Post genius auteurs that literally never made a bad film

Post genius auteurs that literally never made a bad film.






Fuck off.


this is a serious thread, no meme directors please

I think you're forgetting something, OP.

Lucas didn't direct that or even write the screenplay.

normalfags don't know that, or else they wouldn't have made that south park episode.

all george lucas did was co-create the story and fund it, this was definitely more of spielberg's mess.


would paper bag the two on the right

Second from right doesn't even need the bag.

you sure about that? because while the mom all the way to right could be doable without a paper bag (would still use one to avoid stank eye), the fucking alien daughter second from the right definitely needs the bag

If Indy 5 sucks we'll either blame him or Disney

you can't blame him if he has no involvement in it.

you can't blame him for temple of doom having its shitty moments either, that goes to spielberg and the dingles that wrote the screenplay. in fact, the only things you can blame lucas for are the first six star wars movies and the 3d clone wars tv show overriding the awesome 2d show. and howard the duck i suppose, since he was a producer on that.

I was talking about Spielberg

oh, well that depends if he directs it. i know he's very much interested in it, but seeing as how the film is going to be a rebooting sequel, they might decide to hire jj again because spielshit is old and unimportant since his last film flopped.

It's been confirmed months ago


I've never seen this but everything about it honestly sounds like a good idea, on paper Indie dealing with flying saucers and commies in the 50s sounds like a good direction to go

even laboof has his moments even though I hate looking at him

Shitposting aside I did enjoy unbreakable

The Village was a near miss for me. It seems like they could've gotten it to work, somehow.

Heard Split is actually really good.
Haven't seen The Visit yet