Would you fuck me

would you fuck me

No but I'm happy to see Taylor Swift with the other celebrities teaching women how to dress. I'm loving the slutification of womenkind. Soon they'll be flashing their tits just to say "hello"

Taylor swift really isn't that attractive. She doesn't have body or face

she really needs a sextape i wanna see her get some anal

she has nice legs and a decent face nothing great





d0 me



Are you fucking kidding.

No, I'm pretty serious

I've dated tall girls (I'm a manlet). its fucking awesome, dude.
right now I'm eyeing a 5'11" girl at work, I'm gonna be balls deep in her by the end of september.

Tay Tay makes me want to Nay Nay


Young swift was such a qt

Id definitely fuck her

No, I'd rather not stick my dick in something that's been passed around more often than a bong at Woodstock.

No. She's a no body ugly bitch



I would fuck me.