Oh, Jewgle



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So what are going to call authoritarian and nationalistic left-wing systems?

Luckily no one outside of their ideological bubble actually buys this.

Why do you hate people having equal rights, you fascist!!?

Jewgle isn't redefining shit, they've just bought into descriptivism.

You really want to bet on that ?

tbh I'm surprised they didn't put a picture of Trump next to it

Normalfags LOVE equating fascism with the right wing

You're a fool if you think nobody will buy this. You're looking at it from the state of your own knowledge, try to imagine some young 14 year old doing a report for school or something. You think they won't eat this up? Language policing is extremely effective.

They're already trying to push this shit.

Not really. I hear republican boomers call Obama and Hillary nazi communist fascists. There's no thought to these terms when they use them. They're just phrases they've associated with "bad guys" for years.


Sexism definition:
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

They can't help but out themselves.

Look at the definition they give for Führer. Disgusting.

This is bullshit. They can't get away with this shit. If they can push alternate definitions to say Webster, then what's the point in even having a fucking dictionary?

I wouldn't be so optimistic

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

And here you can see them pushing their agenda: the first clause is literally just pure objective observation, but by putting the second clause in, they associate "noticing racial differences" with "racism is bad mkay?"

That's what it means though.

Dude, are you Bill O'Riley? or just some cuckservative that doesn't know what fascist means?

Fascism has always been right-wing. You're probably an underaged lolberg.

Now I'm going to have to carry a older dictionary book around.

From "Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary" 1965

ahhaha holy shit


No, you're just gonna have to spread this information like fort mcmurray and make sure people realize Google is pushing false definitions while trying to be taken seriously. These things need to be universal otherwise there's no point in a dictionary even existing.

It's Webster or else.

I'd say he was more of a third way, as he promoted co-operation between governement and companies instead of free market or socialist society, he liked traditional values but wanted to create a whole new culture. Basically he was a futurist in some aspects, conservative in others and socialist in some other more, mostly in the terms of state-run projects.

"The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" 1978


You dumb goyim, Nationalism is the antitheses of left-wing. You can have an authoritarian left-wing dictatorship ala communism in Soviet bloc and South America, but it's not fascism without strong Nationalism that opposes (((degeneracy))).

Baby dictionary definitions never make it into actual dictionaries so I wouldn't worry.


And yet they censor terms like "creeping fascism"

Who isn't in the bubble now, retard? You me and the average non-lefty.
Who is in the bubble if there is no opposition in 20 years time? Your children, mine and everybody these fuckers can get their hands on. These types of wars is not to influence you, it's about influencing children. Especially if their parents are moderates "go along to get along" types of any sort, that don't know there is a war going on for their minds.

imkampfy has really let Holla Forums go to shit

Nazi means National Socialist German Workers' Party?

That's true but you're acting like this is all new from Jewgle, newfag.

Dropped from definition of "fascism":

Holy Toledo.

The second one was made specifically for american high schools, that's the bit that bothers me.

that's the common theme here. all of these terms are being redefined to fit some ignorant americlap narrative.


To be fair, this one does say "superior or inferior." Believing one race to be objectively better or worse than others is fundamentally racism.

You mean jewish

That's the point, it's corrupting the actual definition as said

I don't really care what people who don't read dictionaires think words mean. It'd be like listening to someone who doesn't vote explain what's wrong with politics.

no, I mean the distinctly American habit of being completely unaware of the world outside your own country and trying to generalize everything by extrapolating from your own culture.

When did we get invaded by lolbergs? Fascism is and always has been a right-wing authoritarian ideology.

You niggers need to go read Mussolini and Hitler on fascism.

The Jewy part is the "in common usage" part and the Dictionary.com definition. The kikes hate fascism because it's the natural European autoimmune response to their subversion and Communism.

The kikes tried to silence fascists: Hitler, Mussolini, Evola, Giovanni Gentile, Spengler, etc. because their thoughts were dangerous to Zionist control.

And you're buying it. Sad.

You're right, Mr. Shekelstein. America is horrible!

If they take our words away from us then we will make new and better terms.

Looks like another word that doesn't have a clear, logically consistent definition. Like "racist", which is mostly used against white men that see the world for what it is.

Sexist is another worthless word. Women are vastly different from men. Saying so makes you a "sexist", apparently. Words that shame white men for telling the truth need to become taboo.

You're a fucking moron.

you can blame the kikes for using your ignorance against you, but it's not their fault you're ignorant in the first place.

He didn't say anything about liberal fascism you retard. The world isn't just
Go fuck yourself drunky.

But he's right. Trying to change the meaning of words to fit your own agenda means you're a goddamn idiot. Words have very clear definitions, and you can't just go and change them because MUH FEELINS.

You're a fucking moron too.

Read animal farm.

Kill your self

Although you're right about it not being right wing it's not left wing either. Into the oven you go, dumb porch monkey.

The definitions google uses are from merriam-webster.


jesus christ the strawmanning

user, I know you hate winning, but you're winning right now, and you aught to recognise that.

It's happening, and has been happening, for quite some time.

I should have posted this here before leddit I suppose.

Example seems right, though

The fascism one isn't.

The point of my post was that if Jews are capable of subverting Europe to the point of slaughtering itself, twice, then you shouldn't be surprised that Americans are also totally and completely by Jews.

I can't tell if you're trolling or not. Left wing is not the antithesis of Nationalist. There used to be Nationalist Leftists. Leftism now is basically Globalism though, so I can see how you would have that opinion.

You're a retard.

At least it doesn't say "exclusively".

The Wikipedia page on fascism is just a big rant about ebil Natzees and da shoah.

There is no left wing fascism you retarded mongrel.

Are you fucking retarded or a white nationalist?


not much better

always use wiktionary

the etymology is the most important part of the definition

apparently fascism and faggot have something in common