Co-opted movements


this is a classic case of a movement being co-opted by an organised minority who exploits the existing work of a docile i mean trusting group

What other movements have been co-opted? I know Baptists used to take over congregational churches then out vote them, disband the church and give all the money to the Baptists.

Other urls found in this thread:

Faggots are far worse than trannies and lesbians, not only do faggots massively outnumber trannies and lesbians, faggotry is actually caused by a contagious brain parasite that is spread by the molestation of boys.

Faggots are much higher on the extermination priority list than trannies and lesbians. The apparent demotion of faggots within the LGBTBBQ hierarchy is probably advantageous to our cause, it will delay the implementation of legalized boy rape, which is the end goal of faggot advocacy, by many years.

Top kek lad.

wew lad you could split an atom with that edge

The brain parasite thing is retarded, but it is true that fags tend to be more pedo-accepting than dykes or trannies.

The Tea Party

You know this is Holla Forums, right? You seem to have lost your way.

This very thread lol.


Pedos should be killed en masse, regardless of their orientation.

Are you suggesting that homosexual impulse being "caused by a contagious brain parasite" is a plausible theory?

I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm just saying that killing fags will also kill more pesos than killing dykes or trannies.


most of the organized religions inb4 fedora, religion is good, but don't follow any organization behind them

all of the green movements, that turned from cleaning the planet to BUY MUH CO2 RIGHTS

internet actually (clearner) culture

nerd culture, turned from boys with hobbies to girls and faggots pretending they belong, while not investing into anything

free/open source movements, turned from free/open source to SJW rights and stupid people virtual signaling about shit they don't even understand about but don't worry, I am taking this place back, I have a plan

Basically anything succesfull will be coopted by kikes unless hating jews is part of the movement

It's the only plausible theory for human male homosexuality that has been proposed. The genetic disease theory has been ruled out, it does not run in families and no gene correlations have been found. The only remaining possibility is a toxoplasma-like brain parasite that modifies host behavior to optimize for pathogen transmission.

Well it could work as a metaphor while saving children's lives, why not?


A big one is the Nuclear Disarmament being taken over by Anti-nuclear power people.

I read somewhere that it has to do with the hormone level of the mother when pregnant with the son.

Fact: most of pedos are faggots

No, they are just ill in the head.

The faggot-movement has always been a subversive movement and infiltration of society in itself. Mainly mean't to disrupt the upbringing of what would've been normal, well functionable families. Instead it's broken homes, broken people and faggots who truly believes there's such thing as actually being born into having an attraction to wanting to re-produce through means that doesn't reproduce.

Nearly everyone that's gay ends up being able to pass the finger test to tell if they're gay. It's largely been shown to be at least partly a hormonal issue in the womb, so it is something that comes about naturally.

Thy will always brig up Chernobyl (dumb inattentive commies using obsolete cooling system
And that case in Pennsylvania. 3-mile island or whatever it was. It was also some dumb ass guy not noticing a crack in the wall or something.
Now there's the jap nuclear reactor being funny.
I wouldn't call nuclear power 100% clean simply because these risks do exist. Look at the jap one, it was a natural disaster that led to that.
Still cheaper and cleaner than coal though.

Communist/greens/liberals will be co-opted eventually by the muslims here in Yorop and it's allready on a "good" start when looking at your typical green party and it's representatives.

the irony

ffs what isn't a shill thread according to you

Can you really blame them? Some of the gay guys were [WHITE MALES]

The organizations needed diversity, therefore all the [WHITE MALES] had to be kicked out.

Key of David (tramua caused to base of spine) + toxoplasmosis (cat shit) = faggots

At this point, Holla Forums.

Pic related.


Dude that hurts, I just learnt about the carbon cycle in the ocean.

We can pull carbon from the ocean, create high quality fuel and then the carbon emissions get reabsorbed by the ocean due to the ocean wanting equilibrium with carbon.

We could end most fossil fuels if we accepted nuclear and we wouldn't even need to change our cars or use exotic materials, so many things are possible with MORE POWER.


Naah, fuck off. You faggots will never have the high ground after 10 days of Evalion spamming with 25 threads a day. You faggots don't deserve no pity.

Came here to say this.
The funny thing about a lot of leftists movements is they start out as appeals to traditional Western liberal values, and then the kooks and kikes show up and start subverting shit to hell.
The student movement of the 60s was about freedom of speech on campus, then kikes took over and it became about overthrowing Western tradition and capitalism.
Feminism was about expanding the vote to rich women, and kikes forced it into the direction of abortion and radical politics.
Negro rights was about taxation and representation. In the government, and kikes subverted it and gave us the Black Panthers and the radicalized lumpen proletariat.
The list goes on, literally every left wing movement of the 20th century starts with liberalism and gets taken over by kikes.

Trump retweeting "white genocide" didn't do shit, he deleted it afterwards because he didn't even realize.

Add to that Trump doesn't even do the retweets on his accounts, his staff does that.

Right on que

Trump retweeting a White Genocide user name was another Gawker tier troll trying to prove that "Drumpf is da ebil raciss".

Remember when they ebin trolled him into retweeting the Mussolini thing?

consider kampfy and moonkike to be liberal trolls until proven otherwise.

so what is the difference between leftwing and rightwing movements?

are rightwing movements less inclusive by nature so they don't let parasites in?

Also, the fags got what they wanted and stopped campaigning for shit. There are more straight beta men in the LGBTQIALMNOPBBQ movement than there are actual fags now.

Yes, actually right wing movements at their core are about purity, hierarchy and inequality. It's one reason why it's so difficult for right wing people to get along, think of the division on this board about pagans vs Christians, fascists vs Nat socs, Catholics vs protestants, so on and multiply it out across the nation.



Im glad you degenerates are eating yourselves. I never had sympathy for faggots and I think the infighting is great

Retards like you kept shitposting and derrailing treads with nothing but strawmen and ad hominems and cucked mods just kept banning them out of butthurt.
It is painfully obvious you are pic related, why else would you not want Holla Forums tier ideologies to spread into the mainstream? you're ilk would rather keep us all contained in a hugbox so you did everything you could to supress any form of suport for a based red pill dispenser and then you get butthurt when yopu are called out

Your salt not only prooves that Evalion haters are JIDF D&C shils, it also prooves that Goebbels was right about your ilk

Adding to this I think it's because rightwing movements tend to be inherently more philosophical than left-wing movements, not o say the honest god-fearing left aren't intelligent but their major concerns tend to be grounded in very practical issues, living wages, workplace safety, environmental preservation, the humane treatment of animals, wellfare and safety nets, etc.

All of which, when properly and honestly considered are important issues for a nation to address in some fashion.

On the right however we're more abstract, we often get triggered when people call the hallmarks of western civilization social constructs (or we used to I don't think I've seen the term social construct in two years, it must have fallen out of fashion) but to be fair allot of things are social constructs, they are systems and paradigms we've constructed over generations in order to conform to certain philisophical and religious ideas.
The due process of law, innocent until proven guilty and being tried by a jury of your peers are all absolute nightmares if you actually want an effective legal system that can execute sentences quickly and decisively, feminists have, if nothing else, one thing right, rape is almost impossible to try someone for just by the nature of the crime itself and if you go out and rape a woman in an alleyway you have good odds of never being caught so long as you aren't leaving your semen samples in sealed cups around town.

We as a society traditionally eat that cost though because the preservation of justice and the prevention of wrongful imprisonment in principal are more important to us than the reality that rapists get away with what they do.

The misapplication of law is a worse outcome than the non-application of law, this is not a pragmatic position and speaks to a higher transcendent belief about the nature and purpose of law.

Another example would be freemarket economics vs socialist economics, the freemarket is inherently broken, it will by it's very nature create bubbles and allows crooked men to get away with corruption, it also in no way protects the livelihoods of good and honest men and often sees them unemployed, often by the simple accident of public taste in a different product than the one he produces, but to most on the right it is better to have a broken, impractical, unfair system that honors the right of property and enterprise with that property over a system which curbs and controls how people are allowed to manipulate their own wealth to their advantage, hitler, despite being a very strong nationalist could never shake a socialist tendency (and neither could the fascists) because it is from a mechanistic, materialistic standpoint simply more practical than a blind and groping free market.

The right tends towards having a very lofty view of ideals and principles and is often willing to sacrifice practical necessity or sense for the sake of these principles, truth, justice, freedom and the like and in order to prevent excess couple them with virtues such as self-cacrifice, humility and temperance.

The ideological left, unlike the practical left, falls into abject degeneracy because they do not couple their principles-so-called with virtue, the ideological right (vs the practical right which is what we see in libertarianism which also tends to fall into a different but still dangerous kind of degeneracy) does not seperate principle from virtue but rather sees principle as what naturally outflows from the application of virtue and we structure our governments and politics out of the application of principles so that going all the way down our foundation is set in a transcendent, metaphysical good rather than on base materialistic whims.

Some of the biggest enemies to the right will always be those who associate with the right but who deny metaphysical virtues, those people who want to kill and maim for no other reason than the bloodlust in their hearts, they watch videos of SS parades and don't value them for the image of self-sacrifice, national and cultural strength or the refusal of a people to lay down and die when the world tells them to, they instead watch those videos and fantasize about wearing a costume and stepping on the backs of their perceived inferiors, they advocate mass exterminations for exterminations sake, they are offended by the weak rather than being filled with a longing to defend the weak, they believe in the due process of the sword and nothing else.

tl:dr, the fundamental difference between the modern right and left, in my mind, is that the right rests itself on abstract virtue where as the left rests itself on empty materialistic pragmatism.

It wasn't an image problem, those people killed it from within. Their meetings became oppression parties where people had to speak in reverse order of their privilege. Naturally that pushed down a lot of the talent in favor of short brown women crying about things.

I've noticed that mass media often shifts the focus from practical issues (central banking for example) to more airy ideological issues that can be discussed ad-nauseam and shaped to fit whatever narrative (muh cis white male for example).

Practical issues directly affect everybody's life. They're also the vectors for genuine political change. And, so, they're also the ones that are never debated and are agreed upon by all the supposedly opposing political parties. Democrats and republicans will fight tooth-and-nail on TV about TGBTBBQ bullshit for hours, switch the topic to Israel and, by Yahweh, I've never heard such harmonious praise! Never mind if Americans found out how much of their taxes are being robbed from their schools, hospitals and social security to pay for a fucking active genocide in a desert litter box. If you talk about the practical issues, people realize how much they're getting screwed.

They debate the ins-and-outs of foreign policy, such as "where should we bomb next?", "should we bomb Iraq or Iran?", "should we give Israel $300 million or $400 million in free missiles?" and "are you sure 'Iran' isn't a typo for 'Iraq'?" and take for granted the fact the OF COURSE we'd be bombing those places. Never do they question whether they should be pouring our taxes into the military industrial machine in the first place.

When you keep people squabbling about non-issues, nobody is aware of how bad they're being fucked. Imagine the manpower an army of rabid SJWs has… Imagine what they could do if they were focused on something worthwhile instead of some id-pol bullshit. Imagine if Trump shills shilled Ron Paul or Alan Grayson with the same tenacity. It would be hell for the powers that be, so the energy of political change and disenfranchisement is directed away from practical avenues into wishy-washy airy abstract wanking that ultimately has no bearing in reality. This wankery is then lifted from the hands of the general public, who believe that it's "too complicated" for them and to "let the experts figure it out". You can guess who the "experts" are.

In this way the citizens' hunger for change is dissipated into a confusing mist and that mist is portrayed as unknowable, so don't even worry about it. Those motivated citizens who dare venture off into the mist are soon lost in semantics, contradictions and disinformation, until they are stuck there wandering blind or just frustratedly turn back. See veteran SJWs and feminists who think that painting with menstrual blood is a brave revolutionary political act. Wrong, the rich fucks milking you don't give a shit about your menstrual blood painting, that's a fact.

Bump for this

homosexuality is mental illness caused by overpossessive / smothering mothers and or sexual perversion

nothing else

stop buying into this meme

Nothing was co-opted, it's the same movement and this has always been the goal, the Frankfurt School laid this out in detail almost word for word. Certain individual faggots are being kicked out for the same reason Yuri told us that commies are the first on the Soviet Union's hit list, they're useful idiots that served as assault troops on our culture throughout the 90's and have now outlived their usefulness. 99% of all faggots are still very much on board with the tranny, pedo, whatever insanity that the movement is moving towards. Ther's no "organized minority" exploiting everything, the whole direction of the movement has been top down for the past 90 years.

ooooh you coined a theory well done, user

Stop with this Evalion camwhore kikery, goddamn

Kill all faggots.
Kill all trannies.
Kill all childfuckers.
Kill all horsefuckers.

Reported for trolling. Toxoplasma gondii is very probably the cause of most faggotry.

Given that studies have shown it is, yeah, I’d say that’s a plausible theory.

100% agreed, I try to tell friends about this but I think they think I'm just a bit crazy and ranting

How about "kike indoctrination"?

this my radical friend


Well, I don't know about trannies, but lesbians are definitely better than male homos.

Pic related is the only thing gays are entitled to

Just to add. This descriptiancy has also created the extra-legal pracsis of simply beating the living shit out of offenders who are caught, as a detergent. Cops simply leaves the sell-door open, then wait for an extra-legal team of molested convicts to do the deed. Within the structural framework of justice we broadly accept that any caught offenders are ostrasised to a level not compliant with the principles of justice.

Secondly, it isnt as hard to get dna from semen as most make it out to be. The single biggest factor in my country is that most women who suffer rape go anywhere else than to a hospital afterwards. Thats a huge fucking problem. I am putting forth that womens culture regarding rape must change. The first fucking thing you do afterwards is going to a hospital! You take that bath of shame first and you should be tried as anyone who destroy evidence in a criminal case.

This is interesting one.

How did the far left of Europe go from being anti globalisation in 2001 to being pro globalisation Europhiles in 2016?

Fucking meme magic man.

They realised that EU was always intented as an anti-democratic, coorporatist, technocraic-SSR.

Then they where reached out to by the EU. The left can optain tyranical powers over a few less important issues, in turnm Junker gets an actual mass of support. EU always sufferred under its supporters being mostly pracmatical Christian- and Socialdemocrats. Teaming up with Greens, and getting the democrafic on the red side of Socialdemocrats ensured change. Their very own army of radical morrons.

Alex Jones is co-opting Alex Jones…

((They)) are coming after Bateman, guys. Check 'em while you still can.

Can we hear more from the brain parasite user?

At least he made this thread fun

We have PROOF that toxo causes liberalism and evidence that it causes faggotry.

Gay germ theory is the strongest candidate for the cause of human male exclusive homosexuality. It is currently being politically suppressed. Brilliant geneticist and evolutionary theorist Gregory Cochran is currently the main public proponent of the gay germ theory. Read his thoughts on the topic:

Let me reiterate the reasoning behind the gay germ theory:
1. Exclusive male homosexuality cannot be genetic because the genes responsible would not persist in the population.
2. Human male homosexuality has an identical twin concordance rate of approximately 25%, another strong point against the genetic hypothesis.
3. Pathogens are known to exist which can cross the blood-brain barrier in mammals and modify sexual behavior to the parasite’s advantage, i.e. toxoplasmosa.
4. Homosexuals exhibit behavior which seems optimized for pathogen distribution. The average homosexual has a lifetime partner count of over 500. Homosexuals have rates of sexually transmitted disease that are far higher than heterosexuals. Homosexuals are prone to child molestation at a rate that is far higher than their percentage of the population would predict. Homosexuals commonly engage in waste product fetishism, a behavior that seems optimized for pathogen distribution. Homosexuals are more prone to a full range of mental illnesses. a possible side effect of the parasite.
5. Homosexuals report being sexually abused as children at a rate far higher than the rest of the population, supporting the thesis that childhood infection by the gay-germ modified their behavior.
6. I know of no alternative to the gay germ theory that explains as many of peculiarities of the homosexual condition. Hopefully we will soon identify this horrible pathogen. It is unlikely that we will be able to undo the damage caused to its victims. They will need to be permanently quarantined, but it is possible that some sort of inoculation might be devised.

We know how rabies works. An infected animal becomes more aggressive prior to death. It will end up biting other animals to spread the infection along. This is an example of a behavior-modifying organism.
What you probably don't know is that there are hundreds of other organisms that also affect behavior. A virus causes caterpillars to climb up trees. Then it liquifies their organs so the body disintegrates and the virus can be spread by the wind. [1] There is a STD for grasshoppers that makes them more sexually active. [2] In the days prior to experiencing the symptoms of the flu, the virus will make you more sociable so can transmit it more. [3]
Here's the real kicker though: There is a parasite that has the ability to modify sexual preference. Toxoplasma gondii. You've probably heard of T. gondii as the amoeba that infects cats. There's a lot more to it than that. Rats are a carrier of T. gondii. When infected, a rat will be attracted to cat urine, making it more likely to be eaten by a cat, the intended host. How does it work?
Toxoplasma alters the brain to make the rat sexually attracted to cat urine. [4]
Toxoplasma's ability to make rats sexually attracted persists even after the rat is no longer infected. [5]
That's right- a parasite has the ability to PERMANENTLY ALTER SEXUAL PREFERENCE in its host. Dig deeper into the facts behind T. gondii and we see:
1/3 of all humans are chronic carriers of toxoplasma. [6]
Males with toxoplasma are taller and have more attractive faces (Allowing you to have more sex and spread the virus further). [6]
Toxoplasmosis increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain of infected humans (You become more likely to do risky, thrill-seeking behavior). [6]
Toxoplasma immunoglobulins are found in 9% of newborns in the US (Hmm, where have we seen this figure before… Oh, right–it's same figure claimed as the percentage of homosexuals in the US). [10]
Toxoplasma transfers from pregnant woman to their baby. [8]
Toxoplasma infected women have male sons 72% of the time. [9]
If you haven't pieced together the facts yet, I'll fill you in. Toxoplasma infects the fetus of pregnant mothers, making the baby more likely to be male and permanently altering the baby’s brain to create sexual attraction to men. You’ve probably heard the false “genetic hypothesis” that claims that female siblings of gay men have more babies, meaning that gayness must be an advantage. Well, the sexual attraction to men. You've probably heard the false "genetic hypothesis" that claims that female siblings of gay men have more babies, meaning that gayness must be an advantage. The "gay gene" has been disproven, but toxoplasma explains why the sisters are having more babies. The same toxoplasma that altered their brother's brain altered their brain to increase their sexual attraction to men. Homosexual men are having more sex than their heterosexual counterparts, spreading toxoplasma further. Use HIV as a proxy for how effective homosexual behavior is at transmitting disease: homosexuals are 10% of the population but account for 60% of new HIV cases.
In response to homosexuality, homosexual disgust (aka “homophobia”) has evolved as a means to avoid toxoplasma infection. The purpose of disgust is disease avoidance. [11] You are disgusted at the sight of feces because feces have a lot of bacteria. You didn’t need to learn to avoid feces; it's just genetic. Similarly, homophobia was found to be genetic, and also present in nearly half the population. [12] This means that homophobia evolved because it increases your darwinian fitness by helping you avoid toxoplasma.


What do i do to cure myself? And no, a bullet isn't a cure.

Holla Forums knows jack shit about child sexual psychology. Leave that to us pedos who have actually done the research.

Non-penetrative molestation is actually fairly benign on the mental development of a child, unless you've been fed victimization complexes to break your psyche.
That's actually how kikes turn diddled kids into freaks. They feed them stores of how they were 'abused' and they should 'feel bad for something they had no control over'. You can imagine what that shit does to a kid's brain.

Anyway, stop using your molestation as a cop-out. Take responsibility for your own actions. Being diddled means literally fucking nothing with how you want to gobble dicks faggot queer.

we really need a purge of you degenerates.

It doesn't, and you'd be hard-pressed to find any empirical evidence to back your assesment.

Don't cannabalize the only sexuality left that actually sticks to their own race. You ever hear of white pedos diddling nigglets? Of course not.

Delusional. Lesbians and trannies are 100% worthless to society, gay men can at least fight

You're a sick freak. I'd rather you fuck with niglets than fuck over white children and scar them. Pedophilia is a mental illness, you degenerate bastard. Do you think whites need to ally with you rope-worthy cunts? fuck off.

I guess kikes always do play as leaders of both sides.

Is oral penetrative?

Pssst, hey kid I'm going to let you in on a secret…

See a pattern? Look it up. It's jews, jews, and more jews at rallys, making a stink in the media, protesting along muh poor oppressed class.

Most of the major civil rights movement throughout American history were not organic.

It was all co-opted with ulterior motives from the start.

Rightwing movements are mostly just as bad.

nah. Femminism and negro rights movements were always shit

Not only is there no known cure for eukaryotic brain parasites and no one who actually wants to identify and study the "gay germ" can get funded. I'm not optimistic about a cure any time soon.

While I sympathize with your situation, our civilization is in crisis and faggots need to be permanently quarantined for the good on mankind.

Lesbians and trannies are a non-issue, faggots outnumber them tenfold in addition to being a direct threat to young boys.


that third image isn't particularly true.

There was studies done of convicted pedophiles, and it showed that most pedophiles had no preference for a boy or a girl either way. They were attracted to the fact that the child was young rather than its gender

All I'm saying is that that image is drawing false conclusions

Faggots have long been known to be pedophiles, it is a fundamental part of faggotry.


The Ron Paul Tea Party was co-opted right before our eyes.

They literally fucking laughed at him on the debate stage in 2007 for sounding the alarm on the housing bubble.

It happens, King Nigger gets elected, neo-cons grasp for straws and the "Tea Party" arises. All of a sudden reckless Baby Boomers care about the Constitution and the future as they're about to retire. In comes Bachmann, Rubio, Cruz etc. Paul is the real Tea Party candidate and gets screwed.

Nov 2012 to Jun 2015 I refer to as the Doom Paul years because we didn't have a hope in hell. Then Trump comes along and sweeps the floor with all the globalists while Lyin Ted tries to play Tea Party.

It's truly amazing how fast the movement started from nothing, rose to prominence, became co-opted by neo-cons and Cruzbots ("conservatives") and now is slowly dwindling away all in the span of eight years.

Mark Levin and Glenn Beck are losing their minds over how their books won't sell anymore and I pray to God they both go bankrupt.

Filter and report all pedos.


Because anybody who spams Holla Forums like you retards did is cancer. Go worship your camwhore somewhere else.

lol, of course it has to be hard to fuck guys in the ass all day, OP would know. Fags are as worthless as lesbos and trannies

Just reading this makes me feel worried. I don't want to be infected by the microscopic jew. I have a cat.

Ours. All our hard work is being undone by the schism caused by the 'alt-right' and their mass of Youtubers.

Have you had enough, yet, gay man?
Are you ready to put on that Bane mask and help the fire rise?

gay here

the femishits expect some of us in the wreckage, brother

There's also the fact that using NGOs as opinion shaping tools really went into overdrive after Otpor suceeded in Serbia. Nearly all professional left wing activism nowadays is paid for either by entities like the EU or Soros types and it's in their interest to shill for globalism. This is of course aided by the fact that most leftists are the real life version of contrarian shitposters: They see the right wing oppose something, therefore they reflexively support it (see globalisation, Islam, mass immigration).

Subversion and cooption is everywhere. Other obvious examples would be the enviromentalist movement, which was infiltrated by communists or the liberty movement which has been heavily colonised by mainstream liberals and leftists (under the guises of left-libertarianism and beltway libertarianism) and both groups have repeatedly attempted to purge the paleolibertarian element.

They expect many in the wreckage, brother. The trick is making sure they're the only ones in it.

Hi moonman

fuck off, spammer. No one on this board buys your bullshit.

Why quarantine me when i can be used to fight? I would rather not have the world turn into a mudskin planet.

Because you are infected with a contagious mind-altering parasite with no known cure. Leaving you free to roam presents a serious public health hazard.

As for fighting, our only real enemy is the ideological enemy within. Whites will easily exterminate all of the other races once our internal struggle has been resolved. I can see why an individual with your particular ailment would be attracted to the military lifestyle, but it is exactly in the close and harmonious structure of a military unit that someone with your illness can cause the most harm.

Great post, saved.

On a related note, the recent media controversy invoked by the pharmaceutical profiteer Martin Shkreli was due to Shkreli hiking the price of Daraprim by 4000%. The media touted Daraprim as a vital AIDS drug, Daraprim is in fact a treatment for toxoplasma. Once HIV sufficiently weakens the immune systems of homosexuals, their toxoplasma infections tend to grow out of hand.

Fuck the gays, fuck the dykes, fuck the trans. Get this shit out of here. is a great example

it was co-opted by kikes February 2016

It's strange you barely see refugee news and redpills. Also what's up with imkampfy being a shit skin?

Viktor Suvarov (KGB defector) talked in his book about how the soviet special forces specialized in turning anti-war protestors and enviromentalists into terrorists through clandestine arming and slight training via proxy, so the commies would have clean hands.

Its the third paragraph of chap.8 from here:

No doubt this has been mentioned a couple dozen times before in the thread but GG and the coopting started far earlier than most people think. I was one of the fags that would dump Common Core shit on GG boards and every single time I tried to post it, I would get at least twenty replies saying "b-but muh ethics". Initially I simply thought they were simply shills but after having that happen on a consistent basis, it became very clear that they are cucks. Even after waiting two weeks before making another thread, it would get flooded with PR-faggotry like "oh well it is too big of a challenge for us and we don't want to look like the KKK" or the usual Plebbitors regurgitating their retarded slogan about ethics. The cucks would lie to your face about how it isn't related to GG or video-games despite the very clear evidence linking it with the Valkenburg family and the family of the creator of the very thing that caused the "Gamers are dead" articles and with videogame development as a whole.


I'm a gay neet. take that for what you will.

I'm mostly talking about race war type of fighting. I have no interest in joining any armed forces crap.

GamerGate failed tue to indirect subversion. The reddit cucks were taught in high school that looking for a conspiracy makes you a KKK tinfoil misogynist. And they took their teacher's word hook line and sinker.

Your entire post is just an example of why the left/right spectrum is such horseshit. There are idealistic right wingers like the libertarians, and the more verbose fascists, and there are pragmatic right wingers like the scientific/logical type of fascist. There are idealistic leftwingers (dude weed world peace lmao) and there are economical, pragmatic leftists (kill the burgeois).

There is more to political thought than French parliamentary seating arrangements.

This is hands down the absolute dumbest thing I have ever heard. Learn the actual fucking term, Toxoplasma Gondii and it's not spread by the molestation of boys, it mainly transfers through the fecal matter of cats contaminating the surrounding area, an infected cat shits in your back yard and the oocysts can live for around a year even in extreme weather conditions.
It can also transfer through blood.

And as far as the mental effects of the parasite, infected men turn more suspicious and hasty, while infected women become more caring and exhibit more characteristics for being better moms. It has also been linked to schizophrenia and a reduction to motor skills, as there is a correlation of more vehicular accidents among those with T. Gondii when compared to those that aren't infected.

Also if T. Gondii can make a women be less of a shit, and it also causes homosexuality such as your claim, than lesbians should be excellent parents. This is statistically false however as lesbian parents as a whole are the most brutal to children when compared to any other combination of parents.

I seriously hope you're a shill that's just trying to get people to believe something really, really dumb that goes against virtually all existing statistics, because otherwise you're just one stupid motherfucker.

Toxoplasma is just an example of a sexual behavior-altering mammalian brain parasite that is co-morbid with the gay-germ, it probably isn't that gay-germ itself. The actual gay-germ has yet to be identified.

The standard military hierarchy is the best method of war-fighting that we know of. How exactly do you expect a race-war to be fought if not with close-knit bands of men embedded in a hierarchical structure?

Entire conservative party.

Cuckservatives are clamoring to vote for shillary or the lolberg party (literally throwing their votes away) because the disinfo they believe about Trump is too triggering.

How in the heck should i know.

What sorcery is this?

Millennial detected

More like national differences. I've lived in multiple houses that haven't been rewired since the War and have never seen a socket without an earth.

Finger test?

False flag spamming and then demanding a ban is a classic Holla Forums tactic, and I think you know that.

Biggest idiocy I've heard today.
Do you know nothing about how children can grow up to regret the consent they weren't able to submit? The age of consent is there to protect children from doing that. Most pedos were also molested as children, this is a vicious cycle that must be broken.

In your opinion.