+ women of color are in it?

What does the QIA+ stands for?

Quick Interracial Anal


exactly how quick?

as quick as you want ;^)

im in. 29 Maple Avenue, Hampstead, New York. COME NOW.



nice ceiling

Here, take this.

They're both ugly though.

That's why I removed them for a better picture :3

Nah I still see them. You have to remove more.


yes. i can finally jizz in peace

Tbh were there actually any gays in the MCU films? I can't remember any characters like that.

Why American? Why not go weeb and look at Clamp and Yuri on Ice?